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1. general description the TFF11115HN is a k u band frequency generator intended for low phase noise local oscillator (lo) circuits for k u band vsat transmitters and transceivers. the specified phase noise comp lies with iess-308 from intelsat. 2. features and benefits ? phase noise compliant with iess-308 (intelsa t) in combination with appropriate source ? lo generator with vco range from 11.30 ghz to 11.80 ghz ? input signal 44 mhz to 738 mhz ? divider settings 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 ? output level ? 4 dbm; stability 2 db ? third or fourth order pll ? internally stabilized voltage references for loop filter 3. applications 4. quick reference data TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 product data sheet caution this device is sensitive to electrostatic di scharge (esd). therefore care should be taken during transport and handling. ? vsat up converters ? local oscillator signal generation table 1. quick reference data operating conditions of table 10 apply. symbol parameter conditions min typ max unit v cc supply voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 v i cc supply current - 100 130 ma f o(rf) rf output frequency 11.30 - 11.80 ghz ? n(synth) synthesizer phase noise divider value = 64; at 100 khz offset; reference phase noise is ? 149 dbc/hz at 100 khz offset - ? 97 ? 92 dbc/hz rl out output return loss measured at demo board and de-embedded to footprint - ? 10 - db sup(sp)ref reference spurious suppression measured at divider value = 256 - - ? 70 dbc
TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 2 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications 5. ordering information 6. marking 7. block diagram table 2. ordering information type number package name description version TFF11115HN hvqfn24 plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; no leads; 24 terminals; body 4 4 0.85 mm sot616-1 table 3. marking codes type number marking code TFF11115HN t115 fig 1. block diagram 001aal72 4 100 k pull up 100 k pull up 100 k pull down 100 k pull up 10 pf 30 pf vco 2.7 v nsl0 4 cpout 2 vtune 3 vregvco 1 v cc(div) (3.3 v) r buf_p 50 r buf_n 50 nsl1 5 nsl2 n.c. gnd1(buf) n.c. v cc(buf) gnd(div) v cc(div) window detector pfd divider cp 6 13 lock: 2.5 v no lock: 0 v 7 lckdet 8 gnd1(ref) 24 gnd3(buf) 19 gnd2(buf) 23 buf2_p 22 buf1_p 11 gnd2(ref) 12 v cc(ref) 9 cpout nsl0 nsl1 nsl2 vtune v cc(buf) in(ref)_p 10 in(ref)_n 21 buf2_n 20 buf1_n 14 15 16 17 18 TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 3 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications 8. functional diagram fig 2. functional diagram 001aal72 5 10 pf 30 pf vco 2.7 v nsl0 4 cpout 2 vtune 3 vregvco 1 nsl1 5 nsl2 n.c. gnd1(buf) n.c. v cc(buf) gnd(div) v cc(div) lock detector output buffer pfd divider cp 6 13 lock: 2.5 v no lock: 0 v 7 lckdet 8 gnd1(ref) 24 gnd3(buf) 19 gnd2(buf) 23 buf2_p 22 buf1_p 11 gnd2(ref) 12 v cc(ref) 9 cpout pll nsl0 nsl1 nsl2 vtune in(ref)_p 10 in(ref)_n 21 buf2_n 20 buf1_n 14 15 16 17 18 TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 4 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications 9. pinning information 9.1 pinning 9.2 pin description fig 3. pin configuration for hvqfn24 001aal726 transparent top view v cc(div) nsl1 nsl2 gnd(div) nsl0 n.c. vtune n.c. cpout gnd1(buf) vregvco v cc(buf) lckdet gnd1(ref) in(ref)_p in(ref)_n gnd2(ref) v cc(ref) gnd3(buf) buf2_p buf1_p buf2_n buf1_n gnd2(buf) terminal 1 index area 6 13 5 14 4 15 3 16 2 17 1 18 7 8 9 10 11 12 24 23 22 21 20 19 table 4. pin description symbol pin description vregvco 1 regulated output voltage for vco loop filter. connect loop filter to this pin. cpout 2 charge pump output. vtune 3 tuning voltage for vco. nsl0 4 divider setting, lsb. leave open for ?1?, connect to gnd for ?0?. see ta b l e 8 . nsl1 5 divider setting. leave open for ?1?, connect to gnd for ?0?. see table 8 . nsl2 6 divider setting, msb. leave open for ?1?, connect to gnd for ?0?. see table 8 . lckdet 7 lock detect. lock = 2.5 v; out of lock = 0 v. see ta b l e 6 . gnd1(ref) 8 ground for ref input. connect this pin to the exposed diepad landing. in(ref)_p 9 reference signal, non-inverting input. couple this ac to the source. in(ref)_n 10 reference signal, inverting in put. couple this ac to the source. gnd2(ref) 11 ground for ref input. connect this pin to the exposed diepad landing. v cc(ref) 12 supply of the internal regulat ed voltages. decouple this pin against gnd2(ref) (pin 11). v cc(div) 13 supply of the divider and pfd/cp. decouple this pin against gnd(div) (pin 14). gnd(div) 14 ground of the divider. connect this pin to the exposed diepad landing. n.c. 15 not connected n.c. 16 not connected gnd1(buf) 17 ground for rf output. connect this pin to the exposed diepad landing. TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 5 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications 10. functional description the TFF11115HN consists of the following blocks: ? pll ? output buffer ? lock detector ? reference input ? divider settings the functionality of the blocks will be discussed below. 10.1 pll the pll is formed by the vco, divider (p ossible settings: 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256 (see table 8 )) and a pfd/cp. the tune voltage is referred to the band gap regulated voltage: vregvco (pin 1). the loop filter can be set to type 2 or type 3. if a type 2 filter is used, the pins cpout (pin 2) and vtune (pin 3) must be interconnected. a 10 pf capacitor is placed internally between pins cpout (pin 2) and vregvco (pin 1), and a 30 pf capacitor is placed between pins vtune (pin 3) and vregvco (pin 1). see figure 4 and figure 5 . values for the loop filter components are given in ta b l e 5 . the vco input voltage range is between 0.1 and 0.9 v o(reg)vco . v cc(buf) 18 supply voltage for the rf output buffer. decouple this pin against gnd2(buf) (pin 19). gnd2(buf) 19 ground for rf output. connect this pin to the exposed diepad landing. buf1_n 20 rf output. buf2_n 21 rf output. buf1_p 22 rf output. buf2_p 23 rf output. gnd3(buf) 24 ground for rf output. connect this pin to the exposed diepad landing. table 4. pin description ?continued symbol pin description TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 6 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications 10.2 output buffer the output consists of a differential pair with 50 collector resistors r buf_p and r buf_n . if only one output is used, terminate the non used output with the same impedance as the load (see figure 8 ) 10.3 lock detector the lock detector is the output of a window detector. the window detector compares the output voltage over the charge pump. this voltage is identical to vtune when a type 2 loop filter is used (see figure 4 ). in case of a type 3 loop f ilter this voltage is filtered by r2/c3 (see figure 5 ). due to this filt ering the attack and decay time will decrease. the lower window detector threshold vo ltage is 7 % of the output voltage on vregvco (pin 1), the upper window detector threshold voltage is 93 % of the output voltage on vregvco (pin 1). the hysteresis is 0.1 v. the output is 2.5 v cmos compliant. the values are shown in table 6 . the timing diagram is shown in figure 6 . at start-up the lckdet (pin 7) will be low until the circuit has acquired lock. fig 4. type 2 loop filter fig 5. type 3 loop filter 001aal72 7 10 pf c2 c1 r1 30 pf 3 vtune 2 cpout 1 vregvco 2.7 v 001aal72 8 10 pf c2 c3 r2 c1 r1 30 pf 3 vtune 2 cpout 1 vregvco 2.7 v table 5. component values used for characterization f i(ref) divider value c1 c2 c3 r1 r2 (mhz) (nf) (pf) (pf) ( ) ( ) 44.141 to 46.094 256 27 82 33 470 560 88.281 to 92.188 128 18 82 33 330 560 176.563 to 184.375 64 18 120 33 270 560 353.125 to 368.750 32 33 270 33 120 560 706.250 to 737.500 16 68 560 33 68 560 TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 7 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications lckdet (pin 7) has a pull-down resistor of 100 k to gnd1(ref) (pin 8). 10.4 reference input (i n(ref)_p, in(ref)_n) the reference input is a differential pair and is internally biased. the input is high ohmic. the input signal must be ac coupled. if used in a single ended mode, the not used input must be terminated with the same impedance as the driving source. an example of the differential source and two single ended loads are shown in figure 7 . an example of a single ended application is shown in figure 8 . table 6. logical value and physical value for lock detect (lckdet) logical value physical value lock detect state 0 0 v out of lock 1 2.5 v lock (1) the attack time and decay time are typically 10 s and are mainly depending on the drift of the vco tuning voltage. fig 6. timing diagram lock detector 001aal98 6 value determined by closed loop opertation pll vtune lckdet(t) vtune(t) in(ref)_p/n(t) drift to maximum voltage = lowest frequency of vco undetermined behavior around maximum voltage undetermined behavior around maximum voltage voltage is forced by loop to closed loop value of pll value is determined by closed loop operation pll pll is in lock actual pll status pll is out of lock pll is out of lock pll is out of lock pll is in lock pll is in lock lckdet > 2.2 v remarks lckdet remains > 2.2 v because loop filter is still charged window detector detects that vtune > upper window detector threshold. lckdet changes from > 2.2 v to < 0.4 v during the attack time lckdet < 0.4 v window detector detects that vtune < upper window detector threshold ? 0.1 v. lckdet changes from < 0.4 v to > 2.2 v during the decay time lckdet > 2.2 v 1 timeline section in lock 2.2 v low window detector threshold (7% of v o(reg)vco ) 2345 attack time (1) decay time (1) 6 t t t 0.4 v out of lock (0 v) upper window detector threshold (93% of v o(reg)vco ) hysteresis voltage (0.1 v) hysteresis voltage (0.1 v) TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 8 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications note that the phase noise of the output signal is also determined by the phase noise of the reference signal. the reference frequency range is equal to the output frequency / division value. note that the output frequency is guaranteed from 11.30 ghz to 11.80 ghz. 10.5 divider settings (nsl2, nsl1, nsl0) the divider can be set to 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256 (see ta b l e 8 ). the logic levels for nsl0 (pin 4), nsl1 (pin 5) and nsl2 (pin 6) are given in ta b l e 7 . the pins have a pull-up resistor of 100 k to v cc(div) (pin 13). the device is only guaranteed when nsl2, nsl1 and nsl0 are predefined at start-up (no change of divider value is allowed during operation). the truth table is shown in table 8 . [1] test mode, divider output will be disabled. 11. limiting values table 7. logical and physical value fo r divider setting (nsl2, nsl1, nsl0) logical value physical value 0gnd 1 open or v cc table 8. divider setting as function of nsl2, nsl1 and nsl0 setting number nsl2 nsl1 nsl0 divider value 000016 100132 201064 3011128 4100256 5101 [1] 6110 [1] 7111 [1] table 9. limiting values in accordance with the absolute maximum rating system (iec 60134). symbol parameter conditions min max unit v cc(ref) reference supply voltage ? 0.5 +3.6 v v cc(div) divider supply voltage ? 0.5 +3.6 v v cc(buf) buffer supply voltage ? 0.5 +3.6 v t j junction temperature ? 40 +125 c t stg storage temperature ? 40 +125 c TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 9 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications 12. recommended operating conditions [1] required reference phase noise is set 10 db below equivalent input phase noise. 13. thermal characteristics 14. characteristics table 10. operating conditions nsl0 (pin 4), nsl1 (pin 5) and nsl2 (pin 6) not changed during operation. loop filter component values as depicted in table 5 are used. symbol parameter conditions min typ max unit t amb ambient temperature ? 40 +25 +85 c z 0 characteristic impedance - 50 - ? n(ref) reference phase noise divider value = 16 [1] -- ? 134 dbc/hz divider value = 32 [1] -- ? 143 dbc/hz divider value = 64 [1] -- ? 149 dbc/hz divider value = 128 [1] -- ? 150 dbc/hz divider value = 256 [1] -- ? 151 dbc/hz f i(ref) reference input frequency f i(ref) = f o(rf) / divider value 44 - 738 mhz p i(ref) reference input power ? 10 - 0 dbm table 11. thermal characteristics symbol parameter conditions typ unit r th(j-sp) thermal resistance from junction to solder point 25 k/w table 12. characteristics operating conditions of table 10 apply. symbol parameter conditions min typ max unit v cc supply voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 v i cc supply current - 100 130 ma pll f o(rf) rf output frequency 11.30 - 11.80 ghz v o(reg)vco vco regulator output voltage 2.5 2.7 2.9 v i cp charge pump current - 1 - ma k o vco steepness [1] -0.6-ghz/v ? n(vco) vco phase noise at 10 mhz offset - ? 130 - dbc/hz ? n(synth) synthesizer phase noise divider value = 64; at 100 khz offset; reference phase noise is ? 149 dbc/hz at 100 khz offset - ? 97 ? 92 dbc/hz output buffer p o output power measured single ended [2] ? 6 ? 4 ? 2dbm rl out output return loss measured at demo board and de-embedded to footprint - ? 10 - db sup(sp)ref reference spurious suppression measured at divider value = 256 - - ? 70 dbc TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 10 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications [1] the typical ratio of the maximum k o in relation to the minimum k o is 1.25. [2] output stage is a differential pair with 50 collector impedances. output power is measured per output pin for the fundamental tone only. output is dc coupled and is ac coupled in on-board. h(lo) lo harmonic rejection - ? 10 - dbc lock detector v ol low-level output voltage i o = 1 ma - - 0.4 v v oh high-level output voltage i o = ? 1 ma 2.2 - - v r pd pull-down resistance 70 100 130 k divider setting (nsl0, nsl1, nsl2) r pu pull-up resistance 70 100 130 k v il low-level input voltage - - 0.8 v v ih high-level input voltage 2.0 - - v table 12. characteristics ?continued operating conditions of table 10 apply. symbol parameter conditions min typ max unit xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx x x TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 11 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications 15. application information fig 7. application diagram with differential source for in(ref) and both outputs driving a load, loop filter is type 3 50 50 load 001aal73 0 100 k pull up 100 k pull up 100 k pull down 100 k pull up 10 pf 30 pf vco 2.7 v nsl0 4 cpout 2 vtune 3 vregvco 1 v cc(div) (3.3 v) 100 50 50 r buf_p 50 r buf_n 50 nsl1 gnd = 0 open or 3.3 v = 1 5 nsl2 n.c. gnd1(buf) n.c. v cc(buf) gnd(div) v cc(div) window detector out-of-lock processing block pfd divider cp 6 13 lock: 2.5 v no lock: 0 v 7 lckdet 8 gnd1(ref) 24 gnd3(buf) 19 gnd2(buf) 23 buf2_p dc block 22 buf1_p 11 gnd2(ref) 3.3 v 12 v cc(ref) 9 cpout nsl0 nsl1 nsl2 vtune v cc(buf) in(ref)_p 10 in(ref)_n 10 nf 1 pf 10 nf z 0(dif) = 100 dc block reference source 21 buf2_n 20 buf1_n 14 15 16 17 18 z 0 = 50 50 50 load 1 pf 1 nf z 0 = 50 c2 c3 r2 c1 r1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 12 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications fig 8. application diagram with single ended source for in(ref) and single ended load, loop filter is type 3 51 001aal73 1 100 k pull up 100 k pull up 100 k pull down 100 k pull up 10 pf 30 pf vco 2.7 v nsl0 4 cpout 2 vtune 3 vregvco 1 v cc(div) (3.3 v) 24 50 51 r buf_p 50 r buf_n 50 nsl1 gnd = 0 open or 3.3 v = 1 5 nsl2 n.c. gnd1(buf) n.c. v cc(buf) gnd(div) v cc(div) window detector out-of-lock processing block pfd divider cp 6 13 lock: 2.5 v no lock: 0 v 7 lckdet 8 gnd1(ref) 24 gnd3(buf) 19 gnd2(buf) 23 buf2_p dc block 22 buf1_p 11 gnd2(ref) 3.3 v 12 v cc(ref) 9 cpout nsl0 nsl1 nsl2 vtune v cc(buf) in(ref)_p 10 in(ref)_n 10 nf 1 pf 10 nf z 0 = 50 dc block not used input terminated with same impedance not used output terminated with same impedance reference source 21 buf2_n 20 buf1_n 14 15 16 17 18 50 50 load 1 pf 1 nf z 0 = 50 c2 c3 r2 c1 r1 TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 13 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications 16. package outline fig 9. package outline sot616-1 (hvqfn24) 0.5 1 0.2 a 1 e h b unit y e references outline version european projection issue date iec jedec jeita mm 4.1 3.9 d h 2.25 1.95 y 1 4.1 3.9 2.25 1.95 e 1 2.5 e 2 2.5 0.30 0.18 c 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.1 dimensions (mm are the original dimensions) sot616-1 mo-220 - - - - - - 0.5 0.3 l 0.1 v 0.05 w 0 2.5 5 mm scale sot616 -1 h vqfn24: plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; no leads; 2 4 terminals; body 4 x 4 x 0.85 mm a (1) max. a a 1 c detail x y y 1 c e l e h d h e e 1 b 712 24 19 18 13 6 1 x d e c b a e 2 01-08-08 02-10-22 terminal 1 index area terminal 1 index area a c c b v m w m 1/2 e 1/2 e e (1) note 1. plastic or metal protrusions of 0.075 mm maximum per side are not included. d (1) TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 14 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications 17. abbreviations 18. revision history table 13. abbreviations acronym description cmos complementary metal oxide semiconductor cp charge pump k u band k-under band lsb least significant bit msb most significant bit pfd phase frequency detector pll phase-locked loop vco voltage controlled oscillator vsat very small aperture terminal table 14. revision history document id release date data sheet status change notice supersedes TFF11115HN v.1 20110324 product data sheet - - TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 15 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications 19. legal information 19.1 data sheet status [1] please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design. [2] the term ?short data sheet? is explained in section ?definitions?. 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stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the absolute maximum ratings system of iec 60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. limiting values are stress ratings only and (proper) operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device. terms and conditions of commercial sale ? nxp semiconductors products are sold subject to the gener al terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at http://www.nxp.com/profile/terms , unless otherwise agreed in a valid written individual agreement. in case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. nxp semiconductors hereby expressly objects to applying the customer?s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of nxp semiconducto rs products by customer. no offer to sell or license ? nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products t hat is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any lic ense under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. export control ? this document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. export might require a prior authorization from national authorities. document status [1] [2] product status [3] definition objective [short] data sheet development this document contains data from the objecti ve specification for product development. preliminary [short] data sheet qualification this document contains data from the preliminary specification. product [short] data sheet production this docu ment contains the product specification. TFF11115HN all information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. product data sheet rev. 1 ? 24 march 2011 16 of 17 nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications non-automotive qualified products ? unless this data sheet expressly states that this specific nxp semicon ductors product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. it is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. nxp semiconductors accepts no liabili ty for inclusion and/or use of non-automotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications. in the event that customer uses t he product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive s pecifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without nxp semiconductors? warranty of the product for such automotive applicat ions, use and specifications, and (b) whenever customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond nxp semiconductors? specifications such use shall be solely at customer?s own risk, and (c) customer fully in demnifies nxp semi conductors for any liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive app lications beyond nxp semiconductors? standard warranty and nxp semiconduct ors? product specifications. quick reference data ? the quick reference data is an extract of the product data given in the limiting values and characteristics sections of this document, and as such is not comp lete, exhaustive or legally binding. 19.4 trademarks notice: all referenced brands, produc t names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 20. contact information for more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com for sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com nxp semiconductors TFF11115HN low phase noise lo generator for vsat applications ? nxp b.v. 2011. all rights reserved. for more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com for sales office addresses, please se nd an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com date of release: 24 march 2011 document identifier: TFF11115HN please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s) described herein, have been included in section ?legal information?. 21. contents 1 general description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 features and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 quick reference data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 ordering information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 functional diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9 pinning information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9.1 pinning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9.2 pin description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 10 functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10.1 pll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10.2 output buffer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10.3 lock detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10.4 reference input (in(ref)_p, in(ref)_n) . . . . 7 10.5 divider settings (nsl2, nsl1, nsl0). . . . . . . . 8 11 limiting values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12 recommended operating conditions. . . . . . . . 9 13 thermal characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 14 characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 application information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 16 package outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 17 abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 18 revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 19 legal information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 19.1 data sheet status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 19.2 definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 19.3 disclaimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 19.4 trademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 20 contact information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 21 contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 |
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