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  RT6154A/b ? ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 1 copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. ? simplified application circuit high efficiency single inductor buck-boost converter general description the RT6154A/b is a high efficiency single inductor buck- boost converter which can operate with wide input voltage such as battery which is higher or lower than the output voltage and it can supply the load current up to 4a. the maximum peak current in the switches is limited to a typical value of 5a at v in = 3.6v and 2.6a at v in = 2.1v. the RT6154A/b feedback loop is internally compensated for both buck and boost operation and it provides seamless transition between buck and boost modes and optimal transient response. the RT6154A/b operates at 2.4mhz typical switching frequency in full synchronous operation. the RT6154A/b operates in pulse skipped modulation (psm) mode for increasing efficiency during low power rf transmission modes. the power save mode can be disabled, forcing the RT6154A/b to operate at a fixed switching frequency operation at 2.4mhz. the RT6154A/ b can also be synchronized with external frequency from 2.2mhz to 2.6mhz. the RT6154A output voltage is programmable using an external resistor divider, and the rt6154b is fixed internally to 3.3v. features ? ? ? ? ? operates from a single li-ion cell : 1.8v to 5.5v ? ? ? ? ? adjustable output voltage : 1.8v to 5.5v ? ? ? ? ? 3a maximum load capability for v in > 3.6v, v out = 3.3v ? ? ? ? ? power save mode (psm) for improving low output power efficiency ? ? ? ? ? fixed frequency operation at 2.4mhz and synchronization possible from 2.2mhz to 2.6mhz ? ? ? ? ? up to 96% efficiency ? ? ? ? ? input current limit ? ? ? ? ? internal compensation ? ? ? ? ? rohs compliant and halogen free applications ? cellular phones ? portable hard disk drives ? pdas vin vina en vout fb RT6154A gnd v in v out lx2 lx1 enable pgood power good output pgnd ps/sync pin configuration (top view) wdfn-14al 4x3 vina gnd vout vout pgood ps/sync en vin vin fb lx2 lx1 lx2 lx1 pgnd 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
RT6154A/b 2 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. functional pin description pin no. pin name pin function 1 vina supply voltage input. 2 gnd analog ground. 3 fb voltage feedback of adjustable versions, must be connected to vout on fixed output voltage versions. 4, 5 vout buck-boost converter output. 6, 7 lx2 second switch node. 8, 9 lx1 first switch node. 10, 11 vin power input. 12 en enable control input (1 enabled, 0 disabled). must not be left open. 13 ps/sync enable/disable control input for power save mode (1 disabled, 0 enabled, clock signal for synchronization). must not be left open. 14 pgood power good indicator output. (1 good, 0 failure; open drain). 15 (exposed pad) pgnd power ground. the exposed pad must be soldered to a large pcb and connected to pgnd for maximum power dissipation. ordering information note : richtek products are : ? rohs compliant and compatible with the current require- ments of ipc/jedec j-std-020. ? suitable for use in snpb or pb-free soldering processes. RT6154A/b package type qw : wdfn-14al 4x3 (w-type) lead plating system g : green (halogen free and pb free) RT6154A adjustable output voltage rt6154b fixed 3.3v output voltage marking information 0e=ym dnn 0e= : product code ymdnn : date code RT6154Agqw rt6154bgqw 0d=ym dnn 0d= : product code ymdnn : date code
RT6154A/b 3 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. functional block diagram RT6154A (adjustable output voltage) rt6154b (fixed 3.3v output voltage) vin lx1 gate drv lx2 pwm ctrl vina ps/sync pgood vout + - amp fb digital ctrl en uvlo v ref osc otp gnd pgnd ocp vin lx1 gate drv lx2 pwm ctrl vina ps/sync pgood vout + - amp fb digital ctrl en uvlo v ref osc otp ocp r fb2 r fb1 gnd pgnd
RT6154A/b 4 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. operation the RT6154A/b is a synchronous current-mode switching buck-boost converter designed to an adjustable output voltage from an input supply that can be above, equal, or below the output voltage. the average inductor current is regulated by a fast current regulator which is controlled by a voltage control loop. the voltage error amplifier gets its feedback input from the fb pin. the output voltage of the RT6154A is adjustable, and can be set by the external divider resistor value. for the rt6154b, the output voltage is fixed at 3.3v. when vin is greater than vout, the device operates in buck mode. when vin is lower than vout, the device operates in boost mode. when vin is close to vout, the RT6154A/b automatically enters buck or boost mode. in that case, the converter will maintain the regulation for output voltage and keep a minimum current ripple in the inductor to guarantee good performance.
RT6154A/b 5 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. electrical characteristics (v in = 3.6v, t a = 25 c, unless otherwise specified.) parameter symbol test conditions min typ max unit under-voltage lockout rising threshold uvlo_r 1.6 1.7 1.8 v under-voltage lockout falling threshold uvlo_f 1.5 1.6 1.7 v minimum input voltage for start-up 1.5 1.8 2.0 v fb voltage v fb force pwm (RT6154A) 0.495 0.5 0.505 v vout voltage v out force pwm (rt6154b) 3.267 3.3 3.333 v shutdown current i shdn en = 0v, ps/sync = 0v, pgood = 0v -- 0.1 1 ? a switching frequency f sw 2.2 2.4 2.6 mhz frequency range for synchronization 2.2 2.4 2.6 mhz absolute maximum ratings (note 1) ? vin, vina to gnd ------------------------------------------------------------------ ? 0.2v to 6v ? vout to gnd ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 0.2v to 6.5v ? en, ps/sync to gnd ------------------------------------------------------------ ? 0.2v to (pvin + 0.2v) with 6v max. ? fb to pgnd ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 0.2v to (pvin + 0.2v) with 6v max. ? lx1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (pgnd ? 0.2v) to (pvin + 0.2v) with 6v max. ? lx2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (pgnd ? 0.2v) to (pvin + 0.2v) with 6.5v max. ? lx1, lx2 < 20ns --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 3v to 8.5v ? power dissipation, p d @ t a = 25 c wdfn-14al 4x3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.49w ? package thermal resistance (note 2) wdfn-14al 4x3, ja -------------------------------------------------------------- 28.6 c/w wdfn-14al 4x3, jc -------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 c/w ? lead temperature (soldering, 10 sec.) ---------------------------------------- 260 c ? junction temperature -------------------------------------------------------------- 150 c ? storage temperature range ----------------------------------------------------- ? 65 c to 150 c ? esd susceptibility (note 3) hbm (human body model) ------------------------------------------------------- 2kv recommended operating conditions (note 4) ? input voltage range --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.8v to 5.5v ? output voltage range ------------------------------------------------------------- 1.8v to 5.5v ? junction temperature range ----------------------------------------------------- ? 40 c to 125 c ? ambient temperature range ----------------------------------------------------- ? 40 c to 85 c
RT6154A/b 6 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. parameter symbol test conditions min typ max unit current limit i oc_36 v in = v ina = 3.6v 3.9 5 5.8 a i oc_21 v in = v ina = 2.1v 1.7 2.6 3.7 high-side switch r ds(on) v in = v ina = 3.6v -- 50 -- m ? low-side switch r ds(on) v in = v ina = 3.6v -- 50 -- m ? quiescent current non switching, en = vina, sync = 0v -- 20 40 ? a fb input leakage i fb adj mode ? 1 -- 1 ? a leakage of lx1 and lx2 i lx1 i lx2 all switch off -- -- 5 ? a line regulation ? v out, line fpwm -- 0.5 -- % load regulation ? v out, load fpwm -- 0.5 -- % en, ps/sync input voltage logic-high v ih 1.2 -- -- v logic-low v il -- -- 0.4 ps/sync input current -- 0.1 1 ? a en pull low resistance -- 150 -- k ? pgood output low voltage v out = 3.3v, i pgoodl = 10 ? a -- 0.04 0.4 v pgood output leakage current -- 0.01 0.1 ? a output over-voltage protection v outovp -- 6.2 -- v thermal shutdown t sd -- 160 -- ? c thermal shutdown hysteresis ? t sd -- 30 -- ? c note 1. stresses beyond those listed ? absolute maximum ratings ? may cause permanent damage to the device. these are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability. note 2. ja is measured at t a = 25 c on a high effective thermal conductivity four-layer test board per jedec 51-7. jc is measured at the exposed pad of the package. note 3. devices are esd sensitive. handling precaution is recommended. note 4. the device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditi ons.
RT6154A/b 7 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. typical application circuit RT6154A (adjustable output voltage) rt6154b (fixed 3.3v output voltage) vin vina en vout fb RT6154A gnd v in v out lx2 lx1 enable pgood power good output pgnd ps/sync r1 1m r2 180k c2 100f r3 1m c3 0.1f c1 20f 2.2h 4, 5 3 15 (exposed pad) 2 10, 11 12 13 1 14 6, 7 8, 9 l1 vin vina en vout fb rt6154b gnd v in v out lx2 lx1 enable pgood power good output pgnd ps/sync c2 100f r1 1m c3 0.1f c1 20f 2.2h 4, 5 3 15 (exposed pad) 2 10, 11 12 13 1 14 6, 7 8, 9 l1
RT6154A/b 8 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. typical operating characteristics efficiency vs. output current 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 output current (a) efficiency (%) v in = 3.7v v in = 2.8v v in = 5v v out = 3.3v power save enable efficiency vs. output current 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 output current (a) efficiency (%) v in = 5v v in = 3.7v v in = 2.8v v out = 4.5v power save enable efficiency vs. output current 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 output current (a) efficiency (%) v in = 5v v in = 3.7v v in = 2.8v v out = 4.5v power save disable output voltage vs. output current 3.20 3.25 3.30 3.35 3.40 0.01 0.1 1 10 output current (a) output voltage (v) v in = 3.7v, v out = 3.3v power save disable output voltage vs. output current 4.40 4.45 4.50 4.55 4.60 0.01 0.1 1 10 output current (a) output voltage (v) v in = 3.7v, v out = 4.5v power save disable efficiency vs. output current 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 output current (a) efficiency (%) v out = 3.3v power save disable v in = 3.7v v in = 2.8v v in = 5v
RT6154A/b 9 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. time (50 s/div) load transient response v out (100mv/div) i load (500ma/div) v in = 2.8v, i load = 500ma to 1500ma time (50 s/div) load transient response v out (100mv/div) i load (500ma/div) v in = 4.2v, i load = 500ma to 1500ma time (500 s/div) line transient response v out (50mv/div) v in (1v/div) v in = 3v to 3.7v, i load = 500ma time (500 s/div) line transient response v out (50mv/div) v in (1v/div) v in = 3v to 3.7v, i load = 1a time (100 s/div) startup after enable v lx2 (5v/div) i in (1a/div) v in = 1.8v, r l = 8.2 v enb (2v/div) v out (2v/div) maximum output current vs. input voltage 0 1 2 3 4 5 1.8 2.2 2.6 3 3.4 3.8 4.2 4.6 5 5.4 5.8 input voltage (v) maximum output current (a) 1 v out = 3.3v
RT6154A/b 10 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. time (100 s/div) startup after enable v lx1 (5v/div) i in (1a/div) v in = 5.5v, r l = 8.2 v enb (5v/div) v out (2v/div)
RT6154A/b 11 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. out fb v r1 = r2 1 v ?? ?? ?? ?? application information the RT6154A/b buck-boost dc/dc converter can operate with wide input voltage such as battery which is higher or lower than the output voltage and it can supply the load current up to 4a. the maximum peak current in the switches is limited to a typical value of 5a at v in = 3.6v and 2.6a at v in = 2.1v. the typical operating input voltage is between 1.8v and 5.5v. the RT6154A output voltage can be set from 1.8v to 5.5v by changing the external divider resistor on the fb pin for the adjustable. the rt6154b output voltage is fixed to 3.3v. the converter feedback loop is internally compensated for both buck and boost operation and it provides seamless transition between buck and boost modes operation. enable the device can be enabled or disenabled by the en pin. when the en pin is higher than the threshold of logic high, the device starts operation with soft-start. once the en pin is set at low, the device will be shut down. in shutdown mode, the converter stops switching, internal control circuitry is turned off, and the load is disconnected from the input. this also means that the output voltage can drop below the input voltage during shutdown. output voltage setting the RT6154A output voltage can be set from 1.8v to 5.5v by changing the external divider resistor on the fb pin. the rt6154b output voltage is fixed to 3.3v. when the adjustable output voltage version is used, the resistor divider must be connected between vout, fb and gnd. the typical value of the voltage at the fb pin is 500mv and the RT6154A output voltage can be set from 1.8v to 5.5v. it is recommended to keep the resistor r2 value in the range of 200k . from that, the value of the resistor connected between vout and fb, r1, depending on the needed output voltage, can be calculated as following equation : power good the RT6154A/b has a built-in power good function on pgood pin to indicate whether the output voltage is regulated properly or not. the pgood pin output is open- drain, so the logic function can be adjusted to any voltage level by connecting a pull-up resistor to the supply voltage. when the output voltage is regulated properly, the pgood pin becomes high impedance and indicates high level to the power good output. when the output voltage is regulated improperly, the pgood pin becomes low impedance and indicates low level to the power good output. power-save mode and synchronization the ps/sync pin can be used to select different operation modes. when ps/sync is set low and the average inductor current gets lower then about 400ma, power save mode can be enabled and used to improve efficiency. at this point the converter operates with reduced switching frequency and with a minimum quiescent current to maintain high efficiency. when the load increases above the minimum forced inductor current of about 400ma, the device will automatically switch to pwm mode. the power save mode can be disabled by programming the ps/sync high. connecting a clock signal at ps/sync can force the RT6154A/b switching frequency to synchronize to the connected clock frequency. the ps/sync input supports standard logic thresholds and the frequency range is between 2.2mhz to 2.6mhz. dynamic current limit to protect the device and the application, the peak inductor current is limited internally on the ic. at nominal operating conditions, this current limit is constant. the current limit value can be found in the electrical characteristics table. if the supply voltage at vin drops below 2.3v, the current limit is reduced. this can happen when the input power source becomes weak. increasing output impedance, when the batteries are almost discharged, or an additional heavy
RT6154A/b 12 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. where f is the minimum switching frequency. l1 is the minimum inductor value for buck mode operation. v in(max) is the maximum input voltage. l2 is the minimum inductance for boost mode operation. v in(min) is the minimum input voltage. the recommended minimum inductor value is either l1 or l2 whichever is higher. for example, a suitable inductor value is 2.2 h for generating a 3.3v output voltage from a li-ion battery with the range from 2.5v to 4.2v. the recommended inductor value range is between 1.5 h and 4.7 h. in general, a higher inductor value offers better performance in high voltage conversion condition. pulse load is connected to the battery can cause the vin voltage to drop. the dynamic current limit has its lowest value when reaching the minimum recommended supply voltage at vin. soft-start and short circuit protection after being enabled, the device starts operating. the current limit ramps up from an initial 1a following the output voltage increasing. at an output voltage of about 1.2v, the current limit is at its nominal value. if the output voltage does not increase, the current limit will not increase. there is no timer implemented. thus, the output voltage overshoot at startup, as well as the inrush current, is kept at a minimum. the device ramps up the output voltage in a controlled manner even if a large capacitor is connected at the output. when the output voltage does not increase above 1.2v, the device assumes a short circuit at the output, and keeps the current limit low to protect itself and the application. at a short on the output during operation, the current limit also is decreased accordingly. protection additional protections of the RT6154A/b include current overload protection, output over-voltage clamp, and thermal shutdown. to protect the device from overheating, the device has a built-in temperature sensor which monitors the internal junction temperature. if the temperature exceeds a threshold, the device stops operating. as soon as the ic temperature decreases below the threshold with a hysteresis, it starts operating again. the built-in hysteresis is designed to avoid unstable operation at ic temperatures near the over-temperature threshold. under-voltage lockout the under-voltage lockout circuit prevents the device from operating incorrectly at low input voltages. it prevents the converter from turning on the power switches under undefined conditions and prevents the battery from deep discharge. pvin voltage must be greater than 1.7v to enable the converter. during operation, if pvin voltage drops below 1.6v, the converter is disabled until the supply exceeds the uvlo rising threshold. the RT6154A/b automatically restarts if the input voltage recovers to the input voltage uvlo high level. ?? ? ??? ? ?? ? ?? out in out out 2 in osc out load out in out out out osc v(vv) v , peak (buck) = v8l(f )c i(vv) v , peak (boost) = cvf ? ? out in(max) out lin(max) vv v l1 > (h) fiv ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? in(min) out in(min) lout vvv l2 > (h) fiv inductor selection to properly configure the buck-boost converter, an inductor must be connected between the lx1 and lx2 pins. to estimate the inductance value, two equations are listed as below : output capacitor selection the output capacitor selection determines the output voltage ripple and transient response. it is recommended to use ceramic capacitors placed as close as possible to the vout and gnd pins of the ic. if, for any reason, the application requires the use of large capacitors which can not be placed close to the ic, using a small ceramic capacitor in parallel to the large one is recommended. this small capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the vout and gnd pins of the ic. the output voltage ripple for a given output capacitor is expressed as follows : table 1. inductor suggestion vendor inductor series taiyo yuden nrs5024t2r2nmgj
RT6154A/b 13 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. figure 1. derating curve of maximum power dissipation 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 0 25 50 75 100 125 ambient temperature (c) maximum power dissipation (w) 1 four-layer pcb if the RT6154A/b operates in buck mode, the worst-case voltage ripple occurs at the highest input voltage. when the RT6154A/b operates in boost mode, the worst-case voltage ripple occurs at the lowest input voltage. the maximum voltage of overshoot or undershoot, is inversely proportional to the value of the output capacitor. to ensure stability and excellent transient response, it is recommended to use a minimum of 100 f x7r capacitors at the output. for surface mount applications, taiyo yuden or tdk ceramic capacitors, x7r series multi-layer ceramic capacitor is recommended. a capacitor with a value in the range of the calculated minimum should be used. this is required to maintain control loop stability. there are no additional requirements regarding minimum esr. low esr capacitors should be used to minimize output voltage ripple. larger capacitors will cause lower output voltage ripple as well as lower output voltage drop during load transients. thermal considerations for continuous operation, do not exceed absolute maximum junction temperature. the maximum power dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the ic package, pcb layout, rate of surrounding airflow, and difference between junction and ambient temperature. the maximum power dissipation can be calculated by the following formula : p d(max) = (t j(max) ? t a ) / ja where t j(max) is the maximum junction temperature, t a is the ambient temperature, and ja is the junction to ambient thermal resistance. for recommended operating condition specifications, the maximum junction temperature is 125 c. the junction to ambient thermal resistance, ja , is layout dependent. for wdfn-14al 4x3 package, the thermal resistance, ja , is 28.6 c/w on a standard jedec 51-7 four-layer thermal test board. the maximum power dissipation at t a = 25 c can be calculated by the following formula : p d(max) = (125 c ? 25 c) / (28.6 c/w) = 3.49w for wdfn-14al 4x3 package the maximum power dissipation depends on the operating ambient temperature for fixed t j(max) and thermal resistance, ja . the derating curve in figure 1 allows the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power dissipation. layout consideration for the best performance, the following pcb layout guidelines must be strictly followed. ? place the input and output capacitors as close as possible to the input and output pins. ? keep the main power traces as wide and short as possible. ? connect the gnd and exposed pad to a strong ground plane for maximum thermal dissipation and noise protection. ? switch node experiences high frequency voltage swings and should be kept in a small area. keep analog components away from the switch node to prevent stray capacitive noise pick-up.
RT6154A/b 14 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 ? copyright 2017 richtek technology corporation. all rights reserved. is a registered trademark of ric htek technology corporation. figure 2. pcb layout guide
RT6154A/b 15 ds6154a/b-03 may 2017 richtek technology corporation 14f, no. 8, tai yuen 1 st street, chupei city hsinchu, taiwan, r.o.c. tel: (8863)5526789 richtek products are sold by description only. richtek reserves the right to change the circuitry and/or specifications without notice at any time. customers should obtain the latest relevant information and data sheets before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. richtek cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a richtek product. information furnish ed by richtek is believed to be accurate and reliable. however, no responsibility is assumed by richtek or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringeme nts of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. no license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of r ichtek or its subsidiaries. outline dimension w-type 14al dfn 4x3 package 1 1 2 2 note : the configuration of the pin #1 identifier is optional, but must be located within the zone indicated. det ail a pin #1 id and tie bar mark options min max min max a 0.700 0.800 0.028 0.031 a1 0.000 0.050 0.000 0.002 a3 0.175 0.250 0.007 0.010 b 0.200 0.300 0.008 0.012 d 3.900 4.100 0.154 0.161 d2 2.800 2.900 0.110 0.114 e 2.900 3.100 0.114 0.122 e2 1.530 1.630 0.060 0.064 e e1 k 0.150 0.250 0.006 0.010 l 0.350 0.450 0.014 0.018 0.460 0.018 symbol dimensions in millimeters dimensions in inches 0.500 0.020

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