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  smla42csm v cbo collector ? base voltage v ceo collector ? emitter voltage v ebo emitter ? base voltage i c collector current p d total device dissipation derate above 25c t j maximum junction temperature t stg storage temperature range 300v 300v 6v 500ma 350mw 2.0mw/c 200c ?55 to 200c mechanical data dimensions in mm (inches) 21 0.51 0.10 (0.02 0.004) 0.31 (0.012) 1.91 0.10 (0.075 0.004) 3.05 0.13 (0.12 0.005) 2.54 0.13 (0.10 0.005) 0.76 0.15 (0.03 0.006) 1.02 0.10 (0.04 0.004) 1.40 (0.055) max. a 0.31 (0.012) rad. rad. a = 3 silicon npn high voltage transistor in ceramic surface mount package features ? high breakdown voltage  low saturation voltages  low capacitance  hermetic ceramic surface mount package sot23csm (sot23 compatible) sot23 ceramic (lcc1 package) pad 1 ? base underside view pa d 2 ? emitter pad 3 ? collector absolute maximum ratings (t case = 25 c unless otherwise stated) document number 5668 issue: 2 semelab plc. telephone +44(0)1455 556565. fax +44(0)1455 552612. e-mail: website: semelab plc reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. information f urnished by semelab is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. however semelab assumes no responsibility for any errors or omi ssions discovered in its use. semelab encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders.
smla42csm parameter test conditions min. typ. max. unit i c = 100 ai e = 0 i c = 1ma i b = 0* i e = 100 ai c = 0 v cb = 200v i e = 0 v eb = 6v i c = 0 i c = 20ma i b = 2ma i c = 20ma i b = 2ma i c = 1ma v ce = 10v* i c = 10ma v ce = 10v* i c = 30ma v ce = 10v* i c = 10ma v ce = 20v f = 20mhz v cb = 20v i e = 0 f = 1mhz electrical characteristics (t case = 25 c unless otherwise stated) collector - base breakdown voltage collector - emitter breakdown voltage emitter - base breakdown voltage collector cut-off current emitter cut-off current collector - emitter saturation voltage base - emitter saturation voltage dc current gain transition frequency output capacitance 300 300 6 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.9 25 40 40 50 6 v v v a a v v ? mhz pf * pulse test t p = 200 s , = 2% v (br)cbo v (br)ceo v (br)ebo i cbo i ebo v ce(sat) v be(sat) h fe f t c ob document number 5668 issue: 2 semelab plc. telephone +44(0)1455 556565. fax +44(0)1455 552612. e-mail: website: semelab plc reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. information f urnished by semelab is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. however semelab assumes no responsibility for any erro rs or omissions discovered in its use. semelab encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders.

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