v ishay siliconix spice device model SI6955ADQ dual p-channel 30-v (d-s) mosfet characteristics ? p-channel vertical dmos ? macro model (subcircuit model) ? level 3 mos ? apply for both linear and sw itching application ? accurate over the ? 55 to 125 c temperature range ? model the gate charge, transient, and diode reverse recovery characteristics description the attached spice model descri bes the ty pical electrical characteristics of the p-channel ve rtical dmos. the subcircuit model is extracted and optimized over the ? 55 to 125 c temperature ranges under the puls ed 0-v to 5-v gate drive. the saturated output impedance is best fit at the gate bias near the threshold voltage. a novel gate-to-drain feedback capac itance netw o rk is used to model the gate charge characteristics w h ile avoiding convergence difficulties of the sw itched c gd model. all model parameter values are optimized to provide a best fit to the m easured electrical data and are not intended as an exact phy sical interpretation of the device. subcircuit model schematic this document is intended as a spice modeling guideline and does not constitute a commercial product data sheet. designers sho uld refer to the appropriate data sheet of the same number fo r guaranteed specific ation limits. 1 www. vi s h a y .com document number: 70550 s-60142 ? rev . b , 13-feb-06
v ishay siliconix spice device model SI6955ADQ specificat ions (t j = 2 5 c unless ot herwise not e d) pa ra me te r s y m b o l te s t c o n d i t i o n ty pic a l u n i t static gate threshold voltage v gs(t h ) v ds = v gs , i d = ? 250 a 2 . 2 v on-state drain current a i d(o n ) v ds = ? 5 v, v gs = ? 10 v 6 1 a v gs = ? 10 v, i d = ? 2.9 a 0.070 drain-source on-state resistance a r ds(o n ) v gs = ? 4.5 v, i d = ? 2.2 a 0.108 ? forw ard transconductance a g fs v ds = ? 15 v, i d = ? 2.9 a 5 . 5 s diode forw ard voltage a v sd i s = ? 1 a, v gs = 0 v 0 . 8 v dy namic b t o tal gate c harge b q g 4 . 5 gate-source charge b q gs 2 gate-drain charge b q gd v ds = ? 10 v, v gs = ? 5 v, i d = ? 2.9 a 1.9 nc turn-on delay time b t d(on) 9 ris e time b t r 1 2 turn-of f delay time b t d(off) 1 8 fall time b t f v dd = ? 10 v, r l = 10 ? i d ? ? 1 a, v gen = ? 10 v, r g = 6 ? 24 source-drain rev e rse recov e ry time t rr i f = ? 1 a, di/dt = 100 a/ s 29 ns not e s a. pulse test; pulse w i dth 300 s, duty cy cle 2%. b. guaranteed by design, not s ubject to production testing. 2 www. vi s h a y .com document number: 70550 s-60142 ? rev . b , 13-feb-06
v ishay siliconix spice device model SI6955ADQ comparison of model wit h measured dat a (t j =2 5 c unless ot herwise not e d) 3 www. vi s h a y .com document number: 70550 s-60142 ? rev . b , 13-feb-06