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  Datasheet File OCR Text: table of contents mic94300/mic94310  power supply output noise attenuators ..........................................................................2 mic2782  dual-input push button reset ic with immediate and delayed outputs ....................................... 3 mic28510  75v/4a superswitcher ii? synchronous buck regulator ....................................................................3 0,&/rz4xlhvfhqw&xuuhqwp$/'2 .............4 0,&  +ljk 3655 /rz 1rlvh p$ ?&ds 8owud/rz'ursrxw/'2 ......................................................4 sm802121   &orfn:runv? *e( 0+]  8owud/rz-lwwhu/93(&/)uhtxhqf\-lwwhu .........................5 60  &orfn:runv? 0+]0+] 8owud/rz -lwwhu/9&026)uhtxhqf\6\qwkhvl]hu .......... ...5 60  &orfn:runv? 'xdo 0+] 8owud/rz-lwwhu&026)uhtxhqf\6\qwkhvl]hu ................6 60  &orfn:runv? *e( 2fwdo 0+] 0+] 8owud/rz -lwwhu /93(&/ )uhtxhqf\ 6\qwkhvl]hu ..........................................................................6 ksz9031rn ? gigabit ethernet transceiver with rgmii 6xssruw 3uholplqdu\ ..........................................................7 4xduwhuo\5hohdvhv ............................................................8 49roxph micrel new product highlights
4 mic94300/mic94310 - power supply output noise attenuators mic94310 typical application ? $wwhqxdwhvulssohyrowdjhlqdq\srzhuvxsso\ghvljq  80db psrr at 1khz  60db psrr at 5mhz ? &ohdqv\vwhpsrzhuwrlqfuhdvhryhudoov\vwhpshuirupdqfh  higher rf transmission strength  increased dynamic signal integrity ? 6dyhvvsdfhdqgfrvw  up to 63% smaller than discrete alternatives applications ? 0hglfdolpdjlqj ? 7deohw3&vqrwherrnfrpsxwhuvdqgzhefdpv ? :hefdpvgljlwdovwloodqgylghrfdphudv ? 9lghrfrqihuhqflqj ? %dufrghvfdqqhuv ? 6pduwskrqhfdphudvdqg5)vwdjhv ? *oredo3rvlwlrqlqj6\vwhpv *36 ? $xwrprwlyhdqglqgxvwuldodssolfdwlrqv ey ene ts the mic94300 integrated load switch and the mic94310 dc/dc regula- wrulqfrusrudwh0lfuho?v5lssoh%orfnhu?dfwlyh?owhuwhfkqrorj \wrsurylgh high-frequency ripple attenuation (switching noise rejection) for applications where switching noise cannot be tolerated by sensitive downstream circuits. the mic94300/mic94310 are rated at up to 200ma and operate from an input voltage of 1.8v to 3.6v. these products also include linear current limiting and thermal shutdown to ensure full protection from damage due to fault conditions. packaged in a 0.88mm x 0.88mm 4-ball csp or 4-pin 1.2mm x 1.6mm thin mlf ? package, these devices have a junction operating temperature range of -40c to +125c. 2
7 mic2782 - dual-input push button reset ic with immediate and delayed outputs mic2782 block diagram the mic2782 is a two input, two output push button reset ic. it will gener- ate a reset pulse for a factory programmed reset timeout period after both manual reset inputs have been held to a logic-low for the factory programmed setup period. the mic2782 also has an andout logic output which will activate if both inputs are held low for longer than a debounce time (1.5ms), and deactivate if one or both inputs are released for longer than a debounce time (1.5ms). the reset and andout outputs are active-low, open-drain nmos outputs. the mic2782 operates over the 1.5v to 5.5v supply voltage range, consuming just 2.2 p a of supply current at 3.3v. the device features 65k : internal pull-up resistors on both of the inputs (/mr1 and /mr2). the device offers factory programmed setup periods of 6s, 8s, 10s, or 12s and reset timeout periods of 0.5s, 1s or 2s. ? 9wr92shudwlqj6xsso\9rowdjh5dqjh ?  p a supply current with /mr1, /mr2 not asserted ? )dfwru\surjudpphgvhwxsshulrgvrivvvruv ? )dfwru\surjudpphguhvhwwlphrxwshulrgvrivvruv ? ,qwhjudwhgn : /mr1 and /mr2 pull-up resistors ? 6xssruwvvlqjohsxvkexwwrquhvhwzlwk05wlhgwr05 ? 5(6(7dvvhuwvdiwhu05dqg05duhdvvhuwhgorzirudvhwx s period ? $1'287 dvvhuwv diwhu 05 dqg 05 duh dvvhuwhg orz iru d debounce time (1.5ms) ? 2shq'udlq5(6(7dqg$1'2872xwsxwv ? expsppslwfkpp[pp:dihu/hyho&kls6fdoh package (wlcsp) applications ? 6pduw3krqhv ? 7deohwv ? h%rrnv ? 3ruwdeoh*dphv ? 3ruwdeoh1dyljdwlrq'hylfhv features mic28510 - 75v/4a hyper speed control? synchronous dc/dc buck regulator super- switcher ii ? the micrel mic28510 is an adjustable-frequency, synchronous buck regula- tor featuring unique adaptive on-time control architecture. the mic28510 operates over an input supply range of 4.5v to 75v and provides a regu- lated output of up to 4a of output current. the output voltage is adjustable down to 0.8v with a guaranteed accuracy of 1%. micrel?s hyper speed control ? architecture allows for ultra-fast transient response while reducing the output capacitance and also makes (high v in )/ (low v out ) operation possible. this adaptive t on ripple control architecture frpelqhvwkhdgydqwdjhvri?[hgiuhtxhqf\rshudwlrqdqgidvwwu dqvlhqw response in a single device. the mic28510 offers a full suite of protection features to ensure protec- tion of the ic during fault conditions. these include undervoltage lockout to ensure proper operation under power-sag conditions, internal soft-start to reduce inrush current, foldback current limit, ?hiccup? mode short-circuit protection and thermal shutdown. ? +\shu6shhg&rqwuro?dufklwhfwxuhhqdeohv  high delta v operation (v in = 75v and v out = 0.8v)  small output capacitance ? 9wr9yrowdjhlqsxw ? $rxwsxwfxuuhqwfdsdelolw\xswrhi?flhqf\ ? $gmxvwdeohrxwsxwgrzqwr9 ? ?)%dffxudf\ ? $q\&dsdflwru?6wdeoh  zero-esr to high-esr output capacitors ? n+]wrn+]vzlwfklqjiuhtxhqf\ ? ,qwhuqdofrpshqvdwlrq ? )rogedfnfxuuhqwolplwdqg3klffxsprghvkruwflufxlwsurwhf wlrq ? 7khupdovkxwgrzq ? 6xssruwvvdihvwduwxslqwrdsuheldvhgordg ?  q c to +125 q c junction temperature range ? slqpp u 6mm mlf ? package features applications ? 'lvwulexwhg3rzhu6\vwhpv ? &rppxqlfdwlrqv1hwzrunlqj,qiudvwuxfwxuh ? ,qgxvwuldo3rzhu ? 6rodu(qhuj\ mic28510 typical application 3
8 mic5234 - low-quiescent current 150ma ldo regulator 7kh0,&lvdorztxlhvfhqwfxuuhqw&dsorzgursrxwuhjxod wru:lwk dpd[lpxprshudwlqjlqsxwyrowdjhri9dqgtxlhvfhqwfxuuhqw ri$ it is ideal for supplying keep-alive power in systems with high-voltage bat- teries. capable of 150ma output, the mic5234 has a dropout voltage of only 320mv. it can also survive an input transient of -20v to +32v. the mic5234 uhtxluhvrqo\d)rxwsxwfdsdflwruiruvwdeohrshudwlrq the mic5234 includes a logic compatible enable input. other features of the mic5234 include thermal shutdown, current limit, overvoltage shut- down, load dump protection, reverse-leakage and reverse battery protec- tion. the mic5234 is available in an 8-pin epad soic package with a junction operating range from -40 q c to +125 q c. ? 8owud  orztxlhvfhqwfxuuhqw ,4 $#,2 $ ? :lghlqsxwyrowdjhudqjh9wr9 ? /rzgursrxw  p9#p$  p9#p$ ? $gmxvwdeohrxwsxwyrowdjh ? 7\slfdo?lqlwldorxwsxwdffxudf\ ? /rjlffrpsdwleohhqdeohlqsxw ? 2yhufxuuhqwsurwhfwlrq ? 7khupdovkxwgrzqsurwhfwlrq ? 5hyhuvhohdndjhdqguhyhuvhedwwhu\surwhfwlrq ? 7khupdoo\hqkdqfhgslqh3dg62,&sdfndjh features mic5234 typical application applications ? &hooxodu3krqhv ? 1rwherrndqg7deohw&rpsxwhuv ? )lehu2swlf0rgxohv ? 3ruwdeoh(ohfwurqlfv ? ,qvwuxphqwdwlrq6\vwhpv ? $xglr&2'(&3rzhu6xssolhv mic5323 - high psrr low noise 300ma cap ultra-low dropout ldo regulator the mic5323 is a high-performance, 300ma ldo regulator, offering extremely high psrr and very low noise while consuming low ground current. ideal for battery operated applications, the mic5323 features 2% dffxudf\h[wuhpho\orzgursrxwyrowdjh p9#p$ dqgor z ground current at light load (typically 90 a). when disabled, the mic5323 typically consumes less than 1 a. the mic5323 is a cap design that can operate with small ceramic output capacitors for stability, thereby reducing required board space and component cost. 7kh0,&lvdydlodeohlq?[hgrxwsxwyrowdjhvdqgdgmxvwdeoh rxwsxw voltages in the super compact 6-pin 2mm 2mm thin mlf ? and thin sot-23-5 packages. mic5323 typical application features ? 8owud - orzgursrxwyrowdjhrip9#p$ ? ,qsxwyrowdjhudqjhwr9 ? 6wdeohzlwkfhudplfrxwsxwfdsdflwru ? p$jxdudqwhhgrxwsxwfxuuhqw ? /rzrxwsxwqrlvh?9upv ? +ljk3655xswrg%#n+] ? /hvvwkdq?vwxuqrqwlphzlwk&%<3 ?) ? +ljkrxwsxwdffxudf\?ryhuwhpshudwxuh ? 7khupdovkxwgrzqsurwhfwlrq ? &xuuhqwolplwsurwhfwlrq ? slqpp?pp7klq0/) ? package ? 7klq627sdfndjh applications ? 3.hhsdolyhvxsso\lqqrwherrndqgsruwdeohshuvrqdofrpsxwh uv ? /rjlf6xsso\iurpkljkyrowdjhedwwhulhv ? $xwrprwlyh(ohfwurqlfv ? %dwwhu\3rzhuhg6\vwhpv 4
9 sm802121 - clockworks? 10gbe (156.25mhz), ultra-low jitter, lvpecl frequency jitter sm802121 block diagram the sm802121 is a member of the clockworks ? family of devices from micrel and provides an extremely low noise timing solution for 10gbe ethernet clock signals. it is based upon a unique patented rotarywave ? architecture that provides very  low phase noise. the device operates from a 2.5v or 3.3v power supply and synthesizes a single lvpecl output clock at 156.25mhz. the sm802121 accepts a 25mhz crystal or lvcmos reference clock. ? *hqhudwhvrqh/93(&/forfnrxwsxwvdw0+] ? 9ru9rshudwlqjudqjh ? 7\slfdoskdvhmlwwhu#0+]  (1.875mhz to 20mhz): 110fs ? ,qgxvwuldowhpshudwxuhudqjh  q c to +85 q c) ? slqpp u 4mm qfn package applications ? *ljdelw(wkhuqhw ? (qwhusulvhvzlwfkhvdqgvhuyhuv features sm802123 - clockworks? 125mhz/25mhz ultra-low jitter, lvcmos frequency synthesizer sm802123 block diagram the sm802123 is a member of the clockworks ? family of devices from micrel and provides an extremely low  noise timing solution. it is based upon a unique patented rotarywave ? architecture that provides very  low phase noise. the device operates from a 2.5v or 3.3v power supply and synthesizes 16 lvcmos output clocks, eight at 125mhz and eight at 25mhz. the sm802123 accepts a 25mhz lvcmos reference input. ? *hqhudwhvhljkw/9&026rxwsxwforfnvdw0+]dqg eight lvcmos output clocks at 25mhz ? 9ru9rshudwlqjudqjh ? 7\slfdoskdvhmlwwhu#0+]  (1.875mhz to 20mhz): 115fs ? ,qgxvwuldowhpshudwxuhudqjh  q c to +85 q c) ? slqpp u 7mm qfn package applications ? *ljdelw(wkhuqhw *e( features 5
6 sm802128 - clockworks ? 10gbe octal 156.25mhz/312.5mhz, ultra-low jitter, lvpecl frequency synthesizer sm802128 block diagram the sm802128 is a member of the clockworks ? family of devices from micrel and provides an extremely low-noise timing solution for 10gbe ethernet clock signals. it is based upon a unique patented rotarywave ? architecture that provides very low phase noise. the device operates from a 3.3v or 2.5v power supply and synthesizes eight lvpecl output clocks at 156.25mhz or 312.5mhz. the sm802128 accepts a 25 mhz crystal or lvcmos reference clock. ? *hqhudwhvhljkw/93(&/forfnvdw0+]ru0+] ? 9ru9rshudwlqjudqjh ? 7\slfdoskdvhmlwwhu#0+]  1.875mhz to 20mhz : 110fs (with crystal reference) ? ,qgxvwuldowhpshudwxuhudqjh  q c to +85 q c) ? *uhhq5r+6dqg3)26frpsoldqw ? slqpp u 7mm qfn package applications ? *ljdelw(wkhuqhw;$8, ? 'dwd&hqwhu(qwhusulvhvzlwfkhvdqgurxwhuv features sm802124 - clockworks? dual 125mhz ultra-low jitter, cmos frequency synthesizer sm802124 block diagram the sm802124 is a member of the clockworks ? family of devices from micrel and provides an extremely low-noise timing solution for ethernet clock signals. it is based upon a unique patented rotarywave ? architecture that provides very  low phase noise. the device operates from a 3.3v or 2.5v power supply and synthesizes two cmos output clocks at 125mhz from a 15mhz lvcmos reference clock. ? *hqhudwhvwzr/9&026forfnrxwsxwvdw0+] ? 9ru9rshudwlqjudqjh ? 7\slfdoupvskdvhmlwwhu#0+]  1.875mhz to 20mhz : 85fs (input source dependent) ? ,qgxvwuldowhpshudwxuhudqjh  q c to +85 q c) ? *uhhq5r+6dqg3)26frpsoldqw ? slqpp u 4mm qfn package applications ? *ljdelw(wkhuqhw ? (qwhusulvhvzlwfkhvdqgvhuyhuv features 6
ksz9031rn - gigabit ethernet transceiver with rgmii support (preliminary) the ksz9031rn is a completely  integrated, triple  speed (10base- t/100base-tx/1000base-t) ethernet physical layer transceiver for transmission and reception of data over standard cat-5 unshielded twisted pair (utp) cable. the ksz9031rn provides the reduced gigabit media independent interface (rgmii) for direct connection to rgmii macs in gigabit ethernet processors and switches for data transfer at 10/100/1000 mbps speed. 7kh.6=51uhgxfhverdugfrvwdqgvlpsol?hverdugod\rxwe\ xvlqj on-chip termination resistors for the four differential pairs and by integrating a ldo controller to drive a low cost mosfet to supply the 1.2v core. the ksz9031rn provides diagnostic features to facilitate system bring  up and debugging in production testing and in product deployment. parametric nand tree support enables fault detection between ksz9031 i/os and erdug5hprwhdqgorfdoorrsedfnixqfwlrqvsurylghyhul?fdwlrq ridqdorj and digital data paths. the ksz9031rn is available in a 48-pin, lead-free qfn package. applications ? /dvhu1hwzrun3ulqwhuv ? 1hwzrun$wwdfkhg6wrudjh 1$6 ? 1hwzrun6huyhuv ? *ljdelw/$1rq0rwkhuerdugv */20 ? %urdgedqg*dwhzd\ ? *ljdelw62+260%5rxwhuv ? ,379 ? ,36hw7rs%r[hv ? *dph&rqvrohv ? 7ulsoh3od\ gdwdyrlfhylghr 0hgld&hqwhuv ? 0hgld&rqyhuwhuv features ?6lqjoh  chip 10/100/1000 mbps ieee 802.3 compliant ethernet transceiver ? 5*0,,lqwhuidfhfrpsoldqwwr5*0,,9huvlrq ? 5*0,,,2vzlwk99wrohudqwdqgsurjudppdeohwlplqjvw r adjust and correct delays on tx and rx paths ?$xwr1hjrwldwlrqwrdxwrpdwlfdoo\vhohfwwkhkljkhvw olqnxsvshhg (10/100/1000 mbps) and duplex (half/full) ?2qfklswhuplqdwlrquhvlvwruviruwkhgliihuhqwldos dluv ?2qfkls/'2frqwuroohuwrvxssruwvlqjoh9vxsso\ rshudwlrq requires only external fet to generate 1.2v for the core ?-xperiudphvxssruwxswr.% ?0+]5hihuhqfh&orfn2xwsxw ?3urjudppdeoh/('rxwsxwviruolqndfwlylw\dqgvsh hg ?%dvholqh:dqghu&ruuhfwlrq ?(qhuj\'hwhfw3rzhu'rzq0rghiruuhgxfhgsrzhu consumption when cable not attached ?3dudphwulf1$1'7uhhvxssruwiruidxowghwhfwlrqeh wzhhqfkls i/os and board ?/rrsedfnprghvirugldjqrvwlfv ?(qhuj\(i?flhqw(wkhuqhw ((( vxssruw ?:dnh2q/$1 :2/ vxssruwzlwkurexvwfxvwrpsdfnhw  detection ?$xwrpdwlf0',0',;furvvryhuirughwhfwlrqdqgfru uhfwlrqri pair swap at all speeds of operation ?$xwrpdwlfghwhfwlrqdqgfruuhfwlrqrisdluvzdssd luvnhzdqg pair polarity ksz9031rn block diagram ? 0'&0',20dqdjhphqw,qwhuidfhiru3+<uhjlvwhufrq?jxudwlrq ? ,qwhuuxswslqrswlrq ? 3rzhugrzqdqgsrzhuvdylqjprghv ? 2shudwlqj9rowdjhv  core: 1.2v (external fet or regulator)  i/o: 1.8v, 2.5v, or 3.3v  transceiver: 3.3v ? slq4)1pp[ppsdfndjh 7
2 m0108-012412 ? 2012 micrel, inc. all rights reserved. micrel, innovation through technology, hyperlight load and linkmd are registered tra demarks of micrel, inc. ramp control, dynamic average matching, superswitcher ii, superswitcher iig, hyper speed control, ripple blocker, any capacitor and clockworks are trademarks of micrel, inc. rotarywave is a registered trademark of multigig, inc. mlf and microleadframe are registered t rademarks of amkor technology, inc. contact micrel, inc. corporate hq 2180 fortune drive san jose, ca 95131 usa +1 408 944 0800 +1 408 474 1000 western usa 2180 fortune drive san jose, ca 95131 usa +1 408 944 0800 +1 408 474 1000 central usa 2425 n. central express way, suite 351 richardson, tx 57080 usa +1 972 393 2533 +1 972 393 2370 eastern usa 93 branch street medford, nj 08055 usa +1 609 654 0078 +1 609 654 0989 latin america 2425 n. central express way, suite 351 richardson, tx 57080 usa +1 972 393 2533 +1 972 393 2370 hong kong unit 311, 3f, core bldg. 1, #1 science park east ave., hong kong science park shatin, n.t., hong kong +852 2886 8839 +852 2886 8851 china no. 2001 & 2002, 20f, excellence times plaza, 4068 yitian rd., futian dist. shenzhen, p.r. china 518048 +86 755 8302 761 8 +86 755 8302 7637 japan queens tower 14f, 2-3-1, minato mirai, nishi-ku, yokohama-shi kanagawa 220-6014, japan +81 45 224 6616 +81 45 224 6716 korea 2f, the korean academy of science and technology bldg., 7-1 gumi-dong, bundang-gu, seongnam-si gyeonggi-do, 463-808, korea +82 2 538 2380 +82 2 538 2381 singapore/india 7500a beach road, #07-324 the plaza singapore 199591 +65 6291 1318 +65 6291 1332 taiwan 4f, no. 43 lane 188, rueiguang road, nei-hu district taipei 11491 taiwan, r.o.c +886 2 8751 0600 +886 2 8751 0746 uk/emea 1st floor, 3 lockside place, mill lane, newbury, berks united kingdom rg 14 5qs +44 1635 524455 +44 1635 524466 france/southern europe les laurentides - batiment ontario, 3 avenue du quebec 91140 villebon sur yvette, france +33 0 1 6092 4190 +33 0 1 6092 4189 location address telephone fax tel: 1.408.944.0800 fax: 1.408.955.1666 hbw products - quarterly releases analog products - quarterly releases part number description evaluation board production package(s) comments high performance active filters mic94300 ripple blocker noise attenuating switch yes yes 4-bump csp, 4-pin thin mlf ? datasheet online mic94310 ripple blocker noise attenuating regulator yes yes 4-bump csp, 4-pin thin mlf ? datasheet online switch-mode regulators mic28510 75v / 4a superswitcher ii ? buck regulator yes yes 28-pin mlf ? datasheet online ldos mic5234 low quiescent current 150 ma ldo mar-12 yes 8-pin epad soic datasheet online mic5323 high psrr 300ma p cap ldo mar-12 yes sot-23-5, 6-pin thin mlf ? datasheet online high performance analog ics mic2782 dual input push button reset ic mar-12 yes 6-bump csp datasheet online part number description evaluation board production package(s) comments clockworks tm sm802121 clockworks? 10gbe (156.25mhz), ultra-low jitter, lvpecl frequency jitter yes 24-pin qfn datasheet online sm802123 &orfn:runv?0+]0+]8owud/rz-lwwhu/9&026)uhtxhqf\6\q wkhvl]hu yes 44-pin qfn datasheet online sm802124 &orfn:runv?'xdo0+]8owud/rz-lwwhu&026)uhtxhqf\6\qwkh vl]hu yes 24-pin qfn datasheet online sm802128 &orfn:runv?*e(2fwdo0+]0+]8owud/rz-lwwhu &026 frequency synthesizer yes 24-pin qfn datasheet online ethernet products - quarterly releases part number description production evaluation board package(s) comments physical layer transceivers ksz9031rn gigabit ethernet transceiver with rgmii support (preliminary) preliminary 48-pin qfn datasheet online 8

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