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 Ordering number : EN2769B
Monolithic Linear IC
LA5693D, 5693S, 5693M
Voltage Regulator Driver with Watchdog Timer
Package Dimensions
The LA5693 is a single-chip voltage regulator for unit: mm microcomputer system monitor use that performs the 3001B-DIP8 functions of 5V output voltage control, watchdog timer, and voltage detector. Since the LA5693 can hold the reset output, it is especially suited for use in peripheral control and monitor output applications (example : valves used in refrigeration equipment, hot water supply system).
8 5
7.62 6.4
1 9.4
4 3.9max
* Microcomputer system for car equipment, refrigeration/ heating equipment, office automation equipment.
0.5 0.89 2.54 1.4
* Output voltage 5V control. * Watchdog timer. * Power-ON reset function. * Reset hold output [RES (2)] (Cleared with CK reinput).
unit: mm 3017B-SIP9
22.3 1.5 0.51 min 5.7 max 3.0
* An external PNP transistor can be used to provide a lowsaturation voltage regulator. * Since the CK input has no edge detector, a high degree of flexibility is allowed in applications. * Variable detection voltage. * The watchdog time can be made longer.
1 0.99 2.54 0.5
9 1.3 0.25 1.35
unit: mm 3032B-MFP8
8 5
5.1 1.5
5.15 6.4
SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Bussiness Headquarters
TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110 JAPAN D0597HA (KT)/8199YT/4268TA, TS No.2769-1/6
LA5693D, 5693S, 5693M Specifications Maximum Ratings at Ta=25C
Parameter Control pin voltage Control pin voltage Control pin current CK input voltage Reset pin voltage Allowable power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Symbol VCONTmax VCONTmax ICONTmax VCKmax VRES(1)max, VRES(2)max Pd max Topr Tstg LA5693D, 5693S LA5693M 500 370 -40 to +85 -55 to +150 mW mW C C *VCC6V 1s Conditions Ratings 60 41 11 25 41 Unit V V mA V V
* : A PNP transistor is connected to the LA5693D, 5693S externally to provide a low-saturation voltage regulator. Therefore, ICONT100mA will flow, as starting current, in the VCC range where the output cannot be regulated.
Operating Conditions at Ta=25C
Parameter Control pin voltage Control pin current Reset output current Reset detection voltage Symbol VCONT ICONTmax IRES(1)max, IRES(2)max VS min 4 V External R pull-up Conditions Ratings 6 to 40 10 8 Unit V mA mA
Operating Characteristics at Ta=25C, VCC=14V, IO=50mA, unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Output voltage Line regulation1 Line regulation2 Load regulation Current dissipation Output noise voltage Temperature coefficient of output voltage Reference voltage `H'-level CK input voltage `L'-level CK input voltage `H'-level CK input current `L'-level CK input current `H'-level reset output voltage VREF VIH VIL IIH IIL VORH(1)/ VORH(2) `L'-level reset output voltage1 VORL(1)1/ VORL(2)1 `L'-level reset output voltage2 VORL(1)2/ VORL(2)2 CK input pulse width Reset output delay time Watchdog time Watchdog reset time Reset hysteresis voltage tCKW td tWD tWR Vhys IRES(1)=IRES(2)=8mA VCK=5V Ct=1F Ct=1F Ct=1F VS=4.5V 3 7.5 30 0.1 100 10 40 0.25 200 12.5 50 0.4 300 0.16 0.8 V s ms ms ms mV RES(2) : 10k pull-up 40 200 mV VCK=5V VCK=0V RES(2) : 10k pull-up -1.0 4.8 0.3 -0.1 5.0 5.2 1.13 2 0.8 0.7 1.18 1.23 V V V mA A V VO VOLN1 VOLN2 VOLD ICC VNO VO /Ta 9VVCC16V 6VVCC40V 1mAIO50mA IO=0 10Hzf100kHz, VCK=0 IO=5mA, -40CTa+85C Symbol Conditions Ratings min 4.8 typ 5.0 2 4 4 4.4 150 0.2 max 5.2 10 30 30 6.5 Unit V mV mV mV mA V mV/C
LA5693D, 5693S, 5693M Pin Assignment
Do not use the NC pin.
Top view
Equivalent Circuit Block Diagram
Error amp
Reset generator
Voltage detector
RES(1) : Contains a pull-up resistor of 10k. RES(2) : Open collector
Test Circuit
Unit (resistance : , capacitance : F)
LA5693D, 5693S, 5693M Sample Application Circuit
Unit (resistance : , capacitance : F)
Note on application
1. For stable operation, place Cin, CO, and TR1 as near to the IC as possible. 2. When used in 0C or below it, a capacitor of which impedance at high-frequency operation is low and has a good temperature characteristic (such as SANYO OS-CON capacitor or others) should be used to prevent oscillation. 3. Set VS to the output voltage level where the circuit will be reset using external resistors R1 and R2. VS should be set to 4V or greater due to internal circuit operation. 4. CCK must be inserted to cut the high range element of clock noise to prevent it from becoming a reset output noise. 5. For Ct, a capacitor which less varies the capacitance according to the temperature should be used.
Timing Chart
Application of power Instantaneous drop
Digital output at I/O port of microcomputer Microcomputer operation start CPU abnormality
Note : Edge-triggered at the point indicated by the arrow of CK signal.
LA5693D, 5693S, 5693M
Allowable power dissipation, Pd max - mW
Ambient temperature, Ta - C
Output voltage, VO - V
Supply voltage, VCC - V
Reset output voltage, VRES - V
Indeterminate operation
Output voltage, VO - V
Output voltage, VO - V
Ambient temperature, Ta - C
Current drain, ICC - mA
Supply voltage, VCC - V
Current drain, ICC - mA
Ambient temperature, Ta - C
Frequency, f - Hz
Reset output delay time, td - ms Watchdog time, tWD - ms
Ripple rejection, Rrej - dB
Ambient temperature, Ta - C
LA5693D, 5693S, 5693M
Ambient temperature, Ta - C
CK input threshold voltage, VIN - V
Watchdog time, tWR - ms
Ambient temperature, Ta - C
L reset output voltage, VORL(2) - mV
CK input current, IIH - A
Ambient temperature, Ta - C
Reset output current, IRES(2) - mA
No products described or contained herein are intended for use in surgical implants, life-support systems, aerospace equipment, nuclear power control systems, vehicles, disaster/crime-prevention equipment and the like, the failure of which may directly or indirectly cause injury, death or property loss. Anyone purchasing any products described or contained herein for an above-mentioned use shall: Accept full responsibility and indemnify and defend SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors and all their officers and employees, jointly and severally, against any and all claims and litigation and all damages, cost and expenses associated with such use: Not impose any responsibilty for any fault or negligence which may be cited in any such claim or litigation on SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors or any of their officers and employees jointly or severally. Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed for volume production. SANYO believes information herein is accurate and reliable, but no guarantees are made or implied regarding its use or any infringements of intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties. This catalog provides information as of December, 1997. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.

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