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  5mm height, 105 kre series ? 5mm height ? endurance : 1,000 hours at 105 ? solvent resistant type (see precautions and guidelines) ? rohs compliant specifications category temperature range rated voltage range capacitance tolerance leakage current dissipation factor low temperature characteristics (max. impedance ratio) endurance shelf life items . capacitance change leakage current capacitance change leakage current characteristics 6.3v 0.27 6.3v 3 9 10v 0.23 10v 3 7 16v 0.19 16v 2 5 25v 0.15 25v 2 3 35v 0.13 35v 2 3 50v 0.11 50v 2 3 (at 120hz) 6.3 to 50v dc - 55 to +105 20% (m) (at 20, 120hz) i=0.01cv or 3a, whichever is greater. (at 20 after 2 minutes) where, i : max. leakage current ( a), c : nominal capacitance ( f), v : rated voltage (v) (tan ) rated voltage (v dc ) (at 20, 120hz) rated voltage (v dc ) z( - 25 )/z(+20 ) z( - 40 )/z(+20 ) at 105 the following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20 after the rated voltage is applied for 1,000 hours d.f. (tan ) Q 2 0% of the init ial v a l ue Q 200% of the initial specified value Q the initial specified value the following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20 after exposing them for 500 hours at 105 without voltage applied. before the measurement, the capacitor shall be preconditioned by applying voltage according to item 4.1 of jis c 5101-4. d.f. (tan ) Q 2 0% of the init ial v a l ue Q 200% of the initial s pecified value Q the initial specified value tan (max . ) dimensions [mm] l' 15min. 4min. sleeve (pet : brown) gas escape end seal t er minal code : e d' d f 0.5 ( 4 t o 6.3) f l' 4 0.45 1.5 5 0.45 2.0 6.3 0.45 2.5 l+1.0max. d+0.5max. d d d' part numbering system p l e a s e r e f e r t o " p r o d u c t code gu i d e ( r a dial lead type) " supplement code size code capacitance tolerance code lead formingtaping code terminal code voltage code (ex. 6.3v:6r3,35v:350,50v:500) series code category e k r e a a a e a a a a a a a a n m 1 3 4 2 6 7 8 9 10 13 12 5 18 17 16 11 15 14 capacitance code (ex. 10f:100, 100f:101) standard ratings wv cap case siz e rated ripple current (marms/ p ar t no. 6.3 10 16 25 wv cap case siz e rated ripple current (marms/ p ar t no. 35 50 10 22 47 100 33 4.7 10 22 47 3.3 4.7 33 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 1.0 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 7.7 11 15 25 40 5.6 10 14 19 29 4 5 4 5 5 5 6.3 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 6.3 5 4 5 4 5 6.3 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 6.3 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 6.3 5 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.23 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.15 0.15 0.15 12 21 36 56 34 9.4 16 30 48 8.8 12 45 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 ekre350e 2r2md05d ekre350e 3r3md05d ekre350e 4r7md05d ekre350e 100me05d ekre350e 220mf05d EKRE500E 1r0md05d EKRE500E 2r2md05d EKRE500E 3r3md05d EKRE500E 4r7me05d EKRE500E 100mf05d ekre6r3e 100md05d ekre6r3e 220md05d ekre6r3e 470me05d ekre6r3e 101mf05d ekre100e 330me05d ekre160e 4r7md05d ekre160e 100md05d ekre160e 220me05d ekre160e 470mf05d ekre250e 3r3md05d ekre250e 4r7md05d ekre250e 330mf05d (v dc ) ( f) d l(mm) t a n 105,120hz) (v dc ) ( f) d l(mm) t a n 105,120hz) : enter the appropriate lead forming or taping code. kre sre p110 105 111 product specifications in this catalog are subject to change without notice.request our product specifications before purchase and/or use. please use our products based on the information contained in this catalog and product specifications. cat. no. e1001n miniature aluminum electrolytic capacitors

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