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  integrated module products logic devices incorporated 1 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product ddr3 integrated module [imod]:  x9 dd 9 dd 4 999  x9fhqwhuwhuplqdwhgsxvksxoo ,2  x3dfndjhpp[pp[pp [pdwul[zedoov  x0dwul[edooslwfkpp 6sdfhvdylqjirrwsulqw 7khupdoo\hqkdqfhg,pshgdqfh pdwfkhglqwhjudwhgsdfndjlqj  'liihuhqwldoelgluhfwlrqdogdwdvwureh qelwsuhihwfkdufklwhfwxuh  lqwhuqdoedqnv shuzrugzrugv lqwhjudwhglqsdfndjh   1rplqdodqgg\qdplfrqglhwhuplqd - wlrq 2'7 irugdwdvwurehdqgpdvn vljqdov  3urjudppdeoh&$6 5($' odwhqf\ &/ dqg  &$6 :5,7( odwhqf\ &:/  and 13 features  )l[hgexuvwohqjwk %/ ridqgexuvw fkrs %& ri  6hohfwdeoh%&ru%/rqwkhio\ 27)  6hoi$xwr5hiuhvkprghv  2shudwlqj7hpshudwxuh5dqjh dpelhqwwhps 7 $  x,qgxvwuldo?&wr?&vxssruwlqj 6(/) $8725()5(6+  x([whqghg?&wr?&pdqxdo 5()5(6+rqo\  x0lo7hps?&wr?&pdqxdo 5()5(6+rqo\  &25(forfnlqjiuhtxhqflhv 0+]  'dwd7udqvihu5dwhv 0esv :ulwhohyholqj 0xowlsxusrvhuhjlvwhu 2xwsxw'ulyhu&doleudwlrq  %rdugduhdvdylqjvzlwkvxuidfh prxqwiulhqgo\slwfk pp reduced interconnect routing  5hgxfhgwudfhohqjwkvgxhwr wkhkljko\lqwhjudwhglpshgdqfh pdwfkhgsdfndjlqj  7khupdoo\hqkdqfhgsdfndjlqj whfkqrorj\doorzvlolfrqlqwhjudwlrq zlwkrxwshuirupdqfhghjudgdwlrqgxh wrsrzhuglvvlsdwlrq khdw  +ljk7&(rujdqlfodplqdwhlqwhu - srvhuirulpsuryhgjodvvvwdelolw\ ryhudzlghrshudwlqjwhpshudwxuh  6xlwdelolw\rixvhlq+ljk5holdelolw\ dssolfdwlrqvuhtxlulqj0lowhpsqrq khuphwlfghylfhrshudwlrq benefits 1rwh7klvlqwhjudwhgsurgxfwdqgrulwvvshflilfdwlrqv duhvxemhfwwrfkdqjhzlwkrxwqrwlfh/dwhvwgrfxphqw vkrxogehuhwulhyhgiurp/',sulruwr\rxughvljq frqvlghudwlrq o rder n umber s peed g rade p kg f ootprint i/o p itch p kg n o . pp[pp  imod part information bg2 pp /'0'%*[ L9D3256M32DBG2x125 L9D3256M32DBG2x15 /'0'%*[ l9d3512m32dbg2x125 l9d3512m32dbg2x15 ddr3-1866 ddr3-1600 ddr3-1333 ddr3-1866 ddr3-1600 ddr3-1333
sample part number: l9d3256g32dbg2i107 word = 256 mb speed grade 1.5ns / 667mhz 1.25ns / 800mhz 1.07ns / 933mhz 15 125 107 256m l9d3 temperature commercial (0 o c to 70 o c) industrial (-40 o c to 85 o c) extended (-40 o c to 105 o c) i e m note: not all options can be combined. please see our part catalog for available offerings. 32d bg2 ddr3 imod wordwidth x32 d = dual channel 16 x 22mm pbga code code i 107 military (-55 o c to 125 o c) c logic devices incorporated 2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product features f igure 1 - 1g b ddr3 p art n umbers &rqiljxudwlrq 5hiuhvk&rxqw 52:$gguhvvlqj %dqn$gguhvvlqj &roxpq$gguhvvlqj [0hj[edqnv[elwv 8k . $>@  %$>@ . $>@ . $>@ 256 m 512m parameter 2 x 256-512 meg x 32 t able 1: a ddressing
bank active reading writing activating refreshing self refresh idle active power- down zq calibration from any state power applied reset procedure power on initialization mrs, mpr, write leveling preharge power- down writing automatic sequence command sequence preharging read read read read ap read ap read ap pre, prea pre, prea pre, prea write write cke l cke l cke l write write ap write ap write ap pde pde pdx pdx srx sre ref mrs act reset zqcl zqcl/zqcs reading act = activate prea=precharge all srx = self refresh exit mpr = multipurpose register read = rd, rds4, rds8 write = wr, wrs4, wrs8 mrs = mode register set read ap = rdap, rdaps4, rdaps8 write ap = wrap, wraps4, wraps8 pde = power-down entry ref = refresh zqcl = zq long calibration pdx = power-down exit reset = start reset procedure zqcs = zq short calibration pre = precharge sre = self refresh entry logic devices incorporated 3 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product state diagram f igure 2 - s implified s tate d iagram
logic devices incorporated  march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 7kh ''5 6'5$0 xvhv grxeoh gdwd udwh dufklwhfwxuh wr dfklhyh kl jk vshhgrshudwlrq7khgrxeohgdwdudwh ''5 dufklwhfwxuhlvdq qsuhihwfk zlwkdqlqwhuidfhghvljqhgwrwudqvihuwzrgdwdzrugvshuforfn f\fohdwwkh ,2slqv$vlqjoh5($'ru:5,7(dffhvviruwkh''56'5$0frq vlvwv ridvlqjohqelwzlghrqhforfnf\fohgdwdwudqvihudwwkhl qwhuqdophpru\ fruhdqghljkwfruuhvsrqglqjqelwzlghrqhkdoiforfnf\fohg dwdwudqvihu dwwkh,2slq 7khgliihuhqwldovwurehv /'46[/'46[?8'46[8'46[? duhwud qvplw - whgh[whuqdoo\dorqjzlwkgdwdiruxvhlqgdwdfdswxuhdwwkh ''56'5$0 lqsxw uhfhlyhu '46 lv fhqwhudoljqhg zlwk gdwd iru :5,7(v  7k h 5($' gdwd lv wudqvplwwhg e\ wkh ''5 6'5$0 dqg hgjhdoljqhg wr wkh g dwd vwurehv 7kh ''5 6'5$0 rshudwhv iurp d gliihuhqwldo forfn &.[ &.[?  7kh furvvlqjri&.jrlqj+,*+dqg&.?jrlqj/2:lvuhihuuhgwrdvw khsrvl - wlyhhgjhri&orfn &. &rqwuro&rppdqgdqg$gguhvvvljqdov duhuhj - lvwhuhgdwhyhu\srvlwlyhhgjhri&.,qsxwgdwdlvuhjlvwhuhg rqwkhiluvw ulvlqj hgjh ri '46 diwhu wkh :5,7( suhdpeoh dqg rxwsxw gdwd lv uhihu - hqfhgrqwkhiluvwulvlqjhgjhri'46diwhuwkh5($'suhdpeoh 5($' dqg :5,7( dffhvvhv wr wkh ''5 6'5$0 duh exuvwrulhqwhg  $ffhvvhv vwduw dw d vhohfwhg orfdwlrq dqg frqwlqxh iru d surjud pphg qxpehuriorfdwlrqvlqdsurjudpphgvhtxhqfh$ffhvvhvehjlqz lwkwkh uhjlvwudwlrqridq$&7,9$7(fr ppdqgzklfklvwkhqiroorzhge\ d5($' ru:5,7(frppdqg7khdgguhvvelwvuhjlvwhuhgfrlqflghqwzlwk wkh$&7, - 9$7(frppdqgduhxvhgwrvhohfwwkhedqndqgwkhvwduwlqjfroxp qorfd - wlrqiruwkhexuvwdffhvv ''56'5$0ghylfhvxvh5($'dqg:5,7(%/dqg%&$q$872 35(&+$5*(ixqfwlrqpd\ehhqdeohgwrsurylghdvhoiwlphg52:3 5( - &+$5*(wkdwlvlqlwldwhgdwwkhhqgriwkhexuvwdffhvv $vzlwkvwdqgdug''56'5$0ghylfhvwkhslsholqhgpxowledqnd ufklwhf - wxuhriwkh''56'5$0doorzvirufrqfxuuhqwrshudwlrqwkhuhe\ surylg - lqjkljkedqgzlgwke\klglqj52:35(&+$5*(dqg$&7,9$7,21wlph $ 6(/) 5()5(6+ prgh lv surylghg iru doo whpshudwxuh judgh riihu lqjv dorqjzlwk$8726(/)5()5(6+iru,qgxvwuldosurgxfwdvzhoodv srzhu vdylqj32:(5'2:1prgh functional description i ndustrial t emperature 7kh lqgxvwuldo whpshudwxuh ,  ghylfh uhtxluhv wkh dpelhqw whps hudwxuh qrwh[fhhg ? &ru ? &-('(&vshflilfdwlrqvuhtxluhwkh5()5(6+ udwhwrgrxeohzkhq7 $ h[fhhgv ? &wklvdovruhtxluhvxvhriwkhkljk whpshudwxuh6(/)5()5(6+rswlrq$gglwlrqdoo\2'7uhvlvwdqfh dqg wkh ,1387287387 lpshgdqfh pxvw eh ghudwhg zkhq wkh 7 $  lv  ? & ru! ? & e xtended t emperature 7kh([whqghgwhpshudwxuh ( ghylfhuhtxluhvwkhdpelhqwwhpshu dwxuh qrwh[fhhg ? &ru ? &-('(&vshflilfdwlrqvuhtxluhwkhuhiuhvk udwhwrgrxeohzkhq7 $ h[fhhgv ? &wklvdovruhtxluhvxvhriwkhkljk whpshudwxuh6(/)5()5(6+rswlrq$gglwlrqdoo\2'7uhvlvwdqfh dqg wkh ,1387287387 lpshgdqfh pxvw eh ghudwhg zkhq wkh 7 $  lv  ? & or >85 ? & m ilitary , e xtreme o perating t emperature 7kh0lo7hps 0 ghylfhuhtxluhvwkhdpelhqwwhpshudwxuhqrwh[ fhhg -55 ? &ru ? &-('(&uhtxluhvwkh5()5(6+udwhgrxeohzkhq7 $ h[fhhgv ? &dqg/',uhfrpphqgvdqdgglwlrqdoghudwlqjdvvshflilhg lq wklv grfxphqw dv wr surshuo\ pdlqwdlq wkh '5$0 fruh fhoo fkd ujh dw whpshudwxuhvderyh7 $ >105 ? &
die 1a addr0-15a addr dq 15    dq 8 dq 7    dq 0 dq 31a    dq 24a dq 23a    dq 16a die 0a csa reseta odta wea rasa, casa ckea cka, cka# ba0-2a ba ck, cke ras, we odt reset csa ck# cas addr0-15b addr ba ck, cke ras, we odt reset csa ck# cas addr ba ck, cke ras, we odt reset csb ck# cas ba0-2b ckb, ckb# ckeb rasb, casb web odtb resetb cs b die 1b die 0b dm3a dm2a dm1a dm0a dm3b dm2b dm1b dm0b dqs3a, dqs3a# dqs2a, dqs2a# dq 15    dq 8 dq 7    dq 0 dq 15a    dq 8a dq 7a    dq 0a dqs1a, dqs1a# dqs0a, dqs0a# dq 15    dq 8 dq 7    dq 0 dq 31b    dq 24b dq 23b    dq 16b dqs3b, dqs3b# dqs2b, dqs2b# dq 15    dq 8 dq 7    dq 0 dq 15b    dq 8b dq 7b    dq 0b dqs1b, dqs1b# dqs0b, dqs0b# addr ba ck, cke ras, we odt reset csb ck# cas vssq zq vssq zq vssq zq vssq zq logic devices incorporated 5 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 3a - L9D3256M32DBG2 f unctional b lock d iagram
logic devices incorporated 6 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product die 0a addr0-15a addr dq 7    dq 0 dq 7    dq 0 dq 31a    dq 24a dq 23a    dq 16a die 2a cs1a cs0a reseta# odta weab rasa#, casa# ckea cka, cka# ba0-2a ba ck, cke ras, we odt reset cs0 cs1 ck# cas addr0-15b addr addr ba0-2b ckb, ckb# ckeb rasb#, casb# web# odtb resetb# cs0b cs1b die 3b die 1b dm0a dm1a dm2a dm3a dm3b dm2b dm1b dm0b dqs0a, dqs0a# dqs1a, dqs1a# dq 7    dq 0 dq 7    dq 0 dq 15a    dq 8a dq 7a    dq 0a dqs2a, dqs2a# dqs3a, dqs3a# dq 7    dq 0 dq 7    dq 0 dq 31b    dq 24b dq 23b    dq 16b dqs3b, dqs3b# dqs2b, dqs2b# dq 7    dq 0 dq 7    dq 0 dq 15b    dq 8b dq 7b    dq 0b dqs1b, dqs1b# dqs0b, dqs0b# addr ba ck, cke ras, we odt reset cs0 cs1 ck# cas die 1a die 3a die 2b die 0b ba ck, cke ras, we odt reset cs0 cs1 ck# cas ba ck, cke ras, we odt reset cs0 cs1 ck# cas vssq zq vssq zq vssq zq vssq zq vssq zq vssq zq vssq zq vssq zq f igure 3b - l9d3512m32dbg2 f unctional b lock d iagram
logic devices incorporated  march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 12345678910111213 a a b b c c d d e e f f g g h h j j k k l l m m n n p p r r t t 12345678910111213 address level ref v + (i/o power) cntrl gnd (core) data io u v w y aa u v w y aa gnd (i/o) v + (core power) 271bga-1.00mm pitch - x64, scb vssq v dd q vssq v dd q vssq v dd q vssq vss a14a a13a a8a v dd v ss dq9a dqs1a dqs1a# dq13a dq15a dq14a dq12a v dd a9a a11a a7a a6a a2a dq11a dq10a dq8a dq0a dq2a dq3a dq1a v ss rfu a4a a5a a1a a3a v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q v dd a12a dm1a a0a ba1a dm0a dq4a dq6a dq7a dq5a dqs0a# dqs0a vssq v dd reseta# ba0a ba2a vss v dd dq20a dq22a dq23a dq21a dqs2a# dqs2a v dd q v ss csa1# vrefcaa csa0# v dd v ss vssq v dd q vssq v dd q vssq v dd q vssq v dd rfu a10a wea# odta ckea dq26a dq24a dq16a dq18a dq19a dq17a v dd v ss vrefdqa v ss casa# clka v dd dq27a dq25a dqs3a dqs3a# dq29a dq31a vss v dd v dddlla v dd rasa# clka# v ss v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss v ssdlla v ss v dd dm2a dm3a dq28a dq30a dq28b dq30b vss v dd vss v dd vss v dd vss v dd v ss v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v ss v ssdllb v ss v dd dm2b dm3b dq27b dq25b dqs3b dqs3b# dq29b dq31b vss v dd v dddllb v dd rasb# clkb# v ss dq26b dq24b dq16b dq18b dq19b dq17b v dd v ss vrefdqb v ss casb# clkb v dd v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q v dd rfu a10b web# odtb ckeb dq20b dq22b dq23b dq21b dqs2b# dqs2b v ss q v ss csb1# vrefcab csb0# v dd v ss dq4b dq6b dq7b dq5b dqs0b# dqs0b v dd q v dd resetb# ba0b ba2b vss v dd v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd a12b dm1b a0b ba1b dm0b dq11b dq10b dq8b dq0b dq2b dq3b dq1b v ss rfu a4b a5b a1b a3b dq9b dqs1b dqs1b# dq13b dq15b dq14b dq12b v dd a9b a11b a7b a6b a2b v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q v ss q v dd q vss a14b a13b a8b v dd v ss vdddll vssdll rfu f igure 4 - p inout t op v iew ball /signal location (pbga)
logic devices incorporated 8 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 2 - b all /s ignal l ocation and d escription ball assignments symbol type description $$$%% %%%&& &&&'' g10 '(( +- g13 f11 d10, d13, k12, k13, - + g11 a 0a, a 1a, a 2a, a 3a, a 4a, a 5a, a 6a, a 7a, a 8a, a 9a, a 10a /ap, a 11a, a 12a / bc , a 13a, a 14a, a 15a ba 0a , ba 1a, ba 2a clka x , clka x # ckea csa# dmxa rasa# casa# wea# input input input input input input input input input address inputs: 3urylghwkh52:dgguhvviru$&7,9$7(frppdqgvdqgwkhfroxpqd gguhvv dqgdxwrsuhfkdujhelw $ 10 iru5($'<:5,7(frppdqgvwrvhohfwrqhorfdwlrqrxwriwkh phpru\duud\lqwkhuhvshfwlyhedqn$ 10 vdpsohggxulqjd35(&+$5*(frppdqgghwhuplqhv zkhwkhuwkh35(&+$5*(dssolhvwrrqhedqn $ 10 /2: edqnvhohfwhge\%$>@rudooedqnv $ 10 +,*+ 7khdgguhvvlqsxwvdovrsurylghwkhrsfrghgxulqjd/ 2$'02'(frppdqg $gguhvvlqsxwvduhuhihuhqfhgwr9uhi&$$ 12 %&zkhqhqdeohglqwkhprghuhjlvwhu 05 $ 12 lvvdpsohggxulqj5($'dqg:5,7(frppdqgvwrghwhuplqhzkhwkhu exuvwfkrs/2: %&  exuvwfkrs  bank address inputs: %$>@ghilqhwkhedqnwrzklfkdq$&7,9$7(5($':5,7(ru 35(&+$5*(frppdqglvehlqjdssolhg%$>@ghilqhzklfkprgh uhjlvwhu 05 0 , mr 1 , mr 2 , or mr 3 lvordghggxulqjwkh/2$'02'(frppdqg%$>@duhuhihuhqf hgwr9uhi&$ clock: &/.[dqg&/.[duhgliihuhqwldoforfnlqsxwvrqhgliihuhqwldo sdlushu:25'irxu:25'v frqwdlqhglqwkh/'[[*surgxfw$oofrqwurodqgdgguhvvlq sxwvljqdovduhvdpsohgrqwkh furvvlqjriwkhsrvlwlyhhgjhri&/.[dqgwkhqhjdwlyhhgjhri &/.[2xwsxwgdwdvwurehv '46['46[ lvuhihuhqfhgwrwkhfurvvlqjri&/.[dqg&/.[ clock enable: &.(hqdeohvdqgglvdeohvlqwhuqdoflufxlwu\dqgforfnvrqwkh6 '5$07kh vshflilfflufxlwu\wkdwlvhqdeohgglvdeohglvghshqghqwxsrqw kh''56'5$0frqiljxudwlrqdqg rshudwlqjprgh7dnlqj&.(/2:surylghv35(&+$5*(srzhugrzqd qg6(/)5()5(6+ rshudwlrqv dooedqnvlgoh rudfwlyhsrzhugrzq urzdfwlyhl qdq\edqn &.(lvv\qfkurqrxv irusrzhugrzqhqwu\dqgh[lwdqgiruvhoiuhiuhvkhqwu\&.( lvdv\qfkurqrxviruvhoiuhiuhvk h[lw,qsxwexiihuv h[foxglqj&/.[&/.[&.(5(6(7dqg2 '7 duhglvdeohggxulqj6(/) 5()5(6+&.(lvuhihuhqfhgwr9uhi&$ chip select: &6hqdeohv uhjlvwhuhg/2: dqgglvdeohvwkhfrppdqgghfrghu $oofrppdqgv duhpdvnhgzkhq&6lvuhjlvwhuhg+,*+&6surylghviruh[whu qdoudqnvhohfwlrqrqv\vwhpv zlwkpxowlsoh udqnv&6lvfrqvlghuhgsduwriwkhfrppdqgfrgh&6lvuhi huhqfhgwr9uhi&$ input data mask: '0[lvwkhe\whzlghgdwdpdvniruwkhuhvshfwlyhelwgdwdil hogv7khgdwd pdvnlqsxwpdvnv:5,7(gdwd%\whgdwdlvpdvnhgzkhq'0[lv vdpsohg+,*+'0[slqvduh vwuxfwxuhgdvlqsxwvrqo\wkhslqvhohfwulfdoordglqjlvghvlj qhgwrpdwfkwkdwriwkh'4'46[ '46[slqv row address strobe/select: 'hilqhvwkhfrppdqgehlqjhqwhuhgdorqj&$6:(dqg&6 7klvlqsxwslqlvuhihuhqfhgwr9uhi&$ column address strobe/select: 'hilqhvwkhfrppdqgehlqjhqwhuhgdorqjzlwk5$6:( dqg&67klvlqsxwslqlvuhihuhqfhgwr9uhi&$ write enable input: 'hilqhvwkhfrppdqgehlqjhqwhuhgdorqjzlwk&$65$6dqg&6  7klvlqsxwslqlvuhihuhqfhgwr9uhi&$
logic devices incorporated 9 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 2 - b all /s ignal l ocation and d escription c ontinued ball assignments symbol type description odta reseta# dqsxa, dqsxa# dq 0a, dq 1a, dq 2a, dq 3a, dq 4a, dq 5a, dq 6a, dq 7a dq 8a, dq 9a, dq 10a, dq 11a, dq 12a, dq 13a, dq 14a, dq 15a dq 16a, dq 17a, dq 18a, dq 19a, dq 20a, dq 21a, dq 22a, dq 23a dq 24a, dq 25a, dq 26a, dq 27a, dq 28a, dq 29a, dq 30a, dq 31a v ssdlla v dddlla v refcaa v refdaa input input input i/o i/o i/o i/o supply supply on-die termination: 2'7hqdeohv zkhquhjlvwhuhg+,*+ dqgglvdeohvwhuplqdwlrquhv lv - wdqfhlqwhuqdowrwkh''56'5$0:khqhqdeohglqqrupdorshud wlrq2'7lvrqo\dssolhg wrhdfkriwkhiroorzlqjvljqdov'4>@'46[dqg'0[7 kh2'7lqsxwlvljqruhgli glvdeohgyldwkh/2$'02'(uhjlvwhufrppdqg2'7lvuhihuhqfhg wr9uhi&$ reset: $qlqsxwfrqwuroslqdfwlyh/2:uhihuhqfhgwr9vv7kh5(6(7 lqsxwuhfhlyhulv d&026lqsxwghilqhgdvdudlowrudlovljqdozlwk'&+,*+ t [9 dd dqg'&/2: d 0.2 x 9 dd 45(6(7dvvhuwlrqdqgghdvvhuwlrqduhdv\qfkurqrxv data strobe byte (per word): 2xwsxwhgjhdoljqhgzlwk5($'gdwd,qsxwfhqwhudoljqhg zlwk:5,7(gdwd data input/output: /2:%\wh/2::25' :25' 3lquhihuhqfhgwr9uhi'4 data input/output: +,*+%\wh/2::25' :25' 3lquhihuhqfhgwr9uhi'4 data input/output: /2:%\wh:25'3lquhihuhqfhgwr9uhi'4 data input/output: +,*+%\wh:25'3lquhihuhqfhgwr9uhi'4 *urxqgiru'// 6xsso\iru'// 9rowdjh5hihuhqfh&25(9uhi&$pxvwehpdlqwdlqhgdwdoowlphv 9rowdjh5hihuhqfh,29uhi'4pxvwehpdlqwdlqhgdwdoowlphv g12 ( (()) %%-- &&&&(( (( %%%%%& && ))))++ ++ ++---- l1, l2 k9 - f10 +
logic devices incorporated 10 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 2 - b all /s ignal l ocation and d escription c ontinued ball assignments symbol type description 599:: :::< <<<< $$$$$$ 889 13 r13 t11 0099 n11 3 r11 a 0b, a 1b, a 2b, a 3b, a 4b, a 5b, a 6b, a 7b, a 8b, a 9b, a 10b /ap, a 11b, a 12b / bc , a 13b, a 14b, a 15b ba 0b , ba 1b, ba 2b clkb x , clkb x # ckeb csb# dmxb, rasb# casb# web# input input input input input input input input input address inputs: 3urylghwkh52:dgguhvviru$&7,9$7(frppdqgvdqgwkhfroxpqd gguhvv dqgdxwrsuhfkdujhelw $ 10 iru5($'<:5,7(frppdqgvwrvhohfwrqhorfdwlrqrxwriwkh phpru\duud\lqwkhuhvshfwlyhedqn$ 10 vdpsohggxulqjd35(&+$5*(frppdqgghwhuplqhv zkhwkhuwkh35(&+$5*(dssolhvwrrqhedqn $ 10 /2: edqnvhohfwhge\%$>@rudooedqnv $ 10 +,*+ 7khdgguhvvlqsxwvdovrsurylghwkhrsfrghgxulqjd/ 2$'02'(frppdqg $gguhvvlqsxwvduhuhihuhqfhgwr9uhi&$$ 12 %&zkhqhqdeohglqwkhprghuhjlvwhu 05 $ 12 lvvdpsohggxulqj5($'dqg:5,7(frppdqgvwrghwhuplqhzkhwkhu exuvwfkrs/2: %&  exuvwfkrs  bank address inputs: %$>@ghilqhwkhedqnwrzklfkdq$&7,9$7(5($':5,7(ru 35(&+$5*(frppdqglvehlqjdssolhg%$>@ghilqhzklfkprgh uhjlvwhu 05 0 , mr 1 , mr 2 , or mr 3 lvordghggxulqjwkh/2$'02'(frppdqg%$>@duhuhihuhqf hgwr9uhi&$ clock: &/.[dqg&/.[duhgliihuhqwldoforfnlqsxwvrqhgliihuhqwldo sdlushu:25'irxu:25'v frqwdlqhglqwkh/'[[*surgxfw$oofrqwurodqgdgguhvvlq sxwvljqdovduhvdpsohgrqwkh furvvlqjriwkhsrvlwlyhhgjhri&/.[dqgwkhqhjdwlyhhgjhri &/.[2xwsxwgdwdvwurehv '46['46[ lvuhihuhqfhgwrwkhfurvvlqjri&/.[dqg&/.[ clock enable: &.(hqdeohvdqgglvdeohvlqwhuqdoflufxlwu\dqgforfnvrqwkh6 '5$07kh vshflilfflufxlwu\wkdwlvhqdeohgglvdeohglvghshqghqwxsrqw kh''56'5$0frqiljxudwlrqdqg rshudwlqjprgh7dnlqj&.(/2:surylghv35(&+$5*(srzhugrzqd qg6(/)5()5(6+ rshudwlrqv dooedqnvlgoh rudfwlyhsrzhugrzq urzdfwlyhl qdq\edqn &.(lvv\qfkurqrxv irusrzhugrzqhqwu\dqgh[lwdqgiruvhoiuhiuhvkhqwu\&.( lvdv\qfkurqrxviruvhoiuhiuhvk h[lw,qsxwexiihuv h[foxglqj&/.[&/.[&.(5(6(7dqg2 '7 duhglvdeohggxulqj6(/) 5()5(6+&.(lvuhihuhqfhgwr9uhi&$ chip select: &6hqdeohv uhjlvwhuhg/2: dqgglvdeohvwkhfrppdqgghfrghu $oofrppdqgv duhpdvnhgzkhq&6lvuhjlvwhuhg+,*+&6surylghviruh[whu qdoudqnvhohfwlrqrqv\vwhpv zlwkpxowlsoh udqnv&6lvfrqvlghuhgsduwriwkhfrppdqgfrgh&6lvuhi huhqfhgwr9uhi&$ input data mask: '0[lvwkhe\whzlghgdwdpdvniruwkhuhvshfwlyhelwgdwdil hogv7khgdwd pdvnlqsxwpdvnv:5,7(gdwd%\whgdwdlvpdvnhgzkhq'0[lv vdpsohg+,*+'0[slqvduh vwuxfwxuhgdvlqsxwvrqo\wkhslqvhohfwulfdoordglqjlvghvlj qhgwrpdwfkwkdwriwkh'4'46[ '46[slqv row address strobe/select: 'hilqhvwkhfrppdqgehlqjhqwhuhgdorqj&$6:(dqg&6 7klvlqsxwslqlvuhihuhqfhgwr9uhi&$ column address strobe/select: 'hilqhvwkhfrppdqgehlqjhqwhuhgdorqjzlwk5$6:( dqg&67klvlqsxwslqlvuhihuhqfhgwr9uhi&$ write enable input: 'hilqhvwkhfrppdqgehlqjhqwhuhgdorqjzlwk&$65$6dqg& 6 7klvlqsxwslqlvuhihuhqfhgwr9uhi&$ l
logic devices incorporated 11 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 2 - b all /s ignal l ocation and d escription c ontinued ball assignments symbol type description odtb resetb# dqsxb, dqsxb# dq 0b, dq 1b, dq 2b, dq 3b, dq 4b, dq 5b, dq 6b, dq 7b dq 8b, dq 9b, dq 10b, dq 11b, dq 12b, dq 13b, dq 14b, dq 15b dq 16b, dq 17b, dq 18b, dq 19b, dq 20b, dq 21b, dq 22b, dq 23b dq 24b, dq 25b, dq 26b, dq 27b, dq 28b, dq 29b, dq 30b, dq 31b v ssdllb v dddllb v refcab v refdab input input input i/o i/o i/o i/o supply supply r12 8 7788 11<< 8888:: :: :::<<< << 333377 77 //1111 33 m9 n9 t10 3 on-die termination: 2'7hqdeohv zkhquhjlvwhuhg+,*+ dqgglvdeohvwhuplqdwlrquhv lv - wdqfhlqwhuqdowrwkh''56'5$0:khqhqdeohglqqrupdorshud wlrq2'7lvrqo\dssolhg wrhdfkriwkhiroorzlqjvljqdov'4>@'46[dqg'0[7 kh2'7lqsxwlvljqruhgli glvdeohgyldwkh/2$'02'(uhjlvwhufrppdqg2'7lvuhihuhqfhg wr9uhi&$ reset: $qlqsxwfrqwuroslqdfwlyh/2:uhihuhqfhgwr9vv7kh5(6(7 lqsxwuhfhlyhulv d&026lqsxwghilqhgdvdudlowrudlovljqdozlwk'&+,*+ t [9 dd dqg'&/2: d 0.2 x 9 dd 45(6(7dvvhuwlrqdqgghdvvhuwlrqduhdv\qfkurqrxv data strobe, byte (per word): 2xwsxwhgjhdoljqhgzlwk5($'gdwd,qsxwfhqwhudoljqhg zlwk:5,7(gdwd data input/output: /2:%\wh/2::25' :25' 3lquhihuhqfhgwr9uhi'4 data input/output: +,*+%\wh/2::25' :25' 3lquhihuhqfhgwr9uhi'4 data input/output: /2:%\wh:25'3lquhihuhqfhgwr9uhi'4 data input/output: +,*+%\wh:25'3lquhihuhqfhgwr9uhi'4 *urxqgiru'// 6xsso\iru'// 9rowdjh5hihuhqfh&25(9uhi&$pxvwehpdlqwdlqhgdwdoowlphv 9rowdjh5hihuhqfh,29uhi'4pxvwehpdlqwdlqhgdwdoowlphv
logic devices incorporated 12 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product $%'(( )*++- -./// /0113 35788 9<$$ $$$''' ')***. ...000 555589 99$$$$$$ $$ $$&() )++-- ..//// /0011 33778 :$$$$ $$$$'' '(**** ...000 055579 999$$$$ $$ f9, g9, r9, t9 t able 2 - b all /s ignal l ocation and d escription c ontinued ball assignments symbol type description v dd v dd q v ss v ss q rfu supply supply supply supply 3rzhu6xsso\9?9 'dwd,26xsso\9?9 ground 'dwd,2*urxqg,vrodwhgiurp&ruhirulpsuryhgqrlvhlppxqlw \ 5hvhuyhgiru)xwxuh8vh
1.00 nom 1.00 nom 12.00 nom ? 1rwh$ooglphqvlrqvlqpp 0$; 20.00 nom ? [120  $ b & d ( f g + - k l m n 3 r t 8 9 : < $$ ? ? logic devices incorporated 13 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 5 - m echanical d rawing
p ackage o utline d imensions logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 127(6 9 dd dqg9 dd 4pxvwehzlwklqp9rihdfkrwkhudwdoowlphvdqg9 5() pxvwqrwehjuhdwhuwkdq[9 dd 4:khq9 dd and 9 dd 4duhohvvwkdq099 5() pd\eh d p9 0d[rshudwlqjdpelhqwwhpshudwxuh t $ lvphdvxuhglqwkhfhqwhuriwkhsdfndjh 'hylfh)xqfwlrqdolw\lvqrwjxdudqwhhgliwkh'5$0ghylfhh [fhhgvwkh0d[lpxp7 $ gxulqjrshudwlrq 127(6 9 dd  9p999 dd q  9 dd 9 5()  9 vv i 0+] t $ = 25 &9 287  '&  [9 dd q 9 287 shdnwrshdn  9 '0lqsxwlvjurxshgzlwk,2slqvuhiohfwlqjwkhvljqdolv jurxshgzlwk'4dqgwkhuhiruhpdwfkhglqordglqj & &&46 lviru'46yv'46? & dio  &,2 '4 [ &,2>'46@&,2>'46?@ ([foxghv&.&.? & ',b&17/  &, &17/ [ &&.>&.@&&.>&.?@ &17/ 2'7&6?dqg &.( & ',b&0'b$''5  &, &0'b$''5 [ &&.>&.@&&.>&.?@ &0' 5$6?&$ 6?dqg:(?$''5 >q@ capacitance parameter symbol min max (256m) max (512m) units notes &.dqg&.? 6lqjohhqg,2'4'0 'liihuhqwldo,2'46'46? ,qsxwv 5$6?&$6?:(?&6?&.(5(6(7?$''5%$ t able 4: i nput /o utput c apacitance & &. & 10 & 10 & i_shared s) s) s) s) 2 3 5 symbol parameter min max units notes 9 dd 9 dd q 9 in 9 287 t $ ,qgxvwuldo t $ ([whqghg t $ 0lowhps t stg 9 9 9 & & & & 1 1 1 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 t able 3: a bsolute m aximum r atings    85 105 125 150      -55 -55 9 dd 6xsso\9rowdjhuhodwlyhwr9 vv 9 dd 6xsso\9rowdjhuhodwlyhwr9 vv q 9rowdjhrqdq\slquhodwlyhwr9 vv 2shudwlqj$pelhqw7hpshudwxuh 2shudwlqj$pelhqw7hpshudwxuh 2shudwlqj$pelhqw&dvh7hpshudwxuh 6wrudjh7hpshudwxuh 1.6   1.5 3.2 2.2 2.2 2.8    5.6
logic devices incorporated 15 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t &. 0,1 , dd &/, dd t 5&' 0,1 , dd w5& 0,1 , dd t 5$6 0,1 , dd t 53 0,1 , dd t )$: t rrd i dd t 5)& i dd parameter 10-10-10 11-11-11 13-13-13 t able 5: t iming p arameters for i dd m easurements - c lock u nits qv &. &. &. &. &. &. &. &. 1.5 10 10   10 30 5  ddr3-1333 -15 [ [ ddr3-1600 -12 ddr3-1866 -11 1.25 11 11 39 28 11 32 6 208  13 13  32 13 33 6 
ck, ck\ cke sub-loop cs\ ras\ cas\ we\ odt ba [2:0] a [15:11] a [10] a [9:7] a [6:3] a [2:0] 00110000000 10000000000 10000000000 11110000000 11110000000 00100000000 001100000f0 100000000f0 100000000f0 111100000f0 111100000f0 001000000f0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 6 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 7 - - - - - - - - repeat cycles n rc +1 through n rc +4 until 2 x rc - 1, truncate if needed repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 1 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 2 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 3 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 4 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 5 d\ d\ pre repeat cycles 1 through 4 until n ras - 1, truncate if needed repeat cycles 1 through 4 until n rc - 1, truncate if needed repeat cycles n rc +1 through n rc +4 until n rc - 1 + n ras - 1, truncate if needed - - - - d\ d\ pre act d d 4 x n rc 6 x n rc 8 x n rc 10 x n rc 12 x n rc 14 x n rc n rc + 3 n rc + 4 - n rc + n ras - 2 x nrc - n ras - n rc n rc + 1 n rc + 2 cycle number command 0 data 1 2 act d d 3 4 0 static high toggling logic devices incorporated 16 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 6: i dd 0 m easurement l oop
ck, ck\ cke sub-loop cs\ ras\ cas\ we\ odt ba [2:0] a [15:11] a [10] a [9:7] a [6:3] a [2:0] 00110000000 10000000000 10000000000 11110000000 11110000000 01010000000 00100000000 001100000f0 100000000f0 100000000f0 111100000f0 111100000f0 010100000f0 001000000f0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 cycle number command data 0 1 2 act d d - 3 4 - nrcd - nras - nrc n rc +1 nrc +2 n rc +3 n rc +4 - n rc + nrcd - n rc + nras 2 x n rc 2 x n rc 2 x n rc 2 x n rc 2 x n rc 2 x n rc 2 x n rc d\ d\ rd pre act d d d\ d\ rd pre repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 1 - 00110011 - repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 2 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 3 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 4 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 5 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 6 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 7 repeat cycles 1 through 4 until nrcd - 1, truncate if needed repeat cycles 1 through 4 until nras - 1, truncate if needed repeat cycles 1 through 4 until nrc - 1, truncate if needed repeat cycles nrc + 1 through nrc + 4 until nrc + nrcd - 1, truncate if needed repeat cycles nrc + 1 through nrc + 4 until nrc + nras - 1, truncate if needed - - - - - - - - 00000000 - toggling static high 0 repeat cycle nrc + 1 through nrc + 4 until 2 x nrc - 1, truncate if needed logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 7: i dd 1 m easurement l oop
logic devices incorporated 18 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 8: i dd m easurement c onditions f or p ower -d own c urrents name 7lplqj3dwwhuq &.( ([whuqdo&orfn t &. t 5& t 5$6 t 5&' t rrd t 5& &/ $/ &6? &rppdqg,qsxwv 52:&2/801$ggu %dqn$gguhvv dm 'dwd,2 2xwsxw%xiihu'4'46 odt %xuvw/hqjwk $&7,9(%dqn v ,'/(%dqn v 6shfldo1rwhv qd /2: toggling t &. 0,1 , dd q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d +,*+ /2: /2: /2: /2: 0lgohyho (qdeohg (qdeohg2)) 8 none $oo q?d qd /2: toggling t &. 0,1 , dd q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d +,*+ /2: /2: /2: /2: 0lgohyho (qdeohg (qdeohg2)) 8 none $oo q?d qd +,*+ toggling t &. 0,1 , dd q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d +,*+ /2: /2: /2: /2: 0lgohyho (qdeohg (qdeohg2)) 8 none $oo q?d qd /2: toggling t &. 0,1 , dd q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d +,*+ /2: /2: /2: /2: 0lgohyho (qdeohg (qdeohg2)) 8 none $oo q?d i dd 2p0 precharge power- down current (slow exit) i dd 2p1 precharge power- down current (fast exit) i dd 2q precharge quiet standby current i dd 3p active power- down current
ck, ck\ cke sub-loop cs\ ras\ cas\ we\ odt ba [2:0] a [15:11] a [10] a [9:7] a [6:3] a [2:0] 10000000000 10000000000 111100000f0 111100000f0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 cycle number command data 0 1 0d d 2d\ 3d\ repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 7 - - - - 4-7 8-11 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 1 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 2 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 3 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 4 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 5 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 6 static high toggling 12-15 16-19 20-23 24-27 28-31 logic devices incorporated 19 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 9: i dd 2 n / i dd 3 n m easurement l oop
ck, ck\ cke sub-loop cs\ ras\ cas\ we\ odt ba [2:0] a [15:11] a [10] a [9:7] a [6:3] a [2:0] 10000000000 10000000000 111100000f0 111100000f0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 cycle number command data toggling static high 0 0 3 12-15 28-31 d - 1d - 2d\ - d\ - 4-7 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 1; odt = 0 8-11 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 2; odt = 1 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 3; odt = 1 16-19 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 4; odt = 0 20-23 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 5; odt = 0 24-27 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 6; odt = 1 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 7; odt = 1 logic devices incorporated 20 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 10: i dd 2 nt m easurement l oop
ck, ck\ cke sub-loop cs\ ras\ cas\ we\ odt ba [2:0] a [15:11] a [10] a [9:7] a [6:3] a [2:0] 01010000000 10000000000 11110000000 11110000000 010100000f0 100000000f0 111100000f0 111100000f0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 data 0 static high toggling 56-63 0 1 2 5 8-15 cycle number command rd d d\ d\ rd 3 4 - d d\ d\ 6 7 32-39 16-23 24-31 40-47 48-55 00000000 - - - 00110011 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 7 - - repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 1 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 2 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 3 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 4 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 5 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 6 logic devices incorporated 21 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 11: i dd 4 r m easurement l oop
ck, ck\ cke sub-loop cs\ ras\ cas\ we\ odt ba [2:0] a [15:11] a [10] a [9:7] a [6:3] a [2:0] 01001000000 10001000000 11111000000 11111000000 010010000f0 100010000f0 111110000f0 111110000f0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 data 1d - wr toggling stac high 0 0 3 6 2d\ - 00000000 cycle number command d\ - 4wr 00110011 5d - d\ - 7d\ - 8-15 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 1 16-23 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 2 24-31 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 3 32-39 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 4 40-47 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 5 48-55 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 6 56-63 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba [2:0] = 7 logic devices incorporated 22 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 12: i dd 4 w m easurement l oop
ck, ck\ cke sub-loop cs\ ras\ cas\ we\ odt ba [2:0] a [15:11] a [10] a [9:7] a [6:3] a [2:0] 0 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g 1h 2 9-12 13-16 cycle number command data 1 0 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-n rfc-1 repeat sub-loop 1a, use ba [2:0] = 1 repeat sub-loop 1a, use ba [2:0] = 2 1a 2 3 4 5-8 static high toggling ref d d d\ d\ repeat sub-loop 1a, use ba [2:0] = 4 repeat sub-loop 1a, use ba [2:0] = 5 repeat sub-loop 1a, use ba [2:0] = 6 repeat sub-loop 1a, use ba [2:0] = 3 repeat sub-loop 1a, use ba [2:0] = 7 repeat sub-loop 1a through 1h until n rfc - 1, truncate if needed logic devices incorporated 23 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 13: i dd 5 b m easurement l oop
p ackage o utline d imensions logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 14: i dd m easurement l oop i dd test i dd 8: reset i dd 6e/m: self refresh current i dd 6: self refresh current ([whqghgru0lo7hpshudwxuh5dqjh t $  ?&wr?&ru?&wr?& ,qgxvwuldo5dqjh  t $  ?&wr?& &.( ([whuqdo&orfn t &. t 5& t 5$6 t 5&' t rrd t 5& &/ $/ &6? &rppdqg,qsxwv 52:&2/081dgguhvvhv %$1.dgguhvvhv 'dwd,2 2xwsxwexiihu'4'46 odt %xuvw/hqjwk $fwlyh%$1.6 ,'/(%$1.6 srt $65 /2: 2ii&.dqg&.? /2: q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d 0lgohyho 0lgohyho 0lgohyho 0lgohyho 0lgohyho (qdeohg (qdeohg0lgohyho q?d q?d q?d 'lvdeohg qrupdo 'lvdeohg /2: 2ii&.dqg&.? /2: q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d 0lgohyho 0lgohyho 0lgohyho 0lgohyho 0lgohyho (qdeohg (qdeohg0lgohyho q?d q?d q?d (qdeohg h[whqghg 'lvdeohg 0lgohyho 0lgohyho q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d q?d 0lgohyho 0lgohyho 0lgohyho 0lgohyho 0lgohyho 0lgohyho 0lgohyho q?d none $oo q?d q?d
ck, ck\ cke sub-loop cs\ ras\ cas\ we\ odt ba [2:0] a [15:11] a [10] a [9:7] a [6:3] a [2:0] 00110000000 01010001000 10000000000 001101000f0 010101010f0 100001000f0 2 3 100003000f0 5 6 7 8 100007000f0 001100000f0 010100010f0 100000000f0 00110100000 01010101000 10000100000 12 13 10000300000 15 16 17 18 10000700000 cycle number command data 1 0 2 - 00000000 - 3 n rrd n rrd + 1 n rrd + 2 n rrd + 3 2 x n rrd 3x n rrd 4 x n rrd 4 x n rrd + 1 n faw n faw + n rrd n faw + 2x n rrd n faw + 3x n rrd n faw + 4x n rrd n faw + 4x n rrd+1 2 x n faw 2 x n faw + 1 2 x n faw + 2 3 x nfaw + nrrd 3 x nfaw + 2x nrrd 2 x n faw + 3 2 x n faw + n rrd 2 x n faw + n rrd+1 2 x n faw + n rrd+2 2 x n faw + n rrd+3 2 x nfaw + 2x n rrd 1 4 9 10 11 14 static high toggling act rda d act 3 x nfaw + 3x nrrd 3 x nfaw + 4x nrrd 3 x nfaw + 4x nrrd +1 0 d act rda - repeat cycle 2 x n faw + 2 until 2 x n faw + n rrd - 1 19 2 x n faw + 3x n rrd 2 x n faw + 4x n rrd 2 x n faw+4x n rrd+1 3 x nfaw repeat sub-loop 11, use ba[2:0] = 3 - - - repeat sub-loop 1, use ba[2:0] = 5 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba[2:0] = 6 repeat sub-loop 1, use ba[2:0] = 7 repeat cycle n faw + 4 x n rrd until 2 x n faw - 1, if needed rda d - d repeat cycle 2 until n rrd - 1 repeat cycle n rrd + 2 until 2 x n rrd - 1 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba[2:0] = 2 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba[2:0] = 3 repeat cycle 4 x n rrd until n faw - 1, if needed 00110011 repeat sub-loop 10, use ba[2:0] = 2 - - rda d - 00110011 repeat sub-loop 0, use ba[2:0] = 4 d act d repeat cycle 2 x n faw + n rrd + 2 until 2 x n faw + 2 x n rrd - 1 00000000 - repeat cycle 3 x n faw + 4 x n rrd until 4 x n faw - 1, if needed repeat cycle 2 x n faw + 4 x n rrd until 3 x n faw - 1, if needed repeat sub-loop 10, use ba[2:0] = 4 repeat sub-loop 11, use ba[2:0] = 5 repeat sub-loop 10, use ba[2:0] = 6 repeat sub-loop 11, use ba[2:0] = 7 d logic devices incorporated 25 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 15: i dd 7 m easurement l oop
logic devices incorporated 26 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product i dd ddr3-1333 ddr3-1600 ddr3-1866 units 127(6 t $ = 0 &wr d 85 &657dqg$65duhglvdeohghqdeolqj$65frxoglqfuhdvh, dd [e\xswrdqdgglwlrqdop$ i dd 0 i dd 1 i dd 3 i dd 3 i dd 2q i dd 2n i dd 3 i dd 3n i dd 5 i dd : i dd 5b i dd 6 i dd  i dd 8 speed bin p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ t able 16a: i dd m aximum l imits (256m) 320  80 128  200 232 292 960 800  88  i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$ ind (;7 0,/7(03 360  80  188 220 252 308 1120 900 880 88  i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$   80 168 208   328 1200 1000 920 88 1280 i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$ i dd ddr3-1333 ddr3-1600 ddr3-1866 units 127(6 t $ = 0 &wr d 85 &657dqg$65duhglvdeohghqdeolqj$65frxoglqfuhdvh, dd [e\xswrdqdgglwlrqdop$ i dd 0 i dd 1 i dd 3 i dd 3 i dd 2q i dd 2n i dd 3 i dd 3n i dd 5 i dd : i dd 5b i dd 6 i dd  i dd 8 speed bin p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ t able 16b: i dd m aximum l imits (512m)  880 160 256 352    1920 1600 1680  2080 i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$ ind (;7 0,/7(03  920 160 296    616  1800   2280 i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$ 800 960 160 336    656  2000   2560 i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$ i dd 3p$
p ackage o utline d imensions p ackage o utline d imensions logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 127(6 1. 9 dd dqg9 dd 4pxvwwudfnrqhdqrwkhu9 dd 4pxvwehohvvwkdqruhtxdo wr9 dd 9vv 9vv4 2. 9 dd dqg9 dd 4pd\lqfoxgh$&qrlvhri? p9 n+]wr0+] lq dgglwlrqwrwkh'& +]wrn+] vshflilfdwlrqv9 dd dqg9 dd 4pxvw ehdwwkhvdphohyhoiruydolg$&wlplqjsdudphwhuv 3. 9 5()  vhh7deoh   7kh plqlpxp olplw uhtxluhphqw lv iru whvwlqj sxusrvhv  7kh ohdndjh fxuuhqwrqwkh9 5() slqvkrxogehplqlpdo 127(6 1. 9 5()&$ '& lvh[shfwhgwrehdssur[lpdwho\[9 dd dqgwrwudfnydul - dwlrqvlqwkh'&ohyho([whuqdoo\jhqhudwhgshdnqrlvh qrqfr pprq prgh rq9 5()&$ pd\qrwh[fhhg?[9 dd durxqgwkh9 5()&$ '&  ydoxh3hdnwrshdn$&qrlvhrq9 5()&$ vkrxogqrwh[fhhg?ri 9 5()&$ '&  2. '&ydoxhvduhghwhuplqhgwrehohvvwkdq0+]lqiuhtxhqf\' 5$0 pxvw phhw vshflilfdwlrqv li wkh '5$0 lqgxfhv dgglwlrqdo $& qrlv h juhdwhuwkdq0+]lqiuhtxhqf\ 3. 9 5()'4 '&  lv h[shfwhg wr eh dssur[lpdwho\  [ 9 dd  dqg wr wudfn yduldwlrqvlqwkh'&ohyho([whuqdoo\jhqhudwhgshdnqrlvh q rqfrp - prq prgh  rq 95()'4 pd\ qrw h[fhhg ?  [ 9 dd around the 95()'4 '& ydoxh3hdnwrshdn$&qrlvhrq95()'4vkrxogqrw h[fhhg?ri95()'4 '&   9 5()'4 '&  pd\ wudqvlwlrq wr 9 5()'4 65  dqg edfn wr 9 5()'4 '&  zkhq lq 6(/) ]5()5(6+ zlwklq uhvwulfwlrqv rxwolqhg lq wkh 6(/)  5()5(6+vhfwlrq 5. 9 tt  lv qrw dssolhg gluhfwo\ wr wkh ghylfh  9 tt  lv d v\vwhp vxsso\ iru vljqdowhuplqdwlrquhvlvwruv0,1dqg0$;ydoxhvduhv\vwhpgh shq - dent. parameter/condition symbol min typ ma x units notes supply voltage i/o supply voltage input leakage current: $q\lqsxw9 d 9 in d 9 dd 9 5() slq9 d 9 in d 9 $oorwkhuslqvqrwxqghuwhvw 9 vref supply leakage current: 9 5()'4  9 dd ru9 5()&$  9 dd  $oorwkhuslqvqrwxqghuwhvw 9 9 9 ?$ ?$ 1,2 1,2  t able 17: dc e lectrical c haracteristics and o perating c onditions     1.35 1.35 - - 1.2825 1.2825   $oo9rowdjhvduhuhihuhqfhgwr9vv 9 dd 9 dd q i i i 95() parameter/condition symbol min typ max units notes vin low; dc/commands/address busses vin high; dc/commands/address busses input reference voltage command/address bus i/o reference voltage dq bus i/o reference voltage dq bus in self refresh command/address termination voltage v\vwhpohyhoqrw gluhfw'5$0lqsxw 9 9 9 9 9 9 1,2 2,3  5 6hh7deoh 9 dd [9 dd [9 dd 9 dd - qd qd [9 dd [9 dd [9 dd [9 dd q 9 vv 6hh7deoh [9 dd [9 dd 9 vv - $oo9rowdjhvduhuhihuhqfhgwr9vv 9 il 9 ,+ 9 5() &$ '& 9 5() '4 '& 9 5() '4 65 9 tt t able 18: dc e lectrical c haracteristics and i nput c onditions
p ackage o utline d imensions logic devices incorporated 28 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product input high ac voltage: logic 1 input high ac voltage: logic 1 input high dc voltage: logic 1 input high dc voltage: logic 0 input high ac voltage: logic 0 input high ac voltage: logic 0 input high ac voltage: logic 1 input high ac voltage: logic 1 input high dc voltage: logic 1 input high dc voltage: logic 0 input high ac voltage: logic 0 input high ac voltage: logic 0 - -  -100 - - - -  -100 - -    -100 -150  -   -100 -150 - 9 ,+ $& 0,1 9 ,+ $& 0,1 9 ,+ '& 0,1 9 ,/ '& 0$; 9 ,/ $& 0$; 9 ,/ $& 0$; 9 ,+ $& 0,1 9 ,+ $& 0,1 9 ,+ '& 0,1 9 ,/ '& 0$; 9 ,/ $& 0$; 9 ,/ $& 0$; 127(6 1. $ooyrowdjhvduhuhihuhqfhgwr9 5() 9 5() lv9 5()&$ irufrqwurofrp - pdqgdqgdgguhvv$oovohzudwhvdqgvhwxskrogwlphvduhvsh flilhgdw wkh'5$0edoo9 5() lv9 5()'4 iru'4dqg'0lqsxwv 2. ,qsxwvhwxswlplqjsdudphwhuv t is and t '6 duhuhihuhqfhgdw9 il $&  9 ,+ $& qrw9 5() '&  3. ,qsxwkrogwlplqjsdudphwhuv t ,+dqg t '+ duhuhihuhqfhgdw9 il '&  9 ,+ '& qrw9 5() $&   6lqjohhqghg lqsxw vohz udwh  9qv pd[lpxp lqsxw yrowdjh vzlqj xqghuwhvwlvp9 shdnwrshdn  parameter/condition symbol ddr3-1600 ddr3-1866 units &rppdqgdqg$gguhvv t able 19: i nput s witching c onditions dq and dm ddr3-1333 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9
notes: 1. numbers in diagrams reflect nominal values. minimum v il and v ih levels 0.925v 0.850v 0.780v 0.765v 0.750v 0.735v 0.720v 0.650v 0.575v v ih (ac) v ih (dc) v il (dc) v il (ac) v il and v ih levels with ringback 1.90v 1.50v 0.925v 0.850v 0.780v 0.765v 0.750v 0.735v 0.720v 0.650v 0.575v 0.0v -0.40v v dd q + 0.4v narrow pulse width v dd q v ih (ac) v ih (dc) v ref + ac noise v ref + dc error v ref + dc error v ref + ac noise v il (dq) v il (ac) vss vss 0.4v narrow pulse width logic devices incorporated 29 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product operating conditions f igure 6 - i nput s ignal
f igure 7 & 8: o vershoot /u ndershoot s pecifications maximum amplitude overshoot area v dd /v dd q time (ns) volts (v) maximum amplitude undershoot area time (ns) v ss /v ss q volts (v) figure 7: overshoot figure 8: undershoot ac overshoot/undershoot specification logic devices incorporated 30 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product p ackage o utline d imensions p ackage o utline d imensions parameter ddr3-1333 ddr3-1600 ddr 3-1866 maximum peak amplitude allowed for overshoot area vhh)ljxuh maximum peak amplitude allowed for undershoot area vhh)ljxuh maximum overshoot area above v cc vhh)ljxuh maximum undershoot area below v ss vhh)ljxuh t able 20: c ontrol and a ddress p ins 9 9 9qv 9qv 9 9 9qv 9qv 9 9 9qv 9qv parameter ddr3-1333 ddr3-1600 ddr 3-1866 maximum peak amplitude allowed for overshoot area vhh)ljxuh maximum peak amplitude allowed for undershoot area vhh)ljxuh maximum overshoot area above v cc/ v cc q vhh)ljxuh maximum undershoot area below v ss/ v ss q vhh)ljxuh t able 21: c lock , d ata , s trobe , and m ask p ins 9 9 9qv 9qv 9 9 9qv 9qv 9 9 9qv 9qv
p ackage o utline d imensions logic devices incorporated 31 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product parameter/condition symbol min max units notes differential input voltage, logic high - slew differential input voltage, logic low - slew differential input voltage, logic high differential input voltage, logic low differential input crossing voltage relative to v dd /2 for dqs, dqs\, ck, ck\ differential input crossing voltage relative to v dd /2 for ck, ck\ single-ended high level for strobes single-ended high level for ck, ck\ single-ended low level for strobes single-ended low level for ck, ck\ p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9   5 6   5 6 t able 22: d ifferential i nput o perating c onditions (ck x , ck x \, dqs x , and dqs x \) qd -200 9 dd 9 dd q [ 9 5() 9 il $& 9 5() '&  9 5() '&  9 dd q 9 dd 9 dd 49 il $& 9 dd  - 9 il $&  qd [ 9 ,+ $& 9 5() 9 vv 9 vv q 9 5() '&  9 5() '&  9 dd 49 ,+ $& 9 dd 9 ,+ $& 9 vv q 9 vv 9 ,+ ',)) $& vohz 9 il ',)) $& vohz 9 ,+ ',)) $& 9 il ',)) $& 9 ,; 9 ,;  9 6+( 9 6(/ 127(6 1. &orfn lv uhihuhqfhg wr 9 dd ' dqg 9vv  'dwd vwureh lv uhihuhqfhg wr 9 dd 4dqg9vv4 2. 5hihuhqfhlv9 5()&$ '& iruforfndqgiru9 5()'4 '& iruvwureh 3. 'liihuhqwldolqsxwvohzudwh 9pv  'hilqhvvohzudwhuhihuhqfhsrlqwvuhodwlyhwrlqsxwfurvvlq jyrowdjhv 5. 0$; olplw lv uhodwlyh wr vlqjohhqghg vljqdov wkh ryhuvkrrw vs hflilfd - wlrqvduhdssolfdeoh 6. 0,1olplwlvuhodwlyhwrvlqjohhqghgvljqdovwkhxqghuvkrrwv shflilfd - wlrqvduhdssolfdeoh  7khw\slfdoydoxhri9 ,; $& lvh[shfwhgwrehderxw[9 dd riwkh wudqvplwwlqjghylfhdqg9 ,; $& lvh[shfwhgwrwudfnyduldwlrqvlq9 dd . 9 ,; $&  lqglfdwhv wkh yrowdjh dw zklfk gliihuhqwldo lqsxw vljqdov pxvw furvv 8. 7kh9 ,; h[whqghgudqjh ?p9 lvdoorzhgrqo\iruwkhforfndqgwklv  9 ,; h[whqghgudqjhlvrqo\doorzhgzkhqwkhiroorzlqjfrqglwlrqvd uh phw7khvlqjohhqghglqsxwvljqdovduhprqrwrqlfkdyhwkhvl qjoh hqghgvzlqj9 6(/ 9 6(+ ridwohdvw9 dd ?p9dqgwkhgliihuhqwldo vohzudwhri&.&.?lvjuhdwhuwkdq9qv
logic devices incorporated 32 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product overshoot/undershoot specifications f igure 9 - v ix for d ifferential s ignals v ix x x x x v dd , v dd q v dd , v dd q ck#, dqs# ck#, dqs# v ix v ix v ix ck, dqs ck, dqs v ss , v ss q v ss , v ss q v dd /2, v dd q/2 v dd /2, v dd q/2 f igure 10 - s ingle -e nded r equirements for d ifferential s ignals v ss or v ss q v dd or v dd q v sel (max) v seh (min) v seh v sel v dd /2 or v dd q/2 ck or dqs
logic devices incorporated 33 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product p ackage o utline d imensions slew rate (v/ns) 350mv 300mv -4.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 <1.0 t able 23: d ifferential i nput o perating c onditions ( t dvac ) for ck x , ck x \, dqs x , and dqs x \    163 162 161 159 155 150 150   50 38  29 22 13 0 0 %horz9 il  $& t dvac (ps) at [v ihdiff (ac) to v ildiff (ac)] overshoot/undershoot specifications f igure 11 - d efinition of d ifferential ac-s wing and t dvac v ihdiff ( ac ) min v ihdiff ( dc ) min 0.0 v ildiff ( dc ) max v ildiff (max) t dvac v ihdiff (min) v ildiff ( ac ) max half cycle t dvac ck - ck# dq s - dqs #
p ackage o utline d imensions input edge from to calculation setup hold t able 24: s ingle -e nded i nput s lew r ate input slew rate (linear signals) 5lvlqj falling 5lvlqj falling measured 9 5() 9 5() 9 il '& 0d[ 9 ,+ '& 0,1 9 ,+ $& 0,1 9 il $& 0$; 9 5() 9 5() 9 ,+ $& 0,19 5() 9 5() 9 il $& 0$; ' tfs 9 5() 9 il '& 0$; ' 7)+ 9 ,+ '& 0,19 5() ' 756+ logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product slew rate definitions for single-ended input signals 6hwxs t is and t '6  qrplqdo vohz udwh iru d ulvlqj vljqdo lv ghilqhg dv wkh vohzudwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 5() dqgwkhiluvwfurvvlqj9 ,+ $&  0,1  6hwxs t is and t '6  qrplqdo vohz udwh iru d idoolqj vljqdo lv ghilqhg dvwkhvohzudwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 5() dqwkhiluvwfurvvlqjri 9 il $& 0$; +rog t ,+dqg t '+ qrplqdovohzudwhirudulvlqjvljqdolvghilqhgdvwkhvoh z udwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 il '& 0$;dqgwkhiluvwfurvvlqjri9 5() . +rog t ,+dqg t '+ qrplqdovohzudwhirudidoolqjvljqdolvghilqhgdvwkhvo hz udwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 ,+ '& 0,1dqgwkhiluvwfurvvlqjri9 5() .
logic devices incorporated 35 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product slew rate definitions for single-ended input signals f igure 12 - n ominal s lew r ate d efinition for s ingle -e nded i nput s ignals trs tfs trh tfh v ref dq or v ref ca v ih ( ac ) min v ih ( dc ) min v il ( ac ) max v il ( dc ) max v ref dq or v ref ca v ih ( ac ) min v ih ( dc ) min v il ( ac ) max v il ( dc ) max setup hold single-ended input voltage (dq, cmd, addr) single-ended input voltage (dq, cmd, addr)
p ackage o utline d imensions input edge from to calculation ck and dqs reference t able 25: d ifferential i nput s lew r ate d efinition input slew rate (linear signals) 5lvlqj falling measured 9 5() 9 5() 9 ,+ $& 0,1 9 ,/ $& 0$; 9 ,+ ',)) 0,1 - 9 il ',)) 0$; ' 75 ',)) 9 ,+ ',)) 0,1 9 il ',)) 0$; ' 7) ',)) logic devices incorporated 36 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product slew rate definitions for differential input signals ,qsxwvohzudwhirugliihuhqwldovljqdov &.[&.[?8'46[8' 46[?/'46[dqg/'46[? duhghilqhgdqgphdvxuhgdvvkrzqlq7d eoh7khqrplqdovohz udwhirudulvlqjvljqdolvghilqhgdvwkhvohzudwhehwzhhq9 il ',)) 0$;dqg9 ,+ ',)) 0,17khqrplqdovohzudwhirudidoolqjvljqdolvghil qhgdvwkhvohz udwhehwzhhq9 ,+ ',)) 0,1dqg9 il ',)) 0$; f igure 13 - n ominal d ifferential i nput s lew r ate d efinition for dqs, dqs# and ck, ck# tr diff tf diff v ih ( diff ) min v il ( diff ) max 0 differential input voltage (dqs, dqs#; ck, ck#)
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product odt characteristics r tt pu r tt pd odt chip in termination mode v dd q dq v ss q i out = i pd - i pu i pu i pd i out v out to other circuitry such as rcv, . . . 2'7uv hiihfwlyh uhvlvwdqfh 5 tt  lv ghilqhg e\ 05> dqg @  2'7 lv dssolhgwrwkh'4[8'0[/'0[8'46[8'46[?/'46[dqg/'46[?  edoov7kh2'7wdujhwydoxhvduholvwhglq7deoh parameter/condition symbol min typ max units n o t e s r tt hiihfwlyhlpshgdqfh 'hyldwlrqri90zlwkuhvshfwwr9 dd 4    t able 26: o n -d ie t ermination dc e lectrical c haracteristics 5 r tt b()) ' 90 -5 6hh7deoh 127(6 1. 7rohudqfh olplwv duh dssolfdeoh diwhu d surshu =4 fdoleudwlrq k dv ehhq shuiruphgdwdvwdeohwhpshudwxuhdqgyrowdjh 9 dd 4 9 dd 9vv49vv   5hihuwrv2'76hqvlwlylw\wrqsdjhlihlwkhuwkhwhpshudwxuh ruyrowdjh fkdqjhvdiwhufdoleudwlrq 2. 0hdvxuhphqwghilqlwlrqiru5 tt $sso\9 ,+ $& wrdslqxqghuwhvwdqg phdvxuhwkhfxuuhqw,>9 ,+ $& @wkhqdsso\9 il $& wrslqxqghuwhvwdqg phdvxuhfxuuhqw,>9 il $& @ 9 il $& 9 il $& ,>9,+ $& , 9 il $& @ 3. 0hdvxuhyrowdjh 90 dwwkhwhvwhgslqzlwkqrordg  )ru h[whqghg 0,/whps ghylfhv wkh plqlpxp ydoxhv duh ghudwh g e\ zkhqwkhghylfhlvehwzhhq?&dqg?& t $  r tt = [90 9 dd q ' 90 -1 x 100 f igure 14 - odt l evels and i-v c haracteristics
p ackage o utline d imensions logic devices incorporated 38 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product mr1 [ 9 , 6 , 2 ] 0, 1, 0 0, 0, 1 0, 1, 1 1, 0, 1 1, 0, 0 [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q 9 il $& wr9 ,+ $& [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q 9 il $& wr9 ,+ $& [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q 9 il $& wr9 ,+ $& [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q 9 il $& wr9 ,+ $& [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q 9 il $& wr9 ,+ $& r tt resistor vout min typ max units 120 : 60 :  : 30 : 20 : 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1   1.1 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.1   1.1 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.1   1.1 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.1   1.1 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.1   1.1 1.1 1.6 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 r tt 120 3'  r tt 120 38  r tt 60 3' 120 r tt 60 38  r tt  3' 80 r tt  38 80 r tt 30 3' 60 r tt 30 38 60 r tt 20 3'  r tt 20 38  120 : 60 :  : 30 : 20 : t able 27: rtt e ffective i mpedances
logic devices incorporated 39 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product odt sensitivity ,ihlwkhuwkhwhpshudwxuhruyrowdjhfkdqjhvdiwhu,2fdoleudw lrqwkhwrohudqfholplwvolvwhglq7deohfdqehh[shfwhgwr zlghqdffruglqjwr7deohvdqg symbol min max units r tt 5=4  t able 28: odt s ensitivity d efinition g5 tt g7[>'7@g5 tt g9[>'9@ 0.9 - dr tt dt x dr tt g9[>'9@ t able 29 - odt t emperature & v oltage s ensitivity change min max units dr tt dt dr tt dv 0 0 1.5 0.15 0 0 2'7ordglqjgliihuviurpwkdwxvhglq$&wlplqjphdvxuhphqwv7 zrsdudp - hwhuvghilqhzkhq2'7wxuqvrqruriiv\qfkurqrxvo\wzrghilqh zkhq2'7 wxuqvrqrurii$v\qfkurqrxvo\dqgdqrwkhughilqhvzkhq2'7wx uqvrqru riig\qdplfdoo\7deohrxwolqhvdqgsurylghvghilqlwlrqdqg phdvxuhphqw uhihuhqfhvhwwlqjviruhdfksdudphwhu 2'7 wxuqrq wlph ehjlqv zkhq wkh rxwsxw ohdyhv +,*+= dqg 2'7 u hvlv - wdqfhehjlqvwrwxuqrq2'7wxuqriiwlphehjlqvzkhqwkhrxw sxwohdyhv /2:=dqg2'7uhvlvwdqfhehjlqvwrwxuqrii odt timing definitions timing reference point dq, dm dqs, dqs# dut v ref v tt = v ss q v dd q/2 zq rzq = 240 v ss q r tt = 25 ck, ck# f igure 15 - odt t iming r eference l oad
ck ck # t aon v ss q dq, dm dqs, dqs# begin point: rising edge of ck - ck# defined by the end point of odtl on v sw 1 end point: extrapolated point at v ss q t sw 1 t sw 2 ck ck # v dd q/2 t aof end point: extrapolated point at v rtt _ nom v rtt _ nom v ss q t aon t aof v sw 2 v sw 2 v sw 1 t sw 1 t sw 1 begin point: rising edge of ck - ck# defined by the end point of odtl off logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product p ackage o utline d imensions symbol begin point definition end point definition figure t aon t aof t aon pd t aof pd t adc t able 30: odt t iming d efinitions )ljxuhrqsdjh )ljxuhrqsdjh )ljxuhrqsdjh )ljxuhrqsdjh )ljxuhrqsdjh ([wudsrodwhgsrlqwdw9vv4 ([wudsrodwhgsrlqwdw95 tt _norm ([wudsrodwhgsrlqwdw9vv4 ([wudsrodwhgsrlqwdw95 tt _nom ([wudsrodwhgsrlqwvdw95 tt b:5dqg95 tt _nom 5lvlqjhgjhri&.&.?ghilqhge\wkhhqgsrlqwri2'7/rq 5lvlqjhgjhri&.&.?ghilqhge\wkhhqgsrlqwri2'7/rii 5lvlqjhgjhri&.&.?zlwk2'7iluvwehlqjuhjlvwhuhg+,*+ 5lvlqjhgjhri&.&.?zlwk2'7iluvwehlqjuhjlvwhuhg/2: 5lvlqjhgjhri&.&.?ghilqhge\wkhhqgsrlqwri2'7/&1: 2'7/&:1ru2'7/&:1 p ackage o utline d imensions parameter r tt _norm setting r tt _wr_setting vsw1 vsw2 t aon t aof t aon pd t aof pd t adc t able 31: r eference s ettings for odt t iming m easurements p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 qd qd qd qd qd qd qd qd 5=4  : 5=4  : 5=4  : 5=4  : 5=4  : 5=4  : 5=4  : 5=4  : 5=4  : 5=4  : measured f igure 16 - t aon and t aof d efinitions odt timing definitions
ck ck # t aonpd v ss q dq, dm dqs, dqs# begin point: rising edge of ck - ck# with odt first registered high v sw 1 end point: extrapolated point at v ss q t sw 2 ck ck # v dd q/2 t aofpd end point: extrapolated point at v rtt _ nom v rtt _ nom v ss q t aonpd t aofpd t sw 1 t sw 2 t sw 1 v sw 2 v sw 2 v sw 1 begin point: rising edge of ck - ck# with odt first registered low logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product odt characteristics f igure 17 - t aonpd and t aofpd d efinition f igure 18 - t adc d efinition ck ck # t adc dq, dm dqs, dqs# end point: extrapolated point at v rtt _ nom t sw 21 t adc end point: extrapolated point at v rtt _ wr v dd q/2 v ss q v rtt _ nom v rtt _ wr v rtt _ nom t sw 11 v sw 1 v sw 2 t sw 12 t sw 22 begin point: rising edge of ck - ck# defined by the end point of odtl cnw begin point: rising edge of ck - ck# defined by the end point of odtl cnw 4 or odtl cnw 8
r on pu r on pd output driver to other circuitry such as rcv, . . . chip in drive mode v dd q v ss q i pu i pd i out v out dq logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product output driver impedance f igure 19 - o utput d river 34 o hm o utput d river i mpedance 7kh : gulyhu 05>@  lvwkhghidxowgulyhu8qohvvrwkhuzlvh vwdwhg doowlplqjvdqgvshflilfdwlrqvolvwhgkhuhlqdsso\wrwkh : gulyhurqo\,wv lpshgdqfh 5 on  lv ghilqhg e\ wkh ydoxh ri wkh h[whuqdo uhihuhqfh uhvlvwru 5=4dviroorzv5 on  5=4 zlwkqrplqdo5=4  : ? dqglvdfwx - doo\ : ?7kh : rxwsxwgulyhulpshgdqfhfkdudfwhulvwlfvduholvwhg lq7deoh p ackage o utline d imensions mr1[5,1] r on resistor v out min typ max units notes 0, 1 t able 32: 34 : d river i mpedance c haracteristics 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4  1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 2 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 34.3 : r on 34 pd r on 34 pu 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 -10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 qd 1.1 1.1   1.1 1.1 10 pull-up/pull-down mismatch (mm pupd ) 127(6 1. 7rohudqfholplwvdvvxph5=4ri :  ? dqgduhdssolfdeohdiwhusurshu=4fdoleudwlrqkdvehhq shuiruphgdwdvwdeohwhpshudwxuhdqgyrowdjh 9 dd 4 9 dd 9vv4 9vv 5hihuwrv2kpgulyhvhqvlwlylw\wlihlwkhuw khwhpshudwxuhruwkhyrowdjhfkdqjhvdiwhufdoleudwlrq   2. 0hdvxuhphqwghilqlwlrqiruplvpdwfkehwzhhqsxooxsdqgsxoogr zq 00 383' 0hduxuherwk5 2138 and r 213' dw[9 dd q: mm 38' = r on nom r 2138 - r 213'
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 34 o hm output driver impedance 34 o hm d river 7kh : gulyhuuvfxuuhqwudqjhkdvehhqfdofxodwhgdqgvxppdul]hglq7 deohiru9 dd 97deohiru9 dd 9dqg7deohiru9 dd 9  7khlqglylgxdosxooxsdqgsxoogrzquhvlvwruv 5213'dqg521 38 duhghilqhgdviroorzvzlwkwkh,pshgdqfh&dofxodwlrqvol vwhglq7deoh x r on 3' 9 287 >, 287 @52138lvwxuqhgrii x r on 38 9 dd 49 287 >, 287 @5213'lvwxuqhgrii p ackage o utline d imensions mr1[5,1] ron resistor vout min typ max units 0, 1 t able 33: 34 : d river p ull -u p and p ull -d own i mpedance c alculations : : : : : : 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 34.3 : r on 34 pd r on 34 pu  30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5        38.1 38.1   38.1 38.1      33.9 : : r on min typ max units rzq = 240 : 1% rzq = (240 : 1%)/7 p ackage o utline d imensions mr1[5,1] r on resistor v out min typ max units 0, 1 p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q 34.3 : r on 34 pd r on 34 pu 15.5 25.8   25.8 15.5 9.2 23 36.8 36.8 23 9.2 8.3  26 26  8.3 t able 35: 34 : d river i oh /i ol c haracteristics : v dd =v dd q=1.4175v p ackage o utline d imensions mr1[5,1] r on resistor v out min typ max units 0, 1 p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q 34.3 : r on 34 pd r on 34 pu   39.3 39.3   8.8 21.9 35 35 21.9 8.8       t able 34: 34 : d river i oh /i ol c haracteristics : v dd = v dd q = 1.35v
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 34 o hm output driver impedance p ackage o utline d imensions mr1[5,1] r on resistor v out min typ max units 0, 1 p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ p$ i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q i ol #[9 dd q 34.3 : r on 34 pd r on 34 pu  23.3   23.3  8.3 20.8 33.3 33.3 20.8 8.3   23.5 23.5   t able 36: 34 : d river i oh /i ol c haracteristics : v dd =v dd q=1.2825v 34 : output driver sensitivity ,ihlwkhuwkhwhpshudwxuhruyrowdjhfkdqjhvdiwhu=4fdoleudwl rqwkhwrohudqfholplwvolvwhglq7deohfdqehh[shfwhgwr zlghqdffruglqjwr7deohdqg symbol min max units r on @ 0.8 x v dd q r on @ 0.5 x v dd q r on @ 0.2 x v dd q 5=4 5=4 5=4 t able 37: 34 : o utput d river s ensitivity d efinition 1.1 - dr on g7+[> ' 7@g5 on g9+[> ' 9@ 1.1 - dr on dtm x [ ' 7@g5 on g90[> ' 9@ 1.1 - dr on dtl x [ ' 7@g5 on g9/[> ' 9@ 0.9 - dr on g7+[> ' 7@g5 on g9+[> ' 9@ 0.9 - dr on dtm x [ ' 7@g5 on g90[> ' 9@ 0.9 - dr on dtl x [ ' 7@g5 on g9/[> ' 9@ change min max units dr on dtm dr on dvm dr on dtl dr on dvl dr on dth dr on dvh ?& p9 ?& p9 ?& p9 t able 38: 34 : o utput d river v oltage and t emperature s ensitivity 1.5 0.13 1.5 0.13 1.5 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product alternative 40 ohm driver p ackage o utline d imensions mr1[5,1] r on resistor v out min typ max units notes 0, 1 t able 39 - 40 : d river i mpedance c haracteristics 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4  1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 2 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 9 dd q 40.0 : r on 40 pd r on 40 pu 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 -10 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 qd 1.1 1.1   1.1 1.1 10 pull-up/pull-down mismatch (mm pupd ) 127(6 1. 7rohudqfholplwvdvvxph5=4ri :  ? dqgduhdssolfdeohdiwhusurshu=4fdoleudwlrqkdvehhq shuiruphgdwdvwdeohwhpshudwxuhdqgyrowdjh 9 dd 4 9 dd 9vv4 9vv 5hihuwrv2kpgulyhvhqvlwlylw\wlihlwkhuw khwhpshudwxuhruwkhyrowdjhfkdqjhvdiwhufdoleudwlrq   2. 0hdvxuhphqwghilqlwlrqiruplvpdwfkehwzhhqsxooxsdqgsxoogr zq 00 383' 0hduxuherwk5 on 38dqg5 on 3'dw[9 dd q: mm 383' = r on nom r 2138 - r 213' x 100 40 : output driver sensitivity ,ihlwkhuwkhwhpshudwxuhruyrowdjhfkdqjhvdiwhu,2fdoleudw lrqwkhwrohudqfholplwvolvwhglq7deohfdqehh[shfwhgwr zlghqdffruglqjwr7deohdqg symbol min max units r on @ 0.8 x v dd q r on @ 0.5 x v dd q r on @ 0.2 x v dd q 5=4 5=4 5=4 t able 40: 40 : o utput d river s ensitivity d efinition 1.1 - dr on g7+[> ' 7@g5 on g9+[> ' 9@ 1.1 - dr on dtm x [ ' 7@g5 on g90[> ' 9@ 1.1 - dr on dtl x [ ' 7@g5 on g9/[> ' 9@ 0.9 - dr on g7+[> ' 7@g5 on g9+[> ' 9@ 0.9 - dr on dtm x [ ' 7@g5 on g90[> ' 9@ 0.9 - dr on dtl x [ ' 7@g5 on g9/[> ' 9@
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product alternative 40 ohm driver change min max units dr on dtm dr on dvm dr on dtl dr on dvl dr on dth dr on dvh ?& p9 ?& p9 ?& p9 t able 41: 40 : o utput d river v oltage and t emperature s ensitivity 1.5 0.15 1.5 0.15 1.5 0.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 output characteristics and operating conditions 7kh6'5$0xvhverwkvlqjohhqghgdqggliihuhqwldorxwsxwgulyhu v7khvlqjohhqghgrxwsxwgulyhulvvxppdul]hglq7deohzk lohwkhgliihuhqwldorxwsxw gulyhulvvxppdul]hglq7deoh p ackage o utline d imensions parameter/condition symbol min max units notes output leakage current: '4duhglvdeohg 9 d 9 287 d 9 dd 42'7lvglvdeohg2'7lv+,*+ output slew rate: 6lqjohhqghgiruulvlqjdqgidoolqj hgjhvphdvxuhehwzhhq9 ol $&  9 5() [9 dd q dqg9 2+  $&  9 5() [9 dd q single-ended dc high-level output voltage single-ended dc mid-point level output voltage single-ended dc low-point level output voltage single-ended dc high-point level output voltage single-ended dc low-point level output voltage delta r on between pull-up and pull-down for dq/dqs test load for ac timing and output slew rates x$ 9qv 9 9 9 9 9  1  1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 3, 6 1, 2, 3, 6  3 t able 42: s ingle -e nded o utput d river characteristics 5 6 10 -5 2.5 -10 i 2= 6546( 9 2+ '& 9 om '& 9 ol '& 9 2+ $& 9 ol $& mm 383' [9 dd q [9 dd q [9 dd q 977[9 dd q 977[9 dd q 2xwsxwwr9 tt  9 dd 4 yld : uhvlvwru 5. 6hh7deohrqsdjh,9fxuyholqhdulw\'rqrwxvh$&7hvw ordg 6. 6hh7deohrqsdjhirurxwsxwvohzudwh  6hh7deohrqsdjhirudgglwlrqdolqirupdwlrq 8. 6hh )ljxuh  rq sdjh  iru dq h[dpsoh ri d vlqjohhqghg rxwsx w vljqdo 127(6 1. 5=4ri :  ? zlwk5=4hqdeohg ghidxow : gulyhu dqglvdssol - fdeoh diwhu surshu =4 fdoleudwlrq kdv ehhq shuiruphg dw d vwdeo h whp - shudwxuhdqgyrowdjh 9 dd 4 9 dd 9vv4 9vv  2. 9 tt  9 dd 4 3. 6hh)ljxuhrqsdjhiruwkhwhvwordgfrqiljxudwlrq  7kh9qvpd[lpxplvdssolfdeohirudvlqjoh'4vljqdozkhq lwlvvzlwfk - lqjiurphlwkhu+,*+wr/2:ru/2:wr+,*+zklohwkhuhpdlqlqj '4 vljqdovlqwkhvdphe\whodqhduhfrpelqdwlrqvwkhpd[lpxpolp lwri9 qvpd[lpxplvuhgxfhgwr9qv
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product p ackage o utline d imensions parameter/condition symbol min max units notes output leakage current: '4duhglvdeohg 9 d 9 287 d 9 dd 42'7lv+,*+ output slew rate: 'liihuhqwldoiruulvlqjdqgidoolqjhgjhv phdvxuhehwzhhq9 ol ',)) $&  [9 dd 4dqg9 2+ $&  [9 dd q output differential cross-point voltage differential high-level output voltage differential low-level output voltage delta r on between pull-up and pull-down for dq/dqs test load for ac timing and output slew rates x$ 9qv p9 9 9  1 1 1, 2, 3   1, 5 3 t able 43: d ifferential o utput d river characteristics 5 12 9 5()  10 -5 5 9 5() -150 -10 i 2= srqdiff 9 2; $& 9 2+ ',)) $& 9 ol ',)) $& mm 383' [9 dd q [9 dd q 2xwsxwwr9 tt  9 dd 4 yld : uhvlvwru  6hh7deohrqsdjhiruwkhrxwsxwvohzudwh 5. 6hh7deohrqsdjhirudgglwlrqdolqirupdwlrq 6. 6hh)ljxuhrqsdjhirudqh[dpsohridgliihuhqwldorxwsx wvljqdo 127(6 1. 5=4ri :  ? zlwk5=4hqdeohg ghidxow : gulyhu dqglvdssol - fdeoh diwhu surshu =4 fdoleudwlrq kdv ehhq shuiruphg dw d vwdeo h whp - shudwxuhdqgyrowdjh 9 dd 4 9 dd 9vv4 9vv  2. 9 5()  9 dd 4 3. 6hh)ljxuhrqsdjhiruwkhwhvwordgfrqiljxudwlrq f igure 20 - dq o utput s ignal v oh ( ac ) min output max output v ol ( ac )
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 21 - d ifferential o utput s ignal v oh ( diff ) min output max output v ol ( diff ) v ox ( ac ) max v ox ( ac ) min x x x x output characteristics and operating conditions reference output load )ljxuhuhsuhvhqwvwkhhiihfwlyhuhihuhqfhordgri : xvhglqghilqlqjwkhuhohydqwghylfh$&wlplqjsdudphwhuv h[f hsw2'7uhihuhqfhwlplqj dvzhoodvwkh rxwsxwvohzudwhphdvxuhphqwv,wlvqrwlqwhqghgwrehdsuhf lvhuhsuhvhqwdwlrqridsduwlfxoduv\vwhphqylurqphqwrudghsl fwlrqriwkhdfwxdoordgsuhvhqwhg e\dq\vshflilf,qgxvwu\whvwv\vwhpdssdudwxv6\vwhpghvljqh uvvkrxogxvh,%,6rurwkhuvlpxodwlrqwrrovwrfruuhodwhwkhw lplqjuhihuhqfhordgsuhvhqwhgru h[klelwhgrqwkhv\vwhpruv\vwhphqylurqphqw f igure 22 - r eference o utput l oad for ac t iming and o utput s lew r ate timing reference point dq dqs dqs# dut v ref v tt = v dd q/2 v dd q/2 zq rzq = 240 v ss r tt = 25
p ackage o utline d imensions output edge from to calculation dq t able 44: s ingle -e nded o utput s lew r ate output slew rate (linear signals) 5lvlqj falling measured 9 ol $& 9 2+ $& 9 2+ $& 9 ol $& 9 2+ $& 9 ol $& ' 756( 9 2+ $& 9 ol $&  ' 7)6( logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product slew rate definitions for single-ended output signals 7khvlqjohhqghgrxwsxwgulyhulvvxppdul]hglq7deoh:lwk wkhuhihuhqfhordgiruwlplqjphdvxuhphqwvwkhrxwsxwvohzud whiruidoolqjdqgulvlqjhgjhv lvghilqhgdqgphdvxuhgehwzhhq9 ol $& dqg9 2+ $& iruvlqjohhqghgvljqdovdvlqglfdwhglq7deohdqg)ljx uh f igure 23 - n ominal s lew r ate d efinition for s ingle -e nded o utput s ignals tr se tf se v oh ( ac ) v ol ( ac ) v tt
p ackage o utline d imensions output edge from to calculation dqs, dqs\ t able 45: d ifferential o utput s lew r ate d efinition output slew rate (linear signals) 5lvlqj falling measured 9 ol ',)) $& 9 2+ ',)) $& 9 2+ ',)) $& 9 ol ',)) $& 9 2+ ',)) $& 9 ol ',)) $& ' trdiff 9 2+ ',)) $& 9 ol ',)) $&  ' tfdiff logic devices incorporated 50 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product slew rate definitions for differential output signals 7khgliihuhqwldorxwsxwgulyhulvvxppdul]hglq7deoh:lwk wkhuhihuhqfhordgiruwlplqjphdvxuhphqwvwkhrxwsxwvohzud whiruidoolqjdqgulvlqjhgjhvlv ghilqhgdqgphdvxuhgehwzhhq9 ol $& dqg9 2+ $& irugliihuhqwldovljqdovdvvkrzqlq7deohdqg)ljxuh  f igure 24 - n ominal d ifferential o utput s lew r ate d efinition for dqs, dqs# tf diff v oh ( diff ) ac v ol ( diff ) ac 0
logic devices incorporated 51 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 3. 5hvhuyhg iloohgeorfnv vhwwlqjvduhqrwdoorzhg 127(6 1. t 5(),ghshqgvrq t 23(5 2. 7kh &/ dqg &:/ vhwwlqj uhvxow lq t &. uhtxluhphqwv  :khq pdnlqj d vhohfwlrqri t &.erwk&/dqg&:/uhtxluhphqwvhwwlqjvqhhgwrehixo - iloohg p ackage o utline d imensions parameter symbol min max min max min max units notes $&7,9$7(wrlqwhuqdo5($'ru:5,7(ghod\wlph 35(&+$5*(frppdqgshulrg $&7,9$7(wr$&7,9$7(ru5()5(6+frppdqgshulrg $&7,9$7(wr35(&+$5*(frppdqgshulrg &/  &/  &/  &/  6xssruwhg&/6hwwlqjv 6xssruwhg&:/6hwwlqjv 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2,3 3 3 3 2,3 t able 46: s peed b ins  ''5  ''5  ''5  >&:/ @>&:/ @>&:/ @   t 5&' t 53 t 5& t 5$6 t &. $9* t &. $9* t &. $9* t &. $9* t &. $9* t &. $9* t &. $9* t &. $9* t &. $9* t &. $9* t &. $9* t &. $9* 15 15 51 36 3 2.5  1.5 5, 6, 8, 10 5, 6, 8,10 5, 6, 8, 10, 11,13 - - - 9 x t 5(), 3.3 3.3      35 3 2.5  1.5 - - - 9 x t 5(), 3.3 3.3   13.91 13.91   3 2.5  1.5 - - - 9 x t 5(), 3 3.3   qv qv qv qv qv qv qv qv qv qv qv qv qv qv qv qv &. &. &:/  &:/  &:/  &:/  &:/  &:/  &:/  &:/  &:/  &:/  &:/  &:/   
logic devices incorporated 52 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 47 ( sheet 1 of 6) - e lectrical c haracteristics and ac o perating conditions min max min max min max 8 7800 8 7800 8 7800 9,42 8 3900 8 3900 8 3900 9,42 8 2900 8 2900 - - 9,42 ns 10,11 0.47 0.53 0.47 0.53 0.47 0.53 ck 12 0.47 0.53 0.47 0.53 0.47 0.53 ck 12 -80 80 -70 70 -60 60 p s13 -70 70 -60 60 -50 50 ps 13 ps ps 16 ps 16 -118 118 -103 103 -88 88 p s17 -140 140 -122 122 -105 105 ps 17 -155 155 -136 136 -117 117 ps 17 -168 168 -147 147 -126 126 ps 17 -177 177 -155 155 -133 133 ps 17 -186 186 -163 163 -139 139 ps 17 -193 193 -169 169 -145 145 ps 17 -200 200 -175 175 -150 150 ps 17 -205 205 -180 180 -154 154 ps 17 -210 210 -184 184 -158 158 ps 17 -215 215 -188 188 -161 161 ps 17 units notes [cwl=1.07; 13-13-13] symbol parameter -15 (ddr3-1333) -12 (ddr3-1600) [cwl=1.5; 10-10-10] -11 (ddr3-1866) 11 cycles 12 cycles 0.43 - 0.43 - t errnper min = (1+0.68ln[n]) x t jitper min t errnper max = (1+0.68ln[n]) x t jitper max 0.43 - 0.43 - 14 t ck (avg) 15 ps 17 140 120 100 140 120 t errnper t jitcc t jitcc, lck t err6perr t err7perr t err8perr n = 13, 14 49, 50 cycles t err2perr t err3perr t err4perr t err5perr 160 t err9perr t err10perr t err11perr t err12perr cumulave error across 2 cycles 3 cycles 4 cycles 5 cycles 6 cycles 7 cycles 8 cycles 9 cycles 10 cycles clock period jitter cycle-to-cycle jitter dll locked dll locking dll locked dll locking clock absolute period clock absolute high pusle width clock absolute low pulse width t clk (abs) t ckdll_dis t cl (avg) t ch (abs) t cl (abs) clock period average: dll enable mode high pulse width average low pulse width average clock period average: dll disable mode tc = 85?c to 105?c 0.43 - t jitper t jitper, lck t ck (avg) ns - 0.43 t ck (avg) min= t ck (avg) min+ t jitper min; max= t ck (avg)max+ t jitper max tc = 0?c to <85?c tc = >105?c to 125?c t ch (avg) see speed bin table (#49) for tck range allowed [cwl=1.25; 11-11-11]
logic devices incorporated 53 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 47 ( sheet 2 of 6) - e lectrical c haracteristics and ac o perating conditions min max min max min max - - - - - ps 18,19 - - - - - ps 19,20 30 - - - - ps 18,19 180 - - 135 - ps 19,20 65 - 45 - 20 - ps 18,19 165 - 145 - 120 - ps 19,20 400 - 360 - 320 - ps 41 - 125 - 100 - 85 ps -500 250 -450 225 -390 195 ps 22,23 - 250 - 225 - 195 ps 22,23 -0.25 0.25 -0.27 0.27 -0.27 0.27 ck 25 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.55 ck 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.55 ck 0.2 - 0.18 - 0.18 - ck 25 0.2 - 0.18 - 0.18 - ck 25 0.9-0.9-0.9- ck 0.3-0.3-0.3- ck -255 255 -225 225 -195 195 ps 23 0.4 - 0.4 - 0.4 - ck 21 0.4 - 0.4 - 0.4 - ck 21 -500 250 -450 225 -390 195 ps 22,23 - 250 - 225 - 195 ps 22,23 0.9 note 24 0.9 note 24 0.9 note 24 ck 23,24 0.3 note 27 0.3 note 27 0.3 note 27 ck 23,27 data setup me to dqs, dqs\ t ds ac150 dq input timing data hold me from dqs, dqs\ vref @ 1v/ns data setup me to dqs, dqs\ t ds ac175 base (speci?caon) [cwl=1.25; 11-11-11] vref @ 1v/ns base (speci?caon) vref @ 1v/ns base (speci?caon) dq high-a me from ck, ck\ dqs, dqs\ differential read postamble t rpst dqs, dqs\ differential output high me units notes dq low-z me from ck, ck\ dq strobe input timing dqs, dqs\ differential write postamble parameter -15 (ddr3-1333) -12 (ddr3-1600) -11 (ddr3-1866) [cwl=1.5; 10-10-10] [cwl=1.07; 13-13-13] symbol dqs, dqs\ falling setup to ck, ck\ rising t dss dq ouput timing dqs, dqs\ to dq skew, per access dq output hold me from dqs, dqs\ t dqss dqs, dqs\ differential input low pulse width t wpst dqs,dqs\ rising to ck, ck\ rising t dqsl dqs, dqs\ differential input high pulse width t dqsh dqs, dqs\ differential read preamble t rpre dqs, dqs\ falling hold from ck, ck\ rising t dsh dqs, dqs\ differential write preamble t wpre dq strobe output timing 1 t qsh dqs, dqs\ differential output low me t qsl 26 dqs, dqs\ rising to/from rising ck, ck\ t dqsck dqs, dqs\ high-z me (rl+bl/2) t hz (dqs) dqs, dqs\ low-z me (rl-1) t lz (dqs) 10 1 10 ns dqs, dqs\ rising to/from rising ck, ck\ when dll is disabled t dqsk dll_dis 10 1 t dh ac100 minimum data pulse width t dipw t qh 0.38 - t dqsq - 0.38 - tck (avg) 21 t hz (dq) t lz (dq) 0.38 10 160 - -
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 47 ( sheet 3 of 6) - e lectrical c haracteristics and ac o perating conditions min max min max min max 512 - 512 - ck 28 65 - 45 - ps 29,30 240 - 220 - ps 20,30 190 - 170 - ps 29,30 340 - 320 - ps 20,30 140 - 120 - ps 29,30 240 - 220 - ps 20,30 620 - 560 -ps41 ns 31 ns 31 ns 31,32 ns 31 30 - 30 - ns 31 45 - 40 - ns 31 ck ck ck ck multipurpose register read burst end to mode register set for mulpurpose register exit t mprr min = 1ck; max = n/a ck min = 4ck; max = n/a min = greater of 12ck or 15ns; max = n/a mode register set command cycle me t mrd min = greater of 4ck or 7.5ns; max = n/a min = 4ck; max = n/a auto precharge write recovery + precharge me t dal min = wr + t rp/ t ck (avg); max = n/a ck cas\-to-cas\ command delay t ccd min = 15ns; max = n/a delay from start of internal write transacon to internal read command t wtr min = greater of 4ck or 7.5ns; max = n/a ck 31,32,33 ck 31,34 write recovery me t wr mode register set command update delay t mod four activate windows for 2kb page size four activate windows for 1kb page size t faw read-to-prechare me t rtp notes [cwl=1.5; 10-10-10] [cwl=1.25; 11-11-11] [cwl=1.07; 13-13-13] symbol parameter -15 (ddr3-1333) -12 (ddr3-1600) -11 (ddr3-1866) units command and address timing ctrl, cmd, addr setup to ck, ck\ base (speci?caon) vref @ 1v/ns t is ac175 ctrl, cmd, addr setup to ck, ck\ base (speci?caon) t is ac150 vref @ 1v/ns ctrl, cmd, addr hold to ck, ck\ base (speci?caon) t ih dc100 vref @ 1v/ns dll locking me t dllk see "speed bin table (#49) for trcd see "speed bin table (#49) for trp see "speed bin table (#49) for tras minimum ctrl, cmd, addr pulse width t ipw activate to internal read or write delay t rcd precharge command period t rp 1kb page size min=greater of 4ck or 6ns min=greater of 4ck or 6ns activate-to-precharge command period t ras activate-to-activate command period t rcd see "speed bin table (#49) for trc ck 31 ck 31 activate-to-activate minimum command period 2kb page size t rrd min=greater of 4ck or 7.5ns 512 - 65 - 200 - 150 - 275 - 100 - 200 - 535 - 25 - 35 - min=greater of 4ck or 5ns min=greater of 4ck or 6ns
logic devices incorporated 55 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 47 ( sheet 4 of 6) - e lectrical c haracteristics and ac o perating conditions min max min max min max 256 - 256 - ck 64 - 64 - ck ck ms ns 35 ms 36 ms 36 ms 36 s 36 s 36 s 36 valid clocks aer self refresh entry or power-down entry t cksre min = greater of 5ck or 10ns; max = n/a ck valid clocks before self refresh exit, power-down exit, or reset exit t cksrx min = greater of 5ck or 10ns; max = n/a ck exit self refresh to commands requiring a locked dll t xsdll min = t dllk (min); max = n/a ck 28 minimum cke low pulse width for self refresh entry to self refresh exit ming t ckesr min = t cke (min) + ck; max = n/a ck self refresh timing exit self refresh to commands not requiring a locked dll t xs min = greater of 5ck or t rfc + 10ns; max = n/a ck maximum refresh period/interval tc 85?c t refi 7.8 tc >85?c 105? c3.9 tc >105?c 125? c2.9 tc 85?c - tc >105?c 125?c 64 (1x) 32 (2x) 24 tc >85?c 105?c maximum refresh period begin power supply ramp to power supplies stable t vddpr min = n/a; max = 200 ms refresh-to-activate or refresh command period t rfc - 1gb min = 110; max = 70,20 0ns refresh timing reset\ low to power supplies stable t rps min = 0; max = 200 reset\ low to i/o and rtt high-z t ioz min = n/a; max = 20 zqcs command: short calibraon time t zqcs exit reset from cke high to a valid command t xpr min = greater of 5ck or trfc + 10ns; max = n/a inializaon and reset timing 512 - 512 - ck zqcl command: long calibraon me power-up and reset operaon normal operaon t zqinit t zqoper notes [cwl=1.5; 10-10-10] [cwl=1.25; 11-11-11] [cwl=1.07; 13-13-13] symbol calibraon timing parameter -15 (ddr3-1333) -12 (ddr3-1600) -11 (ddr3-1866) units 256 - 64 - 512 - ns ns t rfc - 2gb t rfc - 4gb min = 160; max = 70,200 min = 260; max = 70,200
logic devices incorporated 56 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 47 ( sheet 5 of 6) - e lectrical c haracteristics and ac o perating conditions min max min max min max ck ck ck ck 37 ck ck ck ck min = greater of 3ck or 6.0ns; max = n/a ck 28 min = greater of 10ck or 24ns; max = n/a bl8 (otf, mrs) bc4otf t wrapden min = wl + 4 + wr + 1 ck min = wl + 2 + wr + 1 bl8 (otf, mrs) bc4otf t wrpden t wrpden min = wl + 4 + t wr/ t ck (avg) ck t wrapden bc4mrs min = wl + 2 + t wr/ t ck (avg) write with auto precharge command to power-down entry bc4mrs dll on, any valid command, or dll o? to commands not requiring dll locked t xp read/read with auto precharge commant to power-down entry t rdpden min = rl + 4 + 1 ck write command to power- down entry refresh command to power-down entry t refpden min = 1 mrs command to power-down entry t mrspden min = t mod (min) t actpden min = 1 precharge/precharge all command to power-down entry t prpden min = 1 ck command pass disable delay t cpded min = 1; max = n/a power-down entry to power-down exit ming t pd min = tcke (min); max = 60ms power-down entry period: odt eher synchronous or asynchronous pde greater of tanpd or trfc - refresh command to cke low me ck ck power-down exit period: odt either synchronous or asynchronous pdx t anpd + t xpdll ck greater of 3ck or 5.625ns greater of 3ck or 5ns begin power-down period prior to cke registered high t anpd wl - 1ck power-down timing power-down entry minimum timing power-down exit timing precharge power-down with dll o? to command requiring dll locked t xpdll cke min pulse width t cke (min) activate command to power-down entry ck parameter -15 (ddr3-1333) -12 (ddr3-1600) -11 (ddr3-1866) units notes [cwl=1.5; 10-10-10] [cwl=1.25; 11-11-11] [cwl=1.07; 13-13-13] symbol greater of 3ck or 5ns min = 2 min = 2 min = 2
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 47 ( sheet 6 of 6) - e lectrical c haracteristics and ac o perating conditions min max min max min max ck 38 ck 40 -250 250 -225 225 ps 23,38 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.7 ck 39,40 ck ck ck 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.7 ck 39 40 - 40 - ck 25 - 25 - ck 0907.5 ns 0202 ns write leveling output error t wloe t wls t wlh ps write leveling output delay t wlo write leveling hold from rising dqs, dqs\ crossing to rising ck, ck\ crossing 195 - 163 dqs; dqs\ delay t wldqsen write leveling setup from rising ck, ck\ crossing to rising dqs, dqs\ crossing 195 - 163 - 6ck + odtl off rtt dynamic change skew t adc first dqs, dqs\ rising edge t wlmrd ps - rtt_nom-to=rtt_wr change skew odtl cnw wl - 2ck rtt_wr-to-rtt_nom change skew - bc4 odtl cnw4 4ck + odtl off rtt_wr-to-rtt_nom change skew - bc8 odtl cnw8 odt high me without write command or with write command and bc8 odt h8 min = 6; max = n/a ck odt high me without write command or with write command and bc4 odt h4 min = 4; max = n/a ck ns 38 asynchronous rtt turn-off delay (power-down with dll off) t aofpd min = 2; max = 8.5 ns 40 t aon rtt turn-off from odtl off reference t aof asynchronous rtt turn-on delay (power-down with dll off) t aonpd min = 2; max = 8.5 odt timing dynamic odt timing write leveling timing rtt synchronous turn-on delay odtl on rtt synchronous turn-off delay odtl o? rtt turn-on from odtl on reference parameter -15 (ddr3-1333) -12 (ddr3-1600) -11 (ddr3-1866) units notes [cwl=1.5; 10-10-10] [cwl=1.25; 11-11-11] [cwl=1.07; 13-13-13] symbol -195 195 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.7 40 - 25 - 07.5 02 140 140 - -
logic devices incorporated 58 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product n otes 1. 3dudphwhuvduhdssolfdeohzlwk?& d t $ d ?&dqg9 dd 9 dd 4  9?9 2. $ooyrowdjhvduhuhihuhqfhgwr9vv 3. 2xwsxwwlplqjvduhrqo\ydolgiru5 on rxwsxwexiihuvhohfwlrq  8qlw t &. $9*  uhsuhvhqwv wkh dfwxdo t &. $9*  ri wkh lqsxw forfn xqghurshudwlrq8qlw&.uhsuhvhqwvrqhforfnf\fohriwkhlqs xwforfn frxqwlqjwkhdfwxdoforfnhgjhv 5. $&wlplqjdqg, dd whvwvpd\xvhd9 il wr9 ,+ vzlqjrixswrp9, wkhwhvwhqylurqphqwexwlqsxwwlplqjlvvwloouhihuhqfhgwr9 5() h[fhsw t is, t ,+ t ds, and t '+xvhwkh$&'&wulssrlqwvdqg&.&.?dqg'46 '46?xvhwkhlufurvvlqjsrlqwv 7khplqlpxpvohzudwhiruwkh lqsxw vljqdovxvhgwrwhvwwkhghylfhlv9qviruvlqjohhqghglqsxw vdqg9 qvirugliihuhqwldolqsxwvlqwkhudqjhehwzhhq9 il  $& dqg9 ,+  $&  6. $oo wlplqjv wkdw xvh wlphedvhg ydoxhv qv ?v pv  vkrxog xvh t &. $9*  wr ghwhuplqh wkh fruuhfw qxpehu ri forfnv 7deoh  xvhv &. ru&. $9* lqwhufkdqjhdeo\ ,qwkhdpelhqwriqrqlqwhujhuu hvxowv dooplqlpxpolplwvduhwrehurxqghgxswrwkhqhduhvwzkrohlq whjhu  7khxvhri6752%(ru'46',))uhihuvwrwkh'46dqg'46?glii huhq - wldofurvvlqjsrlqwzkhq'46lvwkhulvlqjhgjh7khxvhri&/ 2&.ru &.uhihuvwrwkh&.dqg&.?gliihuhqwldofurvvlqjsrlqwzkhq&. lvwkh ulvlqjhgjh 8. 7klvrxwsxwordglvxvhgirudoo$&wlplqj h[fhsw2'7uhihuhqf hwlplqj  dqgvohzudwhv7khdfwxdo whvw ordg pd\ eh gliihuhqw  7kh r xwsxw vljqdoyrowdjhuhihuhqfhsrlqwlv9 dd 4iruvlqjohhqghgvljqdovdqg wkhfurvvlqjsrlqwirugliihuhqwldovljqdov    9. :khqrshudwlqjlq'//glvdeohprgh/2*,&'hylfhv,qf /', g rhv qrwzduudqwfrpsoldqfhzlwkqrupdoprghwlplqjvruixqfwlrqdolw \  10. 7khforfnuv t &. $9* lvwkhdyhudjhforfnryhudq\frqvhfxwlyh forfnvdqg t &. $9* 0,1lvwkhvpdoohvwforfnudwhdoorzhgzlwkwkh h[fhswlrqridghyldwlrqgxhwrforfnmlwwhu,qsxwforfnmlww hulv doorzhg surylghglwgrhvqrwh[fhhgydoxhvvshflilhgdqgpxvwehridu dqgrp *dxvvldqglvwulexwlrqlqqdwxuh  11. 6suhdgvshfwuxplvqrwlqfoxghglqwkhmlwwhuvshflilfdwlrqydo xhv+rz - hyhu wkh lqsxw forfn fdq dffrpprgdwh vsuhdgvshfwuxp dw d vzhh s udwhlqwkhudqjhrin+]zlwkdqgdgglwlrqdori t &. $9* dvd orqjwhupmlwwhufrpsrqhqwkrzhyhuwkhvsuhdgvshfwuxppd\qr wxvh dforfnudwhehorz t &. $9* 0,1  12. 7khforfnuv t &+ $9* dqg t &/ $9* duhwkhdyhudjhkdoiforfnshulrg ryhudq\frqvhfxwlyhforfnvdqglvwkhvpdoohvwforfnkdoi shulrg doorzhgzlwkwkhh[fhswlrqriydoxhvvshflilhgdqgpxvwridu dqgrp *dxvvldqglvwulexwlrqlqqdwxuh    13. 7khshulrgmlwwhu t -,73(5 lvwkhpd[lpxpghyldwlrqlqwkhforfnshulrg iurpwkhdyhudjhruqrplqdoforfn,wlvdoorzhglqhlwkhuwkh srvlwlyhru qhjdwlyhgluhfwlrq  t &+ $%6 lvwkhdevroxwhlqvwdqwdqhrxvforfnkljksxovhzlgwkd vphd - vxuhgiurprqhulvlqjhgjhwrwkhiroorzlqjidoolqjhgjh  15. t &/ $%6 lvwkhdevroxwhlqvwdqwdqhrxvforfnorzsxovhzlgwkdv phd - vxuhgiurprqhidoolqjhgjhwrwkhiroorzlqjulvlqjhgjh  16. 7kh f\fohwrf\foh mlwwhu t -,7&&  lv wkh dprxqw wkh forfn shulrg fdq ghyldwhiurprqhf\fohwrwkhqh[w,wlvlpsruwdqwwrnhhsf\ fohwrf\foh mlwwhudwdplqlpxpgxulqjwkh'//orfnlqjwlph     7kh fxpxodwlyh mlwwhu huuru t (55q3(5  zkhuh q lv wkh qxpehu ri forfnvehwzhhqdqglvwkhdprxqwriforfnwlphdoorzhgwr dffx - pxodwh frqvhfxwlyho\ dzd\ iurp wkh dyhudjh forfn ryhu q qxpehu ri forfnf\fohv 18. t '6 edvh dqg t '+ edvh ydoxhvduhirudvlqjohhqghg9qv'4vohz udwhdqg9qvirugliihuhqwldo'46'46?vohzudwh 19. 7khvhsdudphwhuvduhphdvxuhgiurpdgdwdvljqdo '0'4'4 h '4qdqgvriruwk wudqvlwlrqhgjhwrlwvuhvshfwlyhgdwdvwureh vljqdo '46'46? furvvlqj 20. 7khvhwxsdqgkrogwlphvduholvwhgfrqyhuwlqjwkhedvhvshflil fdwlrq ydoxhv wrzklfkghudwlqjwdeohvdsso\ wr9 5() zkhqwkhvohzudwhlv 9qv7khvhydoxhvzlwkdvohzudwhri9qvduhiruuhihuhq fhrqo\ 21. :khq wkh ghylfh lv rshudwhg zlwk lqsxw forfn mlwwhu wklv sdudp hwhu qhhgvwrehghudwhge\wkhdfwxdo t -,73(5 odujhuri t -,73(5 0,1 ru t -,73(5 0$; riwkhlqsxwforfn rxwsxwghudwlqjvduhuhodwlyh wrwkh 6'5$0lqsxwforfn  22. 6lqjohhqghgvljqdosdudphwhu 23. 7kh6'5$0rxwsxwwlplqjlvdoljqhgwrwkhqrplqdorudyhudjhfo rfn  0rvwrxwsxwsdudphwhuvpxvwehghudwhge\wkhdfwxdomlwwhuhuu ruzkhq lqsxwforfnmlwwhulvsuhvhqwhyhqzkhqzlwklqvshflilfdwlrq 7klvuhvxowv lq hdfk sdudphwhu ehfrplqj odujhu  7kh iroorzlqj sdudphwhuv du h uhtxluhg wr eh ghudwhg e\ vxewudfwlqj t (553(5 0$;  t '46&. 0,1  t /= '46 0$; t /= '4 0$;dqg t $21 0$; 7khsdudph - ter t 535( 0,1 lvghudwhge\vxewudfwlqj t -,73(5 0$; zkloh t 535( 0$; lvghudwhge\ t -,73(5 0,1   7khpd[lpxpsuhdpeohlverxqge\ t /='46 0$;  25. 7khvhsdudphwhuvduhphdvxuhgiurpdgdwdvwurehvljqdo '46' 46?  furvvlqjwrlwvuhvshfwlyhforfnvljqdo &.&.? furvvlqj7k hvshfl - ilfdwlrq ydoxhv duh qrw diihfwhg e\ wkh dprxqw ri forfn mlwwhu dssolhg dvwkhvhduhuhodwlyhwrwkhforfnvljqdofurvvlqj7khvhsdud phwhuv vkrxogehphwzkhwkhuforfnmlwwhulvsuhvhqwruqrw 26. the t '46&.'//b',6sdudphwhuehjlqv&/$/f\fohvdiwhuwkh 5($'frppdqg  7khpd[lpxpsrvwdpeohlverxqge\ t +='46 0$;  28. &rppdqgvuhtxlulqjdorfnhg'//duh5($' dqg5'$3 dqgv\q - fkurqrxv 2'7 frppdqgv  ,q dgglwlrq diwhu dq\ fkdqjh ri odwhqf \ t ;3'//wlplqjpxvwehphw 29. t ,6 edvh dqg t ,+ edvh ydoxhvduhirudvlqjohhqghg9qvfrqwuro frppdqgdgguhvvvohzudwhdqg9qv&.&.gliihuhqwldovohz udwh 30. 7khvhsdudphwhuvduhphdvxuhgiurpdfrppdqgdgguhvvvljqdowud q - vlwlrqhgjhwrlwvuhvshfwlyhforfn &.&.? vljqdofurvvlqj 7khvshfl - ilfdwlrq ydoxhv duh qrw diihfwhg e\ wkh dprxqw ri forfn mlwwhu dssolhg dv wkh vhwxs dqg krog wlphv duh uhodwlyh wr wkh forfn vljqdo fu rvvlqj wkdwodwfkhvwkhfrppdqgdgguhvv7khvhsdudphwhuvvkrxogehp hw zkhwkhuforfnmlwwhulvsuhvhqwruqrw 31. )ru wkhvh sdudphwhuv wkh ''5 6'5$0 ghylfh vxssruwv wq3$5$0 q&.   58 t 3$5$0 >qv@  t &.>$9*@>qv@  dvvxplqj doo lqsxw forfn mlwwhuvshflilfdwlrqvduhvdwlvilhg)ruh[dpsohwkhghylfhz loovxssruw
logic devices incorporated 59 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product n otes c ontinued t q53 q&.  58 t 53  t &.>$9*@ lidoolqsxwforfnmlwwhuvshflilfdwlrqv duhphw7klvphdqviru''5rizklfk t 53 qvwkh ghylfhzloovxssruw t q53 58 t 53 t &.>$9*@  dvorqjdvwkhlqsxw forfnmlwwhuvshflilfdwlrqvduhphw7kdwlvwkh35(&+$5*(fr ppdqg dw7dqgwkh$&7,9$7(frppdqgdw7duhydolghyhqlivl[fo rfnv duhohvvwkdqqvgxhwrlqsxwforfnmlwwhu 32. 'xulqj 5($'v dqg :5,7(v zlwk $872 35(&+$5*( wkh ''5 6'5$0 zloo krog rii wkh lqwhuqdo 35(&+$5*( frppdqg xqwlo t 5$6 0,1 kdvehhqvdwlvilhg 33. :khq rshudwlqj lq '// glvdeoh prgh wkh juhdwhu ri &. ru qv lv vdwlvilhgiru t :5  7khvwduwriwkhzulwhuhfryhu\wlphlvghilqhgdviroorzv  x)ru%/ il[hge\056dqg27) 5lvlqjforfnhgjhirxuforfn      f\fohvdiwhu:/ x)ru%& 27) 5lvlqjforfnhgjhirxuforfnf\fohvdiwhu:/  x)ru%& il[hge\056 5lvlqjforfnhgjhwzrforfnf\fohvd iwhu :/ 35. 5(6(7?vkrxogeh/2:dvvrrqdvsrzhuvwduwvwrudpswrhqvxuh wkhrxwsxwvduhlq+,*+=8qwlo5(6(7?lv/2:wkhrxwsxwvduh dwulvn rigulylqjwkhexvdqgfrxoguhv xowlqh[fhvvlyhfxuuhqwghshq glqjrq wkhexvdfwlylw\ 36. 7kh uhiuhvk shulrg lv pv zkhq t $  lv ohvv wkdq ru htxdo wr ?&  7klvhtxdwhvwrdqdyhudjhuhiuhvkudwhri?v+rzhyhu qlqh 5()5(6+frppdqgvvkrxogehdvvhuwhgdwohdvwrqfhhyhu\?v   :khq t $ lvjuhdwhuwkdq?&wkhuhiuhvkshulrglvpvdqgzkhq t $ lvjuhdwhuwkdq?&wkhuhiuhvkshulrglvpv  $owkrxjk &.( lv doorzhg wr eh uhjlvwhuhg /2: diwhu d 5()5(6 + frppdqgzkhq t 5()3'(1 0,1 lvvdwlvilhgwkhuhduhfdvhvzkhuh dgglwlrqdowlphvxfkdv t ;3'// 0,1 lvuhtxluhg 38. 2'7wxuqrqwlph0,1lvzkhqwkhghylfhohdyhv+,*+=dqg2'7 uhvlvwdqfh ehjlqv wr wxuq rq  2'7 wxuqrq wlph pd[lpxp lv zkhq  wkh2'7uhvlvwdqfhlvixoo\rq7kh2'7uhihuhqfhordglvvkrz qlq figure 23. 39. +doiforfnrxwsxwsdudphwhuvpxvwghudwhge\wkhdfwxdo t (553(5 and t -,7'7< zkhq  lqsxw forfn mlwwhu lv suhvhqw  7klv uhvxowv lq hdfk sdudphwhu ehfrplqj odujhu  7kh sdudphwhuv t $'& 0,1  dqg t $2) 0,1 duhhdfkuhtxluhgwrehghudwhge\vxewudfwlqjerwkw( 5 - 53(5 0$;  dqg t -,7'7< 0$;   7kh sdudphwhuv t $'& 0$;  and t $2) 0$; duhuhtxluhgwrehghudwhge\vxewudfwlqjerwk t (5 - 53(5 0$; dqg t -,7'7< 0$;   2'7wxuqriiwlphplqlpxplvzkhqwkhghylfhvwduwvwrwxuq rii2'7 uhvlvwdqfh2'7wxuqriiwlphpd[lpxplvzkhqwkh6'5$0exiihu  lvlq+,*+=7kh2'7uhihuhqfhordglvvkrzqlq)ljxuh7 klv rxwsxwordglvxvhgiru2'7wlplqjv vhh)ljxuh   3xovh zlgwk ri dq lqsxw vljqdo lv ghilqhg dv wkh zlgwk ehwz hhq wkh iluvwfurvvlqjri9 5()  '& dqgwkhfrqvhfxwlyhfurvvlqjri9 5() '&   6krxogwkhforfnudwhehodujhuwkdq t 5)& 0,1 dq$8725()5(6+ frppdqg vkrxog kdyh dw ohdvw rqh 123 frppdqg ehwzhhq lw dqg dqrwkhu $872 5()5(6+ frppdqg  $gglwlrqdoo\ li wkh forfn udwh lvvorzhuwkdqqv 0+] doo5()5(6+frppdqgvvkrxogehiro - orzhge\d35(&+$5*($//frppdqg
logic devices incorporated 60 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product command and address setup, hold, and derating the total t ,6 vhwxswlph dqg t ,+ krogwlph uhtxluhglvfdofxodwhge\dgglqjwkhgdwdvkhhw t ,6 edvh dqg t ,+ edvh ydoxhv 7deohv wrwkh ' t is and ' t ,+ ghudwlqjydoxhv 7deoh uhvshfwlyho\6hwxsdqgkrogwlphv duhedvhgrqphdvxuhphqwvdwwkhghylfh1rwhwkdwdgguhvvdqg frqwuroslqvsuhvhqwwkh fdsdflwdqfhripxowlsohglhwrwkhv\vwhp7klvfdsdflwdqfhlv ohvvwkdqwkhhtxlydohqwqxpehuriglvfuhwhghylfhvgxhwrwkh kljkhuohyhoriglhlqwhjudwlrq krzhyhulwpxvwehdffrxqwhgiruzkhqgulylqjwkhvhslqv6ohz udwhvrqwkhvhslqvzlooehvorzhuwkdqslqvzlwkrqo\rqhglh ordgxqohvvphdvxuhvduhpdgh wrlqfuhdvhwkhvwuhqjwkriwkhvljqdogulyhudqgorzhuwkhwud fhlpshgdqfhsursruwlrqdoo\rqvljqdovfrqqhfwlqjwrpxowlsohl qwhuqdoglh $owkrxjkwkhwrwdovhwxswlphi ruvorzvohzudwhvpljkwehqhjd wlyhdydolglqsxwvljqdolvvwloouhtxluhgwrfrpsohwhwkhwu dqvlwlrqdqgwruhdfk9 ,+ $& 9 il $&  vhh)ljxuhirulqsxwvljqdouhtxluhphqwv )ruvohzudwhv zklfkidooehwzhhqwkhydoxhvolvwhglq7deohdqg7deoh wkhghudwlqjydoxhvpd\ehrewdlqhg e\olqhdulqwhusrodwlrq 6hwxs t ,6 qrplqdovohzudwhirudulvlqjvljqdolvghilqhgdvwkhvoh zudwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 5() '& dqgwkhiluvwfurvvlqjri9 ,+ $& 0,16hwxs t ,6 qrplqdovohzudwhirudidoolqjvljqdolvghilqhgdvwkhvo hzudwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 5() '& dqgwkhiluvwfurvvlqjri9 il $& 0$;,iwkhdfwxdo vljqdolvdozd\vhduolhuwkdqw khqrplqdovohzudwholqhehwzhh qwkhvkdghgv9 5() '& wr$&uhjlrqwxvhwkhqrplq dovohzudwhirughudwlqjydox h vhh)ljxuh  ,iwkhdfwxdovljqdolvodwhuwkdqwkhqrplqdovohzudwh olqhdq\zkhuhehwzhhqwkhvkdghgv9 5() '& wr$&uhjlrqwwkhvohzudwhridwdqjhqwolqhwrwkh dfwxdovljqdoiurpwkh$&ohyhowrwkh'&ohyholvxvhgiruwkh ghudwlqjydoxh vhh)ljxuh  +rog t ,+ qrplqdovohzudwhirudulvlqjvljqdolvghilqhgdvwkhvoh zudwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 il '& 0$;dqgwkhiluvwfurvvlqjri9 5() '& +rog t ,+ qrplqdovohzudwhirudidoolqjvljqdolvghilqhgdvwkhvo hzudwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 ,+ '& 0,1dqgwkhiluvwfurvvlqjri9 5() '& ,iwkhdfwxdo vljqdolvdozd\vodwhuwkdqwkhqrplqdovohzudwholqhehwzhhq wkhvkdghgv'&wr9 5() '& uhjlrqwxvhwkhqrplqdovohzudwhirughudwlqjydoxh vhh )ljxuh  ,iwkhdfwxdovljqdolvhduolhuwkdqwkhqrplqdovohzudw holqhdq\zkhuhehwzhhqwkhvkdghgw'&wr9 5() '& uhjlrqwwkhvohzudwhridwdqjhqwolqhwrwkh dfwxdovljqdoiurpwkh'&ohyhowrwkh9 5() '& ohyholvxvhgiruwkhghudwlqjydoxh vhh)ljxuh  ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.8  0.6 0.5  t able 49: d erating v alues for t is/ t ih ? ac175/dc100-b ased cmd/addr slew rate v/ns 88 59 0 -2 -6 -11  -35 -62 50  0  -10 -16 -26  -60 88 50 0 -2 -6 -11  -35 -62 50  0  -10 -16 -26  -60 88 59 0 -2 -6 -11  -35 -62 50  0  -10 -16 -26  -60 96  8 6 2 -3 -9   58  8  -2 -8 -18 -32 -52 96  8 6 2 -3 -9   66 50 16 12 6 0 -10   112 83  22 18 13  -11 -38  58  20  8 -2 -16 -36 120 91 32 30 26 21 15 -2 -30  68  30  18 8 -6 -26 128 99  38  29 23 5 -22 100  50     10 -10 4.0v/ns 3.0v/ns 2.0v/ns 1.8v/ns 1.6v/ns 1.4v/ns 1.2v/ns 1.0v/ns ck, ck\ differential slew rate shaded cells indicate slew-rate combinations not supported ' t is, ' t ih derating (ps) - ac/dc-based, ac175 threshold; v ih (ac) = v ref (dc) + 175mv, v il (ac) = v ref (dc) - 175mv symbol ddr3-1333 ddr3-1600 ddr3-1866 units reference t is(base)ac t is(base)ac t ih(base)dc100 9 ,+ $& 9 il $& 9 ,+ $& 9 il $& 9 ,+ $& 9 il $& t able 48: c ommand and a ddress s etup and h old v alues r eferenced at 1v/ ns ? ac/dc based - - 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 sv sv sv
logic devices incorporated 61 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih ' t is ' t ih 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.8  0.6 0.5  t able 50: d erating v alues for t is/ t ih ? ac150/dc100-b ased cmd/addr slew rate v/ns  50 0 0 0 0 -1 -10 -25 50  0  -10 -16 -26  -60  50 0 0 0 0 -1 -10 -25 50  0  -10 -16 -26  -60  50 0 0 0 0 -1 -10 -25 50  0  -10 -16 -26  -60 83 58 8 8 8 8  -2  58  8  -2 -8 -18 -32 -52 91 66 16 16 16 16 15 6 -9 66 50 16 12 6 0 -10   99      23  -1  58  20  8 -2 -16 -36  82 32 32 32 32 31 22   68  30  18 8 -6 -26 115 90     39 30 15 100  50     10 -10 4.0v/ns 3.0v/ns 2.0v/ns 1.8v/ns 1.6v/ns 1.4v/ns 1.2v/ns 1.0v/ns ck, ck\ differential slew rate ' t is, ' t ih derating (ps) - ac/dc-based, ac150 threshold; v ih (ac) = v ref (dc) + 150mv, v il (ac) = v ref (dc) - 150mv shaded cells indicate slew-rate combinations not supported slew rate (v/ns) t vac at 175mv(ps) t vac at 150mv(ps) t vac at 135mv(ps) t vac at 125mv(ps) >2.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.8  0.6 0.5     163 162 161 159 155 150 150 t able 51: m inimum r equired t ime t v ac above v ih (ac) for a v alid t ransition   50 38  29 22 13 0 0 below vil(ac)  160 150  130 120 110 105 qd qd 200 190 180  160 150 qd qd qd qd
logic devices incorporated 62 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. both the clock and the strobe are drawn on different time scales. v ss setup slew rate risin g signal setup slew rate falling signal ?tf ?tr = = v dd q v ih ( ac ) min v ih ( dc ) min v ref ( dc ) v il ( dc ) max v il ( dc ) max nominal slew rate v ref to ac region t vac t vac dqs dqs# ck# ck t is t ih t is t ih nominal slew rate v ref to ac region v ref ( dc ) - v il ( ac ) max ?tf v ih ( ac ) min - v ref ( dc ) ?tr f igure 25 - n ominal s lew r ate and t vac for t is (c ommand and a ddress ? c lock )
logic devices incorporated 63 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 26 - n ominal s lew r ate for t ih (c ommand and a ddress ? c lock ) notes: 1. both the clock and the strobe are drawn on different time scales. v ss hol d slew rate falling signal hol d slew rate rising signal ?tr ?tf = = v dd q v ih ( ac ) min v ih ( dc ) min v ref ( dc ) v il ( dc ) max v il ( ac ) max nominal slew rate dc to v ref region dqs dqs# ck # ck t is t ih t is t ih dc to v ref region nominal slew rate v ref ( dc ) - v il ( dc ) max ?tr v ih ( dc ) min - v ref ( dc ) ?tf
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 27 - t angent l ine for t is (c ommand and a ddress ? c lock ) notes: 1. both the clock and the strobe are drawn on different time scales. v ss setup slew rate rising signal setup slew rate falling signal ?tf ?tr = = v dd q v ih ( ac ) min v ih ( dc ) min v ref ( dc ) v il ( dc ) max v il ( ac ) max tangent line v ref to ac region nominal line t vac t vac dqs dqs# ck # ck t is t ih t is t ih v ref to ac region tangent line nominal line tangent line (v ih [ dc ] min - v ref [ dc ]) ?tr tangent line (v ref [ dc ] - v il [ ac ] max) ?tf
logic devices incorporated 65 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 28 - t angent l ine for t ih (c ommand and a ddress ? c lock ) notes: 1. both the clock and the strobe are drawn on different time scales. v ss hol d slew rate falling signal ?tr = v dd q v ih ( ac ) min v ih ( dc ) min v ref ( dc ) v il ( dc ) max v il ( ac ) max tangent line dc to v ref region hol d slew rate rising signal = dqs dqs # ck# ck t is t ih t is t ih dc to v ref region tangent line nominal line nominal line ?tr tangent line (v ref [ dc ] - v il [ dc ] max) ?tr tangent line (v ih [ dc ] min - v ref [ dc ]) ?tf
logic devices incorporated 66 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product data setup, hold and derating the total t '6 vhwxswlph dqg t '+ krogwlph uhtxluhglvfdofxodwhge\dgglqjwkhgdwdvkhhw t '6 edvh dqg t '+ edvh ydoxhv vhh7deoh wrwkh ' t ds and ' t '+ghudwlqjydoxhv vhh7deoh uhvshfwlyho\ $owkrxjkwkhwrwdovhwxswlphiruvorzvohzudwhvpljkwehqhjd wlyhdydolglqsxwvljqdolvvwloouhtxluhgwrfrpsohwhwkhwu dqvlwlrqdqgwruhdfk9 ,+ 9 il $& )ru vohzudwhvzklfkidooehwzhhqwkhydoxhvolvwhglq7deohwk hghudwlqjydoxhvpd\ehrewdlqhge\olqhdulqwhusrodwlrq 6hwxs t '6 qrplqdovohzudwhirudulvlqjvljqdolvghilqhgdvwkhvoh zudwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 5() '& dqgwkhiluvwfurvvlqjri9 ,+ $& 0,16hwxs t '6 qrplqdovohzudwhirudidoolqjvljqdolvghilqhgdvwkhvo hzudwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 5() '& dqgwkhiluvwfurvvlqjri9 il $& 0$;,iwkhdfwxdo vljqdolvdozd\vhduolhuwkdqwkhqrplqdovohzudwholqhehwzhh qwkhvkdghgv9 5() '& wr$&uhjlrqwxvhwkhqrplqdovohzudwhghudwlqjydoxh v hh)ljxuh   ,iwkhdfwxdovljqdolvodwhuw kdqwkhqrplqdovohzudwholqhd q\zkhuhehwzhhqwkhvkdghgv9 5() '& wr$&uhjlrqwwkhvohzudwh ridwdqjhqwolqhwrwkhdfwx do vljqdoiurpwkh$&ohyhowrwkh'&ohyholvxvhgiruwkhghudwl qjydoxh vhh)ljxuh  +rog t '+ qrplqdovohzudwhirudulvlqjvljqdolvghilqhgdvwkhvoh zudwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 il '& 0$;dqgwkhiluvwfurvvlqjri9 5() '& +rog t '+ qrplqdovohzudwhirudidoolqjvljqdolvghilqhgdvwkhvo hzudwhehwzhhqwkhodvwfurvvlqjri9 ,+ '& 0,1dqgwkhiluvwfurvvlqjri9 5() '& ,iwkhdfwxdo vljqdolvdozd\vodwhuwkdqwkhqrplqdovohzudwholqhehwzhhq wkhvkdghgv'&wr9 5() '& uhjlrqwxvhwkhqrplqdovohzudwhirughudwlqjydoxh vhh )ljxuh  ,iwkhdfwxdovljqdolvhduolhuwkdqwkhqrplqdovohzud wholqhdq\zkhuhehwzhhqwkhvkdghgv'&wr9 5() '& uhjlrqwwkhvohzudwhridwdqjhqwolqhwrwkh dfwxdovljqdoiurpwkhv'&wr9 5() '& uhjlrqwlvxvhgiruwkhghudwlqjydoxh vhh)ljxuh  symbol ddr3-1333 ddr3-1600 ddr3-1866 units referen ce t ds(base)ac175 t ds(base)ac175 t ds(base)dc150 t ds(base)dc150 9 ,+ $& 9 il $& 9 ,+ $& 9 il $& 9 ,+ $& 9 il $& 9 ,+ $& 9 il $& t able 52: d ata s etup and h old v alues at 1v/ ns (dqs x , dqs x \ at 2v/ ns ) - ac/dc b ased - - 30 65 sv sv sv sv - - 10  - - 10  ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.8  0.6 0.5  t able 53: d erating v alue for t ds/ t dh ? ac175/dc100 - b ased dq slew rate v/ns 4.0v/ns 3.0v/ns 2.0v/ns 1.8v/ns 1.6v/ns 1.4v/ns 1.2v/ns 1.0v/ns dqs, dqs# differential slew rate ? t ds, ? t dh derating (ps) ? ac175/d100-based shaded cells indicate slew-rate combinations not supported 88 59 0 50  0 88 59 0 -2 50  0  88 59 0 -2 -6 50  0  -10  8 6 2 -3  8  -2 -8 16  10 5 -1 16 12 6 0 -10 22 18 13  -11 20  8 -2 -16 26 21 15 -2 -30  18 8 -6 -26 29 23 5 -22   10 -10
' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh ' t ds ' t dh 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.8  0.6 0.5  t able 54: d erating v alue for t ds/ t dh ? ac150/dc100 - b ased dq slew rate v/ns 4.0v/ns 3.0v/ns 2.0v/ns 1.8v/ns 1.6v/ns 1.4v/ns 1.2v/ns 1.0v/ns dqs, dqs# differential slew rate ? t ds, ? t dh derating (ps) ? ac150/dc100-based shaded cells indicate slew-rate combinations not supported logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product  50 0 50  0  50 0 0 50  0   50 0 0 0 50  0  -10 58 8 8 8 8  8  -2 -8 16 16 16 16 15 16 12 6 0 -10    23  20  8 -2 -16 32 32 31 22   18 8 -6 -26  39 30 15   10 -10 slew rate (v/ns) t vac at 175mv(ps) [min] t vac at 150mv(ps) [min] >2.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.8  0.6 0.5     163 162 161 159 155 150 150 t able 55: r equired t ime t vac a bove v ih (ac) (b elow v il [ac]) for a v alid t ransition   50 38  29 22 13 0 0
logic devices incorporated 68 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 29 - n ominal s lew r ate and t vac for t ds (dq ? s trobe ) notes: 1. both the clock and the strobe are drawn on different time scales. v ss setup slew rate rising signal setup slew rate ?tf ?tr = = v dd q v ih ( ac ) min v ih ( dc ) min v ref ( dc ) v il ( dc ) max v il ( ac ) max nominal slew rate v ref to ac region t vac t vac t dh t ds dqs dqs# t dh t ds ck# ck v ref to ac region nominal slew rate v ih ( ac ) min - v ref ( dc ) ?tr v ref ( dc ) - v il ( ac ) max ?tf rising signal
logic devices incorporated 69 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 30 - n ominal s lew r ate for t dh (dq ? s trobe ) notes: 1. both the clock and the strobe are drawn on different time scales. v ss hold slew rate falling signal hold slew rate rising signal ?tr ?tf = = v dd q v ih ( ac ) min v ih ( dc ) min v ref ( dc ) v il ( dc ) max v il ( ac ) max nominal slew rate dc to v ref region t dh t ds dqs dqs# t dh t ds ck# ck dc to v ref region nominal slew rate v ref ( dc ) - v il ( dc ) max ?tr v ih ( dc ) min - v ref ( dc ) ?tf
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 31 - n ominal s lew r ate and t vac for t ds (dq ? s trobe ) notes: 1. both the clock and the strobe are drawn on different time scales. v ss setup slew rate rising signal setup slew rate falling signal ?tf ?tr = = v dd q v ih ( ac ) min v ih ( dc ) min v ref ( dc ) v il ( dc ) max v il ( ac ) max tangent line v ref to ac region nominal line t vac t vac t dh t ds dqs dqs# t dh t ds ck# ck v ref to ac region tangent line nominal line ?tr tangent line (v ref [ dc ] - v il [ ac ] max) ?tf tangent line (v ih [ ac ] min - v ref [ dc ])
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 32 - n ominal s lew r ate for t dh (dq ? s trobe ) notes: 1. both the clock and the strobe are drawn on different time scales. v ss hol d slew rate falling signal ?tf ?tr = v dd q v ih ( ac ) min v ih ( dc ) min v ref ( dc ) v il ( dc ) max v il ( ac ) max tangent line dc to v ref region hol d slew rate = dqs dqs# ck# ck dc to v ref region tangent line nominal line nominal line tangent line (v ih [ dc ] min - v ref [ dc ]) ?tf tangent line (v ref [ dc ] - v il [ dc ] max) ?tr t ds t dh t ds t dh falling signal
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product p ackage o utline d imensions function symbol cycle cycle cs\ ras\ cas\ we\ ba [2:0] a n a 12 a 10 a [11,0:0] notes mode register set refresh self refresh entry self refresh exit single-bank precharge precharge all banks bank activate no operation device deselected power-down entry power-down exit zq calibration long zq calibration short 6  8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 6 6,11 12 t able 56: t ruth t able - c ommand l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l + l l l l l l l l + + + + + + + + + + + + + ; + + l l l l l l + + + + + + + + + + + + + ; + + l + + l l + l l l l l l + + + + + + + ; l l %$ 9 9 9 9%$ 9 %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ 9 ; 9 9 ; ; 9 9 9 9 9 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 9 ; 9 9 ; ; 9 9 9 9 9 9 l + 9 l + 9 l + 9 l + 9 ; 9 9 ; ; 9 9 9 l + l l l + + + l l l + + + 9 ; 9 9 + l 9 9 9 9 9 5$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ 9 ; 9 9 ; ; mrs 5() 65( 65; 35( 35($ $&7 :5 :56 :56 :5$3 :5$36 :5$36 rd 5'6 rds8 5'$3 5'$36 5'$36 123 '(6 3'( 3'; =4&/ =4&6 + + + l + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + l + + + + l + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + l + + + write write with auto precharge read read with auto precharge bl8mrs %&056 %&27) bl8otf bl8mrs %&056 %&27) bl8otf bl8mrs %&056 %&27) bl8otf bl8mrs %&056 %&27) bl8otf + l l + l + 9 + 9 + 9 + + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 cke prev next 8. %xuvw 5($'v ru :5,7(v fdqqrw eh whuplqdwhg ru lqwhuuxswhg 056 il[hg dqg27)%/%&duhghilqhglq05 9. 7khsxusrvhriwkh123frppdqglvwrsuhyhqwwkh6'5$0iurpuhj - lvwhulqjdq\xqzdqwhgfrppdqgv$123zlooqrwwhuplqdwhdqgr shud - wlrqwkdwlvlqh[hfxwlrq 10. 7kh'(6dqg123frppdqgvshuirupvlploduo\ 11. 7kh 32:(5'2:1 prgh grhv qrw shuirup dq\ 5()5(6+ rshud - wlrqv 12. =4 &$/,%5$7,21 /21* lv xvhg iru hlwkhu =4,17 iluvw =4&/ frp - pdqggxulqjlqlwldol]dwlrq ru=423(5 =4&/frppdqgdiwhulqlwl dol]d - wlrq  127(6 1. &rppdqgvduhghilqhge\vwdwhvri&6?5$6?&$6?:(?dqg&.( dw wkhulvlqjhgjhriwkhforfn7kh06%ri%$5$dqg&$duhgh ylfh ghqvlw\dqgfrqiljxudwlrqghshqghqw 2. 5(6(7?lv/2:hqdeohgdqgxvhgrqo\irudv\qfkurqrxv5(6(77k xv 5(6(7?pxvwehkhog+,*+gxulqjdq\qrupdorshudwlrq 3. 7khvwdwhri2'7grhvqrwdiihfwwkhvwdwhvghvfulehglqwklvw deoh  2shudwlrqvdsso\wrwkhedqnghilqhge\wkhedqndgguhvv) ru056%$ vhohfwvrqhriirxuprghuhjlvwhuv 5. v9wphdqvv+wruv/w dghilqhgorjlfohyho dqgv;wphdqvv'r quw&duhw 6. 6hh7deohirudgglwlrqdolqirupdwlrqrq&.(wudqvlwlrq  6(/)5()5(6+h[lwlvdv\qfkurqrxv commands truth table
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product current state 3 power-down self refresh bank(s) active reading writing precharging refreshing all banks idle t able 57: t ruth t able - cke l + l + l l l l l l (n-1) previous cycle 4 (n) present cycle 4 (ras\, cas\, we\, cs\) command 5 action 5 notes l l l + + + + + + + v'rquw&duhw '(6ru123 v'rquw&duhw '(6ru123 '(6ru123 '(6ru123 '(6ru123 '(6ru123 '(6ru123 5()5(6+ 0dlqwdlq32:(5'2:1 32:(5'2:1h[lw 0dlqwdlq6(/)5()5(6+ 6(/)5()5(6+h[lw $fwlyh32:(5'2:1hqwu\ 32:(5'2:1hqwu\ 32:(5'2:1hqwu\ 35(&+$5*(32:(5'2:1hqwu\ 35(&+$5*(32:(5'2:1hqwu\ 6(/)5()5(6+ 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2,6 cke  &.( q lvwkhorjlfvwdwhri&.(dwforfnhgjhq&.( q zdvwkh vwdwhri&.(dwwkhsuhylrxvforfnhgjh 5. &200$1'lvwkhfrppdqguhjlvwhuhgdwwkhforfnhgjh pxvwehd ohjdo frppdqg dv ghilqhg lq 7deoh    $fwlrq lv d uhvxow ri & 20 - 0$1'2'7grhvqrwdiihfwwkhvwdwhvghvfulehglqwklvwdeohd qglv qrwolvwhg 6. ,gohvwdwh dooedqnvduhforvhgqrgdwdexuvwvduhlqsurjuh vv&.(lv +,*+dqgdoowlplqjviurpsuhylrxvrshudwlrqvduhvdwlvilhg$ oo6(/) 5()5(6+h[lwdqg32:(5'2:1h[lwsdudphwhuvduhdovrvdwlvilhg 127(6 1. $oovwdwhvdqgvhtxhqfhvqrwvkrzqduhloohjdoruuhvhuyhgxqoh vvh[solf - lwo\ghvfulehghovhzkhuhlqwklvgrfxphqw 2. t &.( 0,1 phdqv&.(pxvwehuhjlvwhuhgdwpxowlsohfrqvhfxwlyhs rvl - wlyhforfnhgjhv&.(pxvwuhpdlqdwwkhydolglqsxwohyhowkh hqwluhwlph lwwdnhvwrdfklhyhwkhuhtxluhgqxpehuriuhjlvwudwlrqforfnv 7kxvdiwhu dq\&.(wudqvlwlrq&.(pd\qrwwudqvlwlrqiurplwvydolgohyho gxulqjwkh wlphshulrgri t ,6 t &.( 0,1  t ,+ 3. &xuuhqwvwdwh 7khvwdwhriwkh6'5$0lpphgldwho\sulruwrfor fnhgjh n. deselect (des) 7kh'(6frppdqg &6?+,*+ suhyhqwvqhzfrppdqgviurpehlqjh[h - fxwhge\wkh6'5$02shudwlrqvdouhdg\lqsurjuhvvduhqrwdii hfwhg no operation (nop) 7kh123frppdqg &6?/2: suhyhqwvxqzdqwhgfrppdqgviurpehlqj  uhjlvwhuhg gxulqj lgoh ru zdlw vwdwhv  2shudwlrqv douhdg\ lq s urjuhvv duh qrwdiihfwhg zq calibration zq calibration long (zqcl) 7kh=4&/frppdqglvxvhgwrshuirupwkhlqlwldofdoleudwlrqgxu lqjdsrzhuxslqlwldol]dwlrqdqguhvhwvhtxhqfh7klvfrppdqg pd\ehlvvxhgdwdq\wlphe\ wkhfrqwuroohughshqglqjrqwkhv\vwhphqylurqphqw7kh=4&/f rppdqgwuljjhuvwkhfdoleudwlrqhqjlqhlqvlghwkh6'5$0$iwhu fdoleudwlrqlvdfklhyhgwkh fdoleudwhgydoxhvduhwudqvihuuhgiurpwkhfdoleudwlrqhqjlqhw rwkh6'5$0,2zklfkduhuhiohfwhgdvxsgdwhg5 on dqg2'7ydoxhv 7kh6'5$0lvdoorzhgdwlplqjzlqgrzghilqhge\hlwkhu t =4,1,7ru t =423(5wrshuirupwkhixoofdoleudwlrqdqgwudqvihuriydoxhv :khq=4&/lvlvvxhg gxulqjwkhlqlwldol]dwlrqvhtxhqfhwkhwlplqjsdudphwhuw=4,1, 7pxvwehvdwlvilhg:khqlqlwldol]dwlrqlvfrpsohwhvxevhtxh qw=4&/frppdqgvuhtxluhwkh wlplqjsdudphwhu t =423(5wrehvdwlvilhg zq calibration short (zqcs) 7kh=4&6frppdqglvxvhgwrshuirupshulrglffdoleudwlrqvwrdf frxqwiruvpdooyrowdjhdqgwhpshudwxuhyduldwlrqv7khvkruwh uwlplqjzlqgrzlvsurylghg wrshuirupwkhuhgxfhgfdoleudwlrqdqgwudqvihuriydoxhvdvgh ilqhge\wlplqjsdudphwhu t =4&6$=4&6frppdqgfdqhiihfwlyho\fruuhfwdplqlpxpri  r on and r tt lpshgdqfhhuuruvzlwklqforfnf\fohvdvvxplqjwkhpd[lpxp vhqvlwlylwlhvvshflilhglq7deohdqg7deoh
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product activate 7kh $&7,9$7( frppdqg lv xvhg wr rshq ru $&7,9$7(  d urz lq d sduwlfxodu edqn iru d vxevhtxhqw dffhvv  7kh ydoxh rq wkh %$ > @ lqsxwvvhohfwvwkhedqndqgwkhdgguhvvsurylghgrqlqsxwv$>q @vhohfwv wkhurz7klvurzuhpdlqvrshq ru$&7,9( irudffhvvhvxqwlo d35( - &+$5*(frppdqglvlvvxhgwrwkdwedqn $35(&+$5*(frppdqgpxvwehlvvxhgehiruhrshqlqjdgliihuhqwu rz lqwkhvdphedqn read 7kh5($'frppdqglvxvhgwrlqlwldwhdexuvw5($'dffhvvwrdq $&7,9( urz  7kh dgguhvv surylghg rq lqsxwv $>@ vhohfwv wkh vwduwlq j froxpq dgguhvvghshqglqjrqwkhexuvwohqjwkdqgexuvww\shvhohfwhg vhhwdeoh  7khydoxhrqlqsxw$ghwhuplqhvzkhwkhuruqrwdxwrsuh fkdujhlv xvhg,idxwrsuhfkdujhlvvhohfwhgwkhurzehlqjdffhvvhgzl ooeh35( - &+$5*('dwwkhhqgriwkh5($'exuvw,i$87235(&+$5*(lvqrw  vhohfwhgwkhurzzloouhpdlqrshqiruvxevhtxhqwdffhvvhv7k hydoxhrq lqsxw$ lihqdeohglqwkh02'(5(*,67(5 zkhqwkh5($'frppd qg lvlvvxhgghwhuplqhvzkhwkhu%& fkrs ru%/lvxvhg$iwhu d5($' frppdqglvlvvxhgwkh5($'exuvwpd\qrwehlqwhuuxswhg$v xppdu\ ri5($'frppdqgvlvvkrzqlq7deoh t able 58: r ead c ommand s ummary function symbol cycle cycle cs\ ras\ cas\ we\ ba [2:0] a n a 12 a 10 a [11,0:0] notes l l l l l l + + + + + + l l l l l l + + + + + + %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 9 l + 9 l + l l l + + + &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ rd 5'6 rds8 5'$3 5'$36 5'$36 + + + + + + cke prev next read read with auto precharge bl8mrs %&056 %&27) bl8otf bl8mrs %&056 %&27) bl8otf write 7kh:5,7(frppdqglvxvhgwrlqlwldwhdexuvw:5,7(dffhvvwrd q$&7,9(urz7khydoxhrqwkh%$>@lqsxwvvhohfwvwkhedqn 7khydoxhrqlqsxw$ ghwhuplqhvzkhwkhuruqrw$87235(&+$5*(lvxvhg7khydoxhrq lqsxw$ lihqdeohglqwkh02'(5(*,67(5>05@ zkhqwkh:5,7 (frppdqglv lvvxhgghwhuplqhvzkhwkhu%& fkrs ru%/lvxvhg7kh:5,7 (frppdqgvxppdu\lvvkrzqlq7deoh t able 59: w rite c ommand s ummary function symbol cycle cycle cs\ ras\ cas\ we\ ba [2:0] a n a 12 a 10 a [11,0:0] notes l l l l l l + + + + + + l l l l l l l l l l l l %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ %$ 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 5)8 9 l + 9 l + l l l + + + &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ :5 :56 :56 :5$3 :5$36 :5$36 + + + + + + cke prev next write write with auto precharge bl8mrs %&056 %&27) bl8otf bl8mrs %&056 %&27) bl8otf
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 7kh35(&+$5*(frppdqglvxvhgwr'($&7,9$7(wkhrshqurzlqd sduwlfxoduedqnrulqdooedqnv7khedqn v duhdydlodeohiru dvxevhtxhqw urzdffhvvdwdvshflilhgwlph t 53 diwhuwkh35(&+$5*(frppdqglv lvvxhgh[fhswlqwkhfdvhrifrqfxuuhqw$87235(&+$5*($5($ 'ru :5,7(frppdqgwrdgliihuhqwedqnlvdoorzhggxulqjfrqfxuuhqw $872 35(&+$5*(dvorqjdvlwgrhvqrw lqwhuuxswwkhgdwdwudqvihulq wkhfxu - uhqwedqndqggrhvqrwylrodwhdq\rwkhuwlplqjsdudphwhuv,q sxw$ ghwhuplqhvzkhwkhurqhrudooedqnvduhsuhfkdujhg,qwkhfdv hzkhuh rqo\rqhedqnlvuhfkdujhg,qsxwv%$>@vhohfwwkhedqnrw khuzlvh %$>@duhwuhdwhgdvv'rquw&duhw$iwhudedqnlv35(&+$5*( 'lwlv lqwkhlgohvwdwhdqgpxvwehdf wlydwhgsulruwrdq\5($'ru:5 ,7(frp - pdqgvehlqjlvvxhgwrwkdwedqn$35(&+$5*(frppdqglvwuhdwh g dvd123liwkhuhlvqrrshqurzlqwkdwedqn lgohvwdwh rul iwkhsuhyl - rxvo\rshqurzlvdouhdg\lqwkhsurfhvvrisuhfkdujlqj+rzhy huwkh 35(&+$5*(shulrglvghwhuplqhge\wkhodvw35(&+$5*(frppdqg lvvxhgwrwkhedqn precharge 5()5(6+lvxvhggxulqjqrupdorshudwlrqriwkh6'5$0dqglvdqd orjrxv wr&$6?ehiruh5$6? &%5 uhiuhvkru$8725()5(6+7klvfrppdq g lvqrqshuvlvwhqwvrlwpxvwehlvvxhghdfkwlphd5()5(6+lv uhtxluhg  7kh dgguhvvlqj lv jhqhudwhg e\ wkh lqwhuqdo 5()5(6+ frppdqg  7 kh 6'5$0uhtxluhv5()5(6+f\fohvdwdqdyhudjhlqwhuydori?v pd[l - pxpzkhq7 $ d ?&ru?v0$;zkhq7 $ d ?& 7kh5()5(6+shulrg ehjlqvzkhqwkh5()5(6+frppdqglvuhjlvwhuhgdqghqgv t 5)& 0,1  later. 7rdoorzirulpsuryhghiilflhqf\lqvfkhgxolqjdqgvzlwfklqjeh wzhhqwdvnv vrphioh[lelolw\lqwkhdevroxwh5()5(6+lqwhuydolvsurylghg $pd[lpxp rihljkw5()5(6+frppdqgvfdqehsrvwhgwrdq\jlyhq6'5$0phd q - lqjwkdwwkhpd[lpxpdevroxwhlqwhuydoehwzhhqdq\5()5(6+frpp dqg dqg wkh qh[w 5()5(6+ frppdqg lv qlqh wlphv wkh pd[lpxp dyhudjh lqwhuydo uhiuhvk udwh  6(/) 5()5(6+ pd\ eh hqwhuhg zlwk xs wr hljkw 5()5(6+frppdqgvehlqjsrvwhg$iwhuh[lwlqj6(/)5()5(6+ zkh q hqwhuhgzlwksrvwhg5()5(6+frppdqgv dgglwlrqdosrvwlqjri5() 5(6+ frppdqgv lv doorzhg wr wkh h[whqw wkh pd[lpxp qxpehu ri fxpxodw lyh srvwhg5()5(6+frppdqgv erwksuhdqgsrvw6(/)5()5(6+ grhv qrwh[fhhghljkw5()5(6+frppdqgv refresh f igure 33 - r efresh m ode notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other valid commands may be possible at these times. cke must be active during the precharge, activate, and refresh commands, but may be inactive at other times (see power-down mode on page 153). nop 1 nop 1 nop 1 pre ra bank(s) 3 ba ref nop 1 ref 2 nop 1 act nop 1 one bank all banks t ck t ch t cl ra t rfc 2 t rp t rfc (min) t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 ta0 tb0 ta1 tb 1 tb2 dont care indicates a break in time scale valid 1 valid 1 valid 1 ck ck# command cke address a10 ba[2:0] dq 4 dm 4 dqs, dqs# 4
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 7kh6(/)5()5(6+frppdqglvxvhgwruhwdlqgdwdlqwkh6'5$0h yhqliwkhuhvwriwkhv\vwhplvsrzhuhggrzq:khqlqwkh6(/ )5()5(6+prghwkh 6'5$0uhwdlqvgdwdzlwkrxwh[whuqdoforfnlqj7kh6(/)5()5(6+ prghlvdovrdfrqyhqlhqwphwkrgxvhgwrhqdeohglvdeohwkh'/ /dvzhoodvwrfkdqjh wkhforfniuhtxhqf\zlwklqwkhdoorzhgv\qfkurqrxvrshudwlqjud qjh$oosrzhuvxsso\lqsxwv lqfoxglqj9 5()&$ dqg9 5()'4 pxvwehpdlqwdlqhgdwydolgohyhov xsrqhqwu\h[lwdqggxulqj6(/)5()5(6+prghrshudwlrq$oosr zhuvxsso\lqsxwv lqfoxglqj9 5()&$ dqg9 5()'4 pxvwehpdlqwdlqhgdwydolgohyhovxsrq hqwu\h[lwdqggxulqj6(/)5()5(6+prghxqghufhuwdlqfrqglwlrq v x9vv9 5()'4 9 dd lvpdlqwdlqhg x9 5()'4 lvydolgdqgvwdeohsulruwr&.(jrlqjedfn+,*+ x7khiluvw:5,7(rshudwlrqpd\qrwrffxuhduolhuwkdqforf nvdiwhu9 5()'4 lvydolg x$oorwkhu6(/)5()5(6+prghh[lwwlphuhtxluhphqwvduhphw self refresh ,iwkh'//lvglvdeohge\wkh02'(5(*,67(5 05>@fdqehvzlw fkhggxulqjlqlwldol]dwlrqruodwhu wkh6'5$0lvwdujhwhgex wqrwjxdudqwhhgwrrshudwh vlploduo\wrwkh1250$/prghzlwkdihzqrwdeohh[fhswlrqv x 7kh6'5$0vxssruwvrqo\rqhydoxhri&$6odwhqf\ &/  dqgr qhydoxhri&$6:5,7(odwhqf\ &:/   x '//',6$%/(prghdiihfwvwkh5($'gdwdforfnwrgdwdvwurehu hodwlrqvkls t '46&. exwqrwwkh5($'gdwdwrgdwdvwurehuhodwlrqvkls t dqsq, t 4+ 6shfldodwwhqwlrqlvqhhghgwrolqhwkh5($'gdwdxszlwk wkhfrqwuroohuwlphgrpdlqzkhqwkh'//lvglvdeohg x ,q1250$/rshudwlrq '//rq  t '46&.vwduwviurpwkhulvlqjforfnhgjh$/&/f\fohvdiwhuwk h5($'frppdqg,q'//',6$%/( prgh t '46&.vwduwv$/ &/yf\fohvdiwhuwkh5($'frppdqg$gglwl rqdoo\zlwkwkh'//glvdeohgwkhydoxhri t '46&.frxogeh larger than t &. 7kh2'7ihdwxuhlvqrwvxssruwhggxulqj'//',6$%/(prgh lqfox glqjg\qdplf2'7 7kh2'7uhvlvwruvpxvwehglvdeohge\frqwl qxrxvo\uhjlvwhulqjwkh 2'7edoo/2:e\surjudpplqj5 tt _norm mr1[9,6,2] and r tt b:505>@wrvwzklohlq'//',6$%/(prgh 6shflilfvwhsvpxvwehiroorzhgwrvzlwfkehwzhhqwkh'//hqdeo hdqg'//',6$%/(prghvgxhwrdjdslqwkhdoorzhgforfnudwhv ehwzhhqwkhwzrprghv t &.>$9*@0$;dqg t &.>'//',6$%/(@0,1uhvshfwlyho\ 7khrqo\wlphwkhforfnlv doorzhgwrfurvvwklvforfnudwhjdslvgxulqj6(/)5()5(6+pr gh  7kxvwkhuhtxluhgsurfhgxuhiruvzlwfklqjiurpwkh'//(1$%/( wr'//',6$%/(prghlvwrfkdqjhiuhtxhqf\fxulqjvhoiuhiuhvk  vhh)ljxuh  1. 6wduwlqjiurpwkh,'/(vwdwh dooedqnvduh35(&+$5*('doowlp lqjvduhixoiloohg2'7lvwxuqhgriidqg5 tt _nom and r tt b:5duh +,*+= vhw05>@wrvwwr',6$%/(wkh'// 2. (qwhu6(/)5()5(6+prghdiwhu t 02'kdvehhqvdwlvilhg 3. $iwhu t &.65(lvvdwlvilhgfkdqjhwkhiuhtxhqf\wrwkhghvluhgforfnu dwh  6(/)5()5(6+pd\ehh[lwhgzkhqwkhforfnlvvwdeohgzlwkwk hqhziuhtxhqf\iru t &.65; 5. 7kh6'5$0zlooehuhdg\irulwvqh[wfrppdqglqwkh'//',6$%/( prghdiwhuwkhjuhdwhuri t mrd or t 02'kdvehhqvdwlvilhg$=4&/ frppdqgvkrxogehlvvxhgzlwkdssursuldwhwlplqjphwdvzhoo dll disable mode
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 34 - dll e nable m ode to dll d isable m ode command t0 t1 ta0 ta1 tb 0 tc0 7 6 td 0 td 1 te0 te1 tf0 ck ck# odt 9 vali d 1 don t care vali d 1 sre 3 nop mrs 2 nop srx 4 mrs 5 vali d 1 nop nop indicates a break in time scale t mod t cksre t mod t xs t ckesr cke t cksrx 8 127(6 1. $q\ydolgfrppdqg 2. 'lvdeoh'//e\vhwwlqj05>@wrvw 3. :dlw t ;6wkhqvhw05>@wrvwwrhqdeoh'//  :dlw t 05'wkhqvhw05>@wrvwwrehjlq'//5(6(7 5. :dlw t 05'xsgdwhuhjlvwhuv &/&:/dqgzulwhuhfryhu\pd\ehqhfhv vdu\  6. :dlw t 02'dq\ydolgfrppdqg  6wduwlqjzlwkwkhlgohvwdwh 8. &kdqjhiuhtxhqf\ 9. &orfnpxvwehvwdeohdwohdvw t &.65; 10. 6wdwlf/2:lqfdvh5 tt _nom or r tt b:5lvhqdeohgrwkhuzlvhvwdwlf/2:ru+,*+ $vlplodusurfhgxuhlvuhtxluhgiruvzlwfklqjiurpwkh'//glvd eohprghedfnwrwkh'//hqdeohprgh7klvdovruhtxluhvfkdqjl qjwkhiuhtxhqf\gxulqjvhoi uhiuhvkprgh vhh)ljxuhrqsdjh  6wduwlqjiurpwkhlgohvwdwh dooedqnvduhsuhfkdujhgdoo wlplqjvduhixoiloohg2'7lvwxuqhgriidqg5 tt _nom and r tt b:5duh+ljk=  hqwhuvhoiuhiuhvkprgh $iwhu t &.65(lvvdwlvilhgfkdqjhwkhiuhtxhqf\wrwkhqhzforfnudwh 6hoiuhiuhvkpd\ehh[lwhgzkhqwkhforfnlvvwdeohzlwkwkh qhziuhtxhqf\iru t &.65;$iwhu t ;6lvvdwlvilhgxsgdwhwkhprghuhjlvwhuv zlwkwkhdssursuldwhydoxhv$wdplqlpxpvhw05>@wrvwwr hqdeohwkh'//:dlw t 05'wkhqvhw05>@wrvwwrhqdeoh'//5(6(7 $iwhudqrwkhu t 05'ghod\lvvdwlvilhgwkhqxsgdwhwkhuhpdlqlqjprghuhjlvwhu vzlwkwkhdssursuldwhydoxhv 7kh'5$0zlooehuhdg\irulwvqh[wfrppdqglqwkh'//hqdeo hprghdiwhuwkhjuhdwhuri t mrd or t 02'kdvehhqvdwlvilhg+rzhyhu ehiruhdsso\lqjdq\frppdqgruixqfwlrquhtxlulqjdorfnhg'// dghod\ri t '//.diwhu'//5(6(7pxvwehvdwlvilhg$=4&/frppdqg vkrxogehlvvxhgzlwkwkhdssursuldwhwlplqjvphwdvzhoo
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 35- dll d isable m ode to dll e nable m ode indicates a break in time scale t c t dllk cke t0 t a 0t a 1tb0 t c 0t c 1td0t e 0 tf0 t g 0 ck ck# odt 10 sre 1 nop command nop srx 2 mrs 3 mrs 4 mrs 5 vali d 6 vali d don t care 8 7 t ck sr e th0 t cksrx 9 odtl off + 1 t ck t xs t mrd t mrd kesr 127(6 1. (qwhu6(/)5()5(6+ 2. ([lw6(/)5()5(6+ 3. :dlw t ;6wkhqvhw05>@wrvwwrhqdeoh'//  :dlw t 05'wkhqvhw05>@wrvwwrehjlq'//5(6(7 5. :dlw t 05'xsgdwhuhjlvwhuv &/&:/dqgzulwhuhfryhu\pd\ehqhfhv vdu\  6. :dlw t 02'dq\ydolgfrppdqg  6wduwlqjzlwkwkhlgohvwdwh 8. &kdqjhiuhtxhqf\ 9. &orfnpxvwehvwdeohdwohdvw t &.65; 10. 6wdwlf/2:lqfdvh5 tt _nom or r tt b:5lvhqdeohgrwkhuzlvhvwdwlf/2:ru+,*+ 7khforfniuhtxhqf\udqjhiruwkh'//glvdeohprghlvvshflilhg e\wkhsdudphwhu t &.'//b',6'xhwrodwhqf\frxqwhudqgwlplqjuhvwulfwlrqvrqo\ &/  dqg&:/ duhvxssruwhg '//glvdeohprghzloodiihfwwkhuhdggdwdforfnwrgdwdvwureh uhodwlrqvkls t '46&. exwqrwwkhgdwdvwurehwrgdwduhodwlrqvkls t dqsq, t 4+ 6shfldodwwhq - wlrqlvqhhghgwrwkhfrqwuroohuwlphgrpdlq &rpsduhgwrwkh'//rqprghzkhuh t '46&.vwduwviurpwkhulvlqjforfnhgjh$/&/f\fohvdiwhuwk h5($'frppdqgwkh'//glvdeohprgh t '46&. vwduwv$/&/f\fohvdiwhuwkh5($'frppdqg vhh)ljxuh rqsdjh  :5,7(rshudwlrqvixqfwlrqvlploduo\ehwzhhqwkh'//hqdeohdqg '//glvdeohprghvkrzhyhu2'7ixqfwlrqdolw\lvqrwdoorzhgzl wk'//glvdeohprgh
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 36 - dll d isable t dqsck t iming t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 don t care transitioning data vali d nop read nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ck ck # command add ress di b + 3 di b + 2 di b + 1 di b di b + 7 di b + 6 di b + 5 di b + 4 dq bl8 dll on dqs, dqs# dll on dq bl8 dll disable dqs, dqs# dll off dq bl8 dll disable dqs, dqs# dll off rl = al + c l = 6 (c l = 6, al = 0) c l = 6 di b + 3 di b + 2 di b + 1 di b di b + 7 di b + 6 di b + 5 di b + 4 di b + 3 di b + 2 di b + 1 di b di b + 7 di b + 6 di b + 5 di b + 4 t dqsck ( dll _ dis ) min t dqsck ( dll _ dis ) max rl (dll disable) = al + (c l - 1) = 5 :khqwkh''56'5$0lvlqlwldol]hglwuhtxluhvwkhforfnwreh vwdeohgxulqjprvw1250$/vwdwhvrirshudwlrq7klvphdqvwkd wdiwhuwkhforfniuhtxhqf\ kdvehhqvhwwrwkhvwdeohvwdwhwkhforfnshulrglvqrwdoorz hgwrghyldwhh[fhswzkdwlvdoorzhgirue\wkhforfnmlwwhudq gvsuhdgvshfwuxpforfnlqj 66&  vshflilfdwlrqv 7khlqsxwforfniuhtxhqf\fdqehfkdqjhgiurprqhvwdeohforfn udwhwrdqrwkhuxqghuwzrfrqglwlrqv6(/)5()5(6+prghdqg35( &+$5*(srzhugrzq prgh2xwvlghriwkhvhwzrprghvlwlvloohjdowrfkdqjhwkh forfniuhtxhqf\)ruwkh6(/)5()5(6+prghfrqglwlrqzkhqwkh ''56'5$0kdvehhq vxffhvvixoo\sodfhglqwr6(/)5()5(6+prghdqg t &.65(kdvehhqvdwlvilhgwkhvwdwhriwkhforfnehfrphvdv'rq uw&duhw:khqwkhforfnehfrphvd v'rquw&duhwfkdqjlqjwkhforfniuhtxhqf\lvshuplvvleohsury lghgwkhqhzforfniuhtxhqf\lvvwdeohsulruwr t &.65;:khqhqwhulqjdqgh[lwlqjvhoiuhiuhvk prghiruwkhvrohsxusrvhrifkdqjlqjwkhforfniuhtxhqf\wkh 6(/)5()5(6+hqwu\dqgh[lwvshflilfdwlrqvpxvwvwlooehphw 7kh35(&+$5*(srzhugrzqprghfrqglwlrqlvzkhqwkh''56'5$0 lvlq35(&+$5*(srzhugrzqprgh hlwkhuidvwh[lwprghruvorz h[lwprgh   (lwkhu2'7pxvwehdwdorjlf/2:ru5 tt _nom and r tt b:5pxvwehglvdeohgyld05dqg057klvhqvxuhv5 tt _nom and r tt b:5duhlqdqriivwdwh sulruwrhqwhulqj35(&+$5*(srzhugrzqprghzklohpdlqwdlqlqj& .(dwdorjlf/2:$plqlpxpri t &.65(pxvwrffxudiwhu&.(jrhv/2:ehiruhwkh forfniuhtxhqf\fdqfkdqjh7kh''56'5$0lqsxwforfniuhtxhq f\lvdoorzhgwrfkdqjhrqo\zlwklqwkhplqlpxpdqgpd[lpxprsh udwlqjiuhtxhqf\vshfl - ilhgiruwkhsduwlfxoduvshhgwhpshudwxuhjudgh t &.>$9*@0,1wr t &.>$9*@0$; ghylfh'xulqjwkhlqsxwforfniuhtxhqf\fkdqjh &.(pxvwehkhogdwd vwdeoh/2:ohyho:khqwkhlqsxwforfniuhtxhqf\lvfkdqjhgd vwdeohforfnpxvwehsurylghgwrwkh6'5$0 t &.65;ehiruh35(&+$5*(srzhugrzqpd\ ehh[lwhg$iwhu35(&+$5*(srzhugrzqlvh[lwhgdqg t ;3kdvehhqvdwlvilhgwkh'//pxvwehuhvhwyldwkh056'hsh qglqjrqwkhqhzforfniuhtxhqf\ dgglwlrqdo056frppdqgvpd\qhhgwrehlvvxhg'xulqjwkh'// orfnwlph5 tt _nom and r tt b:5pxvwuhpdlqlqdqriivwdwh$iwhuwkh'//orfnwlph wkh6'5$0lvuhdg\wrrshudwhzlwkdqhzforfniuhtxhqf\ shulr g 7klvsurfhvvlvghslfwhglq)ljxuh input clock frequency change
logic devices incorporated 80 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 37- c hange f requency d uring p recharge p ower -d own ck ck# command nop nop nop address cke dq dm dqs, dqs# nop t ck enter precharge power-down mode exit precharge power-down mode t0 t1 ta0 tc0 tb0 t2 dont care t cke t xp mrs dll reset valid valid nop t ch t ih t is t cl tc1 td0 te1 td1 t cksre t ch b t cl b t ck b t ch b t cl b t ck b t ch b t cl b t ck b t cpded odt nop te0 previous clock frequency new clock fre quency frequency change indicates a break in time scale t ih t is t ih t is t dllk t aofpd/ t aof t cksrx high-z high-z 127(6 1. $ssolfdeohiruerwkvorzh[lwdqgidvwh[lwsuhfkdujhsrzhugrz qprghv 2. t $2)3' dqg t $2) pxvw eh vdwlvilhg dqg rxwsxwv +ljk= sulru wr 7 vhh v2q' lh 7huplqdwlrq 2'7 wrqsdjhiruh[dfwuhtxluhphqwv  3. ,iwkh5 tt b120ihdwxuhzdvhqdeohglqwkhprghuhjlvwhusulruwrhqwhulqj suhfkdujhsrzhugrzq prgh wkh 2'7 vljqdo pxvw eh frqwlqxrxvo\ uhjlvwhuhg /2: hqvxul qj 5 tt  lv lq dq rii vwdwh ,i the r tt b120ihdwxuhzdvglvdeohglqwkhprghuhjlvwhusulruwrhqwhulq jsuhfkdujhsrzhugrzq prgh5 tt zloouhpdlqlqwkhriivwdwh7kh2'7vljqdofdqehuhjlvwhuhg hlwkhu/2:ru+,*+lq wklvfdvh
logic devices incorporated 81 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product )ruehwwhuvljqdolqwhjulw\''56'5$0phpru\vxev\vwhpghvlj qvkdyhdgrswhgxvhriio\e\wrsrorj\iruwkhfrppdqgvdgguhv vhvfrqwurovljqdovdqg forfnv:5,7(ohyholqjlvdvfkhphiruwkhphpru\frqwuroohuw rghvnhzwkh'46[vwureh '46['46[? wr&.uhodwlrqvklsdww kh6'5$0zlwkdvlpsoh ihhgedfnihdwxuhsurylghglwe\wkh''56'5$0lwvhoi:5,7(o hyholqjlvjhqhudoo\xvhgdvsduwriwkhlqlwldol]dwlrqsurfhvv liuhtxluhg)ru1250$/ 6'5$0rshudwlrqwklvihdwxuhpxvwehglvdeohg7klvlvwkhrq o\6'5$0rshudwlrqzkhuhwkh'46ixqfwlrqvdvdqlqsxw wrfdsw xuhwkhlqfrplqjforfn dqg wkh'4vixqfwlrqdvrxwsxwv wruhsruwwkhvwdwriwkhforfn  1rwhwkdwqrqvwdqgdug2'7vfkhphvduhuhtxluhg 7khphpru\frqwuroohuxvlqjwkh:5,7(ohyholqjsurfhgxuhpxvwk dyhdgmxvwdeohghod\vhwwlqjrqlwv'46vwurehwrdoljqwkhulv lqjhgjhri'46wrwkhforfn dwwkh6'5$0slqv7klvlvdffrpsolvkhgzkhqwkh6'5$0dv\qfku rqrxvo\ihhgvedfnwkh&.vwdwxvyldwkh'4exvdqgvdpsohvzlw kwkhulvlqjhgjhri '467khfrqwuroohuuhshdwhgo\ghod\vwkh'46vwurehxqwlod& .wudqvlwlrqiurpvwwrvwlvghwhfwhg7kh'46ghod\hvwdeo lvkhgwkurxjkwklvsurfhgxuh khosvhqvxuh t dqss, t dss, and t '6+vshflilfdwlrqvlqv\vwhpvwkdwxvhio\e\wrsrorj\e\ghvn hzlqjwkhwudfhohqjwkplvpdwfk$frqfhswxdowlplqjriwklv surfhgxuhlvvkrzqlq)ljxuh write leveling f igure 38- w rite l eveling c oncept ck ck# source differential dqs differential dqs differential dqs dq dq ck ck# destination destination push dqs to capture 0C1 transition t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 tn ck ck# t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 tn dont care 1 1 0 0
logic devices incorporated 82 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product :khq:5,7(ohyholqjlvhqdeohgwkhulvlqjhgjhri'46vdpsohv &.dqgwkhulph'4rxwsxwvwkhvdpsohg&.uvvwdwxv7khsulph '4iruhdfkriwkh  zrugvfrqwdlqhglqwkhl02'lv'4iruwkhorze\wh'4ir uwkhkljke\wh,wrxwsxwvwkhvwdwxvri&.vdpsohge\/'46[ dqg8'46[$oorwkhu'4v '4>@'4>@iruwkhorzzrug'4>@'4>@iruwk hqh[wzrug'4>@'4>@iruwkhqh[wdqg'4>@' 4>@iruwkh+,*+zrug  frqwlqxhwrgulyh/2:7zrsulph'4rqhdfkriwkh  zrugvf rqwdlqhglqwkh/',l02'doorzhdfke\whodqhwrehohyhohglqg hshqghqwo\ write leveling $phpru\frqwuroohulqlwldwhvwkh6'5$0:5,7(/hyholqjprghe\ vhwwlqjwkh05>@wrdvwdvvxplqjwkhrwkhusurjudppdeohih dwxuhv 050505 dqg05 duhiluvwvhwdqgwkh'//lvixoo\uhvhwdqgorfnhg 7kh'4edoovhqwhuwkh:5,7(/hyholqjprghjrlqjiurpdv+,*+= wvwdwhwrdqxqghilqhgguly - lqjvwdwhvrwkh'4exvvkrxogqrwehgulyhq'xulqj:5,7(/hy holqjprghrqo\wkh123dqg'(6frppdqgvduhdoorzhg7khphp ru\frqwuroohuvkrxog dwwhpswwrohyhorqo\rqhudqndwdwlphwkxvwkhrxwsxwvri rwkhuudqnvvkrxogehglvdeohge\vhwwlqj05>@wrdvw7k hphpru\frqwuroohupd\dvvhuw 2'7diwhud t 02'ghod\dvwkh6'5$0zlooehuhdg\wrsurfhvvwkh2'7/rqgho d\ :/ t &. surylghglwgrhvqrwylrodwhwkhdiruhphqwlrqhg t 02'ghod\ uhtxluhphqw 7khphpru\frqwuroohupd\gulyh/'46[8'46[/2:dqg/'46[?8' 46[?+,*+diwhu t :/'46(1kdvehhqvdwlvilhg7khfrqwuroohupd\ehjlqwrwrjjoh  /'46[8'46[diwhu t :/05' rqh/>8@'46vwrjjohlv'46vwudqvlwlrqlqjiurpd/2:vwd whwrd+,*+vwdwhzlwk/>8@'46[?wudqvlwlrqlqjiurpd+,*+vwd wh wrd/2:vwdwhwkhqerwkwudqvlwlrqedfnwrwkhluruljlqdovwd whv $wdplqlpxp2'7/rqdqg t $21pxvwehvdwlvilhgdwohdvwrqhforfnsulruwr'46wrjjolqj $iwhu t :/05'dqg'46/2:suhdpeoh t :35( kdyhehhqvdwlvilhgwkhphpru\frqwuroohupd\surylghhl wkhudvlqjoh'46[wrjjohrupxowlsoh'46[wrjjohv wrvdpsoh&.irudjlyhq'46[wr&.vnhz(dfk'46wrjjohpxvw qrwylrodwh t '46/ 0,1 dqg t '46+ 0,1 vshflilfdwlrqv t '46/ 0$; dqg t '46+ 0$;  vshflilfdwlrqvduhqrwdssolfdeohgxulqj:5,7(ohyholqjprgh 7kh'46[pxvwehdeohwrglvwlqjxlvkwkh&.uvulvlqjhgjhzlwkl q t :/6dqg t :/+7khsulph '4zloorxwsxwwkh&.uvvwdwxvdv\qfkurqrxvo\iurpwkhdvvrfldw hg'46[ulvlqjhgjh&.fdswxuhzlwklq t :/27khuhpdlqlqj'4vwkdwdozd\vgulyh/2: zkhq'46lvwrjjolqjpxvweh/2:zlwklq t :/2(diwhuwkhiluvw t :/2lvvdwlvilhg wkhsulph'4vjrlqj/2: $vsuhylrxvo\qrwh g'46[lvdqlqsxwdqgqrw dqrxwsxwgxulqjwklvsurfhvv)ljxuhghslfwvwkhedvlfwlp lqjsdudphwhuviruwkhryhudoozulwhohyholqjsurfhgxuh 7khphpru\frqwuroohuzlooolnho\vdpsohhdfkdssolfdeohsulph '4vwdwhdqgghwhuplqhzkhwkhuwrlqfuhphqwrughfuhphqwlw'46 ghod\vhwwlqj$iwhuwkh phpru\frqwuroohushuirupvhqrxjk'46[wrjjohvwrghwhfwwkh&. uvvwwudqvlwlrqwkhphpru\frqwuroohuvkrxogorfnwkh'46 ghod\vhwwlqjiruwkh6'5$0 l02'ghylfh$iwhuorfnlqjwkh'46vhwwlqjohyholqjiruwkhu dqnzlookdyhehhqdfklhyhgdqgwkh:5,7(ohyholqjprghiruwk hudqnvkrxogehglvdeohgru uhsurjudpphg li:5,7(ohyholqjridqrwkhuudqniroorzv  write leveling procedure
logic devices incorporated 83 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 39- w rite l eveling s equence ck ck# command t1 t2 early remaining dq late remaining dq t wloe nop 2 nop mrs 1 nop nop t wls t wlh dont care undefined driving mode indicates a break in time scale prime dq 5 differential dqs 4 odt t mod t dqsl 3 t dqs h 3 t dqsh 3 t wlo t wlmrd t wldqsen t wlo t wlo t wlo t dqsl 3 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop 127(6 1. 056/rdg05wrhqwhuzulwhohyholqjprgh 2. 123123ru'(6 3. '46'46qhhgvwrixoilooplqlpxpsxovhzlgwkuhtxluhphqwv t '46+ 0,1 dqg t '46/ 0,1 dv ghilqhgiruuhjxoduzulwhv7khpd[lpxpsxovhzlgwklvv\vwhpg hshqghqw  'liihuhqwldo'46lvwkhgliihuhqwldogdwdvwureh '46'46 7lplqjuhihuhqfhsrlqwvduhwkh]hur furvvlqjv7khvrolgolqhuhsuhvhqwv'46wkhgrwwhgolqhuhsuh vhqwv'46 5. '5$0gulyhvohyholqjihhgedfnrqdsulph'4 '4iru[dqg[ 7khuhpdlqlqj'4duhgulyhq /2:dqguhpdlqlqwklvvwdwhwkurxjkrxwwkhohyholqjsurfhgxuh $iwhuwkh''56'5$0l02'kdvehhq:5,7(ohyhohgwkhfrqwurooh upxvwh[lwiurp:5,7(/hyholqjprghehiruhwkh1250$/prghfdq ehxvhg)ljxuh ghslfwvdjhqhudosurfhgxuhlqh[lwlqj:5,7(/hyholqj$iwh uwkhodvwulvlqj'46 fdswxulqjdvwdw7 wkhphpru\frqwu roohuvkrxogvwrsgulylqjwkh'46 vljqdovdiwhu t :/2 0$; ghod\soxvhqrxjkghod\wrhqdeohwkhphpru\frqwuroo huwrfdswxuhwkhdssolfdeohsulph'4vwdwh dwy7e 7kh'4 edoovehfrph xqghilqhgzkhq'46qrorqjhuuhpdlqv/2:dqgwkh\uhpdlqxqghil qhgxqwlo t 02'diwhuwkh056frppdqg dw7h  7kh2'7lqsxwvkrxogehghdvvhuwhg/2:vxfkwkdw2'7/rii 0,1 h[sluhvdiwhuwkh'46[lvqrorqjhugulylqj/2::khq2'7/2: vdwlvilhv t is, odt pxvwehnhsw/2: dwy7e xqwlowkh6'5$0lvuhdg\iruhlwkhu dqrwkhuudqnwrehohyhohgruxqwlowkh1250$/prghfdqehxvhg $iwhu'46whuplqdwlrqlv vzlwfkhgrii:5,7(ohyhoprghvkrxogehglvdeohgyldwkh056f rppdqg dw t $  $iwhu t 02'lvvdwlvilhg dw7h dq\ydolgfrppdqgpd\ehuhjlvwhuhg e\wkh6'5$06rph056frppdqgvpd\ehlvvxhgdiwhu t 05' dw7g  write leveling exit mode
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 40- e xit w rite l eveling notes: 1. the dq result, = 1, between ta0 and tc0, is a result of the dqs, dqs# signals capturing ck high just after the t0 state. nop ck t0 t1 t2 ta0 tb0 tc0 tc1 tc2 td0 td1 te0 te1 ck# command odt r tt _dq nop r m p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n s nop nop add ress mr1 valid valid valid valid don t care transitioning r tt dqs, r tt dqs r # tt _ nom undefined driving mode t aof (max) t mrd indicates a break in time scale dqs , dqs# ck = 1 dq t is t aof (min) t mod t wlo + t wloe odtl off
logic devices incorporated 85 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product initialization 7khiroorzlqjvhtxhqfhlvuhtxluhgirusrzhuxsdqglqlwldol]dw lrqdvvkrzqlq)ljxuh 1. $sso\srzhu5(6(7?lvuhfrpphqghgwrehehorz[9 dd 4gxulqjsrzhuudpswrhqvxuhwkhrxwsxwvuhpdlqglvdeohg +,*+ = dqg 2'7rii 5 tt lvdovr+,*+= $oorwkhulqsxwvlqfoxglqj2'7pd\ehxqghi lqhg  'xulqjsrzhuxshlwkhuriwkhiroorzlqjfrqglwlrqvpd\h[lvw dqgpxvwehphw x condition a: x9 dd dqg9 dd 4duhgulyhqiurpdvlqjohsrzhuvrxufhdqgduhudpshgzlwkdp d[lpxpghowdyrowdjhehwzhhqwkhpri ' 9 d p9 6orshuhyhuvdoridq\srzhuv xsso\vljqdolvdoorzhg7khyrow djhohyhovrqdooedoovrwkhuwkdq9 dd 9 dd 49vvdqg9vv4pxvweh ohvvwkdqruhtxdowr9 dd 4dqg9 dd rqrqhvlghdqgpxvwehjuhdwhuwkdqruhtxdowr9vv4dqg9vv rqwkhrwkhuvlgh x%rwk9 dd dqg9 dd 4srzhuvxssolhvudpswr9 dd  0,1 dqg9 dd 4 0,1 zlwklq t 9 dd 35 pv x%rwk9 dd dqg9 dd 4srzhuvxssolhvudpswr9 dd  0,1 dqg9 dd 4 0,1 zlwklq t 9 dd 35 pv x9 5()'4 wudfnv9 dd [9 5()&$ wudfnv9 dd x 0.5. x9 tt lvolplwhgwr9zkhqwkhsrzhuudpslvfrpsohwhdqglvqrw dssolhggluhfwo\wrwkhghylfhkrzhyhu t 97'vkrxogeh juhdwhuwkdqruhtxdowr]hurwrdyrlgghylfhodwfkxs x&rqglwlrq% x9 dd pd\ehdssolhgehiruhrudwwkhvdphwlphdv9 dd q. x9 dd 4pd\ehdssolhgehiruhrudwwkhvdphwlphdv9 tt 9 5()'4 dqg9 5()&$ . x1rvorshuhyhuvdovduhdoorzhglqwkhsrzhuvxsso\udpsiruw klvfrqglwlrq 2. 8qwlovwdeohsrzhupdlqwdlq5(6(7?/2:wrhqvxuhwkhrxwsxwvu hpdlqglvdeohg +,*+= $iwhuwkhsrzhulvvwdeoh5(6(7?pxv weh /2:irudwohdvw?vwrehjlqwkhlqlwldol]dwlrqsurfhvv2' 7zloouhpdlqlqwkh+,*+=vwdwhzkloh5(6(7?lv/2:dqgxqwlo &.(lv uhjlvwhuhg+,*+ 3. &.(pxvweh/2:qvsulruwr5(6(7?wudqvlwlrqlqj+,*+  $iwhu5(6(7?wudqvlwlrqv+,*+zdlw?v plqxvrqhforfn  zlwk&.(/2: 5. $iwhuwklv&.(/2:wlph&.(pd\eheurxjkw+,*+ v\qfkurqrxvo\ dqgrqo\123ru'(6frppdqgvpd\ehlvvxhg7khforfnpxvwe h suhvhqwdqgydolgirudwohdvwqv dqgdplqlpxpriilyhforf nv dqg2'7pxvwehgulyhq/2:dwohdvww,6sulruwr&.(ehlqj uhjlvwhuhg +,*+:khq&.(lvuhjlvwhuhg+,*+lwpxvwehfrqwlqxrxvo\uhj lvwhuhg+,*+xqwlowkhixoolqlwldol]dwlrqsurfhvvlvfrpsohwh 6. $iwhu&.(lvuhjlvwhuhg+,*+dqgdiwhu t ;35kdvehhqvdwlvilhg056frppdqgvpd\ehlvvxhg,vvxhdq0 56 /2$'02'( frppdqg wr05zlwkwkhdssolfdeohvhwwlqjv surylgh/2:wr%$dqg%$ dqg+,*+wr%$   ,vvxhdq056frppdqgwr05zlwkwkhdssolfdeohvhwwlqjv 8. ,vvxhdq056frppdqgwr05zlwkwkhdssolfdeohvhwwlqjvlqfox glqjhqdeolqjwkh'//dqgfrqiljxulqj2'7 9. ,vvxhdqg056frppdqgwr05zlwkwkhdssolfdeohvhwwlqjvlqfo xglqjd'//5(6(7frppdqg t '//.  f\fohvriforfnlqsxwduh uhtxluhgwrorfnwkh'// 10. ,vvxhd=4&/frppdqgwrfdoleudwh5 tt dqg521ydoxhviruwkhsurfhvvyrowdjhwhpshudwxuh 397 3ul ruwr1250$/rshudwlrq t =4,1,7 pxvwehvdwlvilhg 11. :khq t dllk and t =4,1,7kdyhehhqvdwlvilhgwkh''56'5$0zlooehuhdg\iruqr updorshudwlrq operations
logic devices incorporated 86 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 41- i nitialization s equence ck e r tt ba[2:0] all voltage supplies valid and stable t = 200s (min) dm dqs add ress a10 ck ck# t cl command nop t0 ta0 don t care t cl t is t ck odt dq tb 0 t dllk mr1 with dll ena ble mr0 with dll reset t mrd t mod mrs mrs ba0 = h ba1 = l ba2 = l ba0 = l ba1 = l ba2 = l code code code code valid valid valid valid normal operation mr2 mr3 t mrd t mrd mrs mrs ba0 = l ba1 = h ba2 = l ba0 = h ba1 = h ba2 = l code code code code tc0 td 0 v tt v ref v dd q v dd reset# t = 500s (min) t ck s r x sta ble and vali d clo ck valid power-up ramp t (max) = 200ms dram ready for external commands t1 t zq init zq cali bration a10 = h zqcl t is see power-up c onditions in the initialization sequence text, set up 1 t xpr valid = 20ns t io z indicates a break in time scale t (min) = 10ns t vtd
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 0rghuhjlvwhuv 0505 duhxvhgwrghilqhydulrxvprghvrisu rjudppdeohrshudwlrqriwkh''56'5$0l02'$prghuhjlvwhul vsurjudpphgyld wkh02'(5(*,67(56(7 056  frppdqggxulqjlqlwldol]dwlrqdqgl wuhwdlqvwkhvwruhglqirupdwl rq h[fhswiru05>@zklfklvvh oifohdulqj xqwlolwlvhlwkhu uhsurjudpphg5(6(7?jrhv/2:ruxqwlowkhghylfhorvhvsrzhu &rqwhqwvridprghuhjlvwhufdqehdowhuhge\uhh[hfxwlqjwkh 056frppdqg,iwkhxvhufkrrvhvwrprgli\rqo\dvxevhwriwk hprghuhjlvwhuuvyduldeohv dooyduldeohvpxvwehsurjudpphgzkhqwkh056frppdqglvlvvxhg 5hsurjudpplqjwkhprghuhjlvwhuzlooqrwdowhuwkhfrqwhqwv riwkhphpru\duud\ surylghglwlvshuiruphgfruuhfwo\ 7kh056frppdqgfdqrqo\ehlvvxhg ruuhlvvxhg zkhqdooedqn vduhlgohdqglqwkh35(&+$5*('vwdwh t 53lvvdwlvilhgdqgqrgdwdexuvwvduhlqsurj - uhvv $iwhudq056frppdqgkdvehhqlvvxhgwzrsdudphwhuvpx vwehvdwlvilhg t mrd and t mod. 7khfrqwuroohupxvwzdlw t 05'ehiruhlqlwldwlqjdq\vxevhtxhqw056frppdqgv vhh)ljxuh   mode registers f igure 42- mrs- to -mrs c ommand t iming ( t mrd) valid valid mrs 1 mrs 2 nop nop nop nop t0 t1 t2 ta0 ta1 ta2 ck# ck command add ress cke 3 don t care indicates a break in time scale t mrd 127(6 1. 3ulruwrlvvxlqjwkh056frppdqgdooedqnvpxvwehlgohdqgsu hfkdujhg t 53 0,1 pxvwehvdwlvilhg dqgqrgdwdexuvwvfdqehlqsurjuhvvwkhohyholqjsurfhgxuh 2. t 05'vshflilhvwkh056wr056frppdqgplqlpxpf\fohwlph 3. &.( pxvw eh uhjlvwhuhg +,*+ iurp wkh 056 frppdqg xqwlo t 0563'(1 0,1  vhh v3rzhu'rzq 0rghwrqsdjh   )rud&$6odwhqf\fkdqjh t ;3'//wlplqjpxvwehphwehiruhdq\qrq056frppdqg 7khfrqwuroohupxvwdovrzdlw t 02'ehiruhlqlwldwlqjdq\qrq056frppdqgv h[foxglqj123dqg'( 6 dvvkrzqlq)ljxuhrqsdjh7kh'5$0 uhtxluhv t 02'lqrughuwrxsgdwhwkhuhtxhvwhgihdwxuhvzlwkwkhh[fhswl rqri'//5(6(7zklfkuhtxluhvdgglwlrqdowlph8qwlo t 02'kdvehhqvdwlvilhgwkh xsgdwhgihdwxuhvduhwrehdvvxphgxqdydlodeoh
logic devices incorporated 88 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 43- mrs- to - non mrs c ommand t iming ( t mod) ck ck# command t1 t2 early remaining dq late remaining dq t wloe nop 2 nop mrs 1 nop nop t wls t wlh dont care undefined driving mode indicates a break in time scale prime dq 5 differential dqs 4 odt t mod t dqsl 3 t dqs h 3 t dqsh 3 t wlo t wlmrd t wldqsen t wlo t wlo t wlo t dqsl 3 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop 127(6 1. 3ulruwrlvvxlqjwkh056frppdqgdooedqnvpxvwehlgoh wkh\ pxvwehsuhfkdujhg t 53pxvweh vdwlvilhgdqgqrgdwdexuvwvfdqehlqsurjuhvv  2. 3ulruwr7dzkhq t 02' 0,1 lvehlqjvdwlvilhgqrfrppdqgv h[fhsw123'(6 pd\ ehlvvxhg 3. ,i577zdvsuhylrxvo\hqdeohg2'7pxvwehuhjlvwhuhg/2:dw7 vrwkdw2'7/lvvdwlvilhgsulru wr7d2'7pxvwdovrehuhjlvwhuhg/2:dwhdfkulvlqj&.hgjh iurp7xqwlo t 02' 0,1 lv vdwlvilhgdw7d  &.( pxvw eh uhjlvwhuhg +,*+ iurp wkh 056 frppdqg xqwlo t 0563'(1 0,1  dw zklfk wlph srzhugrzqpd\rffxu vhhv3rzhu'rzq0rghwrqsdjh  mode register 0 (mr0) 7khedvhuhjlvwhu05lvxvhgwrghilqhydulrxv''5l02'prgh vrirshudwlrq7khvhghilqlwlrqvlqfoxghwkhvhohfwlrqride xuvwohqjwkexuvww\sh&$6 odwhqf\rshudwlqjprgh'//5(6(7:5,7(uhfryhu\dqg35(&+$5* (srzhugrzqprghdvvkrzqlq)ljxuh
logic devices incorporated 89 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product mode register 0 (mr0) $ffhvvhvzlwklqdjlyhqexuvwpd\ehsurjudpphgwrhlwkhudvht xhqwldo rudqlqwhuohdyhgrughu7khexuvww\shlvvhohfwhgyld05>@ dvvkrzq lq)ljxuh7khrughulqjridffhvvhvzlwklqdexuvwlvghwhu plqhge\wkh exuvw ohqjwk wkh exuvw w\sh dqg wkh vwduwlqj froxpq dgguhvv d v vkrzq lq7deoh''5rqo\vxssruwvelwexuvwfkrsdqgelwexu vwdffhvv prghv )xoo lqwhuohdyhgdgguhvv rughulqj lvvxssruwhg iru5($' vzkloh :5,7(vduhuhvwulfwhgwrqleeoh %& ruzrug %/ erxqgdulhv  burst type burst length %xuvw ohqjwk lv ghilqhg e\ 05>@ vhh )ljxuh    5($' dqg :5,7( dffhvvhv wr wkh ''5 6'5$0 l02' duh exuvwrulhqwhg zlwk wkh ex uvw ohqjwkehlqjsurjudppdeohwrvw fkrsprgh vw il[hgexuvw ruvhohfw - deoh xvlqj $ gxulqj d 5($':5,7( frppdqg rq wkh io\   7kh e xuvw ohqjwk ghwhuplqhv wkh pd[lpxp qxpehu ri froxpq orfdwlrqv wkdw f dq eh dffhvvhgirudjlyhq5($'ru:5,7(frppdqg:khq05>@lvv hwwr vwgxulqjd5($':5,7(frppdqgli$ wkhq%& fkrs prg hlv vhohfwhg,i$ wkhq%/prghlvvhohfwhg6shflilfwlplq jgldjudpv dqg wxuqdurxqg ehwzhhq 5($':5,7( duh vkrzq lq wkh 5($':5,7( vhfwlrqvriwklvgrfxphqw :khq d 5($' ru :5,7( frppdqg lv lvvxhg d eorfn ri froxpqv htxd o wrwkhexuvwohqjwklvhiihfwlyho\vhohfwhg$oodffhvvhviru wkdwexuvwwdnh sodfhzlwklqwklveorfnphdqlqjwkdwwkhexuvwzloozudszlwkl qwkheorfnli derxqgdu\lvuhdfkhg7kheorfnlvxqltxho\vhohfwhge\$>l @zkhqwkh exuvw ohqjwk lv vhw wr vw dqg e\ $>l@ zkhq wkh exuvw ohqjwk lv vhw wr vw zkhuh$llvwkhprvwvljqlilfdqwfroxpqdgguhvvelwirudjlyh qvwduwlqjorfd - wlrqzlwklqwkheorfn7khsurjudpphgexuvwohqjwkdssolhvwr erwk5($' dqg:5,7(exuvwv f igure 44- m ode r egister 0 (mr0) d efinitions notes: 1. mr0[16, 13, 7, 2] are reserved for future use and must be programmed to 0. 0 1 bl cas# latency bt pd a9 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a8 a2 a1 a0 mode register 0 (mr0) address bus 9765432 810 a10 a12 a11 1 a b0 a b 3 12 11 10 1 m3 0 1 read burst type sequential (nibble) interleaved cas latency reserved 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 m4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 m5 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 m6 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 15 dll write recovery reserved 5 6 7 8 10 12 reserved wr 0 0 m12 0 1 precharge pd dll off (slow exit) dll on (fast exit) ba2 16 0 1 burst length fixed bl8 4 or 8 (on-the-fly via a12) fixed bc4 (chop) reserved m0 0 1 0 1 m1 0 0 1 1 m9 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 m10 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 m11 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 m14 0 1 0 1 m15 0 0 1 1 mode register mode register 0 (mr0) mode register 1 (mr1) mode register 2 (mr2) mode register 3 (mr3) a13 14 0 1 0 1 m8 0 1 dll reset no yes
logic devices incorporated 90 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product burst length read/write address (a[2,1,0]) type = sequential type = interleaved &+23 8 ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ;;;; ;;;;          t able 60: b urst o rder notes 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,3 burst type (decimal) ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ;;;; ;;;;          0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 99 99 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 999 5($' :5,7( 5($' :5,7( starting column 2. = 'dwddqg6wurehrxwsxwgulyhuvlqwulvwdwh 3. ; w'rquw&duhw 127(6 1. ,qwhuqdo5($'dqg:5,7(rshudwlrqvvwduwdwwkhvdphsrlqwlqw lphiru %&dvwkh\griru%/ '//5(6(7lvghilqhge\05>@ vhh)ljxuh 3urjudpplqj05 >@ wrvwdfwlydwhvwkh'//5(6(7ixqfwlrq05>@lvvhoifohdul qjphdq - lqj lw uhwxuqv wr d ydoxh ri vw diwhu wkh '// 5(6(7 ixqfwlrq k dv ehhq initiated. $q\wlphwkh'//5(6(7ixqfwlrqkdvehhqlqlwldwhg&.(pxvweh +,*+ dqg wkh forfn khog vwdeoh iru  t '//.  forfn f\fohv ehiruh d 5($' frppdqgfdqehlvvxhg7klvlvwrdoorzwlphiruwkhlqwhuqdo forfnwreh v\qfkurql]hgzlwkwkhh[whuqdoforfn)dlolqjwrzdlwiruv\qf kurql]dwlrq wrrffxupd\uhvxowlqlqydolgrxwsxwwlplqjvshflilfdwlrqvvxf kdv t '46&. wlplqjv dll reset :5,7(5(&29(5<wlphlvghilqhge\05>@ vhh)ljxuh : 5,7( 5(&29(5< ydoxhv ri  ru  pd\ eh xvhg e\ surjudpplqj 05>@7khxvhulvuhtxluhgwrsurjudpwkhfruuhfwydoxhr i:5,7( 5(&29(5<dqglvfdofxodwhge\glylglqj t :5 qv e\ t &. qv dqgurxqg - lqj xs d qrqlqwhjhu ydoxh wr wkh qh[w lqwhjhu :5 f\fohv urx qgxs t :5>qv@ t &.>qv@  write recovery
logic devices incorporated 91 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 7kh35(&+$5*(3'elwdssolhvrqo\zkhq35(&+$5*(srzhugrzq prghlvehlqjxvhg:khq05>@lvvhwwrvwwkh'//lvrii gxulqj 35(&+$5*(srzhugrzqsurylglqjdorzhuvwdqge\fxuuhqwprghkr z - hyhu t ;3'// pxvw eh vdwlvilhg zkhq h[lwlqj  :khq 05>@ lv vhw wr vwwkh'//frqwlqxhvwruxqgxulqj35(&+$5*(srzhugrzqprgh wr hqdeoh d idvwhu h[lw ri 35(&+$5*( srzhugrzq prgh krzhyhu t ;3 pxvwehvdwlvilhgzkhqh[lwlqj vhh3rzhu'rzqprghrq3djh  precharge power-down (precharge pd) 7kh&/lvghilqhge\05>@dvvkrzqlq)ljxuh&$6odwh qf\lvwkh ghod\dvphdvxuhglqforfnf\fohvehwzhhqwkhlqwhuqdo5($'f rppdqg dqgwkhdydlodelolw\riwkhiluvwelwriydolgrxwsxwgdwd7k h&/fdqehvhw wrru''56'5$0l02'vgrqrwvxssruwkdoiforfno dwhqflhv ([dpsohvri&/ dqg&/ duhvkrzqlq)ljxuh ehorz ,id qlqwhuqdo 5($'frppdqglvuhjlvwhuhgdwforfnhgjhqdqgwkh&$6odwhqf\ lvp forfnvwkhgdwdzlooehdydlodeohqrplqdoo\frlqflghqwzlwkfo rfnhgjhqp  7deohlqglfdwhvwkh&/vvxssruwhgdwdydlodeohrshudwlqjiuh txhqflhv cas latency (cl) f igure 45- read l atency read nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ck ck# command dq dqs, dqs# dqs, dqs# t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 dont care ck ck# command dq read nop nop nop nop nop nop nop t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 di n + 3 di n+ 1 di n + 2 di n + 4 di n di n nop nop al = 0, cl = 8 al = 0, cl = 6 transitioning data 127(6 1. )rulooxvwudwlrqsxusrvhvrqo\&/ dqg&/ duhvkrzq2w khu&/ydoxhvduh srvvleoh 2. 6krzqzlwkqrplqdo t '46&.dqgqrplqdo t dsdq.
logic devices incorporated 92 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 7kh 02'( 5(*,67(5  05  frqwurov dgglwlrqdo ixqfwlrqv dqg ihd wxuhv qrw dydlodeoh lq wkh rwkhu prgh uhjlvwhuv 4 2)) 287387 ',6$%/(  '// (1$%/('//',6$%/(5 tt b120ydoxh 2'7 :5,7(/(9(/,1*3267('&$6$'',7,9(odwhqf\ dqg287387'5,9(675(1*7+7khvhixqfwlrqv duhfrqwuroohgyldwkhelwvvkrzqlq)ljxuhehorz7kh05 uhjlvwhulvsurjudpphgyldwkh05frppdqgdqguhwdlqvwkhvwru hglqirupdwlrqxqwlolwlv uhsurjudpphgxqwlo5(6(7?jrhv/2: wuxh ruxqwlowkhghylfh orvhvsrzhu5hsurjudpplqjwkh05uhjlvwhuzlooqrwdowhuwk hfrqwhqwvriwkhphpru\ duud\surylghgwkhrshudwlrqlvshuiruphgfruuhfwo\ 7kh05uhjlvwhupxvwehordghgzkhqdooedqnvduhlgohdqgqr exuvwvduhlqsurjuhvv7khfrqwuroohupxvwvdwlvi\wkhvshfli lhgwlplqjsdudphwhuv t mrd and t 02'ehiruhlqlwldwlqjdvxevhtxhqwrshudwlrq mode register 1 (mr1) f igure 46- m ode r egister 1 (mr1) d efinition al r tt q off a9 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 2 a 8 aa1 a0 mode register 1 (mr1) address bus 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 810 a10 a12 a11 1 a b 0 a b 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 m0 0 1 dll enable enable (normal) disable m5 0 0 1 1 output drive strength rzq/6 (40 [nom]) rzq/7 (34 [nom]) reserved reserved 14 wl 1 s d o 0 dll r tt tdqs m12 0 1 q off enabled disabled ba2 15 0 1 m7 0 1 write levelization disable (normal) enable additive latency (al) disabled (al = 0) al = cl - 1 al = cl - 2 reserved m3 0 1 0 1 m4 0 0 1 1 r tt ods m1 0 1 0 1 a13 16 0 1 m11 0 1 tdqs disabled enabled 0 1 0 1 r tt _ nom (odt) 2 non-writes r tt _ nom disabled rzq/4 (60 [nom]) rzq/2 (120 [nom]) rzq/6 (40 [nom]) rzq/12 (20 [nom]) rzq/8 (30 [nom]) reserved reserved r tt _ nom (odt) 3 writes r tt _ nom disabled rzq/4 (60 [nom]) rzq/2 (120 [nom]) rzq/6 (40 [nom]) n/a n/a reserved reserved m2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 m6 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 m9 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 mode register mode register set 0 (mr0) mode register set 1 (mr1) mode register set 2 (mr2) mode register set 3 (mr3) m14 0 1 0 1 m15 0 0 1 1 127(6 1. 05>@duhuhvhuyhgiruixwxuhxvhdqgpxvwehsurj udpphgwrvw 2. 'xulqjzulwhohyholqjli05>@dqg05>@duhvwwkhqdoo5 tt b120ydoxhvduhdydlodeoh iruxvh 3. 'xulqjzulwhohyholqjli05>@lvdvwexw05>@lvdv wwkhqrqo\5 tt b120zulwhydoxhv duhdydlodeohiruxvh
logic devices incorporated 93 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 7kh'//pd\ehhqdeohgruglvdeohge\surjudpplqj05>@gxulqj wkh /2$' 02'( frppdqg dv vkrzq lq )ljxuh  suhylrxv sdjh   7kh '//pxvwehhqdeohgiru1250$/rshudwlrq'//(1$%/(lvuhtxlu hg gxulqjsrzhuxslqlwldol]dwlrqdqgxsrquhwxuqlqjwr1250$/rsh udwlrq diwhukdylqj',6$%/('wkh'//iruwkhsxusrvhrighexjjlqjruh ydoxd - wlrq(1$%/,1*wkh'//vkrxogdozd\vehiroorzhge\uhvhwwlqj wkh'// xvlqjwkhdssursuldwh/2$'02'(frppdqg ,iwkh'//lvhqdeohgsulruwrhqwhulqj6(/)5()5(6+prghwkh '//lv dxwrpdwlfdoo\',6$%/('zkhqhqwhulqj6(/)5()5(6+rshudwlrqdqg  lvdxwrpdwlfdoo\5((1$%/('dqg5(6(7xsrqh[lwri6(/)5()5(6+   ,i wkh '// lv ',6$%/(' sulru wr hqwhulqj 6(/) 5()5(6+ wkh '// uhpdlqv',6$%/('hyhqxsrqh[lwriwkh6(/)5()5(6+rshudwlrqx qwlo lwkdvehhq5((1$%/('dqg5(6(7 7kh6'5$0lvqrwwhvwhgqrugrhv/',zduudqwfrpsoldqfhzlwk1 250$/ prghwlplqjvruixqfwlrqdolw\zkhqwkh'//lvglvdeohg$qdww hpswkdv ehhqpdghiruwkh6'5$0wrrshudwhlqwkh1250$/prghzkhqhyhu srvvleohzkhqwkh'//lvglvdeohgkrzhyhue\lqgxvwu\vwdqgdu gvwkh iroorzlqjh[fhswlrqvkdyhehhqrevhuyhgghilqhgdqgolvwhg 1. 2'7lv127$//2:('wrehxvhg 2. 7kh287387'$7$lvqrorqjhuhgjhdoljqhgwrwkhforfn 3. &/dqg&:/fdqrqo\ehvl[forfnv :khqwkh'//lv',6$%/('wlplqjdqgixqfwlrqdolw\fdqydu\iur pwkh 1250$/ rshudwlrqdo vshflilfdwlrqv zkhq wkh '// lv hqdeohg  ',6 - $%/,1*wkh'//dovrlpsolhvwkhqhhgwrfkdqjhwkhforfniuhtxh qf\ dll enable/dll disable 2'7uhvlvwdqfh5 tt b120lvghilqhge\05>@ vhh)ljxuh 7kh r tt  whuplqdwlrq ydoxh dssolhv wr wkh '4[ /'0[ 8'0[ />8@'46[ dqg  />8@'46[?7kh''5ghylfhdufklwhfwxuhvxssruwvpxowlsoh5 tt whuplqd - wlrqydoxhvedvhgrq5=4qzkhuhqfdqehrudqg5=4 lv : . 8qolnh''5''52'7pxvwehwxuqhgriisulruwr5($',1*gdwd rxw dqgpxvwuhpdlqriigxulqj5($'exuvw5 tt b120whuplqdwlrqlvdoorzhg dq\wlphdiwhuwkh'5$0lvlqlwldol]hgfdoleudwhgdqgqrwshu iruplqj5($' dffhvvhv ru lq 6(/) 5()5(6+ prgh  $gglwlrqdoo\ :5,7( dffhvvh v zlwkg\qdplf2'7hqdeohg 5 tt b:5 whpsrudulo\uhsodfhv5 tt b120zlwk r tt b:5 7khdfwxdohiihfwlyhwhuplqdwlrq5 tt b())pd\ehgliihuhqwiurpwkh5 tt wdujhwhgydoxhgxhwrqrqolqhdulw\riwkhwhuplqdwlrq)ru5 tt b())ydoxhv dqgfdofxodwlrqvvhhwkh21',(7(50,1$7,21 2'7 ghvfulswlrq odwhu lqwklv'6 7kh 2'7 ihdwxuh lv ghvljqhg wr lpsuryh vljqdo lqwhjulw\ ri wkh phpru\ ghylfhe\hqdeolqjwkh''56'5$0frqwuroohuwrlqghshqghqwo\w xuq21 2))2'7irudq\rudooghylfhvlqwkhhqgghvljqvduud\7kh2 '7lqsxw frqwuroslqlvxvhgwrghwhuplqhzkhq5 tt lvwxuqhgrq 2'7/rq dqgrii 2'7/rii dvvxplqj2'7kdvehhq(1$%/('yld05>@ 7lplqjviru2'7duhghwdlohglqwkhv21',(7huplqdwlrq 2'7 w ghvfuls - wlrqodwhulqwklv'6 on-die termination (odt) 7kh ''5 6'5$0 l02' xvhv d surjudppdeoh lpshgdqfh rxwsxw exiihu7khgulyhvwuhqjwkprghuhjlvwhuvhwwlqjlvghilqhge\ 05>@ 5=4  : >120@ lvwkhsulpdu\rxwsxwgulyhulpshgdqfhvhwwlqjiruwkh ghylfh7rfdoleudwhwkhrxwsxwgulyhulpshgdqfhdqgh[whuqdo suhflvlrq uhvlvwru 5=4 lvfrqqhfwhgehwzhhqwkh=4edoodqg9vv47kh ydoxhri wkhuhvlvwrulv : ? 7khrxwsxwlpshgdqfhlvvhwgxulqjlqlwldol]dwlrq$gglwlrqdo lpshgdqfh fdoleudwlrqxsgdwhvgrqrwdiihfwghylfhrshudwlrqdqgdoogdwd vkhhwwlp - lqjvdqgfxuuhqwvshflilfdwlrqvduhphwgxulqjdqxsgdwh 7rphhwwkh : vshflilfdwlrqwkhrxwsxwgulyhvwuhqjwkpxvwehvhwwr  : gxulqjlqlwldol]dwlrq7rrewdlqdfdoleudwhgrxwsxwgulyhul pshgdqfh diwhusrzhuxswkh''5l02'6'5$0qhhgvdfdoleudwlrqfrppdqg  wkdwlvsduwriwkhlqlwldol]dwlrqdqguhvhwsurfhgxuh output drive strength 7kh 287387 (1$%/( ixqfwlrq lv ghilqhg e\ 05>@ dv vkrzq lq )ljxuh:khqhqdeohg 05>@  doorxwsxwv '4['46[' 46[?  duhwulvwdwhg7khrxwsxw',6$%/(ihdwxuhlvlqwhqghgwrehx vhggxulqj i dd  fkdudfwhul]dwlrq ri wkh 5($' fxuuhqw dqg gxulqj t '466 pdujlqlqj :5,7(/(9(/,1* rqo\ output enable/disable 7kh:5,7(/(9(/,1*ixqfwlrqlvhqdeohge\05>@dvvkrzqlq) ljxuh :5,7(/(9(/,1*lvxvhg gxulqjlqlwldol]dwlrq wrghvnhzw kh'46[ vwureh wr forfn riivhw dv d uhvxow ri io\e\ wrsrorj\ ghvljqv  )ru ehwwhu vljqdo lqwhjulw\ vrph hqg xvh ghvljqv ri ''5 ghylfhv dgrswhg io\e\ wrsrorj\iruwkhfrppdqgvdgguhvvhvfrqwurovljqdovdqgforfn v 7kh io\e\ wrsrorj\ ehqhilwv iurp d uhgxfhg qxpehu ri vwxev dqg  wkhlu ohqjwkv krzhyhu io\e\ wrsrorj\ lqgxfhv ioljkw wlph vnhz ehwz hhq wkh forfndqg'46[vwureh dqg'4[ dwhdfk6'5$0lqwkhduud\&r qwuro - ohuvzlookdyhdgliilfxowwlphpdlqwdlqlqj t dqss, t dss and t '6+vshflilfd - wlrqvzlwkrxwvxssruwlqj:5,7(/(9(/,1*lqv\vwhpvzklfkxvhio \e\ wrsrorj\edvhgghvljqv:5,7(/(9(/,1*wlplqjdqgghwdlohgrsh udwlrq lqirupdwlrqlvsurylghglqv:5,7(/(9(/,1* write leveling
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product $/lvvxssruwhgwrpdnhwkhfrppdqgdqggdwdexvhiilflhqwiru vxvwdlqdeohedqgzlgwkvlq''565$0v05>@ghilqhwkhydox hri$/ vhh)ljxuh   05>@hqdeohvwkhxvhuwrsurjudpwkh''56'5$0zlwkdq$/ &/ru&/ :lwkwklvihdwxuhwkh''56'5$0hqdeohvd5($'ru:5,7(frppd qgwrehlvvxhgdiwhuwkh$&7,9$7 (frppdqgiruwkdwedqnsulru wr t 5&' 0,1 7kh rqo\uhvwulfwlrqlv$&7,9$7(wr5($'ru:5,7($/ t t 5&' 0,1 pxvwehvdwlvilhg$vvxplqj t 5&' 0,1  &/dw\slfdodssolfdwlrqxvlqjwklvihdwxuhvhwv $/ &/y t &.  t 5&' 0,1 t &.7kh5($'ru:5,7(frppdqglvkhogiruwkhwlphriwkh$/e hiruhlwlvuhohdvhglqwhuqdoo\wrwkh''56'5$0l02' ghylfh5($'odwhqf\ 5/ lvfrqwuroohge\wkhvxpriwkh$/d qg&$6odwhqf\ &/ 5/ $/&/:5,7(odwhqf\ :/ lvwkhvxpri &$6:5,7(odwhqf\dqg $/:/ $/&:/ vhhv02'(5(*,67(5 05 w([dpsohvri5($ 'dqg:5,7(odwhqflhvduhvkrzqlq)ljxuhdqg)ljxuh posted cas additive latency (al) f igure 47- read l atency (al = 5, cl = 6) ck ck# command dq dqs, dqs# active n t0 t1 dont care nop nop t6 t12 nop read n t13 nop do n+ 3 do n + 2 do n + 1 rl = al + cl = 11 t14 nop do n t rcd (min) al = 5 cl = 6 t11 bc4 indicates a break in time scale transitioning data t2 nop
logic devices incorporated 95 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 48- m ode r egister 2 (mr2) d efinition notes: 1. mr2[16, 13:11, 8, and 2:0] are reserved for future use and must all be programmed to 0. m14 0 1 0 1 m15 0 0 1 1 mode register mode register set 0 (mr0) mode register set 1 (mr1) mode register set 2 (mr2) mode register set 3 (mr3) a9 a7 a 6 a5 a4 a3 a8 a2 a1 a0 mode register 2 (mr2) add ress bus 976543 8210 a10 a12 a11 1 a b0 a b 10 11 1 2 13 14 15 1 cw l 0 1 0 ba2 as r 16 0 1 a13 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 srt r tt _ wr m6 0 1 auto self refres h (optional) disabled: manual enabled: automatic m7 0 1 self refresh temperature normal (0 c to 85 c) extended (0c to 95 c) cas write latency (cwl) 5 ck ( t ck 2.5ns) 6 ck (2.5ns > t ck 1.875ns) 7 ck (1.875ns > t ck 1.5ns) 8 ck (1.5ns > t ck 1.25ns) reserved reserved reserved reserved m3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 m4 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 m5 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 m9 0 1 0 1 m10 0 0 1 1 dynamic odt ( r tt _ wr ) r tt _ wr disabled rzq/4 rzq/2 reserved 7kh02'(5(*,67(5 05 frqwurovdgglwlrqdoixqfwlrqvdqgihd wxuhvqrwdydlodeohlqwkhrwkhuprghuhjlvwhuv7khvhdgglwlr qdoixqfwlrqvduh&$6 :5,7(odwhqf\ &:/ $8726(/)5()5(6+ $65 6(/)5()5(6+7(03 (5$785( 657 dqg'<1$0,&2'7 5 tt b:5 7khvhixqfwlrqvduhfrq - wuroohgyldwkhelwvvkrzqlq)ljxuh7kh05lvsurjudpphg yldwkh056frppdqgdqgzloouhwdlqwkhvwruhglqirupdwlrqxqw lolwlvsurjudpphgdjdlqru xqwlowkhghylfhorvhvsrzhu5hsurjudpplqjwkh05uhjlvwhuz looqrwdowhuwkhfrqwhqwvriwkhphpru\duud\surylghgwkdww khrshudwlrqkdvehhqshuiruphg fruuhfwo\7kh05uhjlvwhupxvwehordghgzkhqdooedqnvduh lgohdqgqrgdwdexuvwvduhlqsurjuhvvdqgwkhphpru\frqwuroo hupxvwzdlwiruwkhvshflilhg wlph t mrd and t 02'ehiruhlqlwldwlqjdvxevhtxhqwrshudwlrq mode register 2 (mr2)
logic devices incorporated 96 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 49- cas w rite l atency ck ck# command dq dqs, dqs# active n bc4 t0 t1 dont care nop nop t6 t12 nop write n t13 nop di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 t14 nop di n t rcd (min) nop al = 5 t11 indicates a break in time scale wl = al + cwl = 11 transitioning data t2 cwl = 6 &:/lvghilqhge\05>@dqglvwkhghod\lqforfnf\fohvi urpwkhuhohdvlqjriwkhlqwhuqdo:5,7(wrwkhodwfklqjriwkh iluvwgdwdlq&:/pxvwehfruuhfwo\ vhwwrwkhfruuhvsrqglqjrshudwlqjforfniuhtxhqf\ vhh)ljxuh  7khryhudoo:5,7(/$7(1&< :/ lvhtxdowr&:/$/ vhh )ljxuh  cas write latency (cwl) 0rghuhjlvwhu05>@lvxvhgwr',6$%/((1$%/(wkh$65ixqfwlrq  :khq$65lv',6$%/('wkh6(/)5()5(6+prghuv5()5(6+udwh lvdvvxphgwrehdwwkhqrupdo?&olplw frpprqo\uhihuuhgwr dvwkh ;5()5(6+udwh ,qwkh',6$%/('prgh$65uhtxluhvwkhxvhu wr hqvxuhwkh6'5$0qhyhuh[fhhgvd7 $ ri?&zklohlq6(/)5()5(6+ xqohvvwkhxvhuhqdeohvwkh657ihdwxuholvwhgehorzvxssruwlq jdqhoh - ydwhgwhpsxswr?&zklohlq6(/)5()5(6+ 7kh vwdqgdug 6(/) 5()5(6+ fxuuhqw whvw vshflilhv whvw frqglwlrq v wr qrupdodpelhqwwhpshudwxuh ?& rqo\phdqlqjli$65lvhqdeo hgwkh vwdqgdug6(/)5()5(6+fxuuhqwvshflilfdwlrqgrhvqrwdsso\ vhh wkh v(;7(1'('7(03(5$785(86$*(wghvfulswlrqodwhulqwklv'6  auto self refresh (asr) rswlrqdoh[whqghgwhpshudwxuhudqjhri?&zklohlq6(/)5()5 (6+ prgh7khvwdqgdug6(/)5()5(6+fxuuhqwwhvwvshflilhvwhvwfr qglwlrqv wrqrupdodpelhqwwhpshudwxuh ?& rqo\phdqlqjli657lvhq deohgwkh vwdqgdug6(/)5()5(6+fxuuhqwvshflilfdwlrqvgrqrwdsso\ srt vs. asr 0rgh uhjlvwhu 05>@ lv xvhg wr ',6$%/((1$%/( wkh 657 ixqfwlrq   :khq 657 lv 'lvdeohg wkh 6(/) 5()5(6+ prghuv uhiuhvk udwh lv dvvxphg wr eh dw wkh qrupdo ?& olplw  ,q wkh ',6$%/(' prgh 657 uhtxluhvwkhxvhuwrhqvxuhwkh6'5$0qhyhuh[fhhgvwkh t $ olplwri?& zklohlq6(/)5()5(6+prghxqohvvwkhxvhuhqdeohv$65 :khq657lvhqdeohgwkh6'5$06(/)5()5(6+lvfkdqjhglqwhuqdo o\ iurp;wr;uhjdugohvvriwkhdpelhqwwhpshudwxuh 7 $ 7klvhqdeohv wkhxvhuwrrshudwhwkh6'5$0eh\rqgwkhvwdqgdug?&olplwxs wrwkh self refresh temperature (srt) ,iwkhqrupdodpelhqwwhpshudwxuholplwri?&lvqrwh[fhhghg wkhqqhl - wkhu 657 qru $65 lv uhtxluhg dqg erwk fdq eh ',6$%/(' wkurxjkr xw rshudwlrq,iwkhh[whqghgwhpshudwxuhrswlrqlvxvhgwkhxvh ulvuhtxluhg wr surylgh d ; uhiuhvk udwh gxulqj pdqxdo  uhiuhvk iru ([whqg hg whps ghylfhvru;uhiuhvkudwhiru0lowhpsghylfhv657dqg$65v krxogeh hqdeohgirudxwrpdwlf5()5(6+vhuylfhvrqdooghylfhvxvhglqw hpshud - wxuhhqylurqphqwv d ?& 657irufhvwkh6'5$0wrvzlwfkwkhlqwhuqdo6(/)5()5(6+udwhi urp ;wr;6(/)5()5(6+lvshuiruphgdw;uhjdugohvvri t $ . $65 dxwrpdwlfdoo\ vzlwfkhv wkh 6'5$0uv lqwhuqdo 6(/) 5()5(6+ ud wh iurp ; wr ; krzhyhu zkloh lq 6(/) 5()5(6+ prgh $65 hqdeohv  wkh 5()5(6+ udwh dxwrpdwlfdoo\ dgmxvw ehwzhhq ; dqg ; 5()5(6+  udwhryhuwkhvxssruwhgwhpshudwxuhudqjh2qhrwkhuglvdgydqw djhzlwk $65lvwkh6'5$0fdqqrwdozd\vvzlwfkiurpd;wrd;uhiuhvk udwhdw dqh[dfwdpelhqw7hpshudwxuhri?&$owkrxjkwkh6'5$0zloo vxssruw gdwdlqwhjulw\zkhqlwvzlwfkhviurpd;wr;udwhlwpd\vz lwfkdwdorzhu whpshudwxuhwkdq?& 6lqfhrqo\rqhprghlvqhfhvvdu\dwrqhlqvwdqwlqwlph657dq g$65 fdqqrwehvlpxowdqhrxvo\hqdeohg
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product dynamic odt 7khprghuhjlvwhu 05 frqwurovdgglwlrqdoixqfwlrqvdqgihd wxuhvqrwdydlodeohyld0505ru05&xuuhqwo\ghilqhgdv wkh08/7,385326(5(*,6 - 7(5 035 7klvixqfwlrqlvfrqwuroohgyldwkhelwvvkrzqlq) ljxuh7kh05lvsurjudpphgyldwkh/2$'02'(frppdqgdqg uhwdlqvwkhvwruhglqiru - pdwlrqxqwlolwlvsurjudpphgdjdlqruxqwlowkhghylfhorvhvs rzhu5hsurjudpplqjwkh05uhjlvwhuzlooqrwdowhuwkhfrqwhq wvriwkhphpru\duud\surylghg wkhsurjudpplqjriwkh05kdv ehhqshuiruphgfruuhfwo\7kh0 5uhjlvwhupxvwehordghgzkhqd ooedqnvduhlgohdqgqrgdwd exuvwvduhlqsurjuhvvdqg wkhphpru\frqwuroohupxvwzdlwwkhvshflilhgwlph t mrd and t 02'ehiruhlqlwldwlqjdvxevhtxhqwrshudwlrq mode register (mr3) 7khg\qdplf2'7 5 tt b:5 ihdwxuhlvghilqhge\05>@'\qdplf2'7lvhqdeohgz khqdydoxhlvvhohfwhg7klvqhz''5ihdwxuhhqdeohvwkh2'7  whuplqdwlrqydoxhwrfkdqjhzlwkrxwlvvxlqjdq056frppdqghvv hqwldoo\fkdqjlqjwkh2'7whuplqdwlrqvrqwkhio\w :lwk g\qdplf 2'7 5 tt b:5  zkhq ehjlqqlqj d :5,7( exuvw dqg vxevhtxhqwo\ vzlwfkhv edf nwr2'7 5 tt b:5  lv hqdeohg 2'7/&1: 2'7/&1: 2'7/&1: 2'7+2'7+dqg t $'& '\qdplf2'7lvrqo\dssolfdeohgxulqj:5,7(f\fohv,i2'7 5 tt b120 lvglvdeohgg\qdplf2'7 5 tt b:5 lvvwlooshuplwwhg5 tt _nom and r tt b:5fdq ehxvhglqghshqghqwrirqhdqrwkhu'\qdplf2'7lvqrwdydlode ohgxulqj:5,7(/(9(/,1*prghuhjdugohvvriwkhvwdwhri2'7 5 tt b120 )rughwdlov rq2'7rshudwlrquhihuwrwkhv2q'lh7huplqdwlrq 2'7 wvhfwl rq f igure 50 - m ode r egister 3 (mr3) d efinition a9 a7 a 6 a5 a4 a3 a8 a2 a1 a0 mode register 3 (mr3) add ress bus 976543 8210 a10 a12 a11 1 a b0 a b 10 11 1 2 13 14 15 a13 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 mpr 1 ba2 16 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 m2 0 1 mpr enable normal dram operations 2 dataflow from mpr mpr_rf m14 0 1 0 1 m15 0 0 1 1 mode register mo de register set (mr0) mode register set 1 (mr1) mode register set 2 (mr2) mode register set 3 (mr3) mpr read func tion predefined pattern 3 reserved reserved reserved m0 0 1 0 1 m1 0 0 1 1 127(6 1. 05>dqg@duhuhvhuyhgiruixwxuhxvhdqgpxvwdooehsu rjudpphgwrvw 2. :khq035frqwurolvvhwiruqrupdo'5$0rshudwlrq05>@zl ooehljqruhg 3. ,qwhqghgwrehxvhgiru5($'v\qfkurql]dwlrq
logic devices incorporated 98 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product multipurpose register (mpr) 7kh08/7,385326(5(*,67(5ixqfwlrqlvxvhgwrrxwsxwdsuhghilq hgv\vwhpwlplqjfdoleudwlrqelwvhtxhqfh%lwlvwkhpdvwhu elwwkdwhqdeohvruglvdeohv dffhvvwrwkh035uhjlvwhudqgelwvdqgghwhuplqhzklfkprg hwkh035lvsodfhglq7khedvlffrqfhswriwkhpxowlsxusrvh uhjlvwhulvvkrzqlq)ljxuh ,i05>@lvdvwwkhqwkh035dffhvvlvglvdeohgdqgwkh6'5 $0rshudwhvlqqrupdoprgh+rzhyhuli05>@lvdvwwkhq6 '5$0qrorqjhurxwsxwv qrupdouhdggdwdexwrxwsxwv035 gdwddvghilqhge\05>@ ,i05>@lvhtxdowrvwwkhqdsuhghilqhguhdgsdwwhuqir uv\vwhpfdoleudwlrqlvvhohfwhg 7rhqdeohwkh035wkh056frppdqglvlvvxhgwr05dqg05>@  vhh7deoh 3ulruwrlvvxlqjwkh056frppdqgdooedqnv pxvwehlqwkhlgohvwdwh dooedqnvduhsuhfkdujhgdqg t 53lvphw :khqwkh035lvhqdeohgdq\vxevhtxhqw5($'ru5' $3frppdqgvduhuhgluhfwhgwrwkhpxowlsxusrvhuhjlvwhu  7khuhvxowlqjrshudwlrqzkhqhlwkhud5($'rud5'$3frppdqglv lvvxhglvghilqhge\05>@zkhq035lvhqdeohg vhh7deoh :khqwkh035lv hqdeohgrqo\5($'ru5'$3frppdqgvduhdoorzhgxqwlodvxevhtx hqw056frppdqglvlvvxhgzlwkwkh035glvdeohg 05>@  32 :(5'2:16(/) 5()5(6+dqgdq\rwkhu1215($'ru5'$3frppdqglvqrwdoorzhg 7kh5(6(7ixqfwlrqlvvxssruwhggxulqj035hqdeohprgh f igure 51 - m ultipurpose r egister (mpr) b lock d iagram memory core mr3[2] = 0 (mpr off) dq, dm, dq s, dqs# multipurpose register pre defined data for reads mr3[2] = 1 (mpr on) 127(6 1. $suhghilqhggdwdsdwwhuqfdqehuhdgrxwriwkh035zlwkdqh[ whuqdo5($'frppdqg 2. 05>@ghilqhvzkhwkhuwkhgdwdiorzfrphviurpwkhphpru\fruh ruwkh035:khqwkhgdwd iorz lv ghilqhg wkh 035 frqwhqwv fdq eh uhdg rxw frqwlqxrxvo\ zlwk d uhjxodu 5($' ru 5'$3 frppdqg
logic devices incorporated 99 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product mpr mpr read function function 0 1 1rupdo2shudwlrqqr035wudqvdfwlrq$oovxevhtxhqw5($'vfrp hiurp wkh6'5$0phpru\duud\$oovxevhtxhqw:5,7(vjrwrwkh6'5$0 phpru\duud\ (qdeoh035prghvxevhtxhqw5($'5'$3frppdqgvghilqhge\elwv  and 2. t able 61: burst order v'rquw&duhw $>@ 6hh7deoh mr3[2] mr3[1:0] mpr functional description 7kh035-('(&ghilqlwlrqdoorzviruhlwkhudsulph'4iruorzh ue\whdqg'4iruwkhxsshue\whrihdfkriwkh  zrugvfrqw dlqhglqwkh/',l02'wrrxwsxw wkh035gdwdzlwkwkhuhpdlqlqj'4vgulyhq/2:ruirudoo'4v wrrxwsxwwkh035gdwd7kh035uhdgrxwvxssruwvil[hg5($'ex uvwdqg5($'exuvwfkrs 056dqg27)yld$%& zlwkuhjxodu5($'odwhqflhvdqg$&wl plqjvdssolfdeoh7klvsurylglqjwkh'//lvorfnhgdvuhtxluhg  035dgguhvvlqjirudydolg0355($'lvdviroorzv x$>@pxvwehvhwwrvwdvwkhexuvwrughulvil[hgshuql eeoh x$vhohfwvwkhexuvwrughu x%/$lvvhwwrvwdqgwkhexuvwrughulvil[hgwr  x)ruexuvwfkrsfdvhvwkhexuvwrughulvvzlwfkhgrqwkhql eeohedvhdqg x$ exuvwrughu  x$ exuvwrughu  x%xuvwrughuelw wkhiluvwelw lvdvvljqhgwr/6%dqgexu vwrughuelw wkhodvwelw lvdvvljqhgwr06% x$>@duhdv'rquw&duhw x$lvdv'rquw&duhw x$lvdv'rquw&duhw x$6hohfwvexuvwfkrsprghrqwkhio\lihqdeohgzlwklq05  x$lvdv'rquw&duhw x%$>@duhdv'rquw&duhw
logic devices incorporated 100 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product mpr register address definitions and bursting order 7kh035fxuuhqwo\vxssruwvdvlqjohgdwdirupdw7klvgdwdiru pdwlvdsuhghilqhg5($'sdwwhuqiruv\vwhpfdoleudwlrq7khs uhghilqhgsdwwhuqlvdozd\vd uhshdwlqjelwsdwwhuq ([dpsohvriwkhgliihuhqww\shrisuhghilqhg5($'sdwwhuqexuvw vduhvkrzqlq)ljxuhvdqg mr3[2] mr3[1:0] function length a[2:0] burst order and data pattern 1 1 1 1 %xuvw2ughu 3uhghilqhgsdwwhuq %xuvw2ughu 3uhghilqhgsdwwhuq %xuvw2ughu 3uhghilqhgsdwwhuq qd qd qd qd qd qd qd qd qd t able 62: burst order 5($'suhghilqhgsdwwhuqiru v\vwhpfdoleudwlrq 5)8 5)8 5)8 bl8 %& %& qd qd qd qd qd qd qd qd qd 000 000 100 qd qd qd qd qd qd qd qd qd 00 01 10 11 burst read
logic devices incorporated 101 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. read with bl8 either by mrs or otf. 2. memory controller must drive 0 on a[2:0]. t0 ta0 tb0 tb 1 tc0 tc1 tc2 tc3 tc4 tc5 tc 6 tc7 tc8 tc9 tc1 0 ck ck # mrs prea read 1 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop mrs nop nop valid command t mprr don t care indicates a break in time scale dqs, dqs# bank add ress 3 vali d 3 0 a[1:0] vali d 0 2 1 a2 0 2 0 00 a[9:3] vali d 00 0 1 a10/ap vali d 0 0i l a v 1 1 a d 0 0 a12/bc# vali d 1 0 0i l a v ] 3 1 : 5 1 [ a d 0 dq t mod t rp t mod rl figure 52 - mpr system read calibration with bl8: fixed burst order single readout
logic devices incorporated 102 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. read with bl8 either by mrs or otf. 2. memory controller must drive 0 on a[2:0]. t0 ta tb tc0 tc1 tc2 tc3 tc4 tc5 tc 6 tc7 tc8 tc9 tc1 0 td ck ck# t mprr don t care indicates a break in time scale rl 3 vali d 3 bank add ress vali d a[1:0] vali d 0 2 0 2 0 a2 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 a[15:13] vali d vali d 0 a[9:3] vali d vali d 00 00 a11 vali d vali d 0 0 a12/bc# vali d 1 0 0 a10/ap vali d vali d 0 0 1 rl prea read 1 nop nop nop no nop nop nop mrs vali d command read 1 mrs dq vali d dqs, dqs# t rp t mod t ccd t mod nop nop figure 53 - mpr system read calibration with bl8: fixed burst order, back-to-back readout
logic devices incorporated 103 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. read with bc4 either by mrs or otf. 2. memory controller must drive 0 on a[1:0]. 3. a2 = 0 selects lower 4 nibble bits 0 . . . 3. 4. a2 = 1 selects upper 4 nibble bits 4 . . . 7. t0 ta tb ck ck# dq dqs, dqs# t mod t mprr don t care tc0 tc1 tc2 tc3 tc4 tc5 tc6 tc7 tc8 tc9 tc10 td nop nop nop nop valid command mrs prea read 1 read 1 nop nop indicates a break in time scale bank add ress 3 vali d 3 vali d 0 a[1:0] vali d 0 2 0 2 1 a2 1 4 0 3 0 00 i l a v ] 3 : 9 [ a d vali d 00 0 1i l a v p a / 0 1 a d vali d 0 0i l a v 1 1 a d vali d 0 0 a12/bc# vali d 1 vali d 1 0 0 a[15:13] vali d vali d 0 rl rl t rf t mod t ccd nop nop mrs nop figure 54 - mpr system read calibration with bc4: lower nibble, then upper nibble
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. read with bc4 either by mrs or otf. 2. memory controller must drive 0 on a[1:0]. 3. a2 = 1 selects upper 4 nibble bits 4 . . . 7. 4. a2 = 0 selects lower 4 nibble bits 0 . . . 3. t0 ta tb 0 1i l a v p a / 0 1 a dvalid 0 ck ck# mrs prea read 1 read 1 nop nop nop s nop nop valid command 0 0 4 1 3 1 a2 t mod t mprr 3valid 3 bank add ress vali d 0 2 0 2 0 a[1:0] vali d 0 0i l a v ] 3 1 : 5 1 [ a dvalid 0 0i l a v 1 1 a d vali d 00 00 i l a v ] 3 : 9 [ a dvalid don t care tc0tc1tc2tc3tc4tc5tc6tc7tc8tc9tc10td indicates a break in time scale rl dq dqs, dqs# 0 a12/bc# vali d 1 vali d 1 0 rl t rf t mod t ccd mr nop nop nop nop figure 55 - mpr system read calibration with bc4: upper nibble, then lower nibble
logic devices incorporated 105 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product mpr read predefined pattern 7khsuhghwhuplqhg5($'fdoleudwlrqsdwwhuqlvdil[hgsdwwhuqr i7khiroorzlqjlvdqh[dpsohrixvlqjwkh5( $'rxwsuhghwhuplqhg5($' fdoleudwlrqsdwwhuq7khh[dpsohlvwrshuiruppxowlsoh5($'6 iurpwkh08/7,385326(5(*,67(5 035 lqrughuwrgrv\vwhpohyh o5($'wlplqjfdoleud - wlrqedvhgrqwkhsuhghwhuplqhgdqgvwdqgdugl]hgsdwwhuq 7khiroorzlqjsurwrfrorxwolqhvwkhvwhsvxvhgwrshuirupwkh5 ($'fdoleudwlrq x3uhfkdujhdooedqnv x$iwhu t 53lvvdwlvilhgvhw05605>@ dqg05>@ 7klvuhg luhfwvdoovxevhtxhqw5($'vdqg/rdgvwkhsuhghilqhgsdwwhuqlq wr wkh035$vvrrqdv t mrd and t 02'duhvdwlvilhgwkh035lvdydlodeoh x'dwd:5,7(rshudwlrqvduhqrwdoorzhgxqwlowkh035uhwxuqvw rwkhqrupdo6'5$0vwdwh x,vvxhd5($'zlwkexuvwrughulqirupdwlrq doorwkhudgguhvv slqvduhv'rquw&duhw  x$>@  gdwdexuvwrughulvil[hgvwduwlqjdwqleeoh x$  iru%/exuvwrughulvil[hgdv x$  xvh%/ x$iwhu5/ $/&/wkh6'5$0exuvwvrxwwkhsuhghilqhg5($' fdoleudwlrqsdwwhuq   x7khphpru\frqwuroohuuhshdwvwkhfdoleudwlrq5($'vxqwlo5($ 'gdwdfdswxuhdwwkhphpru\frqwuroohulvrswlpl]hg x$iwhuwkhodvw0355($'exuvwdqgdiwhu t 0355kdvehhqvdwlvilhglvvxh05605>@ dqg05>@ v 'rquw&duhwwrwkhqrupdo 6'5$0vwdwh$oovxevhtxhqw5($'dqg:5,7(dffhvvhvzlooehuh jxodu5($'6dqg:5,7(6iurpwrwkh6'5$0duud\ x:khq t mrd and t 02'duhvdwlvilhgiurpwkhodvw056wkhuhjxodu6'5$0frppdqgv  vxfkdv$&7,9$7(d0hpru\edqniruuhjxodu 5($'ru:5,7(dffhvv duhshuplwwhg mode register set (mrs) 7khprghuhjlvwhuvduhordghgyldlqsxwv%$>@$>@%$> @ghwhuplqhvzklfkprghuhjlvwhulvsurjudpphg x%$ %$ %$ iru05 x%$ %$ %$ iru05 x%$ %$ %$ iru05 x%$ %$ %$ iru05 7kh056frppdqgfdqrqo\ehlvvxhg ruuhlvvxhg zkhqdooedqnv duhlgohdqglqwkhsuhfkdujhgvwdwh t 53lvvdwlvilhgdqgqrgdwdexuvwvduhlq surjuhvv 7khfrqwuroohupxvwzdlwwkhvshflilhgwlph t 05'ehiruhlqlwldwlqjdvxevhtxhqwrshudwlrqvxfkdvdq$&7,9$7 (frppdqg7khuhlvdovr duhvwulfwlrqdiwhulvvxlqjdq056frppdqgzlwkuhjdugwrzkhq wkhxsgdwhgixqfwlrqvehfrphdydlodeoh7klvsdudphwhulvvshf lilhge\ t mod. both t mrd and t 02'sdudphwhuvduhvkrzqlq)ljxuhdqg9lrodwlqjhlwkhu riwkhvhuhtxluhphqwvzloouhvxowlqxqvshflilhgrshudwlrq zq calibration 7kh=4&$/,%5$7,21frppdqglvxvhgwrfdoleudwhwkh6'5$0rxwsx wgulyhuv 521 dqg2'7ydoxhv 5 tt ryhusurfhvvyrowdjhdqgwhpshudwxuhsur - ylghgdghglfdwhg :  ? h[whuqdouhvlvwrulvfrqqhfwhgiurpwkh6'5$0uv=4edoo wr9vv4 ''56'5$0vqhhgdorqjhuwlphwrfdoleudwh5 on dqg2'7dwsrzhuxs,1,7,$/,=$ 7,21dqg6(/)5()5(6+h[lwdqgd uhodwlyho\vkruwhuwlphwrshuirup shulrglffdoleudwlrqv''56'5$0ghilqhvwzr=4&$/,%5$7,21f rppdqgv=4&$/,%5$7,21/21* =4&/ dqg=4&$/,%5$7,216+257 = 4&6   $qh[dpsohri=4&$/,%5$7,21wlplqjlvvkrzqlq)ljxuh $ooedqnvpxvweh35(&+$5*('dqg t 53pxvwehphwehiruh=4&/ru=4&6frppdqgvfdqehlvvxhgwrwk h6'5$01rrwkhudfwlylwlhv rwkhuwkdqdqrwkhu =4&/ru=4&6frppdqgpd\ehlvvxhgwrwkh6'5$0 fdqehshuirup hgrqwkh6'5$0duud\e\wkhfrqwuroohuiruwkhgxudwlrqri t =4,1,7ru t =423(5  7khtxlhwwlphrqwkh6'5$0duud\khosvdffxudwho\fdoleudwh5 on dqg2'7$iwhu6'5$0fdoleudwlrqlvdfklhyhgwkh6'5$0vkrxo gglvdeohwkh=4edoouv fxuuhqwfrqvxpswlrqsdwkwruhgxfhryhudoosrzhuxvdjh =4&$/,%5$7,21frppdqgvfdqehlvvxhglqsdudoohowr'//5(6(7 dqgorfnlqjwlph8srq6(/)5()5(6+h[lwdqh[solflw=4&/lv uhtxluhgli=4&$/, - %5$7,21lvghvluhg ,qgxdoudqnv\vwhpghvljqvwkdwvkduhwkh=4uhvlvwruehwzhhq ghylfhvwkhfrqwuroohupxvwqrwdoorzryhuodsri t =4,17 t =423(5ru t =4&6ehwzhhqudqnv
logic devices incorporated 106 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 56 - zq c alibration t iming (zqcl and zqcs) nop zqcl nop nop valid vali d zqcs nop nop nop valid command indicates a break in time scale t0 t1 ta0 ta1 ta2 ta3 tb0 tb1 tc0 tc1 tc2 address vali d vali d vali d a10 vali d vali d vali d ck ck# don t care dq high-z high-z 3 a 3 ctivities activ- ities vali d vali d odt 2 2 vali d 1 ck e 1 vali d vali d vali d t zqcs t zq init or t zq oper 127(6 1. &.(pxvwehfrqwlqxrxvo\uhjlvwhuhg+,*+gxulqjwkhfdoleudwlrq surfhgxuh 2. 2'7pxvwehglvdeohgyldwkh2'7vljqdoruwkh056gxulqjwkhf doleudwlrqsurfhgxuh 3. $ooghylfhvfrqqhfwhgwrwkh'4exvvkrxogeh+ljk=gxulqjfdo leudwlrq activate %hiruhdq\5($'ru:5,7(frppdqgvfdqehlvvxhgwrdedqnzlwkl qwkh6'5$0d52:lqwkdwedqnpxvwehrshqhg $&7,9$7(' 7k lvlvdffrpsolvkhg yldwkh$&7,9$7(frppdqgzklfkvhohfwverwkwkh%$1.dqgwkh5 2:wreh$&7,9$7(' $iwhud52:lvrshqhgzlwkdq$&7,9$7(frppdqgd5($'ru:5,7( frppdqgpd\ehlvvxhgwrwkdw52:vxemhfwwrwkh t 5&'vshflilfdwlrq+rzhyhuli wkhdgglwlyhodwhqf\lvsurjudpphgfruuhfwo\d5($'ru:5,7(f rppdqgpd\ehlvvxhgsulruwr t 5&' 0,1 ,qwklvrshudwlrqwkh6'5$0hqdeohvd5($' ru:5,7(frppdqgwrehlvvxhgdiwhuwkh$&7,9$7(frppdqgiruwk dwedqnexwsulruwr t 5&' 0,1  vhhv3267('&$6$'',7,9(/$7(1&< $/  t 5&' 0,1 vkrxogehglylghge\wkhforfnshulrgdqgurxqghgxswrw khqh[wzkrohqxpehuwrghwhuplqhwkhhduolhvwforfnhgjhdiwhu wkh$&7,9$7(frppdqgrq zklfkwkh5($'ru:5,7(frppdqgfdqehhqwhuhg7khvdphsurfh gxuhlvxvhgwrfrqyhuwrwkhuvshflilfdwlrqolplwviurpwlphxq lwvwrforfnf\fohv :khqdwohdvwrqhedqnlvrshqdq\5($'wr5($'frppdqgghod\ ru:5,7(wr:5,7(frppdqgghod\lvuhvwulfwhgwr t &&' 0,1  $ vxevhtxhqw $&7,9$7( frppdqg wr d gliihuhqw 52: lq wkh vdph %$ 1. fdq rqo\ eh lvvxhg diwhu wkh suhylrxv $&7,9( 52: kdv ehhq fo rvhg 35( - &+$5*(' 7khplqlpxpwlphlqwhuydoehwzhhqvxffhvvlyh$&7,9$7 (frppdqgvwrwkhvdph%$1.lvghilqhge\ t 5& $vxevhtxhqw$&7,9$7(frppdqgwrdqrwkhu%$1.fdqehlvvxhgzkl ohwkhiluvw%$1.lvehlqjdffhvvhgzklfkuhvxowvlqduhgxfwl rqriwrwdo52:$&&(66 ryhukhdg7khplqlpxpwlphlqwhuydoehwzhhqvxffhvvlyh$&7,9$7 (frppdqgvpd\ehlvvxhglqdjlyhq t )$: 0,1 shulrgdqgwkh t 55' 0,1 uhvwulfwlrq vwloodssolhv7kh t )$: 0,1 sdudphwhudssolhvuhjdugohvvriwkhqxpehuri%$1.6 douhdg\rshqhgruforvhg
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 57 - e xample : m eeting t rrd (min) and t rcd (min) command don t care t1 t0 t2 t3 t4 t5 t8 t9 t rrd row row co l bank x bank y bank y nop act nop nop act nop nop rd/wr t rcd ba[2:0] ck # add ress ck t10 t11 nop nop indicates a break in time scale f igure 58 - e xample : t faw command don t care t1 t0 t4 t5 t8 t9 t10 t11 t rrd row row bank a bank b row bank c row bank d bank y row bank y nop act nop ac a tctnop nop t faw ba[2:0] ck # add ress ck t19 t20 nop ac a tct bank e indicates a break in time scale
logic devices incorporated 108 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 59 - read l atency notes: 1. do n = data-out from column n. 2. subsequent elements of data-out appear in the programmed order following do n. . ck ck # command read nop nop nop nop nop nop nop add ress bank a, col n cl = 8, al = 0 dq dqs, dqs# do n t0 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 don t care transitioning data t12 t12 indicates a break in time scale read 5($'exuvwvduhlqlwldwhgzlwkd5($'frppdqg7khvwduwlqj&2 /801dqg%$1.dgguhvvhvduhsurylghgzlwkwkh5($'frppdqgdqg $87235( - &+$5*(lvhlwkhuhqdeohgruglvdeohg iruwkdwexuvwdffhvv,i $87235(&+$5*(lvhqdeohgwkh52:ehlqjdffhvvhglvdxwrpdwlf doo\35(&+$5*('dw wkhfrpsohwlrqriwkhexuvwvhtxhqfh,i$87235(&+$5*(lvglv deohgwkh52:zlooehohiwrshqdiwhuwkhfrpsohwlrqriwkhex uvw 'xulqj5($'exuvwvwkhydolggdwdrxwhohphqwiurpwkhvwduwlq jfroxpqdgguhvvlvdydlodeohdw5($'/$7(1&< 5/ forfnvodwhu 5/lvghilqhgdvwkhvxp ri3267('&$6$'',7,9(/$7(1&< $/ dqg&$6/$7(1&< &/  5/  $/&/ 7khydoxhri$/dqg&/lvsurjudppdeohlqwkhprghu hjlvwhuyldwkh 056frppdqg(dfkvxevhtxhqwgdwdrxwhohphqwzlooehydolgqr plqdoo\dwwkhqh[wsrvlwlyhruqhjdwlyhforfnhgjh wkdwlvd wwkhqh[wfurvvlqjri&.dqg &.? )ljxuhvkrzvdqh[dpsohri5/edvhgrqd&/vhwwlqjr idvzhoodv$/  $5($'exuvwpd\ehiroorzhge\d35(&+$5*(frppdqgwrwkhvdph  edqn surylghg $872 35(&+$5*( lv qrw $&7,9$7('  7kh plqlpxp 5($'wr35(&+$5*(frppdqgvsdflqjwrwkhvdphedqnlvirxuforf nv dqgpxvwdovrvdwlvi\dplqlpxpdqdorjwlphiurpwkh5($'frppd qg  7klvwlphlvfdoohg t 573 5($'wr35(&+$5*(  t 573vwduwv$/f\fohv odwhuwkdqwkh5($'frppdqg([dpsohviru%/duhvkrzqlq)lj xuh dqg%&lq)ljxuh)roorzlqjwkh35(&+$5*(frppdqgdvxevh - txhqwfrppdqgwrwkhvdphedqnfdqqrwehlvvxhgxqwlo t 53lvphw7kh 35(&+$5*(frppdqgiroorzhge\dqrwkhu35(&+$5*(frppdqgwr wkhvdphedqnlvdoorzhg+rzhyhuwkhsuhfkdujhshulrgzlooe hghwhu - plqhge\wkhodvw35(&+$5*(frppdqglvvxhgwrwkhedqn ,i$lv+,*+zkhqd5($'frppdqglvlvvxhgwkh5($'zlwk$87 2 35(&+$5*( ixqfwlrq lv hqjdjhg  7kh 6'5$0 vwduwv dq $872 35( - &+$5*(rshudwlrqrqwkhulvlqjhgjhzklfklv$/ t 573f\fohvdiwhuwkh 5($' frppdqg  ''5 6'5$0v vxssruw d t 5$6 orfnrxw ihdwxuh vhh )ljxuh ,i t 5$6 0,1 lvqrwvdwlvilhgdwwkhhgjhwkhvwduwlqjsrlqwri wkh$87235(&+$5*(rshudwlrqzlooehghod\hgxqwlo t 5$6 0,1 lvvdw - lvilhg,qfdvhwkhlqwhuqdo35(&+$5*(rshudwlrqlvsxvkhgrxw e\ t 573 t 53vwduwvdwwkhsrlqwdwzklfkwkhlqwhuqdo35(&+$5*(kdsshqv 7kh wlph iurp 5($' zlwk $872 35(&+$5*( wr wkh qh[w $&7,9$7( frp - pdqgwkhvdphedqnlv$/ t 573 t 53 zkhuhv wphdqvurxqghgxs wrwkhqh[wlqwhjhu,qdq\hyhqwlqwhuqdo5(&+$5*(grhvqrw vwduwhduolhu wkdqirxuforfnvdiwhuwkhodvwqelwsuhihwfk />8@'46[/>8@'46[?lvgulyhqe\wkh6'5$0dorqjzlwkwkhrxwsx wgdwd  7khlqlwldo/2:vwdwhrq/>8@'46[dqg+,*+vwdwhrq/>8@'46[? lvnqrzq dvwkh5($'suhdpeoh t 535( 7kh/2:vwdwhrq'46[dqgwkh+,*+ vwdwhrq/>8@'46[?frlqflghqwzlwkwkhodvwgdwdrxwhohphqw lvnqrzqdv wkh5($'srvwdpeoh t 5367 8srqfrpsohwlrqridexuvwdvvxplqjqr rwkhufrppdqgvkdyhehhqlqlwldwhgwkh'4zloojr+,*+=$g hwdlohg h[sodqdwlrqri t '464 ydolggdwdrxwvnhz  t 4+ gdwdrxwzlqgrzkrog  dqgwkhydolggdwdzlqgrzduhghslfwhglq)ljxuh$ghwdloh gh[sodqd - wlrqri t '46&. '46wudqvlwlrqvnhzwr&. lvdovrghslfwhglq)ljxuh  'dwdiurpdq\5($'exuvwpd\ehfrqfdwhqdwhgzlwkgdwdiurpdv xevh - txhqw5($'frppdqgwrsurylghdfrqwlqxrxviorzrigdwd7khi luvwgdwd hohphqwiurpwkhqhzexuvwiroorzvwkhodvwhohphqwridfrpsoh whgexuvw  7kh qhz 5($' frppdqg vkrxog eh lvvxhg t &&' f\fohv diwhu wkh iluvw 5($'frppdqg7klvlvvkrzqiru%/lq)ljxuh,i%&lvh qdeohg t &&'pxvwvwlooehphwzklfkzloofdxvhdjdslqwkhgdwdrxwsxw dvvkrzq lq)ljxuh1rqfrqvhfxwlyh5($'gdwdlvuhiohfwhglq)ljxuh ''5 6'5$0vgrqrwdoorzlqwhuuxswlqjruwuxqfdwlqjdq\5($'exuvw 'dwdiurpdq\5($'exuvwpxvwehfrpsohwhgehiruhdvxevhtxhqw :5,7( exuvwlvdoorzhg$qh[dpsohrid5($'exuvwiroorzhge\d:5, 7(exuvw iru %/ lv vkrzq lq )ljxuh   7r hqvxuh wkh 5($' gdwd lv frps ohwhg ehiruhwkh:5,7(gdwdlvrqwkhexvwkhplqlpxp5($'wr:5,7( wlplqj lv5/ t &&'y:/ t &.
logic devices incorporated 109 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. the bl8 setting is activated by either mr0[1:0] = 00 or mr0[1:0] = 01 and a12 = 1 during read command at t0 and t4. 3. do n (or b) = data-out from column n (or column b). 4. bl8, rl = 5 (cl = 5, al = 0). t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 don t care transitioning data t12 t13 t14 t rpst nop d a e r d a e r p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n ck ck# c ommand 1 dq 3 dqs, dqs# bank, col n bank, co l b add ress 2 rl = 5 t rpre t ccd rl = 5 do n+ 3 do n+ 2 do n + 1 do n do n+ 7 do n + 6 do n + 5 do n+ 4 do b + 3 do b + 2 do b+ 1 do b do b + 7 do b + 6 do b + 5 do b+ 4 figure 60 - consecutive read bursts (bl8)
logic devices incorporated 110 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. the bc4 setting is activated by either mr0[1:0] = 10 or mr0[1:0] = 01 and a12 = 0 during read command at t0 and t4. 3. do n (or b) = data-out from column n (or column b). 4. bc4, rl = 5 (cl = 5, al = 0). nop ck ck# comman d 1 dq 3 dqs, dqs# t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 address 2 t10 t11 don t care transitioning data t12 t1 3t14 read read nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop bank, col n bank, col b t rpst t rpre t rpst t rpre rl = 5 do n+ 3 do n + 2 do n + 1 do n do b+ 3 do b+ 2 do b+ 1 do b rl = 5 t ccd figure 61 - consecutive read bursts (bc4)
logic devices incorporated 111 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. al = 0, rl = 8. 2. do n (or b) = data-out from column n (or column b). 3. seven subsequent elements of data-out appear in the programmed order following do n. 4. seven subsequent elements of data-out appear in the programmed order following do b. don t care transitioning data t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 dqs, dqs# command nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop read nop read add ress bank a, co l n bank a, col b ck ck # dq do n do b c l = 8 c l = 8 figure 62 - nonconsecutive read bursts
logic devices incorporated 112 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. the bl8 setting is activated by either mr0[1:0] = 00 or mr0[1:0] = 01 and a12 = 1 during the read command at t0, and the write command at t6. don t care transitioning data t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 ck ck # command 1 nop nop nop nop nop write nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop t wpst t rpre t wpre t rpst dqs, dqs# dq 3 wl = 5 t wr t wtr read do n do n + 1 do n + 2 do n + 3 do n + 4 do n + 5 do n + 6 do n + 7 di n di n + 1 di n + 2 di n + 3 di n + 4 di n + 5 di n + 6 di n + 7 read-to-write command delay = rl + t ccd + 2 t ck - wl t bl = 4 clocks add ress 2 bank, col b bank, col n rl = 5 figure 63 - read (bl8) to write (bl8)
logic devices incorporated 113 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. the bc4 otf setting is activated by mr0[1:0] and a12 = 0 during read command at t0 and write command at t4. 3. do n = data-out from column n; di n = data-in from column b. 4. bc4, rl = 5 (al - 0, cl = 5), wl = 5 (al = 0, cwl = 5). don t care transitioning data t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 ck ck# add ress 2 bank, col n bank, col b command 1 read nop nop nop write nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop t wpst t wpre t rpst dqs, dqs# dq 3 wl = 5 read-to-write command delay = rl + t cc d/2 + 2 t ck - wl t wr t wtr t bl = 4 clo cks t rpre rl = 5 do n do n+ 1 do n+ 2 do n + 3 di n di n + 1 di n + 2 di n+ 3 figure 64 - read (bc4) to write (bc4) otf
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. the bl8 setting is activated by either mr0[1:0] = 00 or mr0[1:0] = 01 and a12 = 1 during the read command at t0, and the write command at t6. 3. do n = data-out from column, di b = data-in for column b. 4. bl8, rl = 5 (al = 0, cl = 5), wl = 5 (al = 0, cwl = 5). don t care transitioning data t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 ck ck # command 1 nop nop nop nop nop write nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop t wpst t rpre t wpre t rpst dqs, dqs# dq 3 wl = 5 t wr t wtr read do n do n + 1 do n + 2 do n + 3 do n + 4 do n + 5 do n + 6 do n + 7 di n di n + 1 di n + 2 di n + 3 di n + 4 di n + 5 di n + 6 di n + 7 read-to-write command delay = rl + t ccd + 2 t ck - wl t bl = 4 clocks add ress 2 bank, col b bank, col n rl = 5 figure 65 - read to precharge (bl8)
logic devices incorporated 115 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product ck ck# don t care transitioning data t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 command nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop act nop nop nop nop nop read nop pre add ress bank a, col n bank a, (or all) bank a, row b t rp t rtp dqs, dqs# dq do n do n+ 1 do n+ 2 do n+ 3 t ras figure 66 - read to precharge (bc4)
logic devices incorporated 116 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product ck ck# command dq dqs, dqs# active n t0 t1 dont care nop nop t6 t12 nop read n t13 nop do n+ 3 do n + 2 do n + 1 rl = al + cl = 11 t14 nop do n t rcd (min) al = 5 cl = 6 t11 bc4 indicates a break in time scale transitioning data t2 nop figure 67 - read to precharge (al = 5, cl = 6)
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product ck ck # command nop nop nop nop add ress dq dqs, dqs# don t care transitioning data nop nop nop nop nop t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 ta0 t rtp (min) nop read nop al = 4 nop nop cl = 6 nop t ras (min) act indicates a break in time scale t rp bank a, col n bank a, row b do n do n+ 1 do n+ 2 do n+ 3 figure 68 - read with auto precharge (al = 4, cl = 6)
logic devices incorporated 118 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product $'46[wr'4rxwsxwwlplqjlvvkrzqlq)ljxuh7kh'4wudqv lwlrqvehwzhhqydolggdwdrxwsxwvpxvwehzlwklq t '464riwkhfurvvlqjsrlqwri/>8@'46[ />8@'46[?'46pxvwdovrpdlqwdlqdplqlpxp+,*+dqg/2:wlph ri t 46+dqg t 46/3ulruwrwkh5($'suhdpeohwkh'4edoovzloohlwkhuehi ordwlqjru whuplqdwhgghshqglqjrqwkhvwdwxvriwkh2'7vljqdo )ljxuhvkrzvwkhvwurehwrforfnwlplqjgxulqjd5($'7kh furvvlqjsrlqw'46['46[?pxvwwudqvlwlrqzlwk? t '46&.riwkhforfnfurvvlqjsrlqw7kh gdwdrxwkdvqrwlplqjuhodwlrqvklswrforfnrqo\wr'46dvv krzqlq)ljxuh )ljxuhdovrvkrzvwkh5($'suhdpeohdqgsrvwdpeoh1rupdoo\ erwk'46[dqg'46[?duh+,*+=wrvdyhsrzhu 9 dd 4 3ulruwrgdwdrxwsxwiurpwkh 6'5$0'46[lvgulyhq/2:dqg'46[?gulyhq+,*+iru t 535(7klvlvnqrzqdvwkh5($'suhdpeoh 7kh5($'srvwdpeoh t 5367lvrqhkdoiforfniurpwkhodvw/>8@'46[/>8@'46[?wudqv lwlrq'xulqjwkh5($'srvwdpeoh/>8@'46[lvgulyhq/2:dqg/ >8@ '46[?gulyhq+,*+:khqfrpsohwhwkh'4zloohlwkhuehglvdeo hgruzloofrqwlqxhwhuplqdwlqjghshqglqjrqwkhvwdwhriwkh2 '7vljqdo)ljxuhghprq - vwudwhvkrzwrphdvxuh t 5367 read
logic devices incorporated 119 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. the bl8 setting is activated by either mr0[1, 0] = 0, 0 or mr0[0, 1] = 0, 1 and a12 = 1 during read command at t0. 3. do n = data-out from column n. 4. bl8, rl = 5 (al = 0, cl = 5). 5. output timings are referenced to v cc q/2 and dll on and locked. 6. t dqsq defines the skew between dqs, dqs# to data and does not define dqs, dqs# to clock. 7. early data transitions may not always happen at the same dq. data transitions of a dq can vary (either early or late) within a burst. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 bank, col n t rpst nop read nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ck ck# command 1 add ress 2 t dqsq (max) dqs, dqs# dq 3 (last data valid) dq 3 (first data no lon ger valid) all dq collectively do n do n+ 3 do n + 2 do n+ 1 do n+ 7 do n+ 6 do n+ 5 do n+ 4 do n + 2 do n+ 1 do n+ 7 do n + 6 do n+ 5 do n+ 4 do n+ 3 do n+ 2 do n+ 1 do n do n+ 7 do n+ 6 do n+ 5 do n do n + 3 t rpre don t care transitioning data data valid data valid t qh t qh t hz (dq) max do n+ 4 rl = al + cl t dqsq (max) t lz (dq) min figure 69 - data output timing ? t dqsq and data valid window
logic devices incorporated 120 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t +=dqg t /=wudqvlwlrqvrffxulqwkhvdphdffhvvwlphdvydolggdwdwudq vlwlrqv7khvhsdudphwhuvduhuhihuhqfhgwrdvshflilfyrowdjh ohyhozklfkvshflilhv zkhqwkhghylfhrxwsxwlvqrorqjhugulylqj t += '46 dqg t += '4 ruehjlqvgulylqj t /= '46  t /= '4 )ljxuhvkrzvdphwkrgwrfdofxodwhwkhsrlqw zkhqwkhghylfhlvqrworqjhugulylqj t += '46 dqg t += '4 ruehjlqvgulylqj t /= '46  t /= '4 e\phdvxulqjwkhvljqdodwwzrgliihuhqwyrowdjhv7kh  dfwxdoyrowdjhphdvxuhphqwsrlqwv duhqrwfulwlfdodvorqjdvw khfdofxodwlrqlvfrqvlvwhqw7khsdudphwhuv t /= '46  t /= '4  t += '46 dqg t += '4 duh ghilqhgdvvlqjohhqghg output timing
logic devices incorporated 121 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product rl measured to this point dqs, dqs# early strobe ck t dqsck (min) t lz (dqs) min t hz (dqs) min dqs, dqs# late strobe t dqsck (max) t lz (dqs) max t hz (dqs) max t dqsck (min) t dqsck (min) t dqsck (max) t dqsck (max) t dqsck (max) t dqsck (min) ck# t rpre t qsh t qsl t qsl t qsl t qsl t qsh t qsh t qsh bit 0 bit 1 bit 2 bit 7 t rpre bit 0 bit 1 bit 2 bit 7 bit 6 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 4 bit 3 bit 5 t rpst t rpst t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t 6 figure 70 - data strobe timing ? reads
logic devices incorporated 122 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product notes: 1. within a burst, the rising strobe edge is not necessarily fixed at t dqsck (min) or t dqsck (max). instead, the rising strobe edge can vary between t dqsck (min) and t dqsck (max). 2. the dqs high pulse width is defined by t qsh, and the dqs low pulse width is defined by t qsl. likewise, t lz (dqs) min and t hz (dqs) min are not tied to t dqsck (min) (early strobe case) and t lz (dqs) max and t hz (dqs) max are not tied to t dqsck (max) (late strobe case); however, they tend to track one another. 3. the minimum pulse width of the read preamble is defined by t rpre (min). the minimum pulse width of the read postamble is defined by t rpst (min). t hz (dqs), t hz (dq) t hz (dqs), t hz (dq) end point = 2 t1 - t2 v oh - xmv v tt - xmv v ol + xmv v tt + xmv v oh - 2xmv v tt - 2xmv v ol + 2xmv v tt + 2xmv t lz (dqs), t lz (dq) t lz (dqs), t lz (dq) begin point = 2 t1 - t2 t1 t1 t2 t2 figure 71 - method for calculating t lz and t hz
logic devices incorporated 123 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 72 - t rpre t iming t rpre dqs - dqs# dqs dqs# t1 t rpre begins t2 t rpre ends ck ck # v tt resultin g differential signal relevant for t rpre specification t c t a t b t d 0v v tt v tt single-ended signal, provided as background information single-ended signal, provided as background information f igure 73 - t rpst t iming t rpst dqs - dqs# dqs dqs# t1 t rpst begins t2 t rpst ends resultin g differential signal relevant for t rpst specification ck ck # v tt t c t a t b t d single-ended signal, provided as background information 0v v tt v tt single-ended signal, provided as background information
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 74 - t wpre t iming dqs - dqs# t1 t wpre begins t2 t wpre ends t wpre resulting differential signal relevant for t wpre specification 0v ck ck# v tt f igure 75 - t wpst t iming t wpst dqs - dqs# t1 t wpst begins t2 t wpst ends resulting differential signal relevant for t wpst specification 0v ck ck # v tt
logic devices incorporated 125 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product write :5,7(exuvwvduhlqlwldwhgzlwkd:5,7(frppdqg7khvwduwlqj &2/801dqg%$1.dgguhvvhvduhsurylghgzlwkwkh:5,7(frppdqg dqg$87235( - &+$5*(lvvhohfwhgwkh52:ehlqjdffhvvhgzlooeh35(&+$5*('d wwkhhqgri:5,7(exuvw,i$87235(&+$5*(lvqrwvhohfwhgw kh52:zloouhpdlq rshqiruvxevhtxhqwdffhvvhv$iwhud:5,7(frppdqgkdvehhql vvxhgwkh:5,7(exuvwpd\qrwehlqwhuuxswhg)ruwkhjhqhulf :5,7(frppdqgvxvhg lq)ljxuhwkrxjk)ljxuh$87235(&+$5*(lvglvdeohg 'xulqj:5,7(exuvwvwkhiluvwydolggdwdlqhohphqwlvuhjlvwh uhgrqdulvlqjhgjhri'46[iroorzlqjwkh:5,7(/$7(1&< :/ f orfnvodwhudqgvxevhtxhqw gdwdhohphqwvzlooehuhjlvwhuhgrqvxffhvvlyhhgjhvri'46[ :5,7(/$7(1&< :/ lvghilqhgdvwkhvxpri3267('&$6$'',7,9( /$7(1&< $/ dqg &$6:5,7(/$7(1&< &:/ :/ $/&:/7khydoxhvri$/dqg& :/duhsurjudpphglqwkh05dqg05uhjlvwhuvuhvshfwlyho\ 3ulruwrwkhiluvw ydolg'46[hgjhdixoof\fohlvqhhghg lqfoxglqjdgxpp\furv vryhuri'46['46[? dqgvshflilhgdvwkh:5,7(suhdpeohvkrzq lq)ljxuh7khkdoi f\fohrq'46[iroorzlqjwkhodvwgdwdlqhohphqwlvnqrzqdvwk h:5,7(srvwdpeoh 7khwlphehwzhhqwkh:5,7(frppdqgdqgwkhiluvwydolghgjhri '46[lv:/forfnv? t '466)ljxuhwkurxjk)ljxuhvkrzwkhqrplqdofdvhzkhuh t '466 qvkrzhyhu)ljxuhlqfoxghv t '466 0,1 dqg t '466 0$; fdvhv 'dwdpd\ehpdvnhgiurpfrpsohwlqjd:5,7(xvlqjgdwdpdvn7k hpdvnrffxuvrqwkh'0edoodoljqhgwrwkh:5,7(gdwd,i'0 lv/2:wkh:5,7( frpsohwhvqrupdoo\,i'0lv+,*+wkdwelwrigdwdlvpdvnhg 8srqfrpsohwlrqridexuvwdvvxplqjqrrwkhufrppdqgvkdyhehh qlqlwldwhgwkh'4zloouhpdlq+,*+=dqgdq\dgglwlrqdolqsxw gdwdzlooehljqruhg 'dwdirudq\:5,7(exuvwpd\ehfrqfdwhqdwhgzlwkdvxevhtxhqw :5,7(frppdqgwrsurylghdfrqwlqxrxviorzrilqsxwgdwd7kh qhz:5,7(frppdqg fdqeh t &&'forfnviroorzlqjwkhsuhylrxv:5,7(frppdqg7khiluvwgdw dhohphqwiurpwkhqhzexuvwlvdssolhgdiwhuwkhodvwhohphqw ridfrpsohwhgexuvw  )ljxuhvdqgvkrzfrqfdwhqdwhgexuvwv$qh[dpsohriqrqf rqvhfxwlyh:5,7(6lvvkrzqlq)ljxuh 'dwdirudq\:5,7(exuvwpd\ehiroorzhge\dvxevhtxhqw5($'f rppdqgdiwhu t :75kdvehhqphw vhh)ljxuhvdqg  'dwdirudq\:5,7(exuvwpd\ehiroorzhge\dvxevhtxhqw35(&+$ 5*(frppdqgsurylglqj t :5kdvehhqphwdvvkrzqlq)ljxuhdqg)ljxuh both t :75dqg t :5vwduwlqjwlphpd\ydu\ghshqglqjrqwkhprghuhjlvwhuvhwwlq jv il[hg%&%/yv27) 
logic devices incorporated 126 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 76 - w rite b urst notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. the bl8 setting is activated by either mr0[1:0] = 00 or mr0[1:0] = 01 and a12 = 1 during the write command at t0. 3. di n = data-in for column n. 4. bl8, wl = 5 (al = 0, cwl = 5). 5. t dqss must be met at each rising clock edge. 6. t wpst is usually depicted as ending at the crossing of dqs, dqs#; however, t wpst actually ends when dqs no longer drives low and dqs# no longer drives high. di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 don t care transitioning data di n + 7 di n + 6 di n + 5 di n + 4 bank, col n nop write nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ck ck# c ommand 1 dq 3 dqs, dqs# add ress 2 t wpst t wpre t wpst t dqsl dq 3 dq 3 t wpst dqs, dqs# dqs, dqs# t dqsl t wpre t dqss t dqss t dsh t dsh t dsh t dsh t dss t dss t dss t dss t dss t dss t dss t dss t dss t dss t dsh t dsh t dsh t dsh t dqsl t dqsh t dqsl t dqsh t dqsl t dqsh t dqsh t dqsl t dqsl t dqsl t dqsl t dqsh t dqsh t dqsh t dqsh t dqsl t dqsh t dqsl t dqsh t dqsh t dqsl t dqsh t dqsl t dqsh t dqsl t dqsh t dqsh wl = al + cwl t dqss (min) t dqss (nom) t dqss (max) t dqsl t wpre di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n di n + 7 di n + 6 di n + 5 di n + 4 di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n di n + 7 di n + 6 di n + 5 di n + 4
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 77 - c onsecutive write (bl8) to write (bl8) notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. the bl8 setting is activated by either mr0[1:0] = 00 or mr0[1:0] = 01 and a12 = 1 during the write commands at t0 and t4. 3. di n (or b) = data-in for column n (or column b). 4. bl8, wl = 5 (al = 0, cwl = 5). wl = 5 wl = 5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t ccd t wpre t10 t11 don t care transitioning data t12 t13 t14 valid valid nop write write nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ck ck# command 1 dq 3 dqs, dqs# add ress 2 t wpst t wr t wtr t bl = 4 clocks di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n di n + 7 di n + 6 di n + 5 di n + 4 di b + 3 di b + 2 di b + 1 di b di b + 7 di b + 6 di b + 5 di b + 4 f igure 78 - c onsecutive write (bc4) to write (bc4) via mrs or otf notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. bc4, wl = 5 (al = 0, cwl = 5). 3. di n (or b) = data-in for column n (or column b). 4. the bc4 setting is activated by mr0[1:0] = 01 and a12 = 0 during the write command at t0 and t4. wl = 5 wl = 5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t ccd t wpre t10 t11 don t care transitioning data t12 t13 t14 vali d vali d nop write write nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ck ck# command 1 dq 3 dqs, dqs# address 2 t wpst t wr t wtr t wpst t wpre di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n di b + 3 di b + 2 di b + 1 di b t bl = 4 clo cks
logic devices incorporated 128 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 79 - n onconsecutive write to write notes: 1. di n (or b) = data-in for column n (or column b). 2. seven subsequent elements of data-in are applied in the programmed order following do n. 3. each write command may be to any bank. 4. shown for wl = 7 (cwl = 7, al = 0). ck ck# c ommand nop nop nop add ress dq dm dqs, dqs# transitioning data nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 nop write nop write vali d vali d nop di n di n + 1 di n + 2 di n + 3 di n + 4 di n + 5 di n + 6 don't care di n + 7 di b di b + 1 di b + 2 di b + 3 di b + 4 di b + 5 di b + 6 di b + 7 wl = c wl + al = 7 wl = c wl + al = 7 f igure 80 - write (bl8) to read (bl8) notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. t wtr controls the write-to-read delay to the same device and starts with the first rising clock edge after the last write data shown at t9. 3. the bl8 setting is activated by either mr0[1:0] = 00 or mr0[1:0] = 01 and mr0[12] = 1 during the write command at t0. the read command at ta0 can be either bc4 or bl8, depending on mr0[1:0] and the a12 status at ta0. 4. di n = data-in for column n. 5. rl = 5 (al = 0, cl = 5), wl = 5 (al = 0, cwl = 5). wl = 5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t wpre t10 t11 don t care transitioning data ta0 nop write read vali d vali d nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ck ck# command 1 dq 4 dqs, dqs# add ress 3 t wpst t wtr 2 indicates a break in time scale di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n di n + 7 di n + 6 di n + 5 di n + 4
logic devices incorporated 129 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 81 - write to read (bc4 m ode r egister s etting ) notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustrati on; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. t wtr controls the write-to-read delay to the same device and starts with the first rising clock edge after the last write data shown at t7. 3. the fixed bc4 setting is activated by mr0[1:0] = 10 during the write command at t0 and the read command at ta0. 4. di n = data-in for column n. 5. bc4 (fixed), wl = 5 (al = 0, cwl = 5), rl = 5 (al = 0, cl = 5). wl = 5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 ta0 don t care transitioning data nop write vali d read vali d p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n nop ck ck# command 1 dq 4 dqs, dqs# add ress 3 t wpst t wtr 2 t wpre indicates a break in time scale di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n
logic devices incorporated 130 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 82 - write (bc4 otf) to read (bc4 otf) notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. t wtr controls the write-to -read delay to the same device and starts after t bl. 3. the bc4 otf setting is activated by mr0[1:0] = 01 and a 12 = 0 during the write command at t0 and the read command at tn. 4. di n = data-in for column n. 5. bc4, rl = 5 (al = 0, cl = 5), wl = 5 (al = 0, cwl = 5). wl = 5 rl = 5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t wpre t10 t11 don t care transitioning data tn nop write read vali d vali d nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ck ck# c ommand 1 dq 4 dqs, dqs# add ress 3 t wpst t bl = 4 clo cks nop t wtr 2 indicates a break in time scale di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n
logic devices incorporated 131 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 83 - write (bl8) to precharge notes: 1. di n = data-in from column n. 2. seven subsequent elements of data-in are applie d in the programmed order following do n. 3. shown for wl = 7 (al = 0, cwl = 7). t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 ta0 ta1 di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n di n + 6 di n + 7 di n + 5 di n + 4 nop write vali d nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop pre ck ck # c ommand dq bl8 dqs, dqs# add ress don t care transitioning data indicates a break in time scale t wr wl = al + cwl vali d f igure 84 - write (bc4 m ode r egister s etting ) to precharge notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. the write recovery time ( t wr) is referenced from the first rising clock edge after the last write data is shown at t7. t wr specifies the last burst write cycle until the precharge command can be issued to the same bank. 3. the fixed bc4 setting is activated by mr0[ 1:0] = 10 during the write command at t0. 4. di n = data-in for column n. 5. bc4 (fixed), wl = 5, rl = 5. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 ta0 ta1 di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n nop write vali d nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop pre ck ck # comman d dq bc4 dqs, dqs# add ress don t care transitioning data indicates a break in time scale t wr wl = al + cwl vali d
logic devices incorporated 132 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 85 - write (bc4 otf) to precharge notes: 1. nop commands are shown for ease of illustration; other commands may be valid at these times. 2. the write recovery time ( t wr) is referenced from the rising clock edge at t9. t wr specifies the last burst write cycle until the precharge command can be issued to the same bank. 3. the bc4 setting is activated by mr0[1:0] = 01 and a12 = 0 during the write command at t0. 4. di n = data-in for column n. 5. bc4 (otf), wl = 5, rl = 5. wl = 5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t 5 t6 t 7 t8 t9 t n don t care transitioning data bank, col n nop write pre nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ck ck# command 1 dq 4 dqs, dqs # add ress 3 t wpst t wpre indicates a break in time scale di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n t wr 2 valid dq input timing f igure 86 - d ata i nput t iming t dh t ds dm dq di b dq s , dqs# d on t ca r e tr a nsi t ioning data t dqsh t dqsl t wpre t wp s t phpru\frqwuroohudiwhuwkhodvwgdwdlvzulwwhqwrwkh6'5$0g xulqjwkh :5,7(srvwdpeoh t :367 'dwdvhwxsdqgkrogwlphvduhvkrzqlq)ljxuh$oovhwxsdq gkrogwlphv duhphdvxuhgiurpwkhfurvvlqjsrlqwvri'46[dqg'46[?7khvh vhwxs dqgkrogydoxhvshuwdlqwrgdwdlqsxwdqggdwdpdvnlqsxw $gglwlrqdoo\wkhkdoishulrgriwkhgdwdlqsxwvwurehlvvshfl ilhge\ t '46+ and t dqsl. )ljxuhvkrzvwkhvwurehwrforfnwlplqjgxulqjd:5,7('46 ['46[? pxvwwudqvlwlrqzlwklq t &.riwkhforfnwudqvlwlrqvdvolplwhge\ t dqss. $oogdwddqggdwdpdvnvhwxsdqgkrogwlplqjvduhphdvxuhguhod wlyhwrwkh '46['46[?furvvlqjvqrwwkhforfnfurvvlqj 7kh:5,7(suhdpeohdqgsrvwdpeohduhdovrvkrzq2qhforfnsul ruwr gdwdlqsxwwrwkh6'5$0'46[pxvweh+,*+dqg'46[?pxvweh/2 :  7khqirudkdoiforfn'46[lvgulyhq/2: '46[?lvgulyhq+,*+ gxulqj wkh:5,7(suhdpeoh t :35(olnhzlvh'46[pxvwehnhsw/2:e\wkh
logic devices incorporated 133 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product precharge ,qsxw$ghwhuplqhvzkhwkhu rqhedqnrudooedqnv duhwreh35 (&+$5*('dqglqwkhfdvhzkhuh rqo\rqhedqnlvwrehsuhfkdujh glqsxwv%$>@vhohfw wkhduud\%$1. :khqdooedqnvduhwreh35(&+$5*('lqsxwv%$>@duhwuhdwhg dvv'rquw&duhw$iwhudedqnlv35(&+$5*('lwlvlqwkh,'/ (6wdwhdqgpxvweh $&7,9$7('sulruwrdq\5($'ru:5,7(frppdqgvehlqjlvvxhg self refresh 7kh6(/)5()5(6+frppdqglvlqlwldwhgolnhd5()5(6+frppdqgh[ fhsw&.(lv/2:7kh'//lvdxwrpdwlfdoo\glvdeohgxsrqhqwhul qj6(/)5()5(6+ dqglvdxwrpdwlfdoo\hqdeohgdqguhvhwxsrqh[lwlqj6(/)5()5(6 +$oosrzhuvxsso\lqsxwv lqfoxglqj9 5()&$ dqg9 5()'4 pxvwehpdlqwdlqhgdwydolg ohyhovxsrqhqwu\h[lwdqggxulqj6(/)5()5(6+prghrshudwlrq 9 5()'4 pd\iordwruqrwgulyh9 dd 4zklohlqwkh6(/)5()5(6+prghxqghufhuwdlq frqglwlrqv x9vv9 5()'4 9 dd lvpdlqwdlqhg x9 5()'4 lvydolgdqgvwdeohsulruwr&.(jrlqjedfn+,*+ x7khiluvw:5,7(rshudwlrqpd\qrwrffxuhduolhuwkdqforf nvdiwhu9 5()'4 lvydolg x$oorwkhu6(/)5()5(6+prghh[lwwlplqjuhtxluhphqwvduhphw 7kh6'5$0pxvwehlgohzlwkdoo%$1.6lqwkh35(&+$5*(vwdwh t 53lvvdwlvilhgdqgqrexuvwvduhlqsurjuhvv ehiruhd6(/)5( )5(6+hqwu\frppdqg fdqehlvvxhg2'7pxvwdovrehwxuqhgriiehiruh6(/)5()5(6+ hqwu\e\uhjlvwhulqjwkh2'7edoo/2:sulruwrwkh6(/)5()5(6 +hqwu\frppdqg vhh v2q'lh7huplqdwlrq 2'7 iruwlplqjuhtxluhphqwv ,i5 tt _nom and r tt b:5duhglvdeohglqwkhprghuhjlvwhuv2'7fdqehdv'rquw&du hw$iwhuwkh6(/) 5()5(6+hqwu\frppdqglvuhjlvwhuhg&.(pxvwehkhog/2:wrnh hswkh6'5$0lq6(/)5()5(6+prgh $iwhuwkh6'5$0kdvhqwhuhg6(/)5()5(6+prghdooh[whuqdofrq wurovljqdovh[fhsw&.(dqg5(6(7?ehfrphv'rquw&duhw7kh 6'5$0lqlwldwhvd plqlpxprirqh5()5(6+frppdqglqwhuqdoo\zlwklqwkh t &.(shulrgzkhqlwhqwhuv6(/)5()5(6+prgh 7khuhtxluhphqwviruhqwhulqjdqgh[lwlqj6(/)5()5(6+prghghs hqgrqwkhvwdwhriwkhforfngxulqj6(/)5()5(6+prgh)luvw dqgiruhprvwwkhforfn pxvwehvwdeoh phhwlqj t &.vshflilfdwlrqv zkhq6(/)5()5(6+prghlvhqwhuhg,iwkhf orfnuhpdlqvvwdeohdqgwkhiuhtxhqf\lqqrwdowhuhgzklohlq6 (/) 5()5(6+prghwkhqwkh6'5$0lvdoorzhgwrh[lw6(/)5()5(6+di whu t &.(65lvvdwlvilhg &.(lvdoorzhgwrwudqvlwlrq+,*+ t &.(65odwhuwkdqzkhq &.(zdvuhjlvwhuhg/2: 6lqfhwkhforfnuhpdlqvvwdeohlq6(/ )5()5(6+prgh qriuhtxhqf\fkdqjh  t &.65(dqg t &.65;duhqrwuhtxluhg+rzhyhu liwkhforfnlvdowhuhggxulqj6(/)5()5(6+prghwkhq t &.65(dqg t &.65;pxvwehvdwlvilhg:khqhqwhulqj6(/)5()5(6+ t &.65(pxvwehvdwlvilhg sulruwrdowhulqjwkhforfnuviuhtxhqf\3ulruwrh[lwlqj6(/) 5()5(6+ t &.65;pxvwehvdwlvilhgsulruwruhjlvwhulqj&.(+,*+ :khq&.(lv+,*+gxulqj6(/)5()5(6+h[lw123ru'(6pxvwehl vvxhgiru t ;6wlph t ;6lvuhtxluhgiruwkhfrpsohwlrqridq\lqwhuqdo5()5(6+wkdw lvdouhdg\lqsurjuhvvdqgpxvwehvdwlvilhgehiruhdydolgfrp pdqgqrwuhtxlulqjdorfnhg'//fdqehlvvxhgwrwkhghylfh t ;6lvdovrwkhhduolhvwwlphwkdwd 6(/)5()5(6+uhhqwu\pd\rffxu vhh)ljxuh %hiruhdfrpp dqguhtxlulqjdorfnhg'//fdqehdssolhgd=4&/frppdqgpxvw ehlvvxhg t =423(5 wlplqjpxvwehphwdqg t ;6'//pxvwehvdwlvilhg2'7pxvwehriigxulqj t ;6'//
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 87 - s elf r efresh e ntry /e xit t iming notes: 1. the clock must be valid and stable meeting t ck specifications at least t cksre after entering self refresh mode, and at least t cksrx prior to exiting self refresh mode, if the clock is stopped or altered between states ta0 and tb0. if the clock remains valid and unchanged from entry and during self refresh mode, then t cksre and t cksrx do not apply; however, t ckesr must be satisfied prior to exiting at srx. 2. odt must be disabled and r tt off prior to entering self re fresh at state t1. if both r tt _ nom and r tt _ wr are disabled in the mode registers, odt can be a dont care. 3. self refresh entry (sre) is synchronous via a refresh command with cke low. 4. a nop or des command is required at t2 after the sre command is issued prior to the inputs becoming dont care. 5. nop or des commands are required prior to exiting self refresh mode until state te0. 6. t xs is required before any commands not requiring a locked dll. 7. t xsdll is required before any commands requiring a locked dll. 8. the device must be in the all banks idle state prior to entering self refresh mode. for exam- ple, all banks must be precharged, t rp must be met, and no data bursts can be in progress. 9. self refresh exit is asynchronous; however, t xs and t xsdll timings start at the first rising clock edge where cke high satisfies t isxr at tc1. t cksrx timing is also measured so that t isxr is satisfied at tc1. ck ck # command nop nop 4 sre(ref) 3 add ress ck e odt 2 reset# 2 vali d vali d 6 srx (nop) nop 5 t rp 8 t xs 6 , 9 t xs dll 7, 9 odtl t is t cpded t is t is enter self refresh mode (synchronous) exit self refresh mode (asynchronous) t0 t1 t2 tc 0 tc1 td0 tb 0 don t care te0 vali d vali d 7 vali d vali d vali d t ih ta0 tf0 indicates a break in time scale t cksrx 1 t cksre 1 t ckesr (min) 1
logic devices incorporated 135 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 6hoi5hiuhvk7hpshudwxuh 657 extended temperature usage /2*,&'hylfhv,qfl02'''56'5$0prgxohvxssruwvwkhrswlrqdo h[whqghgwhpshudwxuhudqjhxswr d ?&zklohvxssruwlqj6(/)5()5(6+$872 5()5(6+dqgvxssruw7 $ whpshudwxuhv!?& d ?&zlwk0$18$/5()5(6+rqo\:khqxvlqj6(/)5()5(6+$8725 ()5(6+dqgwkhdpelhqw whpshudwxuhlv!?&657dqg$65rswlrqvpxvwehxvhg 7khh[whqghgudqjhwhpshudwxuhudqjh6'5$0pxvweh5()5(6+('h[ whuqdoo\dw;dq\wlphwkhdpelhqwwhpshudwxuhlv!?&7khh [whuqdo5()5(6+ - ,1*uhtxluhphqwlvdffrpsolvkhge\uhgxflqjwkh5()5(6+3(5,2' iurppvwrpv6(/)5()5(6+prghuhtxluhvwkhxvhri$65r u657wrvxssruw wkhh[whqghgwhpshudwxuh field mr2 bits description srt asr t able 63: self refresh t emperature and auto self refresh d escription ,i$65lvglvdeohg 05>@  657pxvwehsurjudpphgwrlqglfd wh t 23(5gxulqj6(/)5()5(6+ 05>@ 1rupdorshudwlqjwhpshudwxuhudqjh ?&wr d 85 ?& 05>@ ([whqghgrshudwlqjwhpshudwxuhudqjh !?&wr d 105 ?& ,i$65lvhqdeohg 05>@  657pxvwehvhwwrhyhqliwkh h[whqghgwhpshudwxuhudqjhlvvxssruwhg 05>@ 657lvglvdeohg :khq$65lvhqdeohgwkh6'5$0dxwrpdwlfdoo\surylghv6(/)5()5 (6+srzhupdqdjhphqwixqfwlrqv uhiuhvkudwh irudoovxssruwhgrshudwlqjwhpshudwxuhydoxhv 05>@ $65lvhqdeohg 0pxvw  :khq$65lvqrwhqdeohgwkh657elwpxvwehsurjudpphgwrlqgl fdwh t 23(5gxulqj6(/)5()5(6+rshudwlrq 05>@ $65lvglvdeohgpxvwxvhpdqxdo6(/)5()5(6+ 657  6 $xwr6hoi5hiuhvk $65 self refresh operation 0 0 1 1 t able 64: self refresh m ode s ummary 6(/)5()5(6+0rghlvvxssruwhglqwkhqrupdowhpshudwxuhudqjh 6(/)5()5(6+0rghlvvxssruwhglqqrupdodqgh[whqghg d 95 ?&0$;  whpshudwxuhudqjhv:khq657lvhqdeohglwlqfuhdvhvvhoiuhiu hvksrzhu frqvxpswlrq 6hoiuhiuhvkprghlvvxssruwhglqqrupdodqgh[whqghgwhpshudwx uhudqjhv 6hoiuhiuhvksrzhufrqvxpswlrqpd\ehwhpshudwxuhghshqghqw illegal. 0 1 0 1 permitted operating temperature range for self refresh mode mr2[7] (srt) mr2[6] (asr) 1rupdo ?&wr?&  1rupdodqgh[whqghg ?&wr?& 1rupdodqgh[whqghg ?&wr?& power-down mode 3rzhugrzqlvv\qfkurqrxvo\hqwhuhgzkhq&.(lvuhjlvwhuhg/2: frlqflghqwzlwkd123ru'(6frppdqg&.(lvqrwdoorzhgwrjr /2:zklohhlwkhudq 056035=4&$/5($'ru:5,7(rshudwlrqlvlqsurjuhvv&.(l vdoorzhgwrjr/2:zklohdq\riwkhrwkhuohjdorshudwlrqvduh lqsurjuhvv+rzhyhuwkh 32:(5'2:1, dd vshflilfdwlrqvduhqrwdssolfdeohxqwlovxfkrshudwlrqvkdyhe hhqfrpsohwhg'hshqglqjrqwkhsuhylrxv6'5$0vwdwhdqgwkhf rppdqg lvvxhgsulruwr&.(jrlqj/2:fhuwdlqwlplqjfrqvwudlqwvpxvw ehvdwlvilhg dvqrwhglq7deoh 7lplqjgldjudpvghwdlolqj wkhgliihuhqw32:(5'2:1 prghhqwu\dqgh[lwvduhvkrzqlq)ljxuhwkurxjk)ljxuh
logic devices incorporated 136 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product idle or active idle or active active active active active active idle power-down idle t able 65: command to power-down e ntry p arameters t $&73'(1 t 353'(1 t 5'3'(1 t :53'(1 t :5$3'(1 t 5()3'(1 t ;3'// t 0563'(1 $&7,9$7( 35(&+$5*( 5($'ru5($'$3 :5,7(%/27)%/056%&27) :5,7(%&056 :5,7($3%/27)%/056%&27) :5,7($3%&056 5()5(6+ 5()5(6+ 02'(5(*,67(56(7 last command prior to cke low 1 1 t &. 1 t &. 5/  t &. t &. :/ t &. t :5 t &. :/ t &. t :5 t &. :/ t &.:5 t &. :/ t &.:5 t &. 1 t &. *uhdwhuri t &.ruqv t mod figure 95 figure 96 figure 91 figure 92 figure 92 figure 93 figure 93 )ljxuh figure 98 )ljxuh sdram status parameter (min) parameter value figure (qwhulqj32:(5'2:1prghglvdeohvwkhlqsxwdqgrxwsxwexiihuv h[foxglqj&.&.?2'7&.(dqg5(6(7?123ru'(6frppdqgvd uhuhtxluhgxqwlo t &3'('kdvehhqvdwlvilhgdwzklfkwlphdoovshflilhglqsxwrxw sxwexiihuvzlooehglvdeohg7kh'//vkrxogehlqdorfnhgvw dwhzkhq32:(5'2:1lv hqwhuhgiruwkhidvwhvwprghwlplqj,iwkh'//lvqrworfnhg gxulqjwkh32:(5'2:1hqwu\wkh'//pxvwehuhvhwdiwhuh[lwlq j32:(5'2:1irusurshu 5($'rshudwlrqdvzhoodvv\qfkurqrxv2'7rshudwlrq 'xulqj32:(5'2:1hqwu\lidq\edqnuhpdlqvrshqdiwhudoolq surjuhvvfrppdqgvduhfrpsohwhwkh6'5$0zlooehlq$&7,9(32: (5'2:1,idoo edqnvduhforvhgdiwhudoolqsurjuhvvfrppdqgvduhfrpsohwhw kh6'5$0zlooehlq35(&+$5*(32:(5'2:1prghruidvw(;,7prgh :khqhqwhulqj 35(&+$5*(32:(5'2:1wkh'//lvwxuqhgriilqvorzh[lwprghr unhswrqlqidvw(;,7prgh 7kh'//uhpdlqvrqzkhqhqwhulqj$&7,9(32:(5'2:1dvzhoo2' 7kdvvshfldowlplqjfrqvwudlqwvzkhqvorz(;,7prgh35(&+$5*( 32:(5 '2:1lvhqdeohgdqghqwhuhg5hihuwrv$v\qfkurqrxv2'70rghw irughwdlohg2'7xvdjhuhtxluhphqwvlqvorz(;,7prgh35(&+$5*( 32:(5'2:1  $vxppdu\riwkhwzr32:(5'2:1prghvlvolvwhglq7deoh :klohlqhlwkhu32:(5'2:1vwdwh&.(lvkhog/2:5(6(7?lvkh og+,*+dqgdvwdeohforfnvljqdopxvwehpdlqwdlqhg2'7pxv wehlqdydolgvwdwhexw doorwkhulqsxwvljqdovduhdv'rquw&duhw,i5(6(7?jrhv/2: gxulqj32:(5'2:1wkh6'5$0zloovzlwfkrxwri32:(5'2:1dqg jrlqwrwkh5(6(7 vwdwh$iwhu&.(lvuhjlvwhuhg/2:&.(pxvwuhpdlq/2:xqwlo t 3' 0,1 kdvehhqvdwlvilhg7khpd[lpxpwlphdoorzhgiru32:( 5'2:1gxudwlrqlv t 3' 0$;  [w5(),  7kh32:(5'2:1vwdwhvduhv\qfkurqrxvo\h[lwhgzkhq&.(lvuhjl vwhuhg+,*+ zlwkduhtxluhg123ru'(6frppdqg &.(pxvweh pdlqwdlqhg+,*+ until t &.(kdvehhqvdwlvilhg$ydolgh[hfxwdeohfrppdqgpd\ehdss olhgdiwhu32:(5'2:1(;,7/$7(1&< t ;3 t ;3'//kdyhehhqvdwlvilhg$vxp - pdu\riwkh32:(5'2:1prghvlvolvwhglq7deoh d l l s t a t e $&7,9( dq\edqnrshq 35(&+$5*( dooedqnv35(&+$5*(' t able 66: power-down m odes on on off relevant parameters mr1[12] t ;3wrdq\rwkhuydolg&200$1' t ;3wrdq\rwkhuydolg&200$1' t ;'//wr&200$1'6wkdwuhtxluhwkh'// wrehorfnhg 5($'5'$32'721  t ;3wrdq\rwkhuydolg&200$1' sdram state v'rquw&duhw 1 0 )$67 )$67 6/2: power-down exit
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 88 - a ctive p ower -d own e ntry and e xit ck ck# command nop nop nop nop address cke t ck t ch t cl enter power-down mode exit power-down mode dont care valid valid valid t cpded valid t is t ih t ih t is t0 t1 t2 ta0 ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 nop t xp t cke (min) indicates a break in time scale t pd f igure 89 - p recharge p ower -d own (f ast -e xit m ode ) e ntry and e xit tckemin tckemin ck ck# p o n p o n p o n p o n d n a m m o c cke t ck t ch t cl enter power-down mode exit power-down mode t pd valid t cpded t is t ih t is t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 ta0 ta1 nop dont care indicates a break in time scale t cke (min) t xp
logic devices incorporated 138 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 90 - p recharge p ower -d own (s low -e xit m ode ) e ntry and e xit notes: 1. any valid command not requiring a locked dll. 2. any valid command requiring a locked dll. ck ck# command p o n p o n p o n cke t ck t ch t cl enter power-down mode exit power-down mode t pd valid 2 valid 1 pre t xpdll t cpded t is t ih t is t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 ta ta1 tb nop dont care indicates a break in time scale t xp t cke (min) f igure 91 - p ower -d own e ntry a fter read or read with a uto p recharge (rdap) t0 t1 ta0 ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 ta6 ta7 ta8 ta9 don t care transitioning data ta10 ta11 ta12 nop vali d read/ rdap nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ck ck # c ommand dq bl8 dq bc4 dqs, dqs# add ress ck e t cpded t is t pd power- down or self refresh entry indicates a break in time scale t rdpden di n + 3 di n + 1 di n + 2 di n rl = al + cl di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n di n + 6 di n + 7 di n+ 5 di n + 4
logic devices incorporated 139 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 92 - p ower -d own e ntry a fter write notes: 1. cke can go low 2 t ck earlier if bc4mrs. t0 t1 ta0 ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 ta6 ta7 tb 0 tb 1 tb 2 tb 3 tb 4 nop write valid nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ck ck # command dq bl8 dq bc4 dqs, dqs# add ress ck e t cpded power- down or self refresh entry 1 don t care transitioning data t wrpden di n + 3 di n + 1 di n + 2 di n t pd indicates a break in time scale di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n di n + 6 di n + 7 di n + 5 di n+ 4 t is wl = al + cwl t wr f igure 93 - p ower -d own e ntry a fter write with a uto p recharge (wrap) notes: 1. t wr is programmed through mr0[11:9] and represents t wr (min)ns/ t ck rounded up to the next integer t ck. 2. cke can go low 2 t ck earlier if bc4mrs. t0 t1 ta0 ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 ta 6 ta7 tb 0 tb 1 don t care transitioning data tb 2 tb 3 tb 4 nop wrap vali d nop nop nop ck ck# command dq bl8 dq bc4 dqs, dqs# add ress a10 cke t pd t wrapden power- down or self refresh entry 2 start internal pre char ge t cpded t is indicates a break in time scale di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n di n + 6 di n + 7 di n + 5 di n + 4 di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n wr 1 wl = al + cwl nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 94 - refresh to p ower -d own e ntry notes: 1. after cke goes high during t rfc, cke must remain high until t rfc is satisfied. ck ck# command refresh nop nop nop nop valid cke t ck t ch t cl t cpded t refpden t is t0 t1 t2 t3 ta0 ta1 ta2 tb0 t xp (min) t rfc (min) 1 dont care indicates a break in time scale t cke (min) t pd f igure 95 - activate to p ower -d own e ntry tcke ck ck# c omm a nd a ddr e ss ac t iv e n op n op ck e t ck t ch t cl d on t ca r e t c p d e d t ac tp d e n va lid t is t 0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t p d
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 96 - precharge to p ower -d own e ntry ck ck# command address cke t ck t ch t cl dont care t cpded t prepden t is t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t pd all/single bank pre nop nop f igure 97 - mrs c ommand to p ower -d own e ntry ck ck# cke t ck t ch t cl t cpded address t is t0 t1 t2 ta0 ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 t pd dont care indicates a break in time scale valid command mrs nop nop nop nop nop t mrspden
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 98 - p ower -d own e xit to r efresh to p ower -d own e ntry notes: 1. t xp must be satisfied before issuing the command. 2. t xpdll must be satisfied (referenced to the registration of power-down exit) before the next power-down can be entered. ck ck# cke t ck t ch t cl enter power-down mode enter power-down mode exit power-down mode t pd t cpded t is t ih t is t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 ta0 ta1 tb0 dont care indicates a break in time scale command nop nop nop nop refresh nop nop t xp 1 t xpdll 2 reset 7kh5(6(7vljqdo 5(6(7? lvdqdv\qfkurqrxvvljqdowkdwwuljjh uvdq\wlphlwgursv/2:dqgwkhuhduhqruhvwulfwlrqvderxwzk hqlwfdqjr/2:$iwhu 5(6(7?lvgulyhq/2:lwpxvwuhpdlq/2:iruqv'xulqjwkl vwlphwkhrxwsxwvduhglvdeohg2'7 5 tt wxuqvrii +,*+= dqgwkh''56'5$0uhvhwv lwvhoi&.(vkrxogeheurxjkw/2:sulruwr5(6(7?ehlqjgulyhq +,*+$iwhu5(6(7?jrhv+,*+wkh6'5$0pxvwehuhlqlwldol]h gdvwkrxjkdqrupdo srzhuxszhuhh[hfxwhg vhh)ljxuh $oouhiuhvkfrxqwhuvr qwkh6'5$0duh5(6(7dqggdwdvwruhglqwkh6'5$0lvdvvxphgx qnqrzqdiwhu5(6(7? kdvehhqgulyhq/2:
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 99 - reset s equence cke r tt ba[2:0] all voltage supplies valid and stable high-z dm dqs high-z add ress a10 ck ck# t cl command nop t0 ta0 don t care t cl t is odt dq high-z tb 0 t dllk mr1 with dll enable mrs mrs ba0 = h ba1 = l ba2 = l ba0 = l ba1 = l ba2 = l code code code code vali d vali d vali d vali d normal operation mr2 mr3 mrs mrs ba0 = l ba1 = h ba2 = l ba0 = h ba1 = h ba2 = l code code code code tc0 td0 reset# sta ble an d vali d clo ck vali d vali d dram rea dy for external commands t1 t zq init a10 = h zq cl t is t ioz vali d vali d vali d system reset (warm boot) zq cal mr0 with dll reset t=10ns (min) t = 100ns (min) indicates a break in time scale t = 500s (min) t xpr t mrd t mrd t mrd t mod t (min) = max (10ns, 5 t ck) t ck
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product on-die termination (odt) 2'7lvdihdwxuhwkdwhqdeohvwkh6'5$0wrhqdeohglvdeohrqgl hwhuplqd - wlrquhvlvwdqfhiruhdfk'4/'46[/'46[?8'46[8'46[?/'0[ dqg 8'0[iruwkhirxuzrugvfrqwdlqhglq/',uv''5l02' 7kh 2'7 ihdwxuh lv ghvljqhg wr lpsuryh vljqdo lqwhjulw\ ri wkh phpru\ duud\vxev\vwhp e\ hqdeolqj wkh ''5 phpru\ frqwuroohu wr lqgh shq - ghqwo\ wxuq rq ru rii wkh 6'5$06 lqwhuqdo whuplqdwlrq uhvlvwdqf h iru dq\ jurxslqjri6'5$0ghylfhv7kh2'7ihdwxuhlvqrwvxssruwhggx ulqj'// glvdeohprgh$vlpsohixqfwlrqdouhsuhvhqwdwlrqriwkh6'5$0 2'7ihd - wxuhlvvkrzqlq)ljxuh7khvzlwfklvhqdeohge\wkhlqwh uqdo2'7frq - wuroorjlfzklfkxvhvwkhh[whuqdo2'7edoodqgrwkhufrqwuro lqirupdwlrq functional representation of odt 7khydoxhri5 tt  2'7whuplqdwlrqydoxh lvghwhuplqhge\wkhvhwwlqjvri vhyhudoprghuhjlvwhuelwv vhh7deoh 7kh2'7edoolvljq ruhgzkloh lq 6(/) 5()5(6+ prgh pxvw eh wxuqhg rii sulru wr 6(/) 5()5(6+ hqwu\ ruliprghuhjlvwhuv05dqg05duhsurjudpphgwrglvde oh2'7  2'7lvfrpsulvhgriqrplqdo2'7dqgg\qdplf2'7prghvdqghlwk huri wkhvhfdqixqfwlrqlqv\qfkurqrxvrudv\qfkurqrxvprghv zkhqw kh'// lvriigxulqj35(&+$5*(32:(5'2:1ruzkhqwkh'//lvv\qfkurql ] - lqj   1rplqdo 2'7 lv wkh edvh whuplqdwlrq dqg lv xvhg lq dq\ d oorzdeoh 2'7vwdwh'\qdplf2'7lvdssolhgrqo\gxulqj:5,7(vdqgsuryl ghv27) vzlwfklqjiurpqr5 tt or r tt _nom to r tt b:5 7kh dfwxdo hiihfwlyh whuplqdwlrq 5 tt b()) pd\ eh gliihuhqw iurp wkh 5 tt wdujhwhggxhwrqrqolqhdulw\riwkhwhuplqdwlrq)ru5 tt b())ydoxhvdqg fdofxodwlrqvvhhv2'7&kdudfwhulvwlfvw odt v dd q/2 r tt switch dq, dqs, dqs#, to other circuitry such as rcv, . . . dm f igure 100 - o n -d ie t ermination nominal odt 2'7 120  lv wkh edvh whuplqdwlrq uhvlvwdqfh iru hdfk dssolfdeo h edoo hqdeohgruglvdeohgyld05>@ vhh)ljxuh dqglwlvw xuqhgrqru riiyldwkh2'7edoo t able 67: power-down m odes mr1[9,6,2] odt pin sdram termination state sdram state n o t e s r tt b120glvdeohg2'72)) r tt b120glvdeohg2'721 r tt b120hqdeohg2'72)) r tt b120hqdeohg2'721 r tt b120uhvhuyhg2'721ru2)) $q\ydolg $q\ydolgh[fhsw6(/)5()5(6+5($' $q\ydolg $q\ydolgh[fhsw6(/)5()5(6+5($' illegal 1,2 1,3 1,2 1,3 000 000 000-101 000-101 110 and 111 0 1 0 1 ; 3. 2'7pxvwehglvdeohggxulqj5($'v7kh r tt b120ydoxhlvuhvwulfwhg gxulqj:5,7(6'\qdplf2'7lvdssolfdeohlihqdeohg 127(6 1. $vvxphvg\qdplf2'7lvglvdeohg 2. 2'7lvhqdeohgdqgdfwlyhgxulqjprvw:5,7(6irusurshuwhuplqd wlrq exwlwlvqrwloohjdowrkdyhlwriigxulqj:5,7(6
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 1rplqdo2'7uhvlvwdqfh5 tt b120lvghilqhge\05>@dvvkrzqlq)ljxuh7kh5 tt b120whuplqdwlrqydoxhdssolhvwrwkhrxwsxwslqvsuhylrxvo\ phqwlrqhg''56'5$0l02'vvxssruwpxowlsoh5 tt b120ydoxhvedvhgrq5=4qzkhuhqfdqehrudqg5=4 lv : ?5 tt b120whuplqd - wlrqlvdoorzhgdq\wlphdiwhuwkh6'5$0lvlqlwldol]hgfdoleu dwhgdqgqrwshuiruplqj5($'dffhvvhvruzkhqlwlvqrwlq6(/) 5()5(6+prgh :5,7(dffhvvxvhv5 tt b120lgg\qdplf2'7 5 tt b:5 lvglvdeohg,i5 tt b120lvxvhggxulqj:5,7(vrqo\5=45=4dqg5=4duhdoo rzhg vhh 7deoh 2'7wlplqjvduhvxppdul]hglq7deohdvzhoodv olvwhglq7deoh ([dpsohvriqrplqdo2'7wlplqjduhvkrzqlqfrqmxqfwlrqzlwkwk hv\qfkurqrxvprghrirshudwlrqlqv6\qfkurqrxv2'70rghw t able 68: odt p arameter symbol description begins at defined to units 2'7uhjlvwhuhg+,*+ 2'7uhjlvwhuhg+,*+ 2'7uhjlvwhuhg+,*+ 2'7uhjlvwhuhg+,*+ 2'7uhjlvwhuhg+,*+ru:5,7( uhjlvwudwlrqzlwk2'7+,*+ :5,7(uhjlvwudwlrqzlwk2'7+,*+ &rpsohwlrqri2'7/rq &rpsohwlrqri2'7/rii odtl on odtl off t $213' t $2))3' 2'7+ 2'7+ t $21 t $2) 2'7v\qfkurqrxvwxuqrqghod\ 2'7v\qfkurqrxvwxuqriighod\ 2'7dv\qfkurqrxvrqghod\ 2'7dv\qfkurqrxvrqghod\ 2'7plqlpxp+,*+wlphdiwhu2'7dvvhuwlrq ru:5,7( %& 2'7plqlpxp+,*+wlphdiwhu:5,7( %/ 2'7wxuqrquhodwlyhwr2'7/rqfrpsohwlrq 2'7wxuqriiuhodwlyhwr2'7/riifrpsohwlrq r tt b21? t $21 r tt b21? t $2) r tt _on r tt _off 2'7uhjlvwhuhg/2: 2'7uhjlvwhuhg/2: r tt _on r tt _off &:/$/ &:/$/ 1-9 1-9  t &. 6 t &. 6hh7deoh 0.5 t &.? t &. t &. t &. qv qv t &. t &. sv t &. definition for all ddr3 bins dynamic odt ,qfhuwdlqdssolfdwlrqvwrixuwkhuhqkdqfhvljqdolqwhjulw\rq wkhgdwdexvlwlvghvludeohwkdwwkhwhuplqdwlrqvwuhqjwke hfkdqjhgzlwkrxwlvvxlqjdq056 frppdqghvvhqwldoo\fkdqjlqjwkh2'7whuplqdwlrquhvlvwdqfhrq wkhio\:lwkg\qdplf2'7 5 tt b:5 hqdeohgwkh6'5$0vzlwfkhviurpqrplqdo2'7 5 tt b120 wrg\qdplf2'7zkhqehjlqqlqjd:5,7(exuvwdqgvxevhtxhq wo\vzlwfkhvedfnwrqrplqdo2'7dwwkhfrpsohwlrqriwkh:5,7( exuvwvhtxhqfh  7klvuhtxluhphqwdqgwkhvxssruwlqj'<1$0,&2'7ihdwxuhriwkh ''56'5$0pdnhvlwihdvleohdqglvghvfulehglqixuwkhughwdlo ehorz dynamic odt f unctional d escription : 7khg\qdplf2'7prghlvhqdeohglihlwkhu05>@rup5>@lv vhwwrvw'\qdplf2'7lvqrwvxssruwhggxulqj'//glvdeohpr ghvr5 tt b:5pxvweh glvdeohg7khg\qdplf2'7ixqfwlrqlvghvfulehgdviroorzv x7zr5 tt ydoxhvduhdydlodeohy5 tt _nom and r tt b:5 x7khydoxhri5 tt b120lvsuhvhohfwhgyld05>@ x7khydoxhiru5 tt b:5lvsuhvhohfwhgyld05>@ x'xulqj6'5$0rshudwlrqvzlwkrxw5($'ru:5,7(frppdqgvwkhw huplqdwlrqlvfrqwuroohgdviroorzv x7huplqdwlrq212))wlplqjlvfrqwuroohgyldwkh2'7edoodqg /$7(1&,(62'7orqdqg2'7/rii x1rplqdowhuplqdwlrqvwuhqjwk5 tt b120lvxvhg x:khqd:5,7(frppdqg :5:5$3:56:56:5$36:5$36 l vuhjlvwhuhgdqglig\qdplf2'7lvhqdeohgwkh2'7whu - plqdwlrqlvfrqwuroohgdviroorzv x$odwhqf\ri2'7/&1:diwhuwkh:5,7(frppdqgwhuplqdwlrqvwu hqjwk5 tt b120vzlwfkhvwr5 tt b:5 x$/dwhqf\ri2'7/&:1 iru%/il[hgru27) ru2'7/&:1 ir u%&il[hgru27) diwhuwkh:5,7(frppdqgwhuplqdwlrq vwuhqjwk5 tt b:5vzlwfkhvedfnwr5 tt _nom x212))whuplqdwlrqwlplqjlvfrqwuroohgyldwkh2'7edoodqg ghwhuplqhge\2'7/rq2'7/rii2'7+dqg2'7+ x during the t $'&wudqvlwlrqzlqgrzwkhydoxhri5 tt lvxqghilqhg 2'7lvfrqvwudlqhggxulqj:5,7(vdqgzkhqg\qdplf2'7lvhqdeoh g vhh7deoh  nominal odt
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 69: dynamic odt s pecific p arameters symbol description begins at defined t o units :5,7(uhjlvwudwlrq :5,7(uhjlvwudwlrq :5,7(uhjlvwudwlrq odtl &1: odtl &1: odtl &:1 odtl &:1 t $'& &kdqjhiurp5 tt _nom to r tt b:5 &kdqjhiurp5 tt b:5wr5 tt b120 %& &kdqjhiurp5 tt b:5wr5 tt b120 %/ r tt fkdqjhvnhz r tt vzlwfkhgiurp5 tt _nom to r tt b:5 r tt vzlwfkhgiurp5 tt b:5wr5 tt _nom r tt vzlwfkhgiurp5 tt b:5wr5 tt _nom r tt wudqvfrpsohwh :/  t &.2'7/2)) 6 t &.2'7/2)) 0.5 t &.? t &. t &. t &. t &. t &. definition for all ddr3 bins t able 70: mode registers for rtt_nom m9 m6 m2 rtt_nom (rzq) rtt_nom(ohms) rtt_nom mode restriction 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2ii 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5=4 5hvhuyhg 5hvhuyhg qd 6(/)5()5(6+ 6(/)5()5(6+:5,7( qd qd 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2ii 60 120  20 30 5hvhuyhg 5hvhuyhg mr1(rtt_nom) t able 71: mode registers for r tt _wr m10 m2 r tt _nom (rzq) r tt _nom(ohms) 0 0 1 1 qd qd qd qd 5=4 5=4 5hvhuyhg qd qd qd qd 0 1 0 1 qd qd qd qd 60 120 5hvhuyhg qd qd qd qd mr1(r tt _nom) dynamic odt off: write does not affect r tt _nom t able 72: timing diagrams for dynamic odt figure title figure 101 figure 102 figure 103 )ljxuh figure 105 '\qdplf2'72'7dvvhuwhgehiruhdqgdiwhuwkh:5,7(%& '\qdplf2'7:lwkrxw:5,7(frppdqg '\qdplf2'72'7slqdvvhuwhgwrjhwkhuzlwk:5,7(frppdqgiru &.f\fohv%/ '\qdplf2'72'7slqdvvhuwhgzlwk:5,7(frppdqgiru&.f\foh v%& '\qdplf2'72'7slqdvvhuwhgzlwk:5,7(frppdqgiru&.f\foh v%&
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 101 - d ynamic odt: odt a sserted b efore and a fter the write, bc4 notes: 1. via mrs or otf. al = 0, cwl = 5. r tt _ nom and r tt _ wr are enabled. 2. odth4 applies to first registering odt high and then to the registration of the write command. in this example, odth4 is satisfied if odt goes low at t8 (four clocks after the write command). t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t 6t7t8t9 odtl on odtl cw n 4 odtl cn w wl odtl off t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t17 t16 ck ck # command add ress r tt odt dq dqs, dqs# vali d wrs4 p o n p o n p o n p o n p o n nop nop don t care transitioning r tt _ wr r tt _ nom r tt _ nom di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop odth4 odth4 t aon (min) t adc (min) t adc (min) t aof (min) t aon (max) t adc (max) t adc (max) t aof (max) f igure 102 - d ynamic odt: w ithout write c ommand notes: 1. al = 0, cwl = 5. r tt _ nom is enabled and r tt _ wr is either enabled or disabled. 2. odth4 is defined from odt registered high to odt registered low; in this example, odth4 is satisfied. odt registered low at t5 is also legal. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 odtl off t10 t11 ck ck# r tt don t care transitionin g command vali d vali d vali d vali d vali d vali d vali d vali d vali d vali d vali d vali d add ress dqs, dqs# dq odth4 odtl on t aon (max) t aon (min) t aof (min) t aof (max) odt r tt _ nom
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 103 - d ynamic odt: odt p in a sserted t ogether with write c ommand for 6 c lock c ycles , bl8 notes: 1. via mrs or otf; al = 0, cwl = 5. if r tt _ nom can be either enabled or disabled, odt can be high. r tt _ wr is enabled. 2. in this example, odth8 = 6 is satisfied exactly. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 odtl cw n 8 odtl on odtl cn w wl t aof (max) t10 t11 ck ck# add ress r tt odt dq dqs, dqs# di b + 3 di b + 2 di b + 1 di b di b+ 7 di b + 6 di b + 5 di b + 4 vali d don t care transitioning command wrs8 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop r tt _ wr odth8 odtl off t adc (max) t aon (min) t aof (min) f igure 104 - d ynamic odt: odt p in a sserted with write c ommand for 6 c lock c ycles , bc4 notes: 1. via mrs or otf. al = 0, cwl = 5. r tt _ nom and r tt _ wr are enabled. 2. odth4 is defined from odt registered high to odt registered low, so in this example, odth4 is satisfied. odt registered low at t5 is also legal. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 odtl on odtl cn w wl t10 t11 ck ck# odtl cw n 4 dqs, dqs# address vali d don t care transitioning odtl off command wrs4 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop dq di n+ 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 di n t adc (min) t aof (min) t aof (max) t adc (max) t adc (max) t aon (min) odth4 odt r tt r tt _ wr r tt _ nom nop nop nop
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 105 - d ynamic odt: odt p in a sserted with write c ommand for 4 c lock c ycles , bc4 notes: 1. via mrs or otf. al = 0, cwl = 5. r tt _ nom can be either enabled or disabled. if disabled, odt can remain high. r tt _ wr is enabled. 2. in this example odth4 = 4 is satisfied exactly. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 odtl on odtl cn w wl t10 t11 ck ck# odtl cw n 4 dqs, dqs# add ress valid r tt _ wr command wrs4 nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop don t care transitioning dq di n di n + 3 di n + 2 di n + 1 odth4 t adc (max) t aon (min) t aof (min) t aof (max) odtl off r tt r tt _ wr odt nop nop synchronous odt mode 6\qfkurqrxv2'7lvvhohfwhgzkhqhyhuwkh'//lvwxuqhgrqdqgo rfnhg zkloh 5 tt _nom or r tt b:5 lv hqdeohg  %dvhg rq wkh  32:(5'2:1 ghilqlwlrqwkhvhprghvduh x$q\edqn$&7,9(zlwk&.(+,*+ x5()5(6+prghzlwk&.(+,*+ x'/(prghzlwk&.(+,*+ x$&7,9(32:(5'2:1prgh uhjdugohvvri 05>@ x35(&+$5*(32:(5'2:1prghli'//lv hqdeohggxulqj35(&+$5*(32:(5'2:1e\ mr0[12] odt latency and posted odt ,qv\qfkurqrxv2'7prgh5 tt wxuqvrq2'7/rqforfnf\fohvdiwhu2'7 lvvdpsohg+,*+e\dulvlqjforfnhgjhdqgwxuqvrii2'7/riif orfnf\fohv diwhu2'7lvuhjlvwhuhg/2:e\dulvlqjforfnhgjh7khdfwxdo rqriiwlphv ydulhve\ t $21dqg t $2)durxqghdfkforfnhgjh vhh7deoh 7kh2'7 /$7(1&<lvwlhgwrwkh:5,7(/$7(1&< :/ e\2'7/rq :/dqg  2'7/rii :/ 6lqfh:5,7(/$7(1&<lvpdghxsri&$6:5,7(/$7(1&< &:/ dqg $'',7,9(/$7(1&< $/ wkh$/ydoxhsurjudpphglqwrwkhprghuh jlv - whu05>@dovrdssolhvwrwkh2'7vljqdo7kh6'5$0uvlqwh uqdo2'7 vljqdolvghod\hgdqxpehuriforfnf\fohvghilqhge\wkh$/uh odwlyhwrwkh h[whuqdo2'7vljqdo7kxv2'7/rq &:/$/ydqg2'7/rii  &:/ $/y
logic devices incorporated 150 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product synchronous odt t iming p arameters 6\qfkurqrxv2'7prghxvhvwkhiroorzlqjwlplqjsdudphwhuv2'7/ rq2'7/rii2'7+2'7+ t $21dqg t $2) vhh7deohdqg)ljxuh 7kh plqlpxp5 tt wxuqrqwlph t $21>0,1@ lvwkhsrlqwdwzklfkwkhghylfhohdyhv+,*+$dqg2 '7uhvlvwdqfhehjlqvwrwxuqrq0d[lpxp5 tt wxuqrqwlph t $21>0$;@ lvwkhsrlqwdwzklfk2'7uhvlvwdqfhlvixoo\rq% rwkduhphdvxuhguhodwlyhwr2'7/rq7khplqlpxp5 tt wxuqriiwlph t $2)>plq@ lvwkh srlqwdwzklfkwkhghylfhvwduwvwrwxuqrii2'7uhvlvwdqfh0 d[lpxp5 tt wxuqriiwlph t $2)>0$;@ lvwkhsrlqwdwzklfk2'7kdvuhdfkhg+,*+=%rwk duh phdvxuhgiurp2'7/rii :khq2'7lvdvvhuwhglwpxvwuhpdlq+,*+xqwlo2'7+lvvdwlvi lhg,id:5,7(frppdqglvuhjlvwhuhge\wkh6'5$0zlwk2'7+, *+wkhq2'7pxvw uhpdlq+,*+xqwlo2'7+ %& ru2'7+ %/ diwhuwkh:5,7(fr ppdqg vhh)ljxuh 2'7+dqg2'7+duhphdvxuhgiurp2'7 uhjlvwhuhg+,*+ wr2'7uhjlvwhuhg/2:ruiurpwkhuhjlvwudwlrqrid:5,7(frppd qgxqwlo2'7lvuhjlvwhuhg/2: t able 73: synchronous odt p arameters symbol description begins at defined to units 2'7uhjlvwhuhg+,*+ 2'7uhjlvwhuhg+,*+ 2'7uhjlvwhuhg+,*+ru:5,7( uhjlvwudwlrqzlwk2'7+,*+ :5,7(uhjlvwudwlrqzlwk2'7+,*+ &rpsohwlrqri2'7/rq &rpsohwlrqri2'7/rii odtl on odtl off 2'7+ 2'7+ t $21 t $2) 2'7v\qfkurqrxv785121ghod\ 2'7v\qfkurqrxv78512))ghod\ 2'70lqlpxp+,*+wlphdiwhu2'7 dvvhuwlrqru:5,7( %& 2'70lqlpxp+,*+wlphdiwhu :5,7( %/ 2'7785121uhodwlyhwr2'7/rq frpsohwlrq 2'778512))uhodwlyhwr2'7/rii frpsohwlrq r tt b21? t $21 r tt b2))? t $2) 2'7uhjlvwhuhg/2: 2'7uhjlvwhuhg/2: r tt _on r tt _off &:/$/ &:/$/  t ck 6 t ck 6hh7deoh 0.5 t f.? t ck t &. t &. t &. t &. sv t &. definition for all ddr3 bins f igure 106 - s ynchronous odt notes: 1. al = 3; cwl = 5; odtl on = wl = 6.0; odtl off = wl - 2 = 6. r tt _ nom is enabled. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 cw l - al = 3 al = 3 t aon (max) t10 t11 t12 ck ck # r tt odt r tt _ nom ck e odtl off = cwl + al - 2 odtl on = cwl + al - 2 odth4 (min) t aon (min)
logic devices incorporated 151 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 107 - s ynchronous odt (bc4) notes: 1. wl = 7. r tt _ nom is enabled. r tt _ wr is disabled. 2. odt must be held high for at least odth4 after assertion (t1). 3. odt must be kept high odth4 (bc4) or odth8 (bl8) after the write command (t7). 4. odth is measured from odt first registered high to odt first registered low or from the registration of the write command with odt high to odt registered low. 5. although odth4 is satisfied from odt registered high at t6, odt must not go low before t11 as odth4 must also be satisfied from the registration of the write command at t7. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t aof (max) t aof (min) t aon (max) t aof (max) t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t17 t16 ck ck# r tt ck e nop wrs4 nop nop nop nop nop nop command don t care transitioning t aon (min) r tt _ nom odtloff = wl - 2 odth4 (min) odth4 odtl off = wl - 2 odtl on = wl - 2 t aon (min) t aon (max) odth4 odtl on = wl - 2 t aof (min) odt r tt _ nom nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop odt off d uring reads $vwkh''56'5$0fdqqrwwhuplqdwhdqggulyhdwwkhvdphwlph 5 tt pxvwehglvdeohgdwohdvwrqhkdoiforfnf\fohehiruhwkh5($' suhdpeohe\gulylqj wkh2'7edoo/2:5 tt pd\qrwehhqdeohgxqwlowkhhqgriwkhsrvwdpeohdvvkrzqlq )ljxuh f igure 108 - odt d uring read s notes: 1. odt must be disabled externally during reads by driving odt low. for example, cl = 6; al = cl - 1 = 5; rl = al + cl = 11; cwl = 5; odtl on = cwl + al - 2 = 8; odtl off = cwl + al - 2 = 8. r tt _ nom is enabled. r tt _ wr is a dont care. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t17 t16 ck ck# vali d add ress di b + 3 di b + 2 di b + 1 di b di b + 7 di b + 6 di b+ 5 di b+ 4 dq dqs, dqs# don t care transitioning command nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop read odtl on = cwl + al - 2 odt t aon (max) rl = al + cl odtl off = cwl + al - 2 t aof (min) r tt r tt _ nom r tt _ nom t aof (max)
logic devices incorporated 152 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product asynchronous odt mode $v\qfkurqrxv2'7prghlvdydlodeohzkhqwkh6'5$0uxqvlq'//2 1prghdqgzkhqhlwkhu5 tt _nom or r tt b:5lvhqdeohgkrzhyhuwkh'//lvwhp - srudulo\wxuqhgriilq35(&+$5*('32:(5'2:1vwdqge\yld05> @$gglwlrqdoo\2'7rshudwhvdv\qfkurqrxvo\zkhqwkh'//lvv \qfkurql]lqjdiwhu ehlqj5(6(76hhv32:(5'2:102'(wirughilqlwlrqdqgjxlgdqfh ryhu32:(5'2:1ghwdlov ,qdv\qfkurqrxv2'7wlplqjprghwkhlqwhuqdo2'7frppdqglvqr wghod\hge\$/uhodwlyhwrwkhh[whuqdo2'7frppdqg,qdv\qf kurqrxv2'7prgh2'7 frqwurov5 tt e\dqdorjwlph7khwlplqjsdudphwhuv t $213'dqg t $2)3' vhh7deoh uhsodfh2'7/rq t $21dqg2'7/rii t $2)uhvshfwlyho\zkhq2'7 rshudwhvdv\qfkurqrxvo\ vhh)ljxuh  7khplqlpxp5 tt wxuqrqwlph t $213'>0,1@ lvwkhsrlqwdwzklfkwkhghylfhwhuplqdwlrqflufx lwohdyhv+,*+=dqg2'7uhvlvwdqfhehjlqvwrwxuqrq0d[l - pxp5 tt wxuqrqwlph t $213'>0$;@ lvwkhsrlqwdwzklfk2'7uhvlvwdqfhlvixoo\rq  t $213' 0,1 dqg t $213' 0$; duhphdvxuhgiurp2'7ehlqj vdpsohg+,*+ 7khplqlpxp5 tt wxuqriiwlph t $2)3'>0,1@ lvwkhsrlqwdwzklfkwkhghylfhwhuplqdwlrqflufx lwvwduwvwrwxuqrii2'7uhvlvwdqfh0d[lpxp5 tt wxuqriiwlph t $2)3'>0$;@ lvwkhsrlqwdwzklfk2'7kdvuhdfkhg+,*+= t $2)3' 0,1 dqg t $2)3' 0$; duhphdvxuhgiurp2'7ehlqjvdpsohg/2: t able 74: asynchronous odt t iming p arameters for a ll s peed b ins symbol description min max units t $21 3' t $2) 3' $v\qfkurqrxv5 tt 785121ghod\ 32:(5'2:1zlwk'//rii $v\qfkurqrxv5 tt 78512))ghod\ 32:(5'2:1zlwk'//rii 2 2 8.5 8.5 qv qv f igure 109 - a synchronous odt t iming with f ast odt t ransition notes: 1. al is ignored. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t aonpd (max) t aofpd (max) t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t17 t16 ck ck # r tt odt r tt _ nom don t care transitioning ck e t ih t is t ih t is t aofpd (min) t aonpd (min)
logic devices incorporated 153 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product t able 75: odt p arameters for power-down (dll off) e ntry and e xit t ransition p eriod description min max 32:(5'2:1hqwu\wudqvlwlrqshulrg 32:(5'2:1hqwu\ 32:(5'2:1hqwu\wudqvlwlrq 32:(5'2:1h[lw odt to r tt 785121ghod\ 2'7/rq :/ odt to r tt 78512))ghod\ 2'7/rii :/ t $1 3' *uhdwhuri t $1 3' or t 5)&5()5(6+wr&.(/2: t $1 3' t ;3'// :/ *uhdwhuri2'7/riiru2'7/rq /hvvhuri t $1 3' 0,1 >qv@ru odl on x t &. t $21 0,1 /hvvhuri t $2) 3' 0,1 >qv@ru 2'/rii[ t &. t $2) 0,1 /hvvhuri t $1 3' 0,1 >qv@ru odl on x t &. t $21 0,1 /hvvhuri t $2) 3' 0,1 >qv@ru 2'/rii[ t &. t $2) 0,1 synchronous to asynchronous odt mode transition (power-down entry) 7khuhlvdwudqvlwlrqshulrgdurxqg32:(5'2:1(175< 3'( zkhu hwkh6'5$0uv2'7pd\h[klelwhlw khuv\qfkurqrxvrudv\qfkurqrx vehkdylru7klv wudqvlwlrqshulrgrffxuvliwkh'//lvvhohfwhgwrehriizkhq lq35(&+$5*(32:(5'2:1prghe\wkhvhwwlqjri05>@ 32: (5'2:1hqwu\ ehjlqv t $13'sulruwr&.(iluvwehlqjuhjlvwhuhg/2:dqglwhqgvzkhq& /(lviluvwuhjlvwhuhg/2: t $13'lvhtxdowrwkhjuhdwhuri2'7/rii t &.ru2'7/ rq t &.,id5()5(6+frppdqgkdvehhqlvvxhgdqglwlvlqsurjuhv vzkhq&.(jrhv/2:32:(5'2:1hqwu\zloohqg t 5)&diwhuwkh5()5(6+ frppdqgudwkhuwkdqzkhq&.(lviluvwuhjlvwhuhg/2:32:(5'2 :1(175<zloowkhqehfrphwkhjuhdwhuri t $13'dqg t 5)&y5()5(6+frppdqg wr&.(uhjlvwhuhg/2: 2'7dvvhuwlrqgxulqj32:(5'2:1(175<uhvxowvlqdq5 tt fkdqjhdvhduo\dvwkhohvvhuri t $213' 0,1 dqg2'7/rq[ t &. t $21 0,1 rudvodwh dvwkhjuhdwhuri t $213' 0$; dqg2'7/rq[ t &. t $21 0$; 2'7ghdvvhuwlrqgxulqj32:(5'2:1(175<pd\uhvxow lqdq5 tt fkdqjhdvhduo\ dvwkhohvvhuri t $2)3' 0,1 dqg2'7/rii[ t &. t $2) 0,1 rudvodwhdvwkhjuhdwhuri t $2)3' 0$; dqg2'7/rii[ t &. t $2) 0$; 7deoh vxppdul]hvwkhvhsdudphwhuv ,iwkh$/kdvdodujhydoxhwkh xqfhuwdlqw\riwkhvwdwhri5 tt ehfrphvtxlwhodujh7klvlvehfdxvh2'7/rqdqg2'7/riiduh ghulyhgiurpwkh:/dqg:/ lvhtxdowr&:/$/)ljxuhvkrzvwkuhhgliihuhqwfdvhv x2'7b$6\qfkurqrxvehkdylruehiruh t $13' x2'7b%2'7vwdwhfkdqjhvgxulqjwkhwudqvlwlrqshulrgzlwk t $213' 0,1 ohvvwkdq2'7/rq[ t &. t $21 0,1 dqg t $213' 0$;  greater than odtl on x t &. t $21 0$; x2'7b&2'7vwdwhfkdqjhvdiwhuwkhwudqvlwlrqshulrgzlwkdv\ qfkurqrxvehkdylru
logic devices incorporated  16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product asynchronous to synchronous odt mode transition (power-down exit) 7kh6'5$0uv2'7pd\h[klelwhlwkhudv\qfkurqrxvruv\qfkurqrxv ehkdylrugxulqj32:(5'2:1(;,7 3'; 7klvwudqvlwlrqshulrg rffxuvliwkh'//lv vhohfwhgwrehriizkhqlq35(&+$5*(32:(5'2:1prghe\vhwwlqj 05>@wrvw32:(5'2:1h[lwehjlqv t $13'sulruwr&.(iluvwehlqjuhjlv - whuhg+,*+dqglwhqgv t ;3'//diwhu&.(lviluvwuhjlvwhuhg+,*+ t $13'lvhtxdowrwkhjuhdwhuri2'7/rii t &.ru2'7/rq t &.7khwudqvlwlrqshulrg lv t $13'soxv t ;3'// 2'7dvvhuwlrqgxulqj32:(5'2:1h[lwuhvxowvlqdq5 tt fkdqjhdvhduo\dvwkhohvvhuri t $213' 0,1 dqg2'7/rq[ t &. t $21 0,1 rudvodwhdv wkhjuhdwhuri t $213' 0$; dqg2'7/rq[ t &. t $21 0$; 2'7ghdvvhuwlrqgxulqj32:(5'2:1(;,7pd\uhvxow lqdq5 tt fkdqjhdvhduo\dvwkh ohvvhuri t $2)3' 0,1 dqg2)7/rii[ t &. t $2) 0,1 rudvodwhdvwkhjuhdwhuri t $2)3' 0$; dqg2'7/rii[ t &. t $2) 0$; 7deohvxppdul]hv wkhvhsdudphwhuv ,iwkh$/kdvdodujhydoxhwkhxqfhuwdlqw\riwkh5 tt vwdwhehfrphvtxlwhodujh7klvlvehfdxvh2'7/rqdqg2'7/r iiduhghulyhgiurpwkh:/dqgwkh:/ lvhtxdowr&:/$/)ljxuhvkrzvwkuhhgliihuhqwfdvhv x2'7&$v\qfkurqrxvehkdylruehiruh t $13' x2'7%2'7vwdwhfkdqjhvgxulqjwkhwudqvlwlrqshulrgzlwk t $2)3' 0,1 ohvvwkdq2'7/rii[ t &. t $2) 0,1 dqg2'7/rii[ t &. t $2) 0$; juhdwhuwkdq t $2)3' 0$; x2'7$2'7vwdwhfkdqjhvdiwhuwkhwudqvlwlrqshulrgzlwkv\q fkurqrxvuhvsrqvh f igure 110 - s ynchronous to a synchronous t ransition d uring p recharge p ower -d own (dll o ff ) e ntry notes: 1. al = 0; cwl = 5; odtl off = wl - 2 = 3. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t aofpd (max) odtl off t10 t11 t12 t13 ta0 ta1 ta3 ta2 ck ck# dram r tt b asynchronous or synchronous r tt _ nom dram r tt c asynchronous r tt _ nom don t care transitioning ck e nop nop nop nop nop command nop ref nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop pde transition perio d indicates a break in time scale odtl off + t aofpd (min) t aofpd (max) t aofpd (min) odtl off + t aofpd (max) t aofpd (min) t anpd t aof (min) t aof (max) dram r tt a synchronous r tt _ nom odt a synchronous odt c asynchronous odt b asynchronous or synchronous t rfc (min)
logic devices incorporated 155 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product f igure 111 - a synchronous to s ynchronous t ransition d uring p recharge p ower -d own (dll o ff ) e xit notes: 1. cl = 6; al = cl - 1; cwl = 5; odtl off = wl - 2 = 8. t0 t1 t2 ta0 ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 ta 6 t b0 tb1 tb2 tc0 tc1 td 0 td 1 tc2 ck ck# don t care transitioning odt c synchronous p o n p o n nop command nop nop nop nop r tt b asynchronous or synchronous dram r tt a asynchronous dram r tt c synchronous r tt _ nom nop nop odt b asynchronous or synchronous ck e t aof (min) r tt _ nom indicates a break in time scale odtl off + t aof (min) t aofpd (max) odtl off + t aof (max) t xpdll t aof (max) odtl off odt a asynchronous pdx transition period t aofpd (min) t aofpd (max) t anpd t aofpd (min) r tt _ nom nop nop nop nop nop
logic devices incorporated 156 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product asynchronous to synchronous odt mode transition (short cke pulse) ,iwkhwlphlqwkh35(&+$5*(32:(5'2:1ru,'/(vwdwhvlvyhu\ vkruw vkruw&.(/2:sxohv wkh32:(5'2:1(175<dqg32:(5'2: 1(;,7 wudqvlwlrqshulrgvzlooryhuods:khqryhuodsrffxuvwkhuhvs rqvhriwkh6'5$0uv5 tt wrdfkdqjhlqwkh2'7vwdwhpd\ehv\qfkurqrxvrudv\qfkurqrx v iurpwkhvwduwriwkh32:(5'2:1(175<wudqvlwlrqshulrgwrwkh hqgriwkh32:(5'2:1(;,7wudqvlwlrqshulrghyhqliwkh(175< shulrghqgvodwhu wkdqwkh(;,7shulrg vhh)ljxuh  ,iwkhwlphlqwkhlgohvwdwhlvyhu\vkruw vkruw&.(+,*+sxo vh wkh32:(5'2:1(;,7dqg32:(5'2:1(175<wudqvlwlrqshulrg vryhuods:khqwklv ryhuodsrffxuvwkhuhvsrqvhriwkh6'5$0uv5 tt wrdfkdqjhlqwkh2'7vwdwhpd\ehv\qfkurqrxvrudv\qfkurqr xviurpwkhvwduwriwkh32:(5'2:1 (;,7wudqvlwlrqshulrgwrwkhhqgriwkh32:(5'2:1(175<wudqv lwlrqshulrg vhh)ljxuh  f igure 112 - t ransition p eriod for s hort cke low c ycles with e ntry and e xit p eriod o verlapping notes: 1. al = 0, wl = 5, t anpd = 4. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 ta0 ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ck ck# ck e command don t care transitionin g t xpdll t rfc (min) nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ref p o n p o n nop nop pde transition period pdx transition perio d indicates a break in time scale t anpd short cke low transition period (r tt chan ge asynchronous or syn chronous) t anpd f igure 113 - t ransition p eriod for s hort cke high c ycles with e ntry and e xit p eriod o verlapping notes: 1. al = 0, wl = 5, t anpd = 4. t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 ck ck# c ommand don t care transitionin g nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop p o n p o n nop nop nop t anpd t xpdll indicates a break in time scale t a 0 t a 1 t a 2 t a 3 t a 4 cke short cke high transition period (r tt chan ge asynchronous or synchonous) t anpd
logic devices incorporated  march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product list of figures )ljxuh*e''53duw1xpehuv  )ljxuh6lpsolilhg6wdwh'ldjudp  )ljxuh$/'0'%*)xqfwlrqdo%orfn'ldjudp  )ljxuh%/'0'%*)xqfwlrqdo%orfn'ldjudp  )ljxuh3lqrxw7rs9lhz  )ljxuh0hfkdqlfdo'udzlqj  )ljxuh,qsxw6ljqdo  )ljxuh2yhuvkrrw6shflilfdwlrqv  )ljxuh8qghuvkrrw6shflilfdwlrqv  )ljxuh9 ,; iru'liihuhqwldo6ljqdov  )ljxuh6lqjoh(qghg5htxluhphqwviru'liihuhqwldo6ljqdov  )ljxuh'hilqlwlrqri'liihuhqwldo$&6zlqjdqg t '9$& )ljxuh1rplqdo6ohz5dwh'hilqlwlrqiru6lqjoh(qghg,qsxw 6ljqdov  )ljxuh1rplqdo'liihuhqwldo,qsxw6ohz5dwh'hilqlwlrqiru '46'46dqg&.&.  )ljxuh2'7/hyhovdqg,9&kdudfwhulvwlfv  )ljxuh2'77lplqj5hihuhqfh/rdg  figure 16: t $21dqg t $2)'hilqlwlrqv  )ljxuh t $213'dqg t $2)3''hilqlwlrq  figure 18: t $'&'hilqlwlrq  )ljxuh2xwsxw'ulyhu  )ljxuh'42xwsxw6ljqdo  )ljxuh'liihuhqwldo2xwsxw6ljqdo  )ljxuh5hihuhqfh2xwsxw/rdgiru$&7lplqjdqg2xwsxw6ohz 5dwh )ljxuh1rplqdo6ohz5dwh'hilqlwlrqiru6lqjoh(qghg2xwsx w6ljqdov  )ljxuh1rplqdo'liihuhqwldo2xwsxw6ohz5dwh'hilqlwlrqir u'46'46 )ljxuh1rplqdo6ohz5dwhdqg t 9$&iru t ,6 &rppdqgdqg$gguhvv&orfn   )ljxuh1rplqdo6ohz5dwhiru t ,+ &rppdqgdqg$gguhvv&orfn   )ljxuh7dqjhqw/lqhiru t ,6 &rppdqgdqg$gguhvv&orfn   )ljxuh7dqjhqw/lqhiru t ,+ &rppdqgdqg$gguhvv&orfn   )ljxuh1rplqdo6ohz5dwhdqg t 9$&iru t '6 '46wureh   )ljxuh1rplqdo6ohz5dwhiru t '+ '46wureh   )ljxuh1rplqdo6ohz5dwhdqg t 9$&iru t '6 '46wureh   )ljxuh1rplqdo6ohz5dwhiru t '+ '46wureh   )ljxuh5hiuhvk0rgh  )ljxuh'//(qdeoh0rghwr'//'lvdeoh0rgh  )ljxuh'//'lvdeoh0rghwr'//(qdeoh0rgh  )ljxuh'//'lvdeoh t '46&.7lplqj  )ljxuh&kdqjh)uhtxhqf\'xulqj3uhfkdujh3rzhu'rzq  )ljxuh:ulwh/hyholqj&rqfhsw  )ljxuh:ulwh/hyholqj6htxhqfh  )ljxuh([lw:ulwh/hyholqj  )ljxuh,qlwldol]dwlrq6htxhqfh  )ljxuh056wr056&rppdqgwlplqj  )ljxuh056wrqrq056&rppdqg7lplqj t 02'  )ljxuh0rgh5hjlvwhu 05 'hilqlwlrqv  )ljxuh5($'/dwhqf\  )ljxuh0rgh5hjlvwhu 05 'hilqlwlrq 
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logic devices incorporated 159 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product )ljxuh056&rppdqgwr3rzhu'rzq(qwu\  )ljxuh3rzhu'rzq([lwwr5hiuhvkwr3rzhu'rzq(qwu\  )ljxuh5(6(76htxhqfh  )ljxuh2q'lh7huplqdwlrq  )ljxuh'\qdplf2'72'7$vvhuwhg%hiruhdqg$iwhuwkh:5 ,7(%& )ljxuh'\qdplf2'7:lwkrxw:5,7(&rppdqg  )ljxuh'\qdplf2'72'73lq$vvhuwhg7rjhwkhuzlwk:5,7( &rppdqgiru&orfn&\fohv%/   )ljxuh'\qdplf2'72'73lq$vvhuwhgzlwk:5,7(&rppdqg iru&orfn&\fohv%&    )ljxuh'\qdplf2'72'73lq$vvhuwhgzlwk:5,7(&rppdqg iru&orfn&\fohv%&    )ljxuh6\qfkurqrxv2'7  )ljxuh6\qfkurqrxv2'7 %&   )ljxuh2'7'xulqj5($'v  )ljxuh$v\qfkurqrxv2'77lplqjzlwk)dvw2'77udqvlwlrq   )ljxuh6\qfkurqrxvwr$v\qfkurqrxv7udqvlwlrqgxulqj3uhf kdujh3rzhu'rzq '//2ii (qwu\   )ljxuh$v\qfkurqrxvwr6\qfkurqrxv7udqvlwlrqgxulqj3uhf kdujh3rzhu'rzq '//2ii ([lw   )ljxuh7udqvlwlrq3hulrgiru6kruw&.(/2:&\fohvzlwk(q wu\dqg([lw3hulrg2yhuodsslqj   )ljxuh7udqvlwlrq3hulrgiru6kruw&.(+,*+&\fohvzlwk( qwu\dqg([lw3hulrg2yhuodsslqj  
logic devices incorporated 160 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product list of tables 7deoh$gguhvvlqj  7deoh%doo6ljqdo/rfdwlrqdqg'hvfulswlrq  7deoh$evroxwh0d[lpxp5dwlqjv  7deoh,qsxw2xwsxw&dsdflwdqfh  7deoh7lplqj3dudphwhuviru,''0hdvxuhphqwv&orfn8qlwv  7deoh, dd0 0hdvxuhphqw/rrs  7deoh, dd1 0hdvxuhphqw/rrs  7deoh, dd 0hdvxuhphqw&rqglwlrqviru3rzhu'rzq&xuuhqwv  7deoh, dd2n , dd3n 0hdvxuhphqw/rrs  7deoh, dd2nt 0hdvxuhphqw/rrs  7deoh, ''5 0hdvxuhphqw/rrs  7deoh, '': 0hdvxuhphqw/rrs  7deoh, dd5b 0hdvxuhphqw/rrs  7deoh, dd 0hdvxuhphqw/rrs  7deoh, '' 0hdvxuhphqw/rrs  7deoh, dd 0d[lpxp/lplwv 7deoh'&(ohfwulfdo&kdudfwhulvwlfvdqg2shudwlqj&rqglwlr qv 7deoh'&(ohfwulfdo&kdudfwhulvwlfvdqg,qsxw&rqglwlrqv   7deoh,qsxw6zlwfklqj&rqglwlrqv  7deoh&rqwurodqg$gguhvv3lqv  7deoh&orfn'dwd6wurehdqg0dvn3lqv  7deoh'liihuhqwldo,qsxw2shudwlqj&rqglwlrqv &.[&.[? '46[dqg'46[?  7deoh'liihuhqwldo,qsxw2shudwlqjfrqglwlrqv t '9$& iru&.[&.[?'46[dqg'46[?     7deoh6lqjoh(qghg,qsxw6ohz5dwh  7deoh'liihuhqwldo,qsxw6ohz5dwh'hilqlwlrq  7deoh2q'lh7huplqdwlrq'&(ohfwulfdo&kdudfwhulvwlfv     7deoh5 tt (iihfwlyh,pshgdqfhv  7deoh2'76hqvlwlylw\'hilqlwlrq  7deoh2'77hpshudwxuh 9rowdjh6hqvlwlylw\  7deoh2'77lplqj'hilqlwlrqv  7deoh5hihuhqfh6hwwlqjviru2'77lplqj0hdvxuhphqwv  7deoh : 'ulyhu,pshgdqfh&kdudfwhulvwlfv  7deoh : 'ulyhu3xoo8sdqg3xoo'rzq,pshgdqfh&dofxodwlrqv  7deoh : 'ulyhu, 2+ , ol &kdudfwhulvwlfv9 dd  9 ddq  9 7deoh : 'ulyhu, 2+ , ol &kdudfwhulvwlfv9 dd  9 ddq 9  7deoh : 'ulyhu, 2+ , ol &kdudfwhulvwlfv9 dd  9 ddq 9  7deoh : 2xwsxw'ulyhu6hqvlwlylw\'hilqlwlrq  7deoh : 2xwsxw'ulyhu9rowdjhdqg7hpshudwxuh6hqvlwlylw\  7deoh : 'ulyhu,pshgdqfh&kdudfwhulvwlfv  7deoh : 2xwsxw'ulyhu6hqvlwlylw\'hilqlwlrq  7deoh : 2xwsxw'ulyhu9rowdjhdqg7hpshudwxuh6hqvlwlylw\  7deoh6lqjoh(qghg2xwsxw'ulyhu&kdudfwhulvwlfv  7deoh'liihuhqwldo2xwsxw'ulyhu&kdudfwhulvwlfv  7deoh6lqjoh(qghg2xwsxw6ohz5dwh  7deoh'liihuhqwldo2xwsxw6ohz5dwh'hilqlwlrq  7deoh6shhg%lqv  7deoh(ohfwulfdo&kdudfwhulvwlfvdqg$&2shudwlqj&rqglwlr qv 7deoh&rppdqgdqg$gguhvv6hwxsdqg+rog9doxhv5hihuhqfhg dw9qv$&'&%dvhg   
logic devices incorporated 161 march 6, 2013 lds-l9d3xxxm32dbg2 16-32 gb, ddr3, 256-512m x 32 dual channel memory module L9D3256M32DBG2 preliminary information l9d3512m32dbg2 high performance, integrated memory module product 7deoh'hudwlqj9doxhviruw,6w,+$&'&%dvhg  7deoh'hudwlqj9doxhviruw,6w,+$&'&%dvhg  7deoh0lqlpxp5htxluhg7lph t 9$&deryh9 ,+ $& irud9dolg7udqvlwlrq  7deoh'dwd6hwxsdqg+rog9doxhvdw9qv '46['46[?dw 9qv $&'&%dvhg 7deoh'hudwlqj9doxhiruw'6w'+$&'&%dvhg     7deoh'hudwlqj9doxhiruw'6w'+$&'&%dvhg     7deoh5htxluhg7lph t 9$&deryh9 ,+ $&  %horz9 ,/>$&@ irud9dolg7udqvlwlrq  7deoh7uxwk7deoh&rppdqg  7deoh7uxwk7deoh&.(  7deoh5hdg&rppdqg6xppdu\  7deoh:ulwh&rppdqg6xppdu\  7deoh%xuvw2ughu  7deoh%xuvw2ughu  7deoh%xuvw2ughu  7deoh6(/)5()5(6+7hpshudwxuhdqg$8726(/)5()5(6+'hvfu lswlrq  7deoh6(/)5()5(6+0rgh6xppdu\  7deoh&200$1'wr32:(5'2:1(qwu\3dudphwhuv  7deoh32:(5'2:10rghv  7deoh32:(5'2:10rghv  7deoh2'73dudphwhu  7deoh'<1$0,&2'76shflilf3dudphwhuv  7deoh02'(5(*,67(56iru5 tt_nom  7deoh02'(5(*,67(56iru5 77b:5  7deoh7,0,1*',$*5$06iru'<1$0&2'7  7deoh6<1&+5212862'73dudphwhuv  7deoh$6<1&+5212862'77lplqj3dudphwhuvirudoo6shhg%lq v 7deoh2'73dudphwhuviru32:(5'2:1 '//2ii (qwu\dqg([ lw7udqvlwlrq3hulrg   
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