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  dfnwb2 2-6l-u power management transistors- mosfet CJMNT32 pnp power transist or with n-mosfet descriptions the CJMNT32 is pnp bipolar power transistor with 20v n-mosfet.this device is suitable for use in charging circuit and other power management. feature z ultra low collector-to-emitter saturation voltage z high dc current gain z small package dfnwb2 2-6l-u application z charging circuit z other power management in portable equipment marking 32 absolute maximum ratings (t a =25 unless otherwise noted) symbol parameter value unit pnp transistor v cbo c ollector-base voltage -32 v v ceo collector-emitter voltage -32 v v ebo emitter-base voltage -6 v i c collector current-continuous(note1) -1.5 a collector current-continuous(note2) -0.6 a i cm collector current-pulse(note3) -4 a n-mosfet v ds drain-source voltage 20 v v gs gate-source voltage 5 v i d continuous drain current (note 1) 0.8 a collector current-continuous(note2) 0.69 a i dm collector current-pulse(note3) 1.4 a dfnwb2 2-6l-u 1.emitter 2.base 3.drain 4.source 5.gate 6.collector 12 b e c 6 g s d 3 4 5 c d 1 of 4 4008-318-123 product specification a-3,jan,2014
temperature and thermal resistance r ja thermal resistance from junction to ambient (note 2) 178.6 /w t j junction temperature 150 t stg storage temperature -55~+150 t l lead temperature for soldering purposes(1/8?? from case for 10 s) 260 electrical characteristics(t a =25 unless otherwise noted) parameter symbol test condition min typ max unit pnp transistor collector-base breakdown voltage v (br)cbo i c =-1ma,i e =0 -32 v collector-emitter breakdown v (br)ceo i c =-10ma,i b =0 -32 v emitter-base breakdown voltage v (br)ebo i e =-100ua,i c =0 -6 v collector cut-off current i cbo v cb =-30v,i e =0 -0.1 ua emitter cut-off current i ebo v eb =-5v,i c =0 -0.1 ua dc current gain h fe v ce =-2v,i c =-0.5a 100 300 collecor-emitter saturation voltage v ce(sat) i c =-0.5a,i b =-50ma -0.35 v base-emitter satura tion voltage v be(sat) i c =-0.5a,i b =-50ma -1.5 v base-emitter voltage v be(on) v ce =-2v,i c =-500ma -1.1 v n-mosfet static parameters drain-source breakdown voltage v (br)dss v gs = 0v, i d =250a 20 v zero gate voltage drain current i dss v ds =16v,v gs = 0v 100 na gate-body leakage current i gss v gs =5v, v ds = 0v 1 ua gate threshold voltage (note 3) v gs(th) v ds =v gs , i d =250a 0.44 1.1 v drain-source on-resistance (note 3) r ds(on) v gs =4.5v, i d =0.55a 600 m ? v gs =2.5v, i d =0.5a 650 m ? v gs =1.8v, i d =0.35a 700 m ? diode forward voltage (note 3) v sd i s =0.35a, v gs = 0v 0.5 1.1 v dynamic parameters (note 4) input capacitance c iss v ds =10v,v gs =0v,f =100khz 61 pf output capacitance c oss 17 pf reverse transfer capacitance c rss 10 pf switching parameters (note 4) turn-on delay time t d(on) v gen =4.5v,v dd =10v, i d =500ma,r gen =6 ? r l =10 33 ns turn-on rise time t r 102 ns turn-off delay time t d(off) 790 ns turn-off fall time t f 439 ns total gate charge q g v ds =10v,v gs =4.5v i d =0.6a 1.15 nc gate-source chage q gs 0.15 nc gage-drain charge q gd 0.23 nc notes : 1.surface mounted on fr4 board using 1 square inch pad size,1oz copper. 2.surface mounted on fr4 board using the minimum pad size,1oz copper. 3. pulse test : pulse width=300 s, duty cycle 2%. 4. these parameters have no way to verify. 2 of 4 4008-318-123 product specification a-3,jan,2014
-1 -10 -100 -1000 -1 -10 -100 -1000 -1 -10 -100 -1000 -100 -1000 -0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 -0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 -0.25 -0.30 -0.35 -0.40 -0.45 -0.50 -0.55 -0.60 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000 -1200 -1 -10 -100 -1000 -1 -10 -100 -1000 10 100 1000 -0.1 -1 -10 1 10 100 -1 -10 -100 10 100 1000 CJMNT32 -1500 t a =100 t a =25 =10 i c v cesat ?? collector-emitter saturation voltage v cesat (mv) collector current i c (ma) pnp transistor 30 300 -300 i c v besat ?? t a =25 t a =100 base-emitter saturation voltage v besat (mv) -1500 =10 collector current i c (ma) -2000 -3.6ma -3.2ma -2.8ma common emitter t a =25 collector current i c (a) collector-emitter voltage v ce (v) static characteristic -4ma -2.4ma -2ma -1.6ma -1.2ma -800ua i b =-400ua i c v be ?? t a =100 t a =25 v ce =-2v collcetor current i c (ma) base-emmiter voltage v be (mv) -1500 dc current gain h fe collector current i c (ma) t a =100 t a =25 v ce =-2v i c h fe ?? c ob c ib v cb / v eb c ob / c ib ?? reverse voltage v (v) capacitance c (pf) f=1mhz i e =0/i c =0 t a =25 -20 -3 -30 -300 -300 -300 -3 -3 -30 -30 -300 -3 -30 30 3 -3 -0.3 300 30 -30 i c f t ?? v ce =-10v t a =25 transition frequency f t (mhz) collector current i c (ma) -3 3 of 4 4008-318-123 product specification a-3,jan,2014
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 12345 200 300 400 500 200 400 600 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.1 1 10 100 25 50 75 100 125 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 100 2.5v 5.5v 4.5v 3.5v drain current i d (a) drain to source voltage v ds (v) t a =25 pulsed v gs =1.5v gate to source voltage v gs (v) on-resistance r ds(on) (m ? ) i d =600ma t a =25 pulsed v gs ?? r ds(on) v gs =1.8v t a =25 pulsed v gs =4.5v v gs =2.5v on-resistance r ds(on) (m ? ) drain current i d (ma) i d ?? r ds(on) CJMNT32 drain current i d (ma) gate to source voltage v gs (v) v ds =16v pulsed t a =100 t a =25 transfer characteristics n-ch mos t a =100 pulsed source current i s (ma) source to drain voltage v sd (v) t a =25 pulsed v sd i s ?? 500 output characteristics threshold voltage v th (v) junction temperature t j ( ) i d =250ua threshold voltage 4 of 4 4008-318-123 product specification a-3,jan,2014

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