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  _______________general description the max464/max466 evaluation kit (ev kit) simplifies the evaluation of the max464 and max466 quad buffered video switches. both ics combine high-accu- racy amplifiers with high-performance video switches. amplifier gains are set to 1v/v for the max464 and 2v/v for the max466. fast switching times, low differential phase/gain errors, and 75 output drivers make the max464 and max466 ideal for all video applications. ____________________________features ? 100mhz unity-gain bandwidth ? 75 output impedance ? 300v/? slew rate (max466) ? 20ns channel switching time ? logic disable mode: high-z outputs reduced power consumption evaluates: max464/max466 max464/max466 evaluation kit ________________________________________________________________ maxim integrated products 1 call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature. part temp. range board type MAX466EVKIT-so 0? to +70? surface mount qty description u1 1 c1, c2, c3 3 r1-r12 12 75 , 5% resistors sw1 1 in0a-in3a, in0b-in3b, out0-out3 12 bnc jacks none 1 none 1 4-position dip switch 0.33? ceramic capacitors maxim max466cwi designation max464/max466 pc board max463?ax470 data sheet ____________________component list ______________________________ev kit ______________ordering information _________________________quick start the max464/max466 ev kit is fully assembled and tested. follow the steps below to verify board opera- tion. do not turn on the power supply until all con- nections are completed. 1) the circuit requires supply voltages of 5v. connect ?v supplies to the corresponding pads marked +5v and -5v. connect power-supply ground to the pad marked gnd. 2) apply a signal of ?.25v maximum to the bnc jack input marked in0a. 3) connect the output marked out0a to an oscillo- scope through a terminated 75 cable. 4) on dip switch sw1, set le, e n , a0, and c s to the on position (logic 0). 5) turn on the power supply and verify the output signal on the oscilloscope. 6) refer to the amplifier and channel selection sec- tion for additional modes of operation. r13-r16 4 10k , 5% resistors
evaluates: max464/max466 max464/max466 evaluation kit 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ table 1a. amplifier and channel selection with switch le = high (switch = off) c s e n function 0 0 enables amplifier outputs; selects channel a 0 0 enables amplifier outputs; selects channel b table 1b. amplifier and channel selection with switch le = low (switch = on) _______________detailed description the max464/max466 operate on ?v, allowing input and output signals levels of ?.5v. bnc jacks are pro- vided for all input and output signals. channel selection is controlled by a single ttl-compatible input pin, a0. the max464 is configured for unity gain. the max466 is configured for a gain of 2v/v, making it ideal for dri- ving back-terminated coaxial cable. the standard ev kit comes with the max466 installed. to evaluate a max464, contact maxim's sample department to order a max464cwi sample. to modify the board for the max464, simply replace the max466 with the max464. no other changes are necessary. amplifier and channel selection a 4-position dip switch provides easy control of the max464/max466 logic inputs. the a0, c s , e n , and le control lines have 10k pull-up resistors to +5v. the dip switch is oriented so that switch on = logic 0 and switch off = logic 1. tables 1a and 1b are the truth tables for the control inputs. refer to the digital interface section of the max463-max470 data sheet for further details. driving coaxial cable high-speed performance, excellent output current capability, and an internally fixed gain of 2v/v make the max466 ideal for driving 50 or 75 back-terminated coaxial cables. the ev kit is configured with 75 termi- nating resistors on all inputs, and 75 back-terminating resistors on all outputs for 75 coaxial cable matching. using the max466 results in an overall gain of one at the terminated cable? output. with the max464 installed, the overall gain is reduced to one-half the input signal when driving a terminated cable. layout considerations the max464/max466 ev kit layout is optimized for high-speed signals. all signal traces are kept the same length and as short as possible to maintain phase rela- tionship and minimize inductance. separate ac grounds surround each signal trace, to reduce crosstalk. normally, latch enable (le) is hard-wired to either v+ or ground near the device to prevent crosstalk to in0a. capacitor c1 is included on the ev board to shield in0a from the logic input traces, which are located near in0a. for further layout recommenda- tions, see the power-supply bypassing and board layout section of the max463-max470 data sheet. a0 0 1 0 1 disables amplifiers; outputs high-z 1 x latches all input registers; changes nothing x x c s e n function 0 0 enables amplifier outputs; selects channel a 0 0 enables amplifier outputs; selects channel b a0 0 1 0 1 disables amplifiers; outputs high-z; a0 register = channel a 1 1 disables amplifiers; outputs high-z 0 x 0 1 disables amplifiers; outputs high-z; a0 register = channel b 1 1 0 enables amplifier outputs; latches a0 register; programs outputs to channel a or b according to the setting of a0 at c s 's last edge. x
evaluates: max464/max466 max464/max466 evaluation kit _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 max464 max466 a v = * out0 22 in0a 28 +5v r5 75 w r1 75 w 8 in0b r9 75 w a v = * out1 20 in1a 2 r6 75 w r2 75 w in1b 10 r10 75 w a v = * out2 17 in2a 4 r7 75 w r3 75 w in2b 12 r11 75 w a v = * logic control out3 15 25 a0 in3a 6 r8 75 w r4 75 w in3b 14 r12 75 w 10k w r15 +5v r16 r14 r13 dip switch sw1 24 cs 26 en 27 *a v = 1 max464 a v = 2 max466 1 3 le c1 0.33 m f 11 5 13 19 9 7 21 23 -5v 18 16 c3 0.33 m f c2 0.33 m f figure 1. max464/max466 ev kit schematic
evaluates: max464/max466 max464/max466 evaluation kit 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ figure 2. max464/max466 ev kit component placement guide?omponent side
evaluates: max464/max466 max464/max466 evaluation kit _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 figure 3. max464/max466 ev kit component placement guide?older side
evaluates: max464/max466 max464/max466 evaluation kit 6 _______________________________________________________________________________________ figure 4. max464/max466 ev kit pc board layout?omponent side
evaluates: max464/max466 max464/max466 evaluation kit _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 figure 5. max464/max466 ev kit pc board layout?older side
maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a maxim product. no circuit patent licenses are implied. maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. 8 ___________________maxim integrated products, 120 san gabriel drive, sunnyvale, ca 94086 (408) 737-7600 1994 maxim integrated products printed usa is a registered trademark of maxim integrated products. evaluates: max464/max466 max464/max466 evaluation kit name ______________________________________________title ______________________________________________ company _____________________________________________________________________________________________ address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ city _______________________state_____________zip__________________phone# _____________________________ fax numbers: us (408) 737-7194 italy (02) 99041981 japan (03) 3232-6149 uk (0734) 84 38 63 france (1) 30 64 73 48 taiwan (35) 777659 germany (maxim gmbh) (089) 8544239 my application is: __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | my end product is: __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | 1994 evaluation kit data book faxback offer accelerate your time to market with maxim's evalua- tion kits (ev kits) that simplify design-in and prototyp- ing. for your convenience, the 1994 evaluation kit data book includes ev kit manuals and corresponding data sheets covering 95 products in one easy-to-use book. to receive your free data book, simply fax this response card to your nearest maxim office, or call toll-free 1-800-998-8800 (in the us only) for prompt fulfillment. we look forward to serving you. 1994 evaluation kit data book featuring: product data sheets evaluation kit manuals free literature request cards other data books available from maxim: 1994 new releases data book 1994 battery management and dc-dc converter circuit collection 1994 applications & product highlights book 1993 new releases data book, vol. ii 1993 applications & product highlights book 1992 new releases data book, vol. i 1992 applications & product highlights book call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature. ? 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