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Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 DESCRIPTION PT6959 is an LED Controller driven on a 1/4 to 1/7 duty factor. Fourteen to eleven segment output lines, 4 to 7 grid output lines, one display memory, control circuit are all incorporated into a single chip to build a highly reliable peripheral device for a single chip microcomputer. Serial data is fed to PT6959 via a three-line serial interface. Housed in a 28-pin SOP, PT6959's pin assignments and application circuit are optimized for easy PCB Layout and cost saving advantages. FEATURES CMOS technology Low power consumption 8-step dimming circuitry Serial interface for clock, data input, strobe pins Available in 28-pin, SOP APPLICATION Microcomputer peripheral devices PT6959 V1.5 -1- June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 BLOCK DIAGRAM SG1 SG2 Control DIN CLK STB Serial Data Interface SG3 SG4 Display Memory SG5 SG6 SG7 Segment Driver/ Key Scan Output SG8 SG9 SG10 SG11 SG12/GR7 SG13/GR6 SG14/GR5 GR4 GR3 GR1 GR1 OSC R OSC Timing Generator Dimming Circuit VDD GND PT6959 V1.5 -2- June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATIONS The schematic diagrams of the input and output circuits of the logic section are shown below. Input Pins: CLK, STB & SIN Output Pins, SG14/GR5 to SG12/GR7 VDD GND GND Output Pins: GR1 to GR4 VDD Output Pins: SG1 to SG11 VDD GND GND PT6959 V1.5 -3- June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 PIN CONFIGURATION OSC DIN CLK STB VDD SG1 SG2 SG3 SG4 SG5 SG6 SG7 SG8 SG9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 28 27 26 25 24 23 NC NC GND GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 GND VDD SG14/GR5 SG13/GR6 SG12/GR7 SG11 SG10 P T 69 5 9 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 PT6959 V1.5 -4- June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Name OSC DIN CLK STB VDD SG1 ~ SG11 SG12/GR7 ~ SG14/GR5 GND GR4 ~ GR1 NC I/O I I I I O O O - Description Oscillator input pin A resistor is connected to this pin to determine the oscillation frequency. Data input pin This pin inputs serial data at the rising edge of the shift clock (starting from the lower bit). Clock input pin This pin reads serial data at the rising edge. Serial interface strobe pin The data input after the STB has fallen is processed as a command. When this pin is "HIGH", CLK is ignored. Power supply Segment output pins (p-channel, open drain) Segment output pin/Grid output pin (CMOS output) Ground pin Grid output pins (n-channel, open drain) No connection Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5, 20 6 ~ 16 17 ~ 19 21, 26 22 ~ 25 27, 28 PT6959 V1.5 -5- June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION COMMANDS A command is the first byte (b0 to b7) inputted to PT6959 via the DIN Pin after STB Pin has changed from "HIGH" to "LOW" State. If for some reason the STB Pin is set to "HIGH" while data or commands are being transmitted, the serial communication is initialized, and the data/commands being transmitted are considered invalid. COMMAND 1: DISPLAY MODE SETTING COMMANDS PT6959 provides 4 display mode settings as shown in the diagram below: As stated earlier a command is the first one byte (b0 to b7) transmitted to PT6959 via the DIN Pin when STB is "LOW". However, for these commands, Bit No. 3 to Bit No.6 (b2 to b5) are ignored, Bit No. 7 & Bit No. 8 (b6 to b7) are given a value of "0". The Display Mode Setting Commands determine the number of segments and grids to be used (1/4 to 1/7 duty, 14 to 11 segments). When these commands are executed, the display is forcibly turned off. A display command "ON" must be executed in order to resume display. If the same mode setting is selected, no command execution is take place, therefore, nothing happens. When Power is turned "ON", the 7-Grid, 11-Segment Mode is selected. MSB 0 0 LSB b1 b0 Not Relevant Display Mode Settings: 00: 4 digits, 14 segments 01: 5 digits, 13 segments 10: 6 digits, 12 segments 11: 7 digits, 11 segments PT6959 V1.5 -6- June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC COMMAND 2: DATA SETTING COMMANDS PT6959 The Data Setting Commands executes the Data Write Mode for PT6959. The Data Setting Command, the bits 5 and 6 (b4, b5) are ignored, bit 7 (b6) is given the value of "1" while bit 8 (b7) is given the value of "0". Please refer to the diagram below. When power is turned ON, bit 4 to bit 1 (b3 to b0) are given the value of "0". MSB 0 1 LSB b3 b2 b1 b0 Data Write Mode Setting: 00: Write Data to Display Mode Address Increment Mode Settings (Display Mode) 0: Increment Address after Data has been Written 1: Fixed Address Mode Settings: 0: Normal Operation Mode 1: Test Mode Not Relevant PT6959 V1.5 -7- June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC COMMAND 3: ADDRESS SETTING COMMANDS PT6959 Address Setting Commands are used to set the address of the display memory. The address is considered valid if it has a value of "00H" to 0DH". If the address is set to 0EH or higher, the data is ignored until a valid address is set. When power is turned ON, the address is set at "00H". Please refer to the diagram below. MSB 1 1 LSB b3 b2 b1 b0 Address: 00H to 0DH Not Relevant Display Mode and RAM Address Data transmitted from an external device to PT6959 via the serial interface are stored in the Display RAM and are assigned addresses. The RAM Addresses of PT6959 are given below in 8 bits unit. SG1 00HL 02HL 04HL 06HL 08HL 0AHL 0CHL b0 xxHL Lower 4 bits SG4 SG5 SG8 SG9 SG12 SG13 01HL 03HL 05HL 07HL 09HL 0BHL 0DHL b3 b4 xxHU Higher 4 bits SG14 01HU 03HU 05HU 07HU 09HU 0BHU 0DHU b7 DIG1 DIG2 DIG3 DIG4 DIG5 DIG6 DIG7 00HU 02HU 04HU 06HU 08HU 0AHU 0CHU PT6959 V1.5 -8- June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC COMMAND 4: DISPLAY CONTROL COMMANDS PT6959 The Display Control Commands are used to turn ON or OFF a display. It also used to set the pulse width. Please refer to the diagram below. When the power is turned ON, a 1/16 pulse width is selected and the displayed is turned OFF. MSB 1 LSB b3 b2 b1 b0 Dimming Quantity Settings: 000: Pulse width = 1/16 001: Pulse width = 2/16 010: Pulse width = 4/16 011: Pulse width = 10/16 100: Pulse width - 11/16 101: Pulse width = 12/16 110: Pulse width = 13/16 111: Pulse width = 14/16 Display Settings: 0: Display Off 1: Display On 0 - - Not Relevant PT6959 V1.5 -9- June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 DISPLAY TIMING WAVRFORM T DI SP L AY= 500 s SG Output DIG1 DIG2 DIG3 DIG4 DIGn DIG1 G1 G2 G3 G4 Gn SERIAL COMMUNICATION FORMAT The following diagram shows the PT6959 serial communication format. R ec eption ( Da ta/C om m an d W rite) If data continues ST B DIN b0 b1 b2 b6 b7 CLK 1 2 3 7 8 PT6959 V1.5 - 10 - June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTIC WAVEFORM PT6959 Switching Characteristic Waveform s given below. fosc OSC 50 % PW ST B ST B PW CL K CLK tsetup DIN tTZL Gn 90 % 10 % 90 % PW CL K tCL K- ST B thold tTLZ Sn 10 % tTZH tTHZ where: PWCLK (Clock Pulse Width) 400ns tsetup (Data Setup Time) 100ns tCLK-STB (Clock - Strobe Time) 1s tTZH (Rise Time) 1s tTZL < 1s PWSTB (Strobe Pulse Width) 1s thold (Data Hold Time) 100ns tTHZ (Fall Time) 10s fosc=Oscillation Frequency tTLZ < 10s PT6959 V1.5 - 11 - June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 APPLICATIONS Display memory is updated by incrementing addresses. Please refer to the following diagram. ST B CLK DIN Co mm and 2 Co mm and 3 Da ta 1 Da ta n Co mm and 1 Co mm and 4 wher e: C om ma nd 1: Disp lay M o de Setting Com m and Co m ma nd 2: Da ta Setting Co mm a nd Co m ma nd 3: Ad dre ss Setting Co mm an d Da ta 1 to n : Tra nsfer Display Data (1 4 Bytes m ax.) Co m ma nd 4: Disp lay Co ntr ol Com m and The following diagram shows the waveforms when updating specific addresses. ST B CLK DIN Co mm and 2 Co mm and 3 Da ta Co mm and 3 Da ta wher e: Co m ma nd 2: Data Setting Com m an d Co mm an d 3: Ad dres s Setting Com m and Da ta: Dis pla y Data PT6959 V1.5 - 12 - June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 RECOMMENDED SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING FLOWCHART START Delay 200 ms SET COMMAND 2 (Write Data) SET COMMAND 3 Clear Display RAM (See Note 5) INITIAL SETTING SET COMMAND 1 SET COMMAND 4 (88H ~ 8FH: Display ON) MAIN PROGRAM SET COMMAND 2 (READ KEY & WRITE DATA INCLUDED) MAIN LOOP SET COMMAND 3 SET COMMAND 1 SET COMMAND 4 END Notes: 1. Command 1: Display Mode Setting Commands 2. Command 2: Data Setting Commands 3. Command 3: Address Setting Commands 4. Command 4: Display Control Commands 5. When IC power is applied for the first time, the contents of the Display RAM are not defined; thus, it is strongly suggested that the contents of the Display RAM must be cleared during the initial setting. PT6959 V1.5 - 13 June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 SOP 28 (300MIL) THERMAL PERFORMANCE IN STILL AIR AT TJ=100 1200 1101 Power Dissipation Pd (mW) 1000 IC Mounted on Glass Epoxy PCB 800 600 400 751 IC Single 200 0 -25 0 25 50 O 75 100 Ambient Temperature, Ta ( C) PT6959 V1.5 - 14 - June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Unless otherwise stated, Ta=25 , GND=0V) Parameter Supply Voltage Logic Input Voltage Driver Output Current/Pin Maximum Driver Output Current/Total Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Symbol VDD VI IOLGR IOHSG ITOTAL Topr Tstg Rating -0.5 to +7.0 -0.5 to VDD+0.5 +250 -50 400 -40 ~ +85 -65 ~ +150 Units V V mA mA mA RECOMMANDED OPERATING RANGE (Unless otherwise stated, Ta=25 , GND=0V) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Logic Supply Voltage VDD 4.5 5 5.5 Dynamic Current (see note) IDDdyn 5 High-Level Input Voltage VIH 0.8VDD VDD Low-Level Input Voltage VIL 0 0.3VDD Note: Test Condition: Set Display Control Commands = 80H (Display Turn Off State) Unit V mA V V PT6959 V1.5 - 15 - June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise stated, VDD=5V, GND=0V, Ta=25 ) Parameter Symbol Test Condition VO=VDD-1V, IOHSG(1) SG1 to SG11, SG12/GR7 to SG14/GR5 High-Level Output Current VO=VDD-2V, IOHSG(2) SG1 to SG11, SG12/GR7 to SG14/GR5 VO=0.3V, Low-Level Output Current IOLGR GR1 to GR4, SG12/GR7 to SG14/GR5 VO=VDD-1V, Segment High-Level ITOLSG SG1 to SG11, Output Current Tolerance SG12/GR7 to SG14/GR5 High-Level Input Voltage VIH Low-Level Input Voltage VIL Oscillation Frequency fosc R=51K Min. -10 Typ. -14 Max. -30 Unit mA -20 -25 -50 mA 100 140 - mA 0.8VDD 350 500 5 0.3VDD 650 % V V KHz PT6959 V1.5 - 16 - June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 APPLICATION CIRCUIT 0.1F G1 51K +5V S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 G1 G2 G3 G4 +5V S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S 11 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S12 S 13 S 14 SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 SEG7 SEG8 SEG9 SEG10 SEG11 SEG12 SEG13 SEG14 Notes: 1. The capacitor (0.1F) connected between the GND and VDD Pins must be located as near as possible to the PT6959 chip. 2. The PT6959 power supply is separate from the application system power supply. SE G1 SE G2 SE G3 SE G4 SE G5 SE G6 SE G7 SE G8 a b c d e f g h e d f g c a b COM/DIG ITAL (GRID) oh PT6959 V1.5 - 17 - 4-GRID X 14-SEGMENT (COMMON CATHODE) June, 2005 MCU OSC DIN CLK STB VDD SG1 SG2 SG3 SG4 SG5 SG6 SG7 SG8 SG9 NC NC GND GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 VDD GND SG14/GR5 SG13/GR6 SG12/GR7 SG11 SG10 G2 G3 G4 DIGIT1 DIGIT2 DIGIT3 DIGIT4 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 ORDER INFORMATION Valid Part Number PT6959 Package Type 28 Pins, SOP, 300mil Top Code PT6959 PT6959 V1.5 - 18 - June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 PACKAGE INFORMATION 28 PINS, SOP, 300MIL Symbol A A1 B C D E e H h L Min. 2.35 0.10 0.33 0.23 17.70 7.40 10.00 0.25 0.40 0 Nom. Max. 2.65 0.30 0.51 0.32 18.10 7.60 10.65 0.75 1.27 8 1.27 BSC. PT6959 V1.5 - 19 - June, 2005 Tel: 886-2-66296288 Fax: 886-2-29174598 URL: http://www.princeton.com.tw LED Driver IC PT6959 Notes: 1. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5-1982. 2. Dimension "D" does not include mold flash, protrusions or gate burrs. Mold Flash, protrusion or gate burrs shall not exceed 0.15mm (0.006 in) per side. 3. Dimension "E" does not include interlead flash or protrusions. Interlead flash or protrusions shall not exceed 0.25 mm (0.010 in) per side. 4. The chamfer on the body is optional. It is not present, a visual index feature must be located within the crosshatched area. 5. "L" is the length of the terminal for soldering to a substrate. 6. "N" is the number of terminal positions. (N=28) 7. The lead width "B" as measured 0.36 mm (0.014 in) or greater above the seating plane, shall not exceed a maximum value of 0.61 mm (0.24 in). 8. Controlling dimension: MILLIMETER. 9. Refer to JEDEC MS-013 Variation AE JEDEC is the trademark of JEDEC SOLID STATE TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION. PT6959 V1.5 - 20 - June, 2005 |
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