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  TLP549J 2014-09-01 1 toshiba photocoupler gaas ired & photo-thyristor TLP549J office machine household use equipment solid state relay switching power supply the toshiba TLP549J consists of a photo-thyristor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode in a seven lead plastic dip package. ? peak off-state voltage: 600 v (min) ? trigger led current: 7 ma (max) ? on-state current: 150 ma (max) ? isolation voltage: 2500 v rms (min) ? ul recognized: ul1577, file no. e67349 pin configuration (top view) toshiba 11-10l1 weight: 0.53 g (typ.) 1: n.c. 2: anode (led) 3: cathode (led) 4: n.c. 5: gate 6: cathode (scr) 8: anode (scr) uni t : mm start of commercial production 2009/07
TLP549J 2014-09-01 2 absolute maximum ratings (ta = 25c) characteristic symbol rating unit led forward current i f 50 ma forward current derating (ta 53c) ? i f / c ? 0.7 ma / c peak forward current (100 s pulse, 100 pps) i fp 1 a reverse voltage v r 5 v detector peak forward voltage (r gk = 27k ? ) v drm 600 v peak reverse voltage (r gk = 27k ? ) v rrm 600 v on ? state current i t (rms) 150 ma on ? state current derating (ta 25c) ? i t / c ? 2.0 ma / c peak on ? state current (100 s pulse, 120 pps) i tp 3 a peak one cycle surge current i tsm 2 a peak reverse gate voltage v gm 5 v operating temperature range t opr ? 40 to100 c storage temperature range t stg ? 55 to 125 c lead soldering temperature (10 s) t sol 260 c isolation voltage (ac, 1 minute, r.h. 60%) (note 1) bv s 2500 v rms note: using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the ap plication of high temperature/current/voltage and the significant change in temperature, etc. ) may cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operat ing temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings. please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the toshiba semiconductor reliability handbook (?handling precautions?/?d erating concept and methods?) and individual reliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc). note 1: device considered a two terminal device; pins 1, 2, 3 and 4 shorted together and pins 5, 6 and 8 shorted together. recommended operating conditions characteristic symbol min typ. max unit supply voltage v ac D D 240 v ac forward current i f 10 D 25 ma operating temperature t opr ? 25 D 85 c gate to cathode resistance r gk D 27 33 k ? gate to cathode capacitance c gk D 0.01 0.1 f note 2: recommended operating conditions are given as a design guideline to obtain expected performance of the device. additionally, each item is an independent guideline respectively. in developing designs using this product, please confirm specified characteristics shown in this document.
TLP549J 2014-09-01 3 individual electrical characteristics (ta = 25c) characteristic symbol test condition min typ. max unit led forward voltage v f i f = 10 ma 1.0 1.15 1.3 v reverse current i r v r = 5 v D D 10 a capacitance c t v = 0, f = 1 mhz D 30 D pf detector off ? state current i drm v ak = 600 v, r gk = 27 k ? D D 5 a reverse current i rrm v ka = 600 v, r gk = 27 k ? D D 5 a on ? state voltage v tm i tm = 100 ma, i f = 7 ma D 1.25 1.45 v holding current i h r gk = 27 k ? D 0.5 1 ma off ? state dv/dt dv/dt v ak = 420 v, r gk = 27 k ? 5 D D v/ s capacitance c j v = 0, f = 1 mhz anode to gate D 5 D pf gate to cathode D 500 D coupled characteristics (ta = 25c) characteristic symbol test condition min typ. max unit trigger led current i ft v ak = 6 v, r gk = 27 k ? D 3 7 ma turn ? on time t on i f = 30 ma, v aa = 50 v, r gk = 27 k ? D 10 D s capacitance (input to output) c s v s = 0, f = 1 mhz D 0.8 D pf isolation resistance r s v s = 500 v, r.h. 60% 510 10 10 14 D ? isolation voltage bv s ac, 1 minute 2500 D D v rms ac, 1 second, in oil D 5000 D dc, 1 minute, in oil D 5000 D v dc
TLP549J 2014-09-01 4 i f ta i t ( rms ) ta allowable forward current i f (ma) r.m.s. on-state current i t(rms) (ma) ambient temperature ta( ) ambient temperature ta( ) i fp dr i f v f allowable pulse forward current i fp (ma) forward current i f (ma) duty cycle raito dr forward voltage v f (v) v f / ta i f i fp v fp forward voltage temperature coefficient v f / ta ( m v / ) pulse forward current i fp (ma) forward current i f (ma) pulse forward voltage v fp (v) *: the above graphs show typical characteristics. -40-20 0 20406080100120 0 20 40 60 80 100 ta = 25 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.1 1 10 100 3000 10 3 300 1000 500 3 10 0 30 100 50 3 10 -1 3 10 -2 10 -3 pulse width 100 s ta = 25 c 1000 1 0.6 3 10 5 2.2 2.6 1.4 1.8 1.0 30 100 50 300 500 pulse width 10 s repetitive frequency = 100hz ta = 25 c
TLP549J 2014-09-01 5 ift ta ih ta trigger led current ift (ma) holding current ih (ma) ambient temperature ta( ) ambient temperature ta( ) vtm-ta on-state voltage vtm (v) ambient temperature ta( ) *: the above graphs show typical characteristics. 2.0 -40-20 0 20406080100 0.1 1.0 0.5 -40-20 0 20406080100 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 spl b spl a itm = 100ma itm = 50ma itm = 10ma itm = 1ma rgk = 27k 1 10 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 3 5 vak = 6v rgk = 27k ? rl = 100 ?
TLP549J 2014-09-01 6 restrictions on product use ? toshiba corporation, and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collect ively "toshiba"), reserve the right to make changes to the in formation in this document, and related hardware, software a nd systems (collectively "product") without notice. ? this document and any information herein may not be reproduc ed without prior written permission from toshiba. even with toshiba's written permission, reproduction is permissible only if reproduction is wit hout alteration/omission. ? though toshiba works continually to improve product's quality a nd reliability, product can malfunction or fail. customers are responsible for complying with safety standards and for prov iding adequate designs and safeguards for their hardware, software and systems which minimize risk and avoid sit uations in which a malfunction or failure of product could cause loss of human life, b odily injury or damage to property, including data loss or corruption. before customers use the product, create designs including the product, or incorporate the product into their own applications, customers mu st also refer to and comply with (a) the latest versions of all relevant toshiba information, including without limitation, this document, the specificati ons, the data sheets and application notes for product and the precautions and condi tions set forth in the "toshiba semiconductor reliability handbook" and (b) the instructio ns for the application with which the product will be used with or for. customers are solely responsible for all aspects of their own product design or applications, including but not lim ited to (a) determining the appropriateness of the use of this product in such des ign or applications; (b) evaluating and dete rmining the applicability of any information contained in this document, or in charts, dia grams, programs, algorithms, sample application circuits, or any other refe renced documents; and (c) validating all operating paramete rs for such designs and applications. toshiba assumes no liability for customers' product design or applications. ? product is neither intended nor warranted for use in equipments or systems that require extraordinarily high levels of quality and/or reliability, and/or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life, bodily injury, serious property damage and/or serious public impact ( " unintended use " ). except for specific appl ications as expressly stated in this document, unintended use includes, without limitation, equipment used in nuclear facilities, equipment us ed in the aerospace industry, medical equipment, equipment used f or automobiles, trains, ships and other transportation, traffic si gnaling equipment, equipment used to control combustions or expl osions, safety devices, elevators and escalators, devices related to electric power, and e quipment used in finance-related fields. if you use product for unintended use, toshiba assumes no liability for product. for details, please contact your toshiba sales representative. ? do not disassemble, analyze, reverse-engineer, alter, modify, translate or copy product, whether in whole or in part. ? product shall not be used for or incorporated into any products or systems whose manufacture, use, or sale is prohibited under any applicable laws or regulations. ? the information contained herein is pres ented only as guidance for product use. no re sponsibility is assumed by toshiba for an y infringement of patents or any other intellectual property rights of third parties that may result from the use of product. no license to any intellectual property right is granted by this document, whether express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise. ? absent a written signed agreement, except as provid ed in the relevant terms and conditions of sale for product, and to the maximum extent allowable by law, toshiba (1) assumes no liability whatsoever, including without limitation, indirect, co nsequential, special, or incidental damages or loss, including without limitation, loss of profit s, loss of opportunities, business interruption and loss of data, and (2) disclaims any and all express or implied warranties and conditions related to sale, use of product, or information, including warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of information, or noninfringement. ? gaas (gallium arsenide) is used in product. gaas is harmful to humans if consumed or absorbed, whether in the form of dust or vapor. handle with care and do not break, cut, crush, grind, di ssolve chemically or otherwise expose gaas in product. ? do not use or otherwise make available product or related so ftware or technology for any m ilitary purposes, including without limitation, for the design, development, use, stockpil ing or manufacturing of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons or missile technolog y products (mass destruction weapons). product and related soft ware and technology may be controlled under the applicable export laws and regulations including, without limitation, the j apanese foreign exchange and foreign trade law and the u.s. export administration regulations. export and re-ex port of product or related software or technology are strictly prohibited except in compliance with all applicable export laws and regulations. ? please contact your toshiba sales represent ative for details as to environmental matters such as the rohs compatibility of pro duct. please use product in compliance with all applicable laws and regula tions that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled subs tances, including without limitation, the eu rohs directive. toshiba assumes no liability for damages or losses occurring as a result of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.

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