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  page . 1 MBR840CD~ mbr8200cd ? plastic package has underwriters laboratory flammability classification 94v-0  for through hole applications  low profile package  built-in strain relief  low power loss, high efficiency  high surge capacity  for use in low voltage high frequency inverters, free wheeling, and polarity protection applications  lead free in comply with eu rohs schottky barrier rectifiers mechanical d a ta  ca se: to-252 molded plastic  terminals: solder plated, solderable per mil-std-750,method 2026  polarity: as marking maximum ratings ratings at 25c ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. single phase, half wave, 60 hz, resistive or inductive load. for capacitive load, derate current by 20% retemara p egatlovesreverkaeptnerrucermumixam v mrr 0 45 40 50 60 80 90 0 10 5 10 0 2v egatlovsmrmumixam v smr 8 25 .1 35 32 46 53 60 75 0 10 4 1v egatlovgnikcolbcdmumixam v cd 0 45 40 50 60 80 90 0 10 5 10 0 2v ) 1erugifees(drawrofegarevamumixam i )va(f 8 evaw-enisflahelgnissm3.8:tnerrucegrusdrawrofkaep )dohtemcedej(daoldetarnodesopmirepus i msf maxi mum forward voltage at 4.0a per leg v f 07. 0 ttatnerrucesrevercdmumixam j 52= o c tgatlovgnikcolbcddetar j 001= o c i r 50.0 02 am cnatsiserlamrehtlacipy te 0.3 o /c w egnarerutarepmetegarotsdnanoitcnujgnitarepo -55 to +175 o c v o l tage 40 to 200 volts curre n t 10 amperes f ea t ures mbr 840cd mbr 845cd mbr 850cd mbr 860cd mbr 880cd mbr 890cd mbr 8100c d mbr 8150c d mbr 8200c d units symbol 100 a 0.85 0.92 v dec.2014-rev .00 0.80 a
page . 2 fig.4- typical instantaneous forward characteristic peak forward surge current, amperes no. of cycle at 60hz 11 01 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 fig.3- typical reverse characteristics instantaneous reverse current ,ma percent of instantaneous reverse voltage,(%) 120 140 10 1.0 0.1 .01 .001 020406080100 t =100 c j o t= j 75 c o t= j 25 c o r ating and characteristic curves fig.2- maximum non - repetitive forward surge current 0.1 1.0 10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 t=25c a o 40-45v 80-100v 150-200v 50-60v forward current, amperes forward voltage, volts fig.1- forward current derating curve case temperature, c o 20.0 16.0 8.0 0 4.0 12.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 average forward rectified current amperes = 15 0 -200v resistive or inductive load m br 8 d m br 8 d dec . 201 4-rev .0 0 = 4 0 - 1 00v www. dy elec .com
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