xilinx inc Linear Technology, Corp. xilinx, inc. http://
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XCS30XL-3BG280C XCS05XL-4BG144I XCS40-4TQ208C XCS20-5VQ144I XCS05-4PC256I XCS30-3CS256C XCS10 XCS05XL-3PC240C XCS05XL-4PC240C XCS05XL-5PC240C XCS10XL-3PC240C XCS10XL-4PC240C XCS30XL-5TQ100I XCS40XL-5PC208I XCS40XL-5PQ256C XCS05XL-3TQ240I XCS05-4TQ84C XCS05-5BG84C XCS05-5BG100C XCS05-5BG100I XCS05-5BG208C XCS05-5BG208I XCS05-5BG256C XCS05-5BG256I XCS05-5BG280C XCS05-5BG280I XCS05-5BG84I XCS05-5BG144C XCS05-5BG240I XCS05-5BG144I XCS05-5BG240C XCS30-4CS100C XCS30-4CS240I XCS30-4CS144C XCS30-4CS208C XCS30-4CS240C XCS30-4CS280I XCS30-4CS280C XCS30-4CS84C XCS30-4CS84I XCS30-4CS256C XCS30-4CS144I XCS30-4CS256I XCS30-4CS208I XCS10-3TQ84C XCS10-3VQ144I XCS10-3TQ84I XCS20-3TQ84C XCS20-3TQ84I XCS30-3TQ84I XCS10-3VQ84C XCS10-3VQ84I XCS20-3VQ84C XCS20-3VQ84I XCS30-3VQ84I XCS40-3VQ84C XCS40-3VQ84I XCS10-3VQ100I XCS10-3VQ144C XCS10-3VQ208C XCS10-3VQ208I XCS10-3VQ240C XCS10-4CS84C XCS10-4CS84I XCS10-3VQ256C XCS10-3VQ100C XCS20-5TQ84C XCS20-5TQ84I XCS30-5TQ84C XCS40-5TQ84C XCS40-5TQ84I XCS10-5VQ84I XCS20-4CS84I XCS40-3TQ84C XCS40-3TQ84I XCS10-3VQ240I XCS20-4CS84C XCS10-5TQ84C XCS10-5TQ84I XCS30-5TQ84I XCS20-5VQ84C XCS10-5VQ84C XCS30XL-4BG84C XCS05XL-4BG84C XCS20XL-4BG84I XCS20XL-4BG84C XCS10XL-4BG8
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Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 576 CLBS, 10000 GATES, 125 MHz, PBGA256 Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 100 CLBS, 2000 GATES, PQFP100 Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 100 CLBS, 2000 GATES, 125 MHz, PQCC84 Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 400 CLBS, 7000 GATES, 250 MHz, PQFP100 Low-Power ADSL Central Office Line Driver 20-SO PowerPAD -40 to 85 FPGA, 784 CLBS, 13000 GATES, 217 MHz, PQFP208 10-Bit, 125MSPS, CommsDAC, Diff. Scalable Current Outputs between 2mA to 20mA 28-TSSOP -40 to 85 斯巴达和Spartan - xL的家庭现场可编程门阵 500-mA Dual Differential Line Driver 20-SO PowerPAD 斯巴达和Spartan - xL的家庭现场可编程门阵 High Speed FET-Input Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85 斯巴达和Spartan - xL的家庭现场可编程门阵 High Speed FET-Input Operational Amplifier 8-SO PowerPAD -40 to 85 斯巴达和Spartan - xL的家庭现场可编程门阵 FUSE 4A 32V FAST 0603 SMD 斯巴达和Spartan - xL的家庭现场可编程门阵 Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 100 CLBS, 2000 GATES, 166 MHz, PQFP100 Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 196 CLBS, 3000 GATES, 250 MHz, PBGA144 PV SERIES 斯巴达和Spartan - xL的家庭现场可编程门阵 350-mA, /-12V ADSL CPE Line Driver with Shutdown 14-SOIC -40 to 85 斯巴达和Spartan - xL的家庭现场可编程门阵 Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 576 CLBS, 10000 GATES, 250 MHz, PQFP144 12-Bit, 125 MSPS, CommsDAC, Diff. Scalable Current Outputs between 2mA to 20mA 28-SOIC -40 to 85 斯巴达和Spartan - xL的家庭现场可编程门阵 Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays 斯巴达和Spartan - xL的家庭现场可编程门阵 Low Power 5V RS232 Dual Driver/Receiver with 0.1?μF Capacitors; Package: SO; No of Pins: 16; Temperature Range: -40?°C to 85?°C 350-mA, /-12V ADSL CPE Line Driver with Shutdown 14-HTSSOP 0 to 70 350-mA, /-12V ADSL CPE Line Driver with Shutdown 14-SOIC 0 to 70 Wideband Operational Amplifier 16-QFN -40 to 85 12-Bit, 125 MSPS, CommsDAC, Diff. Scalable Current Outputs between 2mA to 20mA 28-TSSOP -40 to 85 14-Bit, 125 MSPS, CommsDAC, Diff. Scalable Current Outputs between 2mA to 20mA 28-SOIC -40 to 85 Rail-to-Rail Output Wideband Fully Differential Amplifier 16-QFN -40 to 85 Replaced by THS5661A : 12-Bit, 125 MSPS, CommsDAC, Diff. Scalable Current Outputs between 2mA to 20mA 28-SOIC -40 to 85 Wideband, Low Noise, Low Distortion Fully Differential Amplifier 16-QFN -40 to 85 Replaced by THS5641A : 8-Bit, 100MSPS, CommsDAC, Diff. Scalable Current Outputs between 2mA to 20mA 28-TSSOP -40 to 85 Dual Differential Line Drivers and Low-Power Receivers 28-HTSSOP -40 to 85 TVS UNIDIRECT 1500W 170V SMC CANMS3470L24-61PL/C Silver Mica Capacitor; Capacitance:100pF; Capacitance Tolerance: /- 2%; Series:CD5; Voltage Rating:300VDC; Capacitor Dielectric Material:Mica; Termination:Radial Leaded; Lead Pitch:3mm; Leaded Process Compatible:Yes RoHS Compliant: Yes Silver Mica Capacitor; Capacitance:100pF; Capacitance Tolerance: /- 5%; Series:CD5; Voltage Rating:300VDC; Capacitor Dielectric Material:Mica; Termination:Radial Leaded; Lead Pitch:3mm; Leaded Process Compatible:Yes RoHS Compliant: Yes Switch Mode Power Supply; Output Voltage:6VDC; Output Power Max:600W; Number of Outputs:5; Supply Voltage Max:264VAC; Supply Voltage Min:85VAC FUSE .5A 32V FAST 0603 SMD POWER SUPPLY,AC/DC SWITCHER FUSE 5A 32V FAST 0603 SMD CONNECTOR ACCESSORY 14-Bit, 125 MSPS, CommsDAC, Diff. Scalable Current Outputs between 2mA to 20mA 28-TSSOP -40 to 85 CANMS3470L24-61SL/C Switch Mode Power Supply; Output Voltage:12VDC; Output Power Max:600W; Number of Outputs:2; Supply Voltage Max:264VAC; Supply Voltage Min:85VAC
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http:// xilinx, inc. Integrated Device Technology, inc. xilinx inc
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XC3020L-8PC84C XC3000A/L XC3100A XC3090A-7PQ160C XC3190A-1PQ160C XC3190A-2PQ160C XC3142L-2PC84C XC3142A-3VQ100C XC3142A-3VQ100I XC3142L-2VQ160C XC3164A-1PQ160C XC3164A-1PC84C XC3042A-7VQ100I XC3042A-7VQ100C XC3142A-1PC84C XC3142A-1TQ144C XC3030A-6PQ100C XC3030A-7PC84C XC3020A-7PQ100C XC3142A-4PC84I XC3042A-7PC84C XC3042A-6VQ100C XC3142A-4PC84C XC3142L-2TQ144C XC3190L-3PC84C XC3190L-2PC84C XC3130A-2VQ64C XC3130A-2VQ100C XC3130A-3VQ100I XC3130A-2VQ100I XC3130A-3VQ100C XC3130A-3VQ64C XC3130A-2VQ64I XC3190A-1TQ176C XC3190L-3TQ144C XC3190L-3TQ176C XC3020L-8PC84I XC3030L-8PC84I XC3190A-1TQ144C XC3030L-8PC84C XC3130A-3VQ64I XC3142A-1VQ100C XC3042A-7PC84I XC3042A-7PG84C XC3142L-3TQ144C XC3142A-4VQ100C XC3090A-6PC84C XC3090A-7PC84C XC3090A-7PC84I XC3130A-4VQ100I XC3130A-4VQ64I XC3030A-7VQ100I XC3030A-7VQ64I XC3190A-1PC84C XC3190A-4PC84C XC3030A-6VQ100C XC3030A-6VQ64C XC3190A-2PC84I XC3190A-4PC84I XC3090A-7TQ144I XC3190A-2TQ144I XC3190A-3TQ144I XC3190A-4TQ144I XC3190A-3PC84C XC3190A-3PC84I XC3130A-2PQ100C XC3190A-2PC84C XC3130A-4VQ64C XC3190L-2TQ144C XC3030L-8VQ100I XC3030L-8VQ64I XC3190L-2TQ176C XC3030L-8VQ100C XC3030L-8VQ64C XC3142A-4TQ144C XC3142A-4TQ144I XC3090A-6TQ176C XC3090A-7TQ176I X
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Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) XTAL MTL T/H HC49/US Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L/ XC3100A/L) ECONOLINE: RSS & RSD - 1kVDC and 3KVDC Isolation- Internal SMD Construction- UL94V-0 Package Material- Toroidal Magnetics- Efficiency to 85%- SMD5, SMD8, SMD10 and SMD12 case styles ECONOLINE: RSZ/P - 1kVDC Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 320 CLBS, 5000 GATES, 370 MHz, CPGA175 KPT02A22-55SY FPGA, 144 CLBS, 2000 GATES, 135 MHz, CPGA84 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 100 CLBS, 1500 GATES, 323 MHz, PQCC44 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 100 CLBS, 1500 GATES, 323 MHz, PQCC68 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 224 CLBS, 4000 GATES, 80 MHz, PQCC84 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 144 CLBS, 2000 GATES, 113 MHz, CPGA84 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 100 CLBS, 1500 GATES, 80 MHz, PQCC84 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 100 CLBS, 1500 GATES, 323 MHz, PQFP64 CAPACITOR 2200UF 100V ELECT TSUP FPGA, 100 CLBS, 1500 GATES, 270 MHz, PQCC44 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 320 CLBS, 5000 GATES, 270 MHz, PQCC84 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 144 CLBS, 2000 GATES, 113 MHz, PQFP100 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) 现场可编程门阵列XC3000A / L时,XC3100A /升) Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 100 CLBS, 1500 GATES, 370 MHz, PQCC44 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 100 CLBS, 1500 GATES, 370 MHz, PQCC84 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 144 CLBS, 2000 GATES, 270 MHz, PQFP144 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 144 CLBS, 2000 GATES, 270 MHz, PQFP100 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 100 CLBS, 1500 GATES, 270 MHz, PQCC84 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 320 CLBS, 5000 GATES, 370 MHz, PPGA175 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) 现场可编程门阵列(XC3000A / L时,XC3100A /升) RELAY, SOLID STATE DUAL 40A 240VAC FPGA, 100 CLBS, 1500 GATES, 323 MHz, PQFP100 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 64 CLBS, 1000 GATES, 323 MHz, PQCC68 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 320 CLBS, 5000 GATES, 135 MHz, PPGA175 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 320 CLBS, 5000 GATES, 323 MHz, PQFP208 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 224 CLBS, 3500 GATES, 323 MHz, PQCC84 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 144 CLBS, 2000 GATES, 323 MHz, PQFP100 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) FPGA, 224 CLBS, 4000 GATES, 113 MHz, PQFP160 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 100 CLBS, 1500 GATES, 227 MHz, PQCC84 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 100 CLBS, 1500 GATES, 227 MHz, PQCC44 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (XC3000A/L, XC3100A/L) FPGA, 224 CLBS, 3500 GATES, 227 MHz, PQCC84 Complete line of four related Field Programmable Gate
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xilinx inc xilinx, inc. XINLINX xilinx[xilinx, inc]
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XC2S100E XC2S100E-6FG456C XC2S100E-6FG456I XC2S100E-6FT256C XC2S100E-6FT256I XC2S100E-6PQ208C XC2S100E-6PQ208I XC2S100E-6TQ144C XC2S100E-6TQ144I XC2S100E-7FG456C XC2S100E-7FG456I XC2S100E-7FT256C XC2S100E-7FT256I XC2S100E-7PQ208C XC2S100E-7PQ208I XC2S100E-7TQ144C XC2S100E-7TQ144I XC2S150E XC2S150E-6FG456C XC2S150E-6FG456I XC2S150E-6FT256C XC2S150E-6FT256I XC2S150E-6PQ208C XC2S150E-6PQ208I XC2S150E-6TQ144C XC2S150E-6TQ144I XC2S150E-7FG456C XC2S150E-7FG456I XC2S150E-7FT256C XC2S150E-7FT256I XC2S150E-7PQ208C XC2S150E-7PQ208I XC2S150E-7TQ144C XC2S150E-7TQ144I XC2S50E XC2S50E-6FG456C XC2S50E-6FG456I XC2S50E-6FT256C XC2S50E-6FT256I XC2S50E-6PQ208C XC2S50E-6PQ208I XC2S50E-6TQ144C XC2S50E-6TQ144I XC2S50E-7FG456C XC2S50E-7FG456I XC2S50E-7FT256C XC2S50E-7FT256I XC2S50E-7PQ208C XC2S50E-7PQ208I XC2S50E-7TQ144C XC2S50E-7TQ144I XC2S200E XC2S200E-6FG456C XC2S200E-6FG456I XC2S200E-6FT256C XC2S200E-6FT256I XC2S200E-6PQ208C XC2S200E-6PQ208I XC2S200E-6TQ144C XC2S200E-6TQ144I XC2S200E-7FG456C XC2S200E-7FG456I XC2S200E-7FT256C XC2S200E-7FT256I XC2S200E-7PQ208C XC2S200E-7PQ208I XC2S200E-7TQ144C XC2S200E-7TQ144I XC2S300E XC2S300E-6FG456C XC2S300E-6FG456I XC2S300E-6FT256C XC2S300E-6FT256I XC2S300E-6PQ208C
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Second generation ASIC replacement technology CLAMP FPGA, 600 CLBS, 37000 GATES, 357 MHz, PBGA456 CLAMP FPGA, 864 CLBS, 52000 GATES, 357 MHz, PBGA456 Spartan-IIE 1.8V FPGA Family FPGA, 1536 CLBS, 93000 GATES, 400 MHz, PQFP208 Spartan-IIE 1.8V FPGA Family FPGA, 384 CLBS, 23000 GATES, 357 MHz, PQFP144 Spartan-IIE 1.8V FPGA Family FPGA, 864 CLBS, 52000 GATES, 357 MHz, PQFP208 Spartan-IIE 1.8V FPGA Family FPGA, 1536 CLBS, 93000 GATES, 357 MHz, PQFP144 Spartan-IIE 1.8V FPGA Family FPGA, 864 CLBS, 52000 GATES, 357 MHz, PBGA456 Spartan-IIE 1.8V FPGA Family 的Spartan - IIE 1.8V的FPGA系列 Spartan-IIE 1.8V FPGA Family FPGA, 1536 CLBS, 93000 GATES, 357 MHz, PBGA256 Spartan-IIE 1.8V FPGA Family Spartan - IIE 1.8V的FPGA系列 Spartan-IIE 1.8V FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information
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XCV400-4BG432C XCV400-4BG432I XCV400-4BG560C XCV400-4BG560I XCV200-4PQ240C XCV200-6BG256C XCV200-6BG256I XCV200-6BG352C XCV200-6BG352I XCV1000-4BG560I XCV1000-4FG680C XCV1000-4FG680I XCV50-4BG256C XCV50-4BG256I XCV50-4CS144C XCV50-4CS144I XCV50-5BG256C XCV50-5BG256I XCV50-5CS144C XCV50-5CS144I XCV400-5BG432C XCV400-5BG432I XCV400-5BG560C XCV400-5BG560I XCV600-6FG680I XCV600-4HQ240C XCV1000-6BG560C XCV1000-6BG560I XCV1000-6FG680C XCV1000-6FG680I XCV100-6BG256C XCV100-6BG256I XCV100-6CS144C XCV100-6CS144I XCV400 XCV200-5BG256C XCV200-5BG256I XCV200-5BG352C XCV200-5BG352I XCV200-5FG256C XCV600-5BG432C XCV600-5BG432I XCV600-5BG560C XCV600-5FG676I XCV50-6BG256C XCV50-6BG256I XCV50-6CS144C XCV50-6CS144I XCV50-6FG256C XCV50-6FG256I XCV300-5BG256C XCV300-5BG352C XCV300-5BG432I XCV300-4BG256C XCV300-4BG256I XCV300-4BG352I XCV300-4BG432I XCV300-6BG256C XCV300-6BG256I XCV300-6BG352C XCV300-6BG352I XCV300-6BG432C XCV300-6BG432I XCV300 XCV800-5BG432I XCV800-5BG560I XCV800-5FG676I XCV800-5FG680I XCV800-5HQ240I XCV800-5BG432C XCV800-6BG432I XCV800-6BG560I XCV800-6FG676I XCV800-6FG680I XCV800-6BG432C XCV100-5BG256I XCV100-5CS144I XCV100-5FG256I XCV100-5TQ144I XCV100-5BG256C XCV400-6BG432I XCV400-6
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Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 3456 CLBS, 661111 GATES, 294 MHz, PBGA432 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 3456 CLBS, 661111 GATES, 333 MHz, PBGA432 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 2400 CLBS, 468252 GATES, 250 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 3456 CLBS, 661111 GATES, 294 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 384 CLBS, 57906 GATES, 250 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 1536 CLBS, 322970 GATES, 294 MHz, PBGA456 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 1536 CLBS, 322970 GATES, PBGA256 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 4704 CLBS, 888439 GATES, 250 MHz, PBGA560 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 4704 CLBS, 888439 GATES, 250 MHz, PBGA432 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 384 CLBS, 57906 GATES, 333 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 3456 CLBS, 661111 GATES, 294 MHz, PBGA676 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 1176 CLBS, 236666 GATES, 250 MHz, PBGA456 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 4704 CLBS, 888439 GATES, 250 MHz, PBGA676 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 384 CLBS, 57906 GATES, 333 MHz, PQFP144 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 600 CLBS, 108904 GATES, 250 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 1176 CLBS, 236666 GATES, 333 MHz, PBGA256 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 4704 CLBS, 888439 GATES, 294 MHz, PBGA560 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 600 CLBS, 108904 GATES, 250 MHz, PBGA144 Mat Snap; Pack Quantity:10; Features:Prong clinch snaps; no special tools needed FPGA, 1536 CLBS, 322970 GATES, 294 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 1536 CLBS, 322970 GATES, 250 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 1536 CLBS, 322970 GATES, 294 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 384 CLBS, 57906 GATES, 294 MHz, PBGA256 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 864 CLBS, 164674 GATES, 294 MHz, PBGA256 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 600 CLBS, 108904 GATES, 250 MHz, PBGA256 FIELD SERVICE KIT; RoHS Compliant: NA FPGA, 1536 CLBS, 322970 GATES, 294 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 384 CLBS, 57906 GATES, 294 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 1176 CLBS, 236666 GATES, 294 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 864 CLBS, 164674 GATES, 294 MHz, PQFP240 Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA, 600 CLBS, 108904 GATES, 294 MHz, PQFP240 Fork Tongue Solderless Terminal; Wire Size (AWG):16-14; Stud Size:#8; Leaded Process Compatible:No; Peak Reflow Compatible (260 C):No RoHS Compliant: No FPGA, 1536 CLBS, 322970 GATES, PQFP144 PREFORM SEALNT STRIP 5M Fork Tongue Solderless Terminal; Wire Size (AWG):12-10; Stud Size:#10; Leaded Process Compatible:No; Peak Reflow Compatible (260 C):No RoHS Compliant: No Shrink Tubing; Material:Polyolefin RoHS Compliant: Yes IC REG LDO 1A 7V TO220FP FieldProgrammableGateArray(FPGA)
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) 现场可编程门阵列(FPGA 66-MHz PCI Compliant
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