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  e - cmos corp. ( ) page 1 of 5 4k10n rev. f001 rfid receiver module e cf6000 recommend operating conditions electrical characteristics ? ac electrical characteristics (ta =25 , vin = 5 v, vss = 0v) ? dc electrical characteristics (vin = 5 v, vss= 0v) note1: led lighting in standby mode. parameter symbol in. typ. max. unit power supply voltage vin 4.5 5 5.5 v operating temperature t a - 15 - +85 storage temperature t s - 25 - +90 parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit rf input frequency f c - 433.92 - mhz sensitivity p ref - - 90 dbm receiver setup up time t rf_out - 0.02 - ms receiver bandwidth f bw 20 khz receiver data rate dr ate - 2k - bps modulation ask parameter s mbol min. typ. max. unit operating current i oc - 13 ma standby current i wu - 16( note1) - ma peak current i peak - - 17 ma
e - cmos corp. ( ) page 2 of 5 4k10n rev. f001 rfid receiver module e cf6000 pin description x -- ~?c?h?y?la???x 8m -- ??l~? 85 c?h?y?la? ? x 6m -- xc e - cmos `s skb or rmc ?y? a?Mb? a???c???? 2 a?? : 12.7x18.0 mm (thickness: 7mm) 3 a? : 3g P?a??? a???Dca?^?D emi/emc/ hg? 1 ncc ? : 2 fcc ? : 3 ce ? : 4 rohs ? pin no. pin name description 0 ant ant pad 1 pwm1 pwm signal output 2 gnd ground 3 vcc 5v power input voltage 4 pwm2 pwm signal output 5 pwm3 pwm signal output
e - cmos corp. ( ) page 3 of 5 4k10n rev. f001 rfid receiver module e cf6000 ha??y??c? 1 ? : c skb/rmc ?? ] : ?}E?cE y?? 1 y?h : y?g 5m*10m bKo??Kc?_? 2 y? : ? 30 ?y??xb?xJo 5 ??? 4 3 y?c e - cmos skb/rmc ?y? pwm wave green represent pwm pin. pwm speed is 1khz. 1 duty cycle = 100% (power on initial)
e - cmos corp. ( ) page 4 of 5 4k10n rev. f001 rfid receiver module e cf6000 2 duty cycle = 75% 3 duty cycle = 50% . 4 duty cycle = 25% 5 duty cycle = 0%
e - cmos corp. ( ) page 5 of 5 4k10n rev. f001 rfid receiver module e cf6000 ??a??D

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