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  ste53NA50 n - channel enhancement mode fast power mos transistor n typical r ds(on) = 0.075 w n high current power module n avalanche rugged technology n very large soa - large peak power capability n easy to mount n same current capability for the two source terminals n extremely low rth (junction to case) n very low internal parasitic inductance n isolated package ul recognized applications n smps & ups n motor control n welding equipment n output stage for pwm, ultrasonic circuits internal schematic diagram february 1998 absolute maximum ratings symbol parameter value unit v ds drain-source voltage (v gs =0) 500 v v dgr drain- gate voltage (r gs =20k w ) 500 v v gs gate-source voltage 30 v i d drain current (continuous) at t c =25 o c53a i d drain current (continuous) at t c =100 o c33a i dm ( ? ) drain current (pulsed) 212 a p tot total dissipation at t c =25 o c460w derating factor 3.68 w/ o c t st g storage temperature -55 to 150 o c t j max. operating junction temperature 150 o c v iso insulation withhstand voltage (ac-rms) 2500 v ( ? ) pulse width limited by safe operating area type v dss r ds(on) i d ste53NA50 500 v < 0.085 w 53 a isotop 1/7
thermal data r thj-case r thc-h thermal resistance junction-case max thermal resistance case-heatsink with conductive grease applied max 0.27 0.05 o c/w o c/w avalanche characteristics symbol parameter max value unit i ar avalanche current, repetitive or not-repetitive (pulse width limited by t j max, d <1%) 26 a e as single pulse avalanche energy (starting t j =25 o c, i d =i ar ,v dd =50v) 1014 mj electrical characteristics (t case =25 o c unless otherwise specified) off symbol parameter test conditions min. typ. max. unit v (br)dss drain-source breakdown voltage i d =1ma v gs = 0 500 v i dss zero gate voltage drain current (v gs =0) v ds =maxrating v ds =maxrating t c =125 o c 100 1000 m a m a i gss gate-body leakage current (v ds =0) v gs = 30 v 400 na on ( * ) symbol parameter test conditions min. typ. max. unit v gs(th) gate threshold voltage v ds =v gs i d =1ma 2.25 3 3.75 v r ds(on) static drain-source on resistance v gs =10v i d = 27 a 0.075 0.085 w i d(o n) on state drain current v ds >i d(on) xr ds(on)max v gs =10v 53 a dynamic symbol parameter test conditions min. typ. max. unit g fs ( * )forward transconductance v ds >i d(on ) x rds(on)max i d =27a 25 s c iss c oss c rss input capacitance output capacitance reverse transfer capacitance v ds =25v f=1mhz v gs =0 13 1500 450 16 2000 650 nf pf pf ste53NA50 2/7
electrical characteristics (continued) switching on symbol parameter test conditions min. typ. max. unit t d(on) t r turn-on time rise time v dd =250v i d =27a r g =4.7 w v gs =10v (see test circuit, figure 1) 57 92 80 130 ns ns q g q gs q gd total gate charge gate-source charge gate-drain charge v dd =400v i d =53a v gs = 10 v 470 54 219 658 nc nc nc switching off symbol parameter test conditions min. typ. max. unit t r(voff) t f t c off-voltage rise time fall time cross-over time v dd =400v i d =53a r g =4.7 w v gs =10v (see test circuit, figure 3) 105 36 145 145 50 205 ns ns ns source drain diode symbol parameter test conditions min. typ. max. unit i sd i sdm ( ? ) source-drain current source-drain current (pulsed) 53 212 a a v sd ( * ) forward on voltage i sd =53a v gs =0 1.6 v t rr q rr i rrm reverse recovery time reverse recovery charge reverse recovery current i sd = 53 a di/dt = 100 a/ m s v r =100v t j =150 o c (see test circuit, figure 3) 1000 31.5 63 ns m c a ( * ) pulsed: pulse duration = 300 m s, duty cycle 1.5 % ( ? ) pulse width limited by safe operating area safe operating area for thermal impedance ste53NA50 3/7
output characteristics transconductance gate charge vs gate-source voltage transfer characteristics static drain-source on resistance capacitance variations ste53NA50 4/7
normalized gate threshold voltage vs temperature source-drain diode forward characteristics fig. 2: gate charge test circuit normalized on resistance vs temperature fig. 1: switching times test circuits for resistive load fig. 3: test circuit for inductive load switching and diode recovery times ste53NA50 5/7
dim. mm inch min. typ. max. min. typ. max. a 11.8 12.2 0.466 0.480 b 8.9 9.1 0.350 0.358 c 1.95 2.05 0.076 0.080 d 0.75 0.85 0.029 0.033 e 12.6 12.8 0.496 0.503 f 25.15 25.5 0.990 1.003 g 31.5 31.7 1.240 1.248 h 4 0.157 j 4.1 4.3 0.161 0.169 k 14.9 15.1 0.586 0.594 l 30.1 30.3 1.185 1.193 m 37.8 38.2 1.488 1.503 n 4 0.157 o 7.8 8.2 0.307 0.322 b e h o n j k l m f a c g d isotop mechanical data ste53NA50 6/7
information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. however, sgs-thomson microelectronics assumes no responsability for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may results from its use. no license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of sgs-thomson microelectronics. specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. this publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. sgs-thomson microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of sgs-thomson microelectonics. ? 1998 sgs-thomson microelectronics - printed in italy - all rights reserved sgs-thomson microelectronics group of companies australia - brazil - canada - china - france - germany - italy - japan - korea - malaysia - malta - morocco - the netherlands - singapore - spain - sweden - switzerland - taiwan - thailand - united kingdom - u.s.a ... ste53NA50 7/7

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