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application note r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 1 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder i ntroduction this document presents RX62T position control with a permanent magnet synchronous motor, which has been implemented on RX62T evaluation kit with hall sensors and enc oder. the document describes hardware platform, methodology of position control, control block diagram, software structure, and flow chart of the po sition measurement and control. the solution in application note has been implemented with RX62T evaluation kit and a 3 - phase 8 - pole 24v pmsm with a 1000 line single ? ended encoder. target device RX62T contents tu 1. ut tu overview ut ........................................................................................................................................... 2 tu 2. ut tu system hardware setup and structure ut ............................................................................................ 3 tu 3. ut tu specification and performance data ut ................................................................................................ 4 tu 4. ut tu RX62T encoder capture function ut .................................................................................................... 5 tu 5. ut tu encoder based position and speed calculation ut .............................................................................. 8 tu 6. ut tu position control strategy ut ................................................................................................................ 11 tu 7. ut tu software description ut ....................................................................................................................... 15 tu 8. ut tu motor and position control parameters ut .......................................................................................... 19 tu appendix a - references ut ........................................................................................................................ 21 r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 jan. 31, 2014
RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 2 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 1. overview position control plays an important role in various areas such as automation industry, semiconductor industry, etc. permanent magnet synchronous motors (pmsm) are ideal for adva nced position control systems for their potentials of high efficiency, high torque to current ratio, and low inertia, have been widely used in the industrial fields. various approaches have been made to realize h igh performance motion control. with success ively improving reliability and performance of digital controllers, a dvances in microprocessors (mcu) have greatly enhanced the potential of pmsm in servo position control applications. digital control can be implemented by mcu s , which m ake it superior to analog based stepper control, since the controller is much more compact, reliable, and flexible. high performance of pmsm can be obtained by means of field oriented control, which is only realizable in a digital based system. RX62T is a 32 - bit high - perform ance microcontroller with a maximum operating frequency of 100mhz and 165 dmips and single precision floating - point unit (fpu), which is equipped with multifunction timers ( h mtu h , h gpt h ), high - speed h 12- bit a/d converter h and encoder signal capture for facilitating servo motion control. in this application note, a RX62T floating point unit (fpu) based position motion control system is proposed. position regulation is developed to provide both a trajectory generator and a pid controller, which ensures accurate position control and fast tracking. the trajectory generator provides position set - point commands. the position pid controller operates on the position error and outputs a current command. the current regulation with field oriented control is implemented to secure fast dynamic response. software developed is applicable to f ollowing devices an d platforms. ? mcu: RX62T and rx62n ? motor: three - phase permanent magnetic synchronous motors (pmsm) ? platform: renesas RX62T demo kit ? control algorithm: encoder based position control RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 3 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 2. system hardware setup and structure RX62T fpu based position control is im plemented with renesas RX62T evaluation kit and a three - phase pmsm with a 1000 line single - ended encoder as shown in figure 1 . RX62T evaluation kit is a single board inverter, based on the r x series microcontroller RX62T. ? a complete 3 - phase inverter on - board with a low voltage motor ? 24vexternal power supply to provide dc bus voltage, 15v and 5v power supply ? power devices use renesas low voltage mosfets ? power rate up to 1 2 0watts ? support 3 shunt and single shunt current measurement ? easily jumper change from the external amplifiers to the internal pga ? usb communication with the pc via a h8s2212 mcu ? user gui to modify motor and control parameters, tune both speed and position control ? connectors for hall sensors and encoder connections ? lcd display to monitor the operation status ? support the standalone mode set by potentiometer and push buttons ? support the second motor drive, signals and connector for another m otor control power stage are available the motor is a 24v 4 pair poles 3 - phase permanent magnetic synchronous motor with ? 3 hall sensors ? 1000 line qua drature encoder figure 1 system hardware setup (motor and control platform) RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 4 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 3. specification and performance data the implementation of posit ion control is based on renesas evaluation kit and RX62T mcu, the main specification data are described as following: ? input voltage: 24vdc ? rated bus voltage: 24v ? output voltage: 24vac ? rated output power: 120w ? pwm switch frequency: 20khz ? control loop frequency: 10khz ? current measurement: 3 shunt resistors ? position measurement: 1000 line quadrature encoder ? implementation: fpu ? cpu bandwidth: 17 % ? used flash memory: 13.444 kbytes ? used ram: 1.725k bytes ? used s tack : 336 bytes RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 5 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 4. RX62T encoder capture function the RX62T is a 32 - bit high - performance microcontroller with a maximum operating frequency of 100mhz and 165 dmips and single precision floating - point unit (fpu), which is equipped with multifuncti on timers ( h mtu h , h gpt h ), high - speed h 12- bit a/d converter h , and 10 - bit a/d converter for facilitating motor control. figure 2 shows the block diagram of a senorless vector control of pmsm based on the renesas RX62T microcontroller. RX62T has a dedicate function for the encoder measurement as depicted in figure 2 . mtu3 timer external clock input tclka, tclkb, tclkc, and tclkd can be used for two - phase encoder pulse inputs. when the mtu3 timer of c hannels 1 and 2 a re specified by the phase counting mode, an external encoder clock is selected as the counter input clock and tcnt operates as an up/down - counter. the phase difference between two external input clocks is detected and tcnt is incremented or decremented acc ordingly. the rotor position and speed can be measured by reading the tcnt counts. the following summarizes the mtu3 function for the encoder pulse counting functionality: ? mtu c hannel 1 & 2 support 2 - phase pulse counting mode which is called ?phase countin g mode? ? this function covers 4 modes ? at these modes, the counter works as up/down counter. and it is possible to detect the direction of counter with the flag. ? up/down count by detecting phase difference between phase a and b of encoder on mode1 and mode 4 o mode 1: every rising edge & falling edge of both of encoder pulse o mode 4: every rising edge & falling edge of phase b encoder pluses ? up/down count by two pulse lines which indicate the direct ion, speed and position. o mode 2: one pulse line and one direction o mode 3: two pulse lines for each direction ? mtu can detect automatically speed and position data as the pulse width & the pulse. the data of speed and position can be captured every periodic cycle. in this application, the encoder pulse a and b ar e input to the tclka and tclkb. the z pulse is to irq0. for the second motor, the encoder pulse a and b are input to the tclkc and tclkd. the z pulse is to irq3. the host communication using the graphic user interface (gui) is communicated with the RX62T m cu by the usb communication. it can display the motor operation status in the real time, tune the motor and control parameters, and drive the motor for both spee d control and position control. figure 2 RX62T encoder capture functionality RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 6 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 table 1 lists the timer register function for c hannel 0 to 2 for the encoder capture. the timer mtu enable to automatically dete ct both the pulse width and the number of pulse of encoder every speed control loop period. it is not necessary of external wiring for any trigger signals. the encoder signals are directly input to timer external clock; tclka and tclkb as clock source of c hannel, and also, input command pulse to timer external clock; tclkc and tclkd as clock source of channel 2. ? channel 1 counter is counted by every falling edge and rising edge of encoder pulse. ? channel 0 is used for i nterval time to generate input capture trigger of c hannel 1 and c hannel 2, and interrupt of speed contro l loop. ? channel 2 measures pulse command input. ? channel 0 compare match (speed control loop period) can be selected as input capture trigger for c hannel 1 internally. ? channel 1 and channel 2 external timer clock (encoder pulse or command pulse) can be selected as input capture trigger for channel 0 internally. table 1 mtu timer registers function figure 3 shows how the mtu captures the encoder signa ls in phase counting mode. the c hannel 1 is coupled with c hannel 0 to input 2 - phase encoder pulses of a servo motor in order to detect position or speed. channel 1 is set to phase counting mode 1, and the encoder pulse a - phase and b - phase are input to mtclka and mtclkb. in c hannel 0, mtu3_0.tgrc compare match is specified as the tcnt clearing source and mtu3_0.tgra and mtu3_0.tgrc are used for the co mpare match function and are set with the speed control cycle and position control cycle. mtu3_0.tgrb is used for input capture, with mtu3_0.tgrb and mtu3_0.tgrd operating in buffer mode. the c hannel 1 counter input clock is designated as the mtu3_0.tgrb i nput capture source, and the widths of 2 - phase encoder 4 - multiplication pulses are detected. m tu3_1.tgra and mtu3_1.tgrb for c hannel 1 are designated for the input capture function and mtu3_0.tgra and mtu3_0.tgrc compar e matches in c hannel 0 are selected a s the input capture sources to store the up/down - counter values for the control cycles. therefore, the RX62T mtu itself can realize precise detection of the pulse width and the number of pulse s , which are needed to estimate motor speed and position. it doesn?t need the load of the cpu hardly to detect those. also the mtu is able to receive the pulse command as well. RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 7 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 figure 3 encoder pulse capture in phase counting mode RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 8 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 5. encoder based position and s peed calculation 5.1 position and speed measurement a digital encoder outputs three pulse trains: a, b and z, as shown in figure 4 . these pulses are fed into a timer unit tclka and tclkb that counts events. pulses a and b are offset by 1/4th of the distance to give a 90 - degree offset, so they are known as quadrature counts. pulse z occurs only once per rotation. it is fed into the interrupt input (irq0) an d zeroes out (resets) the counter mtu2_tcnt. when the pulse z occurs, the rotor angle with respect to the stator frame produces a definite value, preferably zero. if this value is not zero, it is a constant offset that can be measured. quadratu re counters are designed to count these pulses up or down, depending on whether a comes before or after b. that is, the relationship between a and b indica tes the direction of rotation. figure 4 relationship amo ng the digital encoder pulses a, b and z the encoder has been aligned and calibrated with hall sensor u with zero initial position. the angle is zero count when the z pulse occurs through the external interrupt irq0. from this point onwards it is given a c ertain count value as the quadrature counter is read. as shown in figure 5 , the phase counting mode 1 is used to up/down count by detecting phase diff erence between a and b phase. these counts are transformed into a proper angle value for the rotor position . figure 5 encoder counting mode operation motor speed determines how much the angle of the rotor changes over time. as shown in figure 6 , pulses a and b from the encoder are used at the control loop rate. two angles are measured at constant time intervals, thus giving the measurements needed to compute speed: delta angle and delta time. speed is compu ted by dividing the delta angle ? by the delta time . the motor positi on is the number of the encoder pulse as n(m) - n(m). ? = n(m+1) ? n(m) and the motor speed is r = (n(m+1) - n(m)) /tsp RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 9 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 figure 6 speed calculation using encoder pulses a and b at control loop rate 5.2 initial position identification incremental encoders can only give displacements from the initial position and can?t provide absolute position. for pmsm and position control, the initial position is required. although al ignment has been calibrated, the initial starting position befor e the z pulse is still unknown. by means of hall sensors the rotor initial position can be identified, and further corrected when the rotor starts rotating. assuming the hall sensors are locat ed at each phase, as shown in figure 7 . the output signals of the hall sensors are illustrated in figure 8 . it can be seen that the resolution of the hall sensor signals are 60 (electrical degree). table 1 shows the possible combinations corresponding to different positions. figure 7 hall sensors for initial rotor position from figure 8 and table 2 , given a specific hall sensor output combination, the rotor must reside in certain section with a range of 60. the initial position is determined as follows. when a group of output signals are obtained, for example, (101), we can decide which section the rotor is in (section 1 in this example). we can set the initial position at the center of the section (30 in this example). it can be seen that the maximum error of the initial position is 30 , which occurs when the rotor is at the edge of two regions. however, even with 30 error, the motor is still able to produce sufficient torque to start the motor. once the motor starts rotating, the position can be readily corrected when the rotor moves out of the initial region and enters the next section. this position is accurate. in the previous example, when the motor starts rotating in the positive direction from section 1, the rotor position can be corrected when the position is 60 . RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 10 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 table 2 relations hip between hall sensors and rotor position section hu hv hw rotor position 1 1 0 1 0~60 2 1 0 0 60~120 3 1 1 0 120~180 4 0 1 0 180~240 5 0 1 1 240~300 6 0 0 1 300~360 figure 8 hall sensor output signals RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 11 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 6. position control strategy 6.1 block diagram of position control figure 9 is block diagram of position control. the position control developed includes two loops. the outer loop is position control to make the motor tracking and holding the given position. the inner loop is current control. actually it is the torque control loop . the motor currents are sampled through three shunt resistors and converted into the dq axis currents. the control loop here is to control the q axis current for the torque. figure 9 block diagram of position control the position control scheme of the pmsm is illustrated in figure 10 . the system has an inner loop of current regulation using vector control, and an o uter loop of position regulation. this dual - loop structure ensures the fast torque response by using the vector control, high position accuracy and fast tracking performance with the position controller. in order to determine the d and q axis currents, the phase currents must be measured. vector formulation uses clarke and park transforms to convert the measured phase currents from the (u, v, w) frame to first transform them in the static orthogonal ( a,? ) frame (which is 90 degrees apart), and then, to the rotor frame which is also an orthogonal frame aligned along the magnetic field axes known as the (d,q) frame. these transformations use the transcendental functions sine and cosine of the rotor angle; thus, it is a requirement that the rotor angle is know n at the time the calculation is made. the position control requires current sensors, plus an encoder attached to the rotor shaft to measure the rotor position . once the currents are transformed in the (d,q) frame, the control algorithm simply runs the pid or pi loop to calculate the required voltages for the torque and flux. these required voltages (vdc, vqc) are then transformed back in the (u, v, w) frame using the inverse clarke and inverse park transforms to furthe r calculate the pwm duty cycle. th e position command is an input to the position control system. the motor has an encoder mounted on its rotor to give the quadrature pulses a and b, as well as the zero synch pulse z. all three of the rotor position signals are sent to the mcu?s input - captu re and timer/quadrature counter peripheral for making position and speed measurements. the commanded position compares with the actual rotor position. the position regulator uses the traditional pid controller, and outputs the torque control command of iq* to make the motor moving and t racking the commanded position. RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 12 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 voltage source 3 - phase inverter 3 - phase induction motor * r position pid regulator r ? * q i * d i r id pi regulator iq pi regulator d , q to , ) ( 1 ? t space vector pwm a , b , c to , position and speed measurement to d , q , ) ( t pwm 1 ~ 6 q i d i * q u * d u * u * u a i b i d i q i i i v dc encoder / hall sensor figure 10 position control scheme diagram 6.2 position control loop design the basic components of a typical servo position control system a re depicted in figure 11 . in this figure, the servo position control closes a current loop as described in next section and is modeled simply as a lin ear transfer function gireg(s). of course the servo drive has peak current limits, so this linear model is not entirely accurate; however it does provide a reasonable representation for analysis. for the purposes of this discussion the transfer function of the current regulator or really the torque regulator can be approximated as unity for the relatively lower motion frequencies. figure 11 position pid controller topology the pmsm is modeled as a lump inertia j, a viscous damping term b, and a torque constant kt. the lump inertia term is comprised of both the servomotor and load inertia. it is also assumed that the load is rigidly coupled such that the torsional rigidity moves the natural mechanica l resonance point well out beyond the position controller?s bandwidth. this assumption allows us to model the total system inertia as the sum of the motor and load inertia for the frequencies that can be controlled. RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 13 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 an encoder coupled directly to the motor shaft measures the actual motor position (s). external shaft torque disturbances td are added to the torque generated by the motor's current to give the torque available to accelerate the total inertia j. around the current regulator, motor block is the servo position controller that closes the position loop. the basic servo position controller provides both a trajectory generator and a pid controller. the trajectory generator provides only position set - point commands labeled in figure 9 as *(s). the pid controller operates on the position error and outputs a current command. there are three gains to adjust in the pid controller, kp, ki and kd. these gains all act on the position error defined as: ) ( ) ( * s s t t t ' note the superscript ?*? refers to a commanded value. the output of the pid is given mathematically in the time domain as: ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( * t dt d k dt t k t k t iq d i p t t t ' ' ' 3 loosely speaking, the proportional term affects the overall response of the system to a position error. the integral term is needed to force the steady state position error to zero for a constant position command and the derivative term is needed to provide a damping action, as the response bec omes oscillatory. unfortunately all three parameters are inter - related so that by adjusting one parameter will affect any of a previous parameter adjustment. tuning the pid controller can be done if the motor and load parameters are known and the desired f requency response are known. they are adjusted using the following parameters in the header file of ?customize.h?. 6.3 current control loop the current loop is a standard pi type based on the standard park - clarke stationary reference frame to rotary reference transformations. the initial rotor position is determined by use of the hall sensors. once a hall transition occurs, the rotor position is then determined by reading the incremental encoder. the basic block diagram for the current vector control is shown i n figure 12 . figure 12 block diagram of current vector control neglecting motor saliency, the commanded q axis current, iq* is linearly related to the commanded torque. the ?d? axis current command, id* is set to zero as field weakening is not required. the transformation takes two steps. first, the stationary current s are transformed to an arbitrary stationary pair of orthogonal axes , and second, the axes are then rotated to the rotor axes for control purposes. RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 14 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 t he typical current pi controller is depicted in figure 13 . kp and ki are the proportional gain and integration gain, respectively, which can be adjusted by the software. the hardware gain kb takes into account the bus voltage. figure 13 current pi controller topology the transfer function of the block diagram is: ? ? ? ? ? ? + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? + + ? ? ? ? ? ? + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? = l k k s l r k k s l k k s l k k s i s i b i b p b i b p 2 * ) ( ) ( it has a characteristic equation in the form of: 0 2 2 0 0 2 = + + s s therefore: b p k r l k ? = 0 2 b i k l k 2 0 = the system exhibits the standard second order response with the addition of a real zero. to tune the system, the high frequency of 500hz needs to be first set for kp, and then slowly increase the integral term ki to bring our steady s tate error to zero. RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 15 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 7. software description 7.1 overall software structure position control algorithm is implemented with the complete c code using renesas? RX62T mcu floating point unit. the overall software s tructure is shown in figure 14 . main program phase currents and bus voltage measurements mtu 3 timer pwm interrupt ( 16 khz ) id current controller sin or space vector pwm generation trajectory generation position regulator pwm duty calculation initialize mcu and parameters current transformation hall sensor and encoder measurement iq current controller figure 14 position software architecture the procedures include: ? initializations of RX62T mc u, motor and control parameters ? current offsets calculation ? bus voltage and phase currents measurements ? hall sensor and encoder reading ? initial position identification ? rotor position calculation ? vector control transformation ? motion profile - traj ectory generation ? position regulator ? current controllers ? pwm duty calculation ? space vector pwm generation 7.2 software e2studio workspace shown in figure 15 is the workspace for position control using renesas? e2studio ide . ? all codes are written in the floating point c language; ? the software is modularized according to the position control block diagram (as shown in figure 10 ); ? i/o definitions and basic mcu drivers are automatically porte d by e2studio from hew ; ? motor and control parameters are easily tuned through a header file of ?customize.h? and gui user interface . the codes include dbsct.c; hwsetup.c, intprg.c; main.c; mcrplibf.c; motorcontrol.c; resetprg.c; userif.c and vectbl.c. ? dbsct.c includes structures used by the runtime library bot h to clear un - initialized global variables and to write initial values into initia lized global variable sections. ? hwsetup.c is hardware initializations. ? vecttbl.c contains the array of addresses of isrs. RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 16 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 ? resetpr.c has functions called just after reset. ? intprg.c is entry points for all of standard isrs vectors. ? main.c including: initialization of control parameters, mtu3 timer, interrupts, serial communicatio n, encoder capture definitions; and uploading eeprom parameters. the current sensor offsets are calculated before the output of pwms. the while loop executes parameter update and sci communication with graphic user interface. ? the motorcontrol.c is a major code for position control, which contains most of functions and function calls to i mplement pos ition control. ? mcrplibf.c mainly includes vector control transformations ? clarke, park, and inverse clarke and park transformations, and sine and space vector pwm generation. figure 15 encoder counting mode operation p osition c ontrol software workspace 7.3 hall and encoder based position and speed measurement figure 16 is a flowchart of position measurement. the procedures for th e position measurement based on hall sensors and encoder are: ? initialize hall sensor and encoder capture timer registers and i/o ports; ? identify the rotor initial position using hall sensor; ? move the motor to capture the position using encoder pulses; ? calibrate the rotor position once the hall commutation changes; ? after calibration, recalculate the rotor position ; ? check encoder z pulse and reset the position offset and encoder pulse capture timer count; ? calculate the rotor position and motor speed . RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 17 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 hall and encoder initialization calibrate rotor position offset end no read hall sensor and identify rotor initial position start to move the motor capture encoder pulses and measure position based on encoder measure rotor position using encoder pulses calculate rotor position and motor speed hall commutation change ? reset position offset and timer count encoder z pulse yes yes no figure 16 encoder counting mode operation flowchart of position and speed measurement 7.4 pwm interrupt for position control the position profile generation and position control are put in the pwm interrupt with 16 khz carrier frequency. figure 17 is a flowchart of pwm inter rupt. the procedures in the pwm interrupt of mc_conint () are: ? measure motor phase motor currents and dc bus voltage; ? calculate motor position and speed using hall sensors and encoder; ? transfer motor currents into dq currents; ? current control loop; ? update trajectory generator and position profile; ? position control loop; ? pwm generation using space vector pwm modulation or sinusoidal pwm modulation. RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 18 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 id and iq current control loop motor phase currents and bus voltage adc measurements current transformation from uvw to ab to dq position control loop update trajectory generator and position profile space vector pwm generation end pwm interrupt calculate motor position based on hall sensor and ecnoder figure 17 flowchart of pwm interrupt for position control RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 19 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 8. motor and position control parameters 8.1 tuning through h ead er file according to the motor data sheet and position control requirements, motor and control parameters, and motion profile should be properly tun ed. motor and control parameters required in the code of ?customize.h? in clude: ? #define enc_edges_custom 4000 // total encoder edges/revolution ? #define pwm_freq_custom 16000 // pwm frequency in hz ? #define sam_freq_custom 16000 // sample frequency in hz ? #define c_poli_custom 4 // polar couples number ? #define r_sta_custom 8 // stator phase resistance in ohm/ohm_div ? #define l_syn_custom 10 // synchronous inductance in henry/hen_div ? #define pos_min_custom 0 // minimum position in counts ? #define pos_max_custom 40000 // maximum position in count s ? #define kp_cur_custom 60 // k prop. current control ? #define ki_cur_custom 80 // k integ. current control ? #define k_p_position 10 // k prop. position control ? #define k_i_position 12 // k integ. position control ? #define k_d_position 150 // k deri vative psotion control 8.2 operation through gui the motor and control paramete rs can be tuned through renesas friendly graphic user interface as shown in figure 18 . without modifying the code, the parameters can be set for the different motors and applications. there is a parameter window to set up 20 parameters. scrolling up and down through these par ameters, the user can make changes to the settings, and ?write? to eeprom, but this doesn?t change the ?customize.h? file. the original values will be res tored upon reset. from figure 19 , it can be seen that these parameters mirror the #defi nes in the ?customize.h? file. the motor and control parameters ca n be easily changed by the gui. in the meantime, the gui has position control window to set the com manded position, and display the motor actual operation status. figure 18 gui interface of evaluation kit RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 20 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 figure 19 parameter window RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 21 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 appendix a - references 1. RX62T group user?s manual: hardware, r01uh0034ej0110, april 20, 2011 2. devcon 2010 courses: ? id - 620c, complete motor control integration with RX62T. ? id 623c, understanding sensor - less vector control with floating point unit (fpu) implementatio n. 3. devcon 2008 courses: ? id - 504, speed control using a digital encoder and vector formulation 4. application note of sensorless vector control of three - phase pmsm motors, reu05b0103 - 0100/ rev.1.00, march, 2009 5. application note of mcrp05: brushless ac motor reference platform, reu05b0051 - 0100, feb, 2009 RX62T position control of pmsm with encoder r01an0899eu0200 rev. 2.00 p age 22 of 22 jan. 31, 2014 website and support renesas electronics website h tu http://www.renesas.com/ ut h inquiries h tu http://www.renesas.com/inquiry ut h all trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. a - 1 revision record rev. date description page summary 1.00 nov. 18 , 201 1 . ? first edition issued 2 .0 0 jan . 31 , 201 4 . ? second edition issued general precautions in the handling of mpu/mcu products the following usage notes are applicable to all mpu/mcu products from renesas. for detailed usage notes on the products covered by this document, refer to the relevant sections of the document as well as any technical updates that have been issued for the products. 1. handling of unused pins handle unused pins in accordance with the directions given under handling of unused pins in the manual. ? the input pins of cmos products are generally in the high - impedance state. in operation with an unused pin in the open - circuit state, extra electromagnetic noise is induced in the vicinity of lsi, an associated shoot - through current flows internally, and malfunctions occur due to the false recognition of the pin state as an input signal become possible. unused pins s hould be handled as described under handling of unused pins in the manual. 2. processing at power - on the state of the product is undefined at the moment when power is supplied. ? the states of internal circuits in the lsi are indeterminate and the states of register settings and pins are undefined at the moment when power is supplied. in a finished product where the reset signal is applied to the external reset pin, the states of pins are not guaranteed from the moment when power is supplied until the reset process is completed. in a similar way, the states of pins in a product that is reset by an on - chip power - on reset function are not guaranteed from the moment when power is supplied until the power reaches the level at which resetting has been specified. 3 . prohibition of access to reserved addresses access to reserved addresses is prohibited. ? the reserved addresses are provided for the possible future expansion of functions. do not access these addresses; the correct operation of lsi is not guaranteed if they are accessed. 4. clock signals after applying a reset, only release the reset line after the operating clock signal has become stable. when switching the clock signal during program execution, wait until the target clock signal has stabilized. ? when t he clock signal is generated with an external resonator (or from an external oscillator) during a reset, ensure that the reset line is only released after full stabilization of the clock signal. moreover, when switching to a clock signal produced with an e xternal resonator (or by an external oscillator) while program execution is in progress, wait until the target clock signal is stable. 5. differences between products before changing from one product to another, i.e. to a product with a different part number, confirm that the change will not lead to problems. ? the characteristics of an mpu or mcu in the same group but having a different part number may differ in terms of the internal memory capacity, layout pattern, and other factors, which can affect th e ranges of electrical characteristics, such as characteristic values, operating margins, immunity to noise, and amount of radiated noise. when changing to a product with a different part number, implement a system - evaluation test for the given product. notice 1. descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided only to illustrate the operation of semiconductor products and application examples. you are fully responsible for the incorporation of these circuits, software, and information in the design of your equipment. renesas electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software, or information. 2. renesas electronics has used reasonable care in preparing the information included in this document, but renesas electronics does not warrant that such information is error free. renesas electronics assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred by you resulting from errors in or omissions from the information included herein. 3. renesas electronics does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from the use of renesas electronics products or technical information described in this document. no license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted hereby under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of renesas electronics or others. 4. you should not alter, modify, copy, or otherwise misappropriate any renesas electronics product, whether in whole or in part. renesas electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by you or third parties arising from such alteration, modification, copy or otherwise misappropriation of renesas electronics product. 5. renesas electronics products are classified according to the following two quality grades: "standard" and "high quality". the recommended applications for each renesas electronics product depends on the product's quality grade, as indicated below. "standard": computers; office equipment; communications equipment; test and measurement equipment; audio and visual equipment; home electronic appliances; machine tools; personal electronic equipment; and industrial robots etc. "high quality": transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.); traffic control systems; anti-disaster systems; anti-crime systems; and safety equipment etc. renesas electronics products are neither intended nor authorized for use in products or systems that may pose a direct threat to human life or bodily injury (artificial life support devices or systems, surgical implantations etc.), or may cause serious property damages (nuclear reactor control systems, military equipment etc.). you must check the quality grade of each renesas electronics product before using it in a particular application. you may not use any renesas electronics product for any application for which it is not intended. renesas electronics shall not be in any way liable for any damages or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any renesas electronics product for which the product is not intended by renesas electronics. 6. you should use the renesas electronics products described in this document within the range specified by renesas electronics, especially with respect to the maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, movement power voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation and other product characteristics. renesas electronics shall have no liability for malfunctions or damages arising out of the use of renesas electronics products beyond such specified ranges. 7. although renesas electronics endeavors to improve the quality and reliability of its products, semiconductor products have specific characteristics such as the occurrence of failure at a certain rate and malfunctions under certain use conditions. further, renesas electronics products are not subject to radiation resistance design. please be sure to implement safety measures to guard them against the possibility of physical injury, and injury or damage caused by fire in the event of the failure of a renesas electronics product, such as safety design for hardware and software including but not limited to redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention, appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other appropriate measures. because the evaluation of microcomputer software alone is very difficult, please evaluate the safety of the final products or systems manufactured by you. 8. please contact a renesas electronics sales office for details as to environmental matters such as the environmental compatibility of each renesas electronics product. please use renesas electronics products in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances, including without limitation, the eu rohs directive. renesas electronics assumes no liability for damages or losses occurring as a result of your noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations. 9. renesas electronics products and technology may not be used for or incorporated into any products or systems whose manufacture, use, or sale is prohibited under any applicable domestic or foreign laws or regulations. you should not use renesas electronics products or technology described in this document for any purpose relating to military applications or use by the military, including but not limited to the development of weapons of mass destruction. when exporting the renesas electronics products or technology described in this document, you should comply with the applicable export control laws and regulations and follow the procedures required by such laws and regulations. 10. it is the responsibility of the buyer or distributor of renesas electronics products, who distributes, disposes of, or otherwise places the product with a third party, to notify such third party in advance of the contents and conditions set forth in this document, renesas electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by you or third parties as a result of unauthorized use of renesas electronics products. 11. this document may not be reproduced or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of renesas electronics. 12. please contact a renesas electronics sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this document or renesas electronics products, or if you have any other inquiries. (note 1) "renesas electronics" as used in this document means renesas electronics corporation and also includes its majority-owned subsidiaries. (note 2) "renesas electronics product(s)" means any product developed or manufactured by or for renesas electronics. http://www.renesas.com refer to "http://www.renesas.com/" for the latest and detailed information. renesas electronics america inc. 2880 scott boulevard santa clara, ca 95050-2554, u.s.a. tel: +1-408-588-6000, fax: +1-408-588-6130 renesas electronics canada limited 1101 nicholson road, newmarket, ontario l3y 9c3, canada tel: +1-905-898-5441, fax: +1-905-898-3220 renesas electronics europe limited dukes meadow, millboard road, bourne end, buckinghamshire, sl8 5fh, u.k tel: +44-1628-651-700, fax: +44-1628-651-804 renesas electronics europe gmbh arcadiastrasse 10, 40472 dsseldorf, germany tel: +49-211-65030, fax: +49-211-6503-1327 renesas electronics (china) co., ltd. 7th floor, quantum plaza, no.27 zhichunlu haidian district, beijing 100083, p.r.china tel: +86-10-8235-1155, fax: +86-10-8235-7679 renesas electronics (shanghai) co., ltd. unit 301, tower a, central towers, 555 langao rd., putuo district, shanghai, china tel: +86-21-2226-0888, fax: +86-21-2226-0999 renesas electronics hong kong limited unit 1601-1613, 16/f., tower 2, grand century place, 193 prince edward road west, mongkok, kowloon, hong kong tel: +852-2886-9318, fax: +852 2886-9022/9044 renesas electronics taiwan co., ltd. 13f, no. 363, fu shing north road, taipei, taiwan tel: +886-2-8175-9600, fax: +886 2-8175-9670 renesas electronics singapore pte. ltd. 80 bendemeer road, unit #06-02 hyflux innovation centre singapore 339949 tel: +65-6213-0200, fax: +65-6213-0300 renesas electronics malaysia sdn.bhd. unit 906, block b, menara amcorp, amcorp trade centre, no. 18, jln persiaran barat, 46050 petaling jaya, selangor darul ehsan, malaysia tel: +60-3-7955-9390, fax: +60-3-7955-9510 renesas electronics korea co., ltd. 12f., 234 teheran-ro, gangnam-gu, seoul, 135-080, korea tel: +82-2-558-3737, fax: +82-2-558-5141 sales offices ? 2014 renesas electronics corporation. all rights reserved. colophon 3.0 |
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