,tni-l,onauctoi , li ne. 20 stern ave. springfield, new jersey 07081 u.s.a. telephone: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 fax: (973) 376-8960 silicon npn rf transistor BFQ540 description ? high gain ? high output voltage ? low noise applications ? designed for use in vhp, uhf and catv amplifiers. absolute maximum ratings(ta=25'c) symbol vcbo vces vebo ic pc tj tstg parameter collector-base voltage collector-emitter voltage emitter-base voltage collector current-continuous collector power dissipation @tc=25'c junction temperature storage temperature range value 20 15 2 120 1.2 175 -65-150 unit v v v ma w r ?c sot- 8 9 package 2 : emitter 3: collector b: inno bl dim ^ b b: c d d: e e: a el l mm win i. ;o 0.32 0. 36 0.35 1. 10 1. 10 2.30 3. 9 :? max 1.60 0. 52 0.56 o. i; !, 16 1.80 2.60 ': ^^ 1, cotyp 2.90 0.90 3. :0 1. 10 nj semi-conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. information furnished by nj semi-conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. however. nj semi-conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. nj semi-conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. quality semi-conductors
silicon npn rf transistor BFQ540 electrical characteristics tc=25c unless otherwise specified symbol v(br)ces v(br)cbo v(br)ebo icbo iebo hpe fl ore 1 s2ie i 2 nf parameter collector-emitter breakdown voltage collector-base breakdown voltage emitter-base breakdown voltage collector cutoff current emitter cutoff current dc current gain current-gain?bandwidth product feedback capacitance insertion power gain noise figure conditions lc= 40 u a ; rbe= 0 lc= 10pa; ie=0 ie= 100ua; lc= 0 vcb= 8v; ie= 0 veb= 1v; lc= 0 lc= 40ma ; vce= 8v lc= 40ma ; vce= 8v; f= 1 ghz le=0;vcb=8v;f=1mhz lc= 40ma ; vce= 8v; f= 900mhz lc= 40ma ; vce= 8v; f= 900mhz min 15 20 2 60 12 typ. 9 0.9 13 1.9 max 0.05 0.2 250 2.4 unit v v v ua ua ghz pf db db 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 v,:e9v. 50 100 150 t ,:,a 200 power derating curve j' 103 (mai id2 10 1 10 soar