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alt6720 help4 tm e800 (band 20) lte linear pam data sheet - rev 2.3 m45 package 10 pin 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm surface mount module figure 1: block diagram features ? lte compliant ? 4th generation help tm technology ? high effciency (lte mpr = 0 db): ? 36 % @ p out = +27.5 dbm ? 23 % @ p out = +16 dbm ? 16 % @ p out = +7 dbm ? low quiescent current: 3 ma ? low leakage current in shutdown mode: <5 a ? internal voltage regulator ? integrated daisy chainable directional coupler with cpl in and cpl out port. ? internal dc block on in/out rf ports ? optimized for a 50 ? system ? 1.8 v control logic ? rohs compliant package, 260 o c msl-3 applications ? band 20 lte wireless devices product description the alt6720 help4 tm pa is a 4th generation help tm product for lte devices operating in e800 mhz band 20. this pa incorporates anadigics help4 tm technology to deliver exceptional effciency at low power levels and low quiescent current without the need for external voltage regulators or converters. the device is manufactured using advanced ingap- plus tm hbt technology offering state-of-the-art reliability, temperature stability, and ruggedness. three selectable bias modes that optimize effciency for different output power levels and a shutdown mode with low leakage current increase handset talk and standby time. a daisy chainable directional coupler is integrated in the module, thus eliminating the need of an external coupler. the self-contained 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm surface mount package incorporates matching networks optimized for output power, effciency, and linearity in a 50 ? system. 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6 v bat t rf in v mode 2 v mode 1 v en cp l ou t gn d cp l in rf ou t v cc bias contro l voltage regulatio n cp l gnd at slug (pad ) al t6720 03/2012
2 figure 2: pinout (x-ray top view) table 1: pin description v bat t rf in v mode 2 v mode 1 v en 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 cp l ou t gn d cp l in rf ou t v cc 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 pin name description 1 v batt battery voltage 2 rf in rf input 3 v mode2 mode control voltage 2 4 v mode1 mode control voltage 1 5 v en pa enable voltage 6 cpl out coupler output 7 gnd ground 8 cpl in coupler input 9 rf out rf output 10 v cc supply voltage data sheet - rev 2.3 03/2012 alt6720 3 electrical characteristics table 2: absolute minimum and maximum ratings stresses in excess of the absolute ratings may cause permanent damage. functional operation is not implied under these conditions. exposure to absolute ratings for extended periods of time may adversely affect reliability. table 3: operating ranges the device may be operated safely over these conditions; however, parametric performance is guaranteed only over the conditions defned in the electrical specifcations. notes: (1) lte waveform characteristics up to 20 mhz qpsk, 18 rbs. (2) for 3.1 v operation p out derated 0.8 db. (3) for operation at +105 c, p out is derated by 1.0 db. parameter min max unit supply voltage (v cc ) 0 +5.0 v battery voltage (v batt ) 0 +6 v control voltages (v mode1 , v mode2 , v en ) 0 +3.5 v rf input power (p in ) - +10 dbm storage temperature (t stg ) -40 +150 c pa ra me te r mi n ty p ma x unit co mments op er at in g fr eque nc y (f )8 32 -8 62 mh z su pply vo lt age (v cc )+ 3. 1+ 3. 4+ 4. 35 vp ou t +2 7. 5 db m en able vo lt age (v en ) +1 .3 5 0 +1 .8 - +3 .1 +0 .5 v pa "o n" pa "s hut down " mo de co nt ro l vo lta ge (v mo de 1 ,v mo de 2 ) +1 .3 5 0 +1 .8 - +3 .1 +0 .5 v low bi as mo de hi gh bi as mo de lte/umts ou tp ut po we r lte (mp r= 0) , hp m lte (mp r= 0) , mp m lte (mp r= 0) , lp m 26.7 - - 27.5 16 .0 7. 0 - - - db mt s 36. 101 re l 8 ca se te m per at ur e (t c )- 40 -+ 90 c (1, 2, 3) data sheet - rev 2.3 03/2012 alt6720 4 table 4: electrical specifcations - lte operation (mpr = 0 waveform, 10 mh z qpsk, 12 rbs) (t c = +25 c, v cc = +3.4 v, v batt = +3.4 v, v en = +1.8 v, 50 ? system) notes: (1) aclr and effciency measured at 847 mhz. pa ra me te r mi n ty p ma x unit co mme nt s p ou t v mo de 1 v mo de 2 ga in 27.5 17 10 30 20 13 33.5 23 16 db +2 7. 5 db m +1 6 db m +7 db m 0 v 1. 8 v 1. 8 v 0 v 0 v 1. 8 v lt e to lt e, e- ut ra - - - -3 9 -3 9 -4 0 -3 5 -3 5 -3 5 db c + 27. 5 db m +1 6 db m +7 db m 0 v 1. 8 v 1. 8 v 0 v 0 v 1. 8 v ut ra ac lr 1 - - - -4 0 -3 9 -4 1 -3 6 -3 6 -3 6 db c +2 7. 5 db m +1 6 db m +7 db m 0 v 1. 8 v 1. 8 v 0 v 0 v 1. 8 v ut ra ac lr 2 - - - -6 0 -6 0 -6 0 -4 0 -4 0 -4 0 db c +2 7. 5 db m +1 6 db m +7 db m 0 v 1. 8 v 1. 8 v 0 v 0 v 1. 8 v po we r-a dded e ffi ci en cy (1 ) 32 19 13 36 23 16 - - - % +2 7. 5 db m +1 6 db m +7 db m 0 v 1. 8 v 1. 8 v 0 v 0 v 1. 8 v qu ie sce nt cu rre nt (i cq ) low bi as m ode -2 .5 4m at hr ou gh v cc pi n1 .8 v1 .8 v m ode co nt ro l cu rre nt -0 .0 70 .1 5m at hr ou gh v mo de pi ns , v mo de 1, 2 = +1 .8 v en abl e cu rre nt -0 .0 30 .1 ma th ro ug h v en pi n ba tt cu rre nt -0 .8 1. 5m at hr ou gh v ba tt pi n, v mo de 1, 2 = +1 .8 v leakage cu rre nt -< 51 0 a v ba tt = +4 . 35 v, v cc = +4 . 35 v, v en = 0 v, v mo de 1, 2 = 0 v no is e po we r - - - -1 32 -1 38 -1 43 - - - db m/ hz 791 - 821 mh z gp s ba nd , 1574 - 1577 mh z is m ba nd , 2400 - 2483 .5 mh z ha rm on ic s 2f o 3f o, 4f o - - -5 0 -6 2 - - db c p ou t < + 27. 5 db m co up li ng fact or - 20. 5- db dir ec ti vi ty -2 0- db da is y ch ai n in se rt io n loss -< 0. 3- db 698 - 2620 mh z pi n 8 th ro ug h 9, sh ut down mo de sp ur io us ou tp ut lev el (a ll sp ur io us ou tp ut s) -- -7 0d bc p ou t < + 27. 5 db m in -b an d lo ad vsw r < 5: 1 ou t- of -b an d l oad vswr < 10 :1 ap pl ie s ov er al l opera ti ng co nd it io ns load mi sm at ch st re ss wi th no per ma ne nt degr adat io n or fa il ur e 8: 1- - vsw ra ppli es ov er fu ll oper at in g ra ng e data sheet - rev 2.3 03/2012 alt6720 5 application information to ensure proper performance, refer to all related application notes on the anadigics web site: http://www.anadigics.com shutdown mode the power amplifer may be placed in a shutdown mode by applying logic low levels (see operating ranges table) to the v en , v mode1 and v mode2 voltages. bias modes the power amplifer may be placed in either low, medium or high bias modes by applying the appropriate logic level (see operating ranges table) table 5: bias control to the v mode pins. the bias control table below lists the recommended modes of operation for various applications. three operating modes are recommended to optimize current consumption. high bias/high power operating mode is for p out levels > 16 dbm. at ~16 dbm - 7 dbm, the pa could be switched to medium power mode. for p out levels < ~7 dbm, the pa could be switched to low power mode for extremely low current consumption. figure 3: evaluation board schematic notes: (1) rise and fall time on v en control signal must be 1.0 s. c4 2.2 f ceramic rf in 1 6 7 10 8 5 4 3 v batt v mode1 rf out rf in gnd v cc v en cpl out v cc c1 0.01f v batt v mode 1 v en cpl in 29 v mode2 c6 2.2 f c3 330 pf gnd at slug cpl in cpl out rf out c5 100 pf 0.01 f c2 v mode2 (1) a ppl ic at ion p ou t l evel s bi as mo de v en v mo de 1 v mo de 2 v cc v ba tt low powe r (l ow bi as m ode) +7 db m low +1 .8 v+ 1. 8 v+ 1. 8 v3 .2 - 4. 35 v> 3. 2 v m ed powe r (me di um bi as mo de) +7 db m +1 6 db m low +1 .8 v+ 1. 8 v0 v3 .2 - 4. 35 v> 3. 2 v hi gh powe r (h ig h bi as mo de) +1 6 db mh ig h+ 1. 8 v0 v0 v3 .2 - 4. 35 v> 3. 2 v sh ut down -s hut dow n0 v0 v0 v3 .2 - 4. 35 v> 3. 2 v data sheet - rev 2.3 03/2012 alt6720 6 figure 4: m45 package outline - 10 pin 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm surface mount module figure 5: branding specifcation - m45 package package outline 6720r llllnn yy wwc c pin 1 identifier pa rt number date co de y y=y ear ; ww=w ork week co untr y co de (c c) l ot number data sheet - rev 2.3 03/2012 alt6720 7 pcb and stencil design guideline figure 6: recommended pcb layout information data sheet - rev 2.3 03/2012 alt6720 8 component packaging figure 7: carrier tape table 8: reel pin 1 data sheet - rev 2.3 03/2012 alt6720 9 ordering information or der nu mb er te mp er at ure ra ng e pa ckag e descri pt ion co mp on ent pa ckagin g al t 6720r m4 5q 7- 40 o c to + 90 o c ro hs co mp li an t 10 pi n 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm su rf ace mo unt mo du le t ape an d re el , 2500 pi eces per re el al t 6720r m4 5p 9- 40 o c to + 90 o c ro hs co mp li an t 10 pi n 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm su rf ace mo unt mo du le pa rt ia l t ape an d re el warning anadigics products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices or systems. use of an anadigics product in any such application without written consent is prohibited. import ant notice anadigics, inc. 141 mount bethel road warren, new jersey 07059, u.s.a. tel: +1 (908) 668-5000 fax: +1 (908) 668-5132 url: http://www.anadigics.com anadigics, inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any product at any time without notice. the product specifcations contained in advanced product information sheets and preliminary data sheets are subject to change prior to a products formal introduction. information in data sheets have been carefully checked and are assumed to be reliable; however, anadigics assumes no responsibilities for inaccuracies. anadigics strongly urges customers to verify that the information they are using is current before placing orders. data sheet - rev 2.3 03/2012 alt6720 |
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