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  npn silicon planar medium power darlington transistors issue 1 ? march 94 features * 60 volt v ceo * gain of 10k at i c =0.5 amp *p tot =1 watt absolute maximum ratings. parameter symbol value unit collector-base voltage v cbo 80 v collector-emitter voltage v ceo 60 v emitter-base voltage v ebo 10 v peak pulse current i cm 2a continuous collector current i c 800 ma power dissipation at t amb =25c p tot 1w operating and storage temperature range t j :t stg -55 to +200 c electrical characteristics (at t amb = 25c). parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit conditions. collector-base breakdown voltage v (br)cbo 80 v i c =10 m a, i e =0 collector-emitter sustaining voltage v ceo(sus) 60 v i c =10ma, i b =0 emitter-base breakdown voltage v (br)ebo 10 v i e =10 m a, i c =0 collector cut-off current i cbo 100 na v cb =60v, i e =0 emitter cut-off current i ebo 100 na v eb =8v, i c =0 collector-emitter saturation voltage v ce(sat) 1.25 v i c =800ma, i b =8ma* base-emitter turn-on voltage v be(on) 1.8 v i c =800ma, v ce =5v* static forward current transfer ratio BCX38a h fe 500 1000 i c =100ma, v ce =5v* i c =500ma, v ce =5v* BCX38b 2000 4000 i c =100ma, v ce =5v* i c =500ma, v ce =5v* BCX38c 5000 10000 i c =100ma, v ce =5v* i c =500ma, v ce =5v* e-line to92 compatible c b e BCX38a/b/c 3-20 BCX38a/b/c 0.0001 50 150 100 pulse width (seconds) 10 100 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0 d=1 (d.c.) d=0.5 d=0.2 d=0.1 single pulse d=0.05 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0.8 0.2 1.0 typical characteristics v ce(sat) v i c i c - collector current (amps) v ce (sa t ) - (v olts) i c - collector current (amps) v be(sat) v i c i c - collector current (amps) v be(on) v i c v b e - (v olts) v be ( sa t ) - (v olts) 0.4 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.6 1.4 1.2 i c - collector current (amps) h fe v i c h fe - normalised gain 10 1.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 v ce =5v i c /i b =100 10 safe operating area i c - collector current (amps) v ce - collector voltage (volts) 11000 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 single pulse test at t amb =25c d.c. 1s 100ms 10ms 1.0ms 0.1ms 0.6 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 i c /i b =100 1.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 v ce =5v -55c +25c +100c +175c -55c +25c +100c +175c -55c +25c +100c -55c +25c +100c +175c maximum transient thermal impedance thermal resistance (c/w) 3-21
npn silicon planar medium power darlington transistors issue 1 ? march 94 features * 60 volt v ceo * gain of 10k at i c =0.5 amp *p tot =1 watt absolute maximum ratings. parameter symbol value unit collector-base voltage v cbo 80 v collector-emitter voltage v ceo 60 v emitter-base voltage v ebo 10 v peak pulse current i cm 2a continuous collector current i c 800 ma power dissipation at t amb =25c p tot 1w operating and storage temperature range t j :t stg -55 to +200 c electrical characteristics (at t amb = 25c). parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit conditions. collector-base breakdown voltage v (br)cbo 80 v i c =10 m a, i e =0 collector-emitter sustaining voltage v ceo(sus) 60 v i c =10ma, i b =0 emitter-base breakdown voltage v (br)ebo 10 v i e =10 m a, i c =0 collector cut-off current i cbo 100 na v cb =60v, i e =0 emitter cut-off current i ebo 100 na v eb =8v, i c =0 collector-emitter saturation voltage v ce(sat) 1.25 v i c =800ma, i b =8ma* base-emitter turn-on voltage v be(on) 1.8 v i c =800ma, v ce =5v* static forward current transfer ratio BCX38a h fe 500 1000 i c =100ma, v ce =5v* i c =500ma, v ce =5v* BCX38b 2000 4000 i c =100ma, v ce =5v* i c =500ma, v ce =5v* BCX38c 5000 10000 i c =100ma, v ce =5v* i c =500ma, v ce =5v* e-line to92 compatible c b e BCX38a/b/c 3-20 BCX38a/b/c 0.0001 50 150 100 pulse width (seconds) 10 100 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0 d=1 (d.c.) d=0.5 d=0.2 d=0.1 single pulse d=0.05 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0.8 0.2 1.0 typical characteristics v ce(sat) v i c i c - collector current (amps) v ce (sa t ) - (v olts) i c - collector current (amps) v be(sat) v i c i c - collector current (amps) v be(on) v i c v b e - (v olts) v be ( sa t ) - (v olts) 0.4 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.6 1.4 1.2 i c - collector current (amps) h fe v i c h fe - normalised gain 10 1.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 v ce =5v i c /i b =100 10 safe operating area i c - collector current (amps) v ce - collector voltage (volts) 11000 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 single pulse test at t amb =25c d.c. 1s 100ms 10ms 1.0ms 0.1ms 0.6 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 i c /i b =100 1.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 v ce =5v -55c +25c +100c +175c -55c +25c +100c +175c -55c +25c +100c -55c +25c +100c +175c maximum transient thermal impedance thermal resistance (c/w) 3-21
BCX38a/b/c v ce - collector-emitter voltage - (v) 10 100 1 maximum power dissipation - (w) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.0 r s 10k w r s =47k w r s =1m w r s = 3-22 the maximum permissable operational temperature can be obtained using the equation: t amb ( max ) = power ( max ) - power ( actual ) 0.0057 + 25 c t amb(max) = maximum operating ambient temperature power (max) = maximum power dissipation figure, for a given v ce and source resistance (r s ) power (actual) = actual power dissipation in users circuit

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