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  NJM2898 -1- ver.2006-02-21 2ch ultra low noise low dropout voltage regulator general description package outline the NJM2898 is a 2ch ultra low noise low dropout voltage regulator designed for vco applications. advanced bipolar technology achieves low noise, high ripple rejection and low quiescent current. features high ripple rejection 75db typ. (f=1khz,vo=3v version) output noise voltage vno=19 vrms typ. (cp=0.01 f, co=1.0 f(ceramic)) vno=12 vrms typ. (cp=0.1 f, c o =1 0 f(tantalum)) output capacitor with 1.0uf ceramic capacitor output current io(max.)=100ma 2ch high precision output vo 1.0% low dropout voltage 0.10v typ. (io=60ma) on/off control (active high) internal short circuit current limit internal thermal overload protection bipolar technology package outline ffp12-b1 (2.0 2.0 0.85mm) pin configuration equivalent circuit v out 1/v out 2 thermal protection bandgap reference noise bypass1/ noise bypass2 control1/ control2 gnd v in 1/v in 2 NJM2898pb1 pin function 1. v out 2 7. control1 2. v out 2 8. v out 1 3. gnd 9. v out 1 4. control2 10. noise bypass1 5. v in 2 11. nc 6. v in 1 12. noise bypass2 NJM2898pb1 top bottom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 2 1 12 9 8 7 6 5 4 11 10 top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 2 1 12 9 8 7 6 5 4 11 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 2 1 12 9 8 7 6 5 4 11 10
NJM2898 - 2 - ver.2006-02-21 output voltage rank list v out device name ch1 ch2 NJM2898pb1-2828 2.8v 2.8v NJM2898pb1-jj 2.85v 2.85v NJM2898pb1-0303 3.0v 3.0v NJM2898pb1-0521 5.0v 2.1v absolute maximum ratings (ta=25 c) parameter symbol ratings unit input voltage v in +14 v control voltage v cont +14(*1) v power dissipation p d 350(*2) mw operating temperature to p r -40 +85 c storage temperature ts t g -40 +125 c (*1): when input voltage is less than +14v, the absolute maximum control voltage is equal to the input voltage. (*2): mounted on glass epoxy board based on eia/jedec. (114.3x76.2x1.6mm: 2layers) electrical characteristics (1ch/2ch: v in =vo+1v, c in =0.1 f, co=1.0uf: vo 2.7v (co=2.2uf: vo 2.6v), cp=0.01 f, ta =2 5 c) parameter symbol test condition min. typ. max. unit output voltage vo io=30ma -1.0% ? +1.0% v quiescent current i q io=0ma, except icont, per 1ch ? 120 180 a quiescent current at control off i q(off) v cont =0v, per 1ch ? ? 100 na output current io vo ? 0.3v 100 130 - ma line regulation ? vo/ ? v in v in =vo+1v vo+6v, io=30ma ? ? 0.10 %/v load regulation ? vo/ ? io io=0 100ma ? ? 0.03 %/ma dropout voltage ? v i ? o io=60ma ? 0.10 0.18 v ripple rejection rr ein=200mvrms,f=1khz, io=10ma, vo=3v version ? 75 ? db average temperature coefficient of output voltage ? vo/ ? ta ta = 0 85 c, io=10ma ? 50 ? ppm/ c output noise voltage1 v no1 f=10hz 80khz, io=10ma, cp=0.01 f, co=1.0 f(ceramic), vo=3v version ? 19 ? vrms output noise voltage2 v no2 f=10hz 80khz, io=10ma, cp=0.1 f, co=10 f(tantalum), vo=3v version 12 vrms control voltage for on-state v cont(on) 1.6 ? ? v control voltage for off-state v cont(off) ? ? 0.6 v the above specification is a common specification for all output voltages. therefore, it may be different from the individual specification for a specific output voltage.
NJM2898 - 3 - ver.2006-02-21 test circuit NJM2898 noise bypass1 v in 2 0.1 f v in 1 i cont 1 v in 1 i in 1 v cont 1 noise bypass2 nc cp=0.01 f a v a v in 2 i in 2 a i cont 2 v cont 2 a v v 1.0 f *3 (ceramic) v out 2 i out 2 1.0 f *3 (ceramic) v out 2 v out 2 gnd v out 1 v out 1 control1 control2 cp=0.01 f v v out 2 i out 2 0.1 f *3 vo 2.6v version: co=2.2 f(ceramic)
NJM2898 - 4 - ver.2006-02-21 typical application 1 in the case where on/off control is not required: connect control terminal to v in terminal *4 vo f v out 2 control2 v in 1 v out 1 v out 2 noise bypass2 nc cp=0.01 f cp=0.01 f 0.1 f 1.0 f *4 1. 0 *4 r (0 300k ? ) r (0 300k ? ) v in 2 v in 1 v out 2 v out 1
NJM2898 - 5 - ver.2006-02-21 2 in use of on/off control: state of control terminal: ? ?h? output is enabled. ? ?l? or ?open? output is disabled. noise bypass capacitance cp noise bypass capacitance cp reduces noise generated by band-gap reference circuit. noise level and ripple rejection will be improved when larger cp is used. use of smaller cp value may cause oscillation. use the cp value of 0.01uf greater to avoid the problem. in the case of using a resistance "r" between v in and control. the current flow into the control terminal while the ic is on state (i cont ) can be reduced when a pull up resistance "r" is inserted between v in and the control terminal. the minimum control voltage for on state (v cont (on) ) is increased due to the voltage drop caused by i cont and the resistance "r". the i cont is temperature dependence as shown in the "control current vs. temperature" characteristics. therefore, the resistance "r" should be carefully selected to ensure the control voltage exceeds the v cont (on) over the required temperature range. *4 vo f v out 2 control2 v in 1 v out 1 v out 2 noise bypass2 nc c p =0.01 f 0.1 f 1.0 f *4 1.0 f *4 r (0 300k ? ) r (0 300k ? ) v in 2 v in 1 v out 2 v out 1
NJM2898 - 6 - ver.2006-02-21 electrical characteristics 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3 input voltage :v in [v] @:ta=25 o c co=1.0 f(ceramic) cp=0.01 f output voltage :vo [v] NJM2898_3v output voltage v.s. input voltage io=0a io=30ma io=100ma 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 050100150200 NJM2898_3.0v output voltage vs. output current output voltage :vo [v] output current :io [ma] @:ta=25 o c v in =4v co=1.0 f(ceramic) cp=0.01 f 0 5 10 15 20 0 20406080100120 ground pin current :ignd [ma] output current :io [ma] NJM2898_3v ground pin current vs. output voltage @:ta=25 o c v in =4v co=1.0 f(ce ra mic) cp=0.0 1 f 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 20406080100120 output current :io [ma] @:ta=25 o c co=1.0 f(ceramic) cp=0.01 f dropout voltage :dvi-o [v] njm 2898_3.0v dropout voltage vs. output current 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 00.511.522.533.54 control voltage :vcont [v] @:ta=25 o c v in =4 .0v co =1 .0 f(ceramic) cp=0 .0 1 f io=30ma control current :icont [ a] NJM2898_3.0v control current v.s. control voltage rc=0 ? rc=50k ? rc=100k ? 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 00.511.522.53 control voltage :vcont [v] @:ta=25 o c v in =4.0v co=1.0 f(ceramic) cp=0.01 f io=30ma output voltage :vo [v] NJM2898_3.0v output voltage v.s. control voltage rc=0 ? rc=50k ? rc=100k ?
NJM2898 -7- ver.2006-02-21 electrical characteristics -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 050100150 load regulation :dvo/dio [mv] output current :io [ma] NJM2898_3.0v load regulation vs. output current @:ta=25 o c v in =4 v co =1 .0 f(ceramic) cp=0 .0 1 f 0 50 100 150 200 468101214 peak output current :io max [ma] input voltage :v in [v] NJM2898_3.0v peak output current vs. input voltage @:ta=25 o c co=1.0 f(ce ra mic) cp=0.0 1 f 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 051015 quiescent current : iq [ a] NJM2898_3.0v quiescent current v.s. input voltage @:ta=25 o c output is open. co=1.0 f( cera mic) cp=0.01 f including icont input voltage :vin [v] 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 output current :io [ma] output noise voltage :vn [ vrms] NJM2898_3v output noise voltage vs. output current @:ta=25 o c v in =4v lpf:80khz co =1 .0 f(ceramic) cp=0 .0 1 f co =1 0 f(tant.) cp=0 .1 f 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 100 1000 10 4 10 5 ripple rejection ratio :rr [db] NJM2898_3.0v ripple rejection ratio v.s. frequency frequency :f [hz] io=0ma io=10ma io=30ma @:ta=25 o c v in =4 .0v ein=200mvrms co=1 f(ceramic) cp=0.01 f 10 100 1k 10k 100k 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 output current : io(ma) ripple rejection : rr (db) NJM2898_3.0v ripple rejection vs. output current f=1khz f=10khz @:ta=25 o c v in =4 v ein=200mvrms co =1 .0 f (ceramic) cp=0 .0 1 f
NJM2898 - 8 - ver.2006-02-21 electrical characteristics 0.1 1 10 10 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 output current :io [ma] @:ta=25 o c v in =4 v co =1 .0 f(ce ra mic) cp=0 .0 1 f equivalent series resistance :esr [ ? ? ? ? ] NJM2898_3.0v equivalent series resistance vs. output current stable region 0.02 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 -50 0 50 100 150 dropout voltage :dvi-o [v] NJM2898_3.0v dropout voltage v.s. temperature @:io=60ma co=1.0 f(ce ra mic) cp=0.01 f temperature :ta [ o c] 2.9 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 -50 0 50 100 150 output voltage :vo [v] NJM2898_3.0v output voltage v.s. tem perature @:v in =4.0v io=30ma co=1.0 f(ceramic) cp=0.01 f temperature :ta [ o c] 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -50 0 50 100 150 control voltage :vcont-off [v] NJM2898_3.0v control voltage v.s. t em perature @:v in =4.0v output is open. co=1.0 f(ceramic) cp=0.01 f temperature :ta [ o c] 0 2 4 6 8 10 -50 0 50 100 150 control current : i cont [ a] temperat ure ta ( o c) njm 2898_3.0v control current v.s. temperature @:v in =4.0v output is open. co =1.0 f(ceramic) cp=0.0 1 f v cont =1 .6v
NJM2898 - 9 - ver.2006-02-21 electrical characteristics 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 -50 0 50 100 150 quiescent current : iq [ a] NJM2898_3.0v quiescent current v.s. temperature @:v in =4.0v output is open. co=1.0 f(ceramic) cp=0.01 f temperature :ta [ o c] 0 50 100 150 200 -50 0 50 100 150 short circuit current :isc [ma] NJM2898_3.0v short circuit current v.s. temperature @:v in =4 .0v output is short to ground. co=1.0 f( ceramic) cp=0.01 f temperature :ta [ o c] 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 -50 0 50 100 150 load regulation :dvo/dio [%/ma] NJM2898_3.0v load regulation v.s. temperature @:v in =4 .0v io=0-60ma co=1.0 f(ce ra mic) cp=0.01 f temperature :ta [ o c] -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 -50 0 50 100 150 line regulation :dvo/dvin [%/v] NJM2898_3.0v line regulation v.s. t emperature @:v in =4 .0-9.0v io=30ma co=1.0 f(ce ra mic) cp=0.01 f temperature :ta [ o c] 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 -50 0 50 100 150 200 output voltage :vo [v] NJM2898_3.0v output voltage v.s. tem perature @:v in =4 .0v io=30ma co=1.0 f(ceramic) cp=0.01 f temperature :ta ["c]
NJM2898 - 1 0 - ver.2006-02-21 electrical characteristics -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 012345 NJM2898_3v on/off transient response without load output voltage : vo [v] control voltage : vo [v] time : t [s] control voltage output voltage @:v in =4.0v co=1 f( cerami c) cp=0.01 f io=0ma -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 048121620 NJM2898_3v on/off transient response output voltage : vo [v] control voltage : vo [v] time : t [ms] control voltage output voltage @:v in =4.0v co=1 f( ce rami c) cp=0.01 f io=0ma 2.96 2.98 3 3.02 3.04 3.06 3.08 3.1 3.12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 04080120160200 NJM2898_3v line transient response output voltage : vo [v] time : t [ s] input voltage output voltage @:co =1 f(ceramic) cp=0.01 f io=30ma input voltage : v in [v] 2.94 2.96 2.98 3 3.02 3.04 3.06 3.08 3.1 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 0 40 80 120 160 200 NJM2898_3v load transient response output voltage : vo [v] time : t [ s] output curre nt output voltage output current : io [ma] @:v in =4v co=1 f(ceramic) cp=0.01 f io=30ma [caution] the specifications on this databook are only given for information , without any guarantee as regards either mistakes or omissions. the application circuits in this databook are described only to show representative usages of the product and not intended for the guarantee or permission of any right including the industrial rights.

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