., unc. 20 stern ave. springfield, new jersey 07081 u.sa mr810thruMR814 mr8i6thrumr818 telephone: (973) 376-2922 (212) 227-6005 fax: (973) 378-8960 subminiature size, axial lead mounted fast recovery power rectifiers . . . designed for special applications such as dc power supplies, inverters, converters, ultrasonic systems, choppers, low rf interfer- ence and free wheeling diodes. a complete line of fast recovery rectifiers having typical recovery time of 200 nanoseconds providing high efficiency at frequencies to 250 khz. designer's data for '?worst case" conditions th* dttignitt dill shwt pwmiti tht dnign of molt circuit! entirely from the infomution pmantld limit curvet - rtprttaming devict charactoriitic boundarin - ar? givtn to facilitate "worst caw" d?ign. maximum ratings vtfngt dc frock iflg vain* fcmwd currtat ptmm, natal kukud ta - 76*0 vrrm vftwm """"a mh?t> mrtl4 mm1? mm17 mmii 70 140 210 mo 43o b?0 700 thermal cwaracteristict electrical characteristics (if -i.oamplta-?ac? dc votttfl) ta * ??c ta-100?c reverse recovery characteristics ha?in? hmomtv cumni iif - 1.0 amp to va, - 30 vdcxfigun 31) fast recovery power rectifiers 50-1000 volts 1 ampere -fu cathode band dim a i d k milllft eters mm 4.70 2.m o.v6 27.9* max 5.20 2.71 0.86 - iniihes mm 0.185 0.100 0.030 1.100 max 0.205 0.107 0.034 - case 59-01 conforms to 0041 mechanical characteristics case: void fr.t, tr?n?f?f moldtd finish: extern.l indl are platad ?nd ar< rodily ?ld?ribll polarity: cithodt indicated by polarity band weight: 0.4 graml (aporoximnulv) nj semi-conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice, fnrormation rum.shed bv nj semi-conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. however, nj .semi-conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use nj semi-< (inductors entourages customers to verity that datasheets are current before placing orders