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  1 / 3 may 2010 p lerow tm aln0839at internally matched lna module the plerow tm aln - series is the compactly designed surface - mount module for the use of the lna with or without the following gain blocks in the infrastructure equipment of the mobile wireless (cdma, gsm, pcs, phs, wcdma, dmb, wlan, wibro, wimax), gps, sat ellite commun i- cation terminals , catv and so on. it has an exceptional performance of low noise figure, high gain, high oip3, and low bias current. the stability factor is always kept more than unity over the application band in order to ensure its uncondit ionally stable implementation to the application system environment. the surface - mount module package including the completed matching circuit and other components necessary just in case allows very simple and convenient implementation onto the system boar d in mass production level. parameter unit specifications min typ max frequency range mhz 824 849 gain db 19 20 gain flatness db ? 0.2 ? 0.3 noise figure db 0.60 0.65 output ip3 (1) dbm 27 28 s11 / s22 (2) db - 15 / - 12 output p1db dbm 14 15 switching time (3) ? sec supply current ma 40 60 supply voltage v 5 impedance ? 50 max. rf input power dbm c.w 29 ~ 31 (before fail) package type & size mm surface mount type, 10wx10lx3.8h operating temperature is - 40 ? c to +85 ? c. 1) oip3 is measured with two tones at an output power of +0 dbm / tone separated by 1 mhz. 2) s11, s22 (max) is the worst value within the frequency band. 3) switching time means the time that takes for output power to get stabilized to its final level after switching dc voltage f rom 0 v to v s . pin number function 2 rf in 5 rf out 6 v s other s ground feature s s 21 = 20.2 db @ 824 mhz = 19.8 db @ 849 mhz nf of 0.60 db over fr e quency unconditionally stable single 5v supply high oip3 @ low current c o u pl er note: 1. the number and size of ground via holes in a circuit board is critical for thermal rf grounding consider a tions. 2. we recommend that the ground via holes be placed on the bottom of all ground pins for better rf and thermal p erformance, as shown in the dra w ing at the left side. website: e - mail: tel: (82) 42 - 528 - 722 3 f ax : (82) 42 - 528 - 7222 more inform a tion c o u pl er c o u pl er c o u pl er c o u pl er (recommended footprint) aln0839at asb inc. (top view) (bottom view) ? 0.4 plated thru holes to ground plane plerow (side view) 1 - stage single type description specifications (in pr o duction) typ. @ t = 25 ? c, v s = 5 v, freq. =836.5 mhz, z o.sys = 50 ohm ou t line drawing (unit: mm) solder stencil area
2 / 3 may 2010 p lerow tm aln0839at internally matched lna module s - param e ters noise figure oip3 p1db 824~849 mhz +5 v typical performance (measured) s - parameters & k fa c tor
3 / 3 may 2010 p lerow tm aln0839at internally matched lna module 1) the tantal or mlc (multi layer ceramic) capacitor is optional and for bypassing th e ac noise introduced from the dc supply. the capacitance value may be determined by customer s dc supply status . the c a- pacitor should be placed as close as possible to v s pin and be connected directly to the ground plane for the best electrical performanc e . 2) dc blocking capacitors are always necessarily placed at the input and output port for allowing only the rf signal to pass and blocking the dc component in the signal. the dc blocking capacitors are inclu d- ed inside the aln module. therefore, c1 & c2 cap acitors may not be necessary, but can be added just in case that the customer wants. the value of c1 & c2 is determined by considering the application fr e- quency. application circuit recommended soldering reflow process 20~40 sec 260 ? c 200 ? c 150 ? c 60~ 180 sec ramp - up (3 ? c/sec) ramp - down (6 ? c/sec) in out vs size 25x25mm (for aln - at, bt, t series C 10x10mm) + - aln out in c1 c2 v s tantal or mlc (multi layer c e ramic) c a pacitor evaluation board layout

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